Microbiology - Chapter 5

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Yeast cell reproduction by budding is sexual asexual


In a eukaryotic cell propelled by flagellum, the flagellum moves _____ in a circular motion in a helical motion back and forth

back and forth

It appears that the last common ancestor gave rise to which cell type(s)? bacteria archae eukaryotes bacteria, archae, and eukaryotes

bacteria, archae, and eukaryotes

Which protozoan is the cause of Chagas disease? Trypanosoma cruzi only Trypanosoma brucei only both T. cruzi and T. brucei

Trypanosoma cruzi only

How many different species of protozoa have been identified? about 65,000 over 6 million about 6,000

about 65,000

The main types of cytoskeletal fibers are ________ filaments, intermediate filaments, and ________.

actin microtubules

long, thin, protein strands found throughout a eukaryotic cell - but mainly concentrated just inside the cell membrane

actin filaments

photosynthetic, plantlike organisms that generally lack the complex structure of plants; they may be single-celled or multicellular and inhabit diverse habitats such as marine and freshwater environments, glaciers, and hot springs


Which of the following are considered to have relatively thick cell walls? animals algae fungi protozoans

algae fungi

The cell type that is believed to be the precursor to all three domains is referred to as the last known _______________.


Most fungi __________. require a host have complex life cycles involving different host are free-living

are free-living

Tapeworms are parasitic helminths that are grouped into a subdivision of flatworms called


Which helminths are tapeworms? cestodes trematodes nematodes


In contrast to bacterial cell walls that contain peptidoglycan, eukaryotic cell walls are constructed of either ___________. amino acids or glycogen chitin or cellulose ribonucleic acids or proteins lipids or sucrose

chitin or cellulose

Which is larger, a mitochondrion or a chloroplast? chloroplast mitochondrion they are about the same size


an organelle containing chlorophyll that is found in photosynthetic eukaryotes


In plant and algae cells, ______ are organelles that contain pigments for photosynthesis.


In plant and algae cells, _________ are organelles that contain pigments for photosynthesis.


Eukaryotic chromosomes consist of dark fibers known as ________.


the genetic material of the nucleus


Linear DNA coiled around histones condensed to form which of the larger structures listed below? ribosome chromosome nucleolus chromatin


the tightly coiled bodies in cells that are the primary site of genes


Three methods of locomotion in protozoa are ______, flagella, and pseudopodia.


Like bacterial cells, mitochondria contain __________ strands of DNA rather than linear forms of the molecule.


Mitochondrial DNA is _____. circular linear


The open spaces within the continuous network of rough ER membranes are called


Membrane-bound packets that carry modified protein and pinch off from the Golgi apparatus are called ______ vesicles.


asexual fungal spores shed as free units from the tips of fertile hyphae


a type of asexual spore in fungi; not enclosed in a sac


___________ are asexual "free" fungal spores that develop by pinching off or by segmentation of hyphae.


In protozoa, two cells fuse temporarily and exchange micronuclei during a process called


Identify the common modes of transmission of helminths to humans. contaminated food/water sexual contact contaminated soil inhalation infected animals

contaminated food/water contaminated soil infected animals

The ______ vacuole helps regulate osmotic pressure by expelling excess water that has diffused into a protozoan cell. peroxide ribosome lysosomal contractile


Which structure helps regulate osmotic pressure in protozoan cells which live in hypertonic environments? peroxisome phagosome lysosome mitochondrion contractile vacuole

contractile vacuole

The tubular, finger-like internal membrane structures of the mitochondria are called the ___________.


What mitochondrial structures are the site of the enzymes and carriers used to make ATP in the electron transport system? cristae thylakoids 70S ribosomes plasmids matrix


the infolded inner membrane of a mitochondrion that is the site of the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation


Trypanosoma __________ is the causative agent for Chagas disease.


relationship in which a microorganism resides within a host cell and provides a benefit


Order the steps in phagocytosis, putting the first step at the top. merger of lysosome and phagosome formation of food vacuole engulfment of food digestion

engulfment of food formation of food vacuole merger of lysosome and phagosome digestion

The _______ flagellum is a long sheathed cylinder containing regularly spaced microtubules. archaeal bacterial eukaryotic


________ are helminths which have long, ribbon-like shaped segmented bodies.


Which statement most accurately reflects the life cycle of a helminth? the definitive (final) host harbors the sexually active form of the helminth the secondary host harbors the adult form of the helminth an intermediate host allows for the development of the adult stage of the helminth helminths produce cysts

the definitive (final) host harbors the sexually active form of the helminth

Which of the following organisms are eukaryotic? protozoa algae fungi bacteria archae helminths

protozoa algae fungi helminths

Mastigrophora (flagellated protozoans) have which of the following cytoplasmic extensions? actomycin system for gliding motility pseudopodia undulating membrane cilia

undulating membrane

A membrane-bound ___________ is a vesicle that may contain many different types of solid or liquid particles.


__________ are membrane-bound structures within cells which contain fluid and/or particles and typically act as temporary storage.


in the cell, membrane-bounded sacs containing fluids or solid particles to be digested, secreted, or stored.


Insect ________ are crucial to the life cycle of Trypanosoma species.


What term is used to describe a visible mass of growth that appears on the surface of a substrate and penetrates it to digest and absorb nutrients? vegetative hyphae hypharium yeast conidia reproductive hyphae

vegetative hyphae

Which of the following forms of reproduction leads to the greatest variation in offspring genetics? binary fission asexual sexual mitosis


Identify all the characteristics used to classify helminths shape and size kind of host geographical distribution antibiotic sensitivity unique structures mode of reproduction

shape and size kind of host unique structures mode of reproduction

Identify a few characteristics used in the identification of protozoa from clinical samples. size and shape of cell presence of special organelles or cysts method of motility number of nuclei ecological niche

size and shape of the cell presence of special organelles or cysts method of motility number of nuclei

Be able to label structures of a eukaryotic cell

smooth ER nucleus rough ER lysosome intermediate filaments microtubules glycocalyx golgi apparatus flagellum chloroplast centrioles cell membrane mitochondrion nucleus actin filaments cell wall nuclear membrane with pores

a microscopic series of tunnels lacking ribosomes that functions in the nutrient processing function of a cell

smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

Which two of the following statements regarding protozoans are correct? protozoans are generally multicellular some amoebas are large enough to be visible without a microscope amoebas are protozoans the average protozoan is less than 300um in size

some amoebas are large enough to be visible without a microscope amoebas are protozoans

Which of the following identifies how it is possible to completely eradicate some helminths? it is easy to eradicate the vectors that transmit helminth infections some helminths are found in many different hosts some helminths only infect humans so once everyone is cured, the helminth is gone too some helminths are free living

some helminths only infect humans to once everyone is cured, the helminth is gone too

a form of asexual spore in fungi; enclosed in a sac


Asexual ___________ are the type of spores formed by cleavage within the sporangium of fungi.


Two subtypes of asexual fungal spores are conidiospores and _______.


Which of the following is a sac-like structure used by some fungi to store asexual spores? sporangium prothallium conidium mycelium


a fungal cell in which asexual spore are formed by multiple cell cleavage


a differentiated, specialized cell form that can be used for dissemination, for survival in times of adverse conditions, and/or for reproduction


Reproduction in fungi is achieved through the formation of sexual and asexual ___________.


The diseases malaria and toxoplasmosis are caused by which type of protozoa? amoebas sporozoa flagellates ciliates


one of many minute, elongated bodies generated by multiple division of the oocyst


________ are cells produced by the apicomplexa via sexual reproduction that exhibit a unique gliding form of motility.


The cell membranes of eukaryotics contain ___________that stabilize the bilayer. proteins sterols sugars phospholipids


Unlike most bacteria, the cell membranes of eukaryotes contain ______ that stabilizes the bilayer.


Which term describes the substance or matrix surrounding the thylakoids within a chloroplast? endoplasm cytoplasm grana stroma


the matrix of the chloroplast that is the site of the dark reactions


Which two of these terms are applied to eukaryotic flagella than to bacterial flagella? does not involve the cell membrane structurally complex thinner by a factor of 10 contains microtubules used for an attachment to substrates

structurally complex contains microtubules

the specific molecule upon which an enzyme acts


Both flagella and cilia are found primarily in


The typical mode of transmission of Trichomonas is by ________ contact.


When did the first eukaryotic cells appear on earth? 2 billion years ago 2 million years ago just over 2,000 years ago

2 billion years ago

The size of a pinworm ranges from ______ 2-12 inches 2-12 millimeters 2-12 nanometers 1-3 micrometers

2-12 millimeters

Eukaryotic ribosomes are composed of ________ subunits. 30S and 60S 40S and 60S 30S and 50S

40S and 60S

Roughly how many species of fungi have been identified to date? 5,000,000 5,000 500,000 500


What is the size of mitochondrial ribosomes? 80S 70S


Eukaryotic ribosomes found outside the mitochondria are of the ____ S variety.


Be able to label structures of a mitochondrion

DNA strand outer membrane cristae matrix 70S ribosomes inner membrane

Select which statement most accurately reflects characteristics of certain fungi pseudohyphae are true forms of branching fungal hyphae all dimorphic fungi are nonpathogenic Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus dimorphic fungi exhibit hyphal growth only

Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus

Which of the following is the causative agent for pinworm infections? Enterobius vermicularis Taenia solium Plasmodium vivax Ascaris lumbricoides

Enterobius vermicularis

True or False: Trophozoite formation typically occurs during "good living" conditions for protozoans. (ex. adequate moisture and food)


an organelle of eukaryotes that participates in packaging and secretion of molecules

Golgi apparatus

Which two of the following statements regarding Pfiesteria infection are true? Pfiesteria occurs in more than 20 forms Pfiesteria is an algae that produces toxins Pfiesteria symptoms occur only in humans Pfiesteria exists worldwide

Pfiesteria occurs in more than 20 forms Pfiesteria is an algae that produces toxins

The genus __________ is the protozoa that causes malaria.


True or False: Fungi can act as primary as well as opportunistic pathogens.


Both protozoans and algae are found in the kingdom _________


Why does the nucleolus stain more intensely than surrounding cellular content? DNA within the nucleus absorbs dye proteins absorb dye RNA within the nucleus absorbs dye

RNA within the nucleus absorbs dye

True or False: Fungi can produce toxic allergens.


True or False: Fungi reproduce by means of sexual and asexual spore formation.


True or False: Some fungi are used to produce useful compounds like antibiotics.


True or False: The most critical environmental condition for protozoan survival is moisture levels.


True or False: With the kingdom Fungi, there are unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms?


Which statement(s) accurately reflects characteristics of fungal spores? They are always genetically identical to the parent organism They can be used to identify some fungal species They are a survival mechanism for fungi in inhospital environments They allow for multiplication

They can be used to identify some fungal species They are a survival mechanism for fungi in inhospital environments They allow for multiplication

True or False: A majority of algae are photosynthetic.


True or False: Many pathogenic molds are dimorphic fungi.


True or False: Mitotic spindle fibers are composed of microtubules.


Choose the statement that correctly describes the major difference between bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes. bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes differ in the number of subunits bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes differ in function bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes differ in the type of nucleic acid that makes up much of their structure bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes differ in size bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes contain different types of nucleotides

bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes differ in size

Generally, eukaryotic cells are ______ than prokaryotic cells. about the same smaller bigger


Worldwide cases of helminth infections number in the _________ billions thousands millions


What is a route of transmission of Trypanosoma? contaminated food or water sexual contact blood-sucking vectors

blood-sucking vectors

Algae are found in ________. marine water only both fresh and marine waters freshwater only

both fresh and marine waters

Which of the following conditions place patients at risk for an opportunistic fungal infection? burns completely healthy AIDS diabetes

burns AIDS diabetes

Which of the following is principally composed of phospholipids? DNA ribosomes cell membrane cytoskeleton

cell membrane

Which of the following characteristics is NOT used to identify fungi? hyphal type presence and type of sexual spores colony texture and pigmentation cell wall thickness

cell wall thickness

the common name for tapeworms


The two most important representatives of trypanosomes are Trypanosoma __________, the causative agent of Chagas disease, and Trypanosoma ___________, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness.

cruzi brucei

A(n) ________ is a dormant, resting state of a protozoan cell.


the resistant, dormant but infectious form of protozoans


When environmental conditions become unfavorable, many protozoa produce ________. eggs cysts spores endospores


What collective name is given to the various proteins that criss-cross the cell's interior, hold various organelles in place, enable movement of intracellular structures, and give the cell internal structural integrity? lysosome golgi cytoskeleton cytoplasm


In a helminth infection, the organism where the helminth completes its lifecycle as characterized by adulthood and mating is called the ____ host.


The organism in which a parasite develops into its adult or sexually mature stage

definitive host or final host

Some fungi are termed ___________ because they can exist in a yeast form or can form hyphae.


in mycology, the tendency of some pathogens to alter their growth form from mold to yeast in response to rising temperature


Which of the following environmental factors typically trigger cyst formation in protozoans? abundance of nutrients dry conditions lack of nutrients moist conditions

dry conditions lack of nutrients

In protozoa, the layer of cytoplasm called the _________ plays roles in locomotion, feeding, and protection.


The _________ is the clear outer layer of cytoplasm found in protozoans.


the outer, more vicious region of the cytoplasm of a phagocytic cell such as an amoeba. It contains microtubules, but not granules or organelles


In enterobiasis infections, the female pinworm deposits _________ in the patient's anus.


The process of forming a cyst, in which the trophozoite cell rounds up into a sphere and its ectoplasm secretes a thick cuticle around the cell membrane, is called ___________.


The granular inner region of cytoplasm in protozoan cells is called ____.


the granular inner region of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell that contains the nucleus, mitochondria, and vacuoles


an intracellular network of flattened sacs or tubules with or without ribosomes on their surfaces

endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Biologists believe that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotics through which process? endosymbiosis parasitism exocytosis


The _________ theory is used to describe the origin of some eukaryotic organelles.


Who is susceptible to parasitic protozoan infections? poor people the elderly everyone people living in rural communities


True or False: Chromatin is comprised predominately of protein and RNA macromolecules.


True or False: All eukaryotic organisms are microscopic.


True or False: Cilia can be found in both protozoa and bacteria.


True or False: Most protozoa are multicellular colony dwellers.


Identify the cellular locations of 80S ribosomes. smooth endoplasmic reticulum free-floating in the cytoplasm rough endoplasmic reticulum mitochondrion chloroplast

free-floating in the cytoplasm rough endoplasmic reticulum

How does a person become infected with pinworms? from scratching the worm into the skin from swallowing the eggs of the worm from the bite of an insect vector

from swallowing the eggs of the worm

The _________ are a group of heterotrophic organisms that secrete enzymes to reduce substrates to small molecules that can be absorbed.


Which of the following groups contain members which are capable of having hyphae? fungi animals plants protists


Which of the following produce true hyphae? fungi helminths protozoans bacteria


Of the eukaryotic subcellular structures listed below, which is the most external? glycocalyx mitochondria cell membrane golgi


a filamentous network of carbohydrate-rich molecules that coat cells


Lysosomes originate from the _________ apparatus.


Which of the following organelles typically receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum? mitochondrion lysosome golgi chloroplast nucleus


The ________ _______ receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is part of the secretion system to the cells surface.

golgi apparatus

Which of the following terms describes the stacks of thylakoids located within chloroplasts? granules stoma grana


discrete sacs of chlorophyll-containing thylakoids within chloroplasts


Which of the following eukaryotes are multicellular animals? algae fungi amoebas helminths


A worm that has both male and female sex organs is said to be ______.


containing the sex organs of both male and female in one individual


an organism that relies upon organic compounds for its carbon and energy needs


Microbes that are pathogenic to humans and animals are _______ in their requirement for preformed organic matter. phototrophic autotrophic heterotrophic


Match the term to its corrective descriptive statement saprobe ---acquisition of nutrients from organic materials heterotrophic ---organism that obtains nutrients from remnants of parasite dead animals and plants ---organism that lives in or on another organism for the purpose of acquiring nutrients

heterotrophic - acquisition of nutrients from organic materials saprobe - organism that obtains nutrients from the remnants of dead plant or animals parasite - organism that lives in or on another organism for the purpose of acquiring nutrients

Organisms that obtain energy from organic sources only are called


Which environmental condition does NOT favor the persistence of cysts produced by protozoans? lack of nutrients high moisture presence of drugs or chemicals

high moisture

Which environmental condition favors the trophozoite form in protozoa? high moisture presence of drugs or chemicals lack of nutrients

high moisture

Eukaryotic chromosomes are composed of long, linear DNA molecules bound to _______ proteins.


In a eukaryotic chromosome, which type of protein is bound to the DNA? histone nucleolar actin


Proteins associated with eukaryotic DNA, these simple proteins serve as winding spools to compact and condense the chromosomes


_________ are long, threadlike cells found in filamentous fungi.


the tubular threads that make up filamentous fungi (molds). This web of branched and intertwining fibers is called a mycelium


Which of the following would be observed to determine microscopic characteristics of a fungus? gills mushrooms hyphae individual spores

hyphae individual spores

Match the fungal structure with its description yeast long thread-like cells sporangiospores oval cells that reproduce by budding hyphae reproductive spores produced within sac-like structures mycelium woven intertwining mass of hyphae conidia free spores not enclosed with a spore-bearing sac

hyphae - long thread-like cells yeast - oval cells that reproduce by budding sporangiospore - reproductive spores produced within sac-like structures mycelium - woven intertwining mass of hyphae conidia - free spores not enclosed with a spore-bearing sac

In the United States, which of the following populations are much more likely to be affected by parasitic infections? homosexual men immigrants from countries in which the parasites are prevalent nursing home residents who are immunocompromised those living in impoverished communities toddlers who attend day care

immigrants from countries in which the parasites are prevalent those living in impoverished communities

Which two diagnostic tools are used for cases of giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis? the Gram stain scanning electron microscopy immunology-based tests ova and parasite testing of stool samples

immunology-based tests ova and parasite testing of stool samples

The likely cause of the epidemic of Pfiesteria infections is loss of the normal predators in plankton overfishing the usual host species global warming to expand the range of Pfiesteria increased nutrients from agricultural runoff

increased nutrients from agricultural runoff

proteinaceous fibers in eukaryotic cells that help provide support to the cells and their organelles

intermediate filament

Which of the following are the main types of cytoskeletal fibers? golgi myosin fibers intermediate filaments microtubules actin filaments

intermediate filaments microtubules actin filaments

Select the statement(s) that accurately reflect characteristics of enterobiasis. it affects adults more often than children cysts are the means of dispersal for the helminth it only affects individuals in third world countries it occurs most often among families and individuals living in close quarters.

it occurs most often among families and individuals living in close quarters.

Which of the following are examples of algae? kelps molds seaweeds sarcodines

kelps seaweeds

Enterobiasis is a helminth infestation of the ___________ __________, which allows the eggs to pass in the feces.

large intestines

Which is NOT a function of a vacuole? glycogen storage water removal lipid synthesis digestion

lipid synthesis

Which is NOT a function of a vacuole? lipid synthesis glycogen storage digestion water removal

lipid synthesis

Which of the following generally defines the nucleolus? location for cytoskeleton synthesis location for phospholipid sythesis location for ATP synthesis location for ribosome RNA synthesis

location for ribosome RNA synthesis

The ______ is an organelle which merges with a vacuole to allow digestion of engulfed structures from phagocytosis.


Which of the following is a membrane-bound organelle that contains digestive enzymes? lysosome peroxisome chloroplast ribosome


Which of the following organelles is immediately involved in phagocytic function by white blood cells? endospore lysosome golgi complex


a cytoplasmic organelle containing lysozyme and other hydrolytic enzymes


Which term is used to describe fungi such as mushrooms and puffballs which can be seen by the naked eye? macroscopic microscopic


In the mitochondrion, the _________ is a chemically complex fluid that is found within the spaces around the cristae and contains ribosomes.


Which region of the mitochondrion contains fluid, ribosomes and is the location for the metabolic cycle? outer membrane matrix cristae ribosome


the dense ground substance between the cristae of a mitochondrion that serves as a site for metabolic reactions


Gametes, or sex cells, are produced by the type of cell division known as _________.


Sexual fungi spores arise by the fusion of two parent cells, followed by which type of division? meiosis mitosis


The cellular process in which diploid cells divide into haploid cell (sex cells) is called _________. binary fission mitosis meiosis budding


the type of cell division necessary for producing gametes in diploid organisms.


Match the cytoskeletal fiber with its description actin filament -long hollow tubes that maintain cell shape microtubule and help transport items within the cell intermediate filament -long, thing, 7nm in diameter, concentrated just inside the cytoplasmic membrane -rope-like structures, 10nm in diameter, provide structural reinforcement

microtubule - long hollow tubes that maintain cell shape and help transport items within the cell actin filament - long, thing, 7nm in diameter, concentrated just inside the cytoplasmic membrane intermediate filament - rope-like structures, 10nm in diameter, provide structural reinforcement

Which cellular filament comprises flagella? spindle fibers microtubules microfilaments


Which cytoskeletal fibers attach to and move chromosomes during mitosis? laminella microtubules actin filaments intermediate filaments


Which of the following are long, hollow protein fibers that compose the cytoskeleton? microtubules microfilaments


Which type of cytoskeleton proteins compose mitotic spindle fibers? microtubules intermediate filaments microfilaments


___________ are long, hollow protein fibers that comprise the cytoskeleton.


long hollow tubes in eukaryotic cells; maintain the shape of the cell and transport substances from one part of the cell to another; involved in separating chromosomes in mitiosis


Often called the "powerhouse" of cells, the ______ is the organelle where ATP is synthesized for cellular energy use.


The ________ is the organelle responsible for a vast majority of ATP generated in eukaryotic cells.


The ribosomes in ATP-producing organelles called ________ are clearly bacterial in nature, providing evidence in support of endosymbiosis.


Which evidence supports the endosymboint theory that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes? cell wall structure mitochondrial DNA nuclear DNA

mitochondrial DNA

Which term is used to describe a fungal pathogen actively causing disease? parasitic mutualistic commensalistic


Which of the following organelles has both an inner and outer membrane? endoplasmic reticulum mitochondrion golgi lysosome


a double-membrane organelle of eukaryotes that is the main site for aerobic respiration


Asexual spores, such as conidia, are formed by which process? mitosis replication transformation meiosis


__________ is the type of eukaryotic cell division that preserves the chromosome number.


somatic cell division that preserves the somatic chromosome number


Asexual fungal spores arise by _______ division of a single parent cell.


Select which statement(s) accurately reflect parasitic helminth infections? over a billion cases of helminth infections occur in North America each year modern travel affects the distribution of these infections today about 50 species of helminths currently parasitize the human species helminth infections in humans have only developed in the past decade

modern travel affects the distribution of these infections today about 50 species of helminths currently parasitize the human species

The life cycle of malaria alternates between humans and which vector? mosquito tick mite


Which is NOT a function of the eukaryotic glycocalyx? adherence motility protection


Which of the following best describes the function of cilia and flagella? cell to cell communication motility meiosis cellular division


Which of the following are prominent in parasitic worms? mouth glands for breaking down host tissue complex digestive system. thick cuticles sophisticated nervous system reproductive system

mouth glands for breaking down host tissue thick cuticles reproductive system

Identify all the characteristics of helminths multicellular in adult form microscopic in all life cycle forms prokaryotic are all parasitic in the adult form eukaryotic

multicellular in adult form eukaryotic

Masses of vegetative hyphae, also called __________, absorb nutrients from the surface of a substrate on which a fungus grows


A network of tubular cells which cluster together to form the visible growth of Rhizopus fungi is called a _________. hypha mycelium cilium flagellum


the filamentous mass that makes up a mold


Fungal diseases are called _______________.


Which term is used to describe a fungal disease? dermatitis cellulitis infection mycoses


any disease caused by a fungus


a common name for helminths called roundworms


The common name given to the group roundworm helminths is _______.


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the life cycle of helminths? cestodes all exhibit separate sexes nematodes all exhibit separate sexes trematodes are all hermaphroditic all helminths are hermaphroditic

nematodes all exhibit separate sexes

Most known protozoans are _______ pathogenic non-pathogenic


Septate fungal hyphae are separated into compartments while _______ hyphae are continuous cells.


The ________ __________ is a double membrane that separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm.

nuclear membrane

A dense region found within the nucleus where ribosomal subunits are synthesized is called the ___________.


The _______ is the small part of the nucleus where ribosomal subunit formation takes place.


a granular mass containing RNA that is contained within the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell


The key difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is the presence of a _______ and other membrane-bound organelles.


The nucleolus is found within the ________ of a eukaryotic cell.


Which eukaryotic structures are NOT present in prokaryotic cells? nucleus golgi apparatus plasma membrane ribosomes mitochondrion DNA

nucleus golgi apparatus mitochondrion

Place the following locations for protein exocytosis in order, placing the location for the first step at the top of the list. RER (protein synthesis) cell membrane golgi apparatus nucleus (mRNA synthesis)

nucleus (mRNA synthesis) RER (protein synthesis) golgi apparatus cell membrane

In which portion of the thylakoid do you find the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll? on the thylakoid membrane on the cristae internal to the thylakoid in the stroma

on the thylakoid membrane

Where do adult parasitic helminths reproduce sexually? only inside the host either inside or outside the host only outside the host

only inside the host

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention monitors fungal infections caused by ____________. opportunistic pathogens fungi are not involved in human disease pathogens encountered in clinical settings environmental pathogens

opportunistic pathogens pathogens encountered in clinical settings environmental pathogens

A group of tissues that work together is called an ___________. organelle organism organ


Which of the following is present in helminths but absent in protozoa? cells organ systems organelles

organ systems

A(n) _______ is defined as an intracellular, membrane-bound component of a eukaryotic cell.


Which defines an intracellular, membrane-bound component of a eukaryotic cell? tissue organ organelle


Rougly 60-80% of a eukaryotic cells total volume is made up of the various membrane-bound _______________found within the cytoplasm of this type of cell.


Protozoans require their food in a complex _________ form. organic oxidized mineral gaseous


Algae produce ______ (a gas) which benefits us greatly and is used in aerobic respiration.


Protozoans aquire their food by which two of the following mechanisms? producing sugars by photosynthesis parasitic feeding on live cells capturing gas in vacuoles scavenging dead plant or animal debris

parasitic feeding on live cells scavenging dead plant or animal debris

_________ is the science (study) of organisms which derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms which are referred to as "host".


The cell membrane acts as a selectively ___________ barrier between the cytoplasm and external cellular environment.


The cell membrane is a ________ bilayer with embedded proteins.


Chloroplast are the site of what process in eukaryotic cells? anaerobic respiration tRNA production photosynthesis lipid synthesis


What is the main function of chloroplasts? photosynthesis lipid synthesis protein synthesis


What is the name for floating communities of algae found in freshwater and marine environments that play an essential role in food webs and produce much of the earth's oxygen? seaweed kelp protozoans plankton


The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound series of sacs and tubules that function in _______ production and ______ storage. (hint: both are macromolecules)

protein lipid

Which biomolecules are found in chromatin? carbohydrate phospholipid protein nucleic acid

protein nucleic acid

Select the statement that best describes the role of protozoan cysts. protozoan cysts are a survival form which allows them to survive adverse environmental conditions between hosts. protozoan cysts are necessary for the infection of intermediate hosts while trophozoites are the stage that infects definitive hosts. protozoan cysts are the active, growing stage of the organism. protozoan cysts are a reproductive stage

protozoan cysts are a survival form which allows them to survive adverse environmental conditions between hosts.

Cilia are similar in structure to flagella and are commonly on which microbial cells? protozoans bacteria fungi archae


Which term is used to describe elongated structures found in some yeast cells where buds remain attached in a row? pseudohyphae hyphae mycelium


a chain of easily separated, spherical to sausage-shaped ueast cells partitioned by constrictions rather than septa


Amoeba move by extending their cytoplasm to form a(n) __________________ or "false foot."


Amoeba utilize what structures for motility? cilia pseudopods axial filaments flagella


protozoan appendage responsible for motility "false feet"


Which of the following are macroscopic fungi? puffballs mold spores yeast mushrooms gill fungi

puffballs mushrooms gill fungi

Which of the following is caused by algae? malaria cholera red tide Grave's disease

red tide

What is the function of the nucleolus? protein synthesis transcription of RNA ribosomal subunit synthesis

ribosomal subunit synthesis

Which of the following is used to describe the type of endoplasmic reticulum that has ribosomes associated with its membrane? smooth rough rigid rippled


microscopic series of tunnels that originates in the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope and is used in transport and storage. Large number of ribosomes, partly attached to the membrane, give the rough appearance

rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)

A pinworm has which type of body form? flat/oval round flat/long


Nematodes have a(n) __________ body. oval and flat round and tubular long and flat

round and tubular

Which are helminths? roundworms tapeworms puffballs algae mosquitos flukes

roundworms tapeworms flukes

A microbe that decomposes organic remains from dead organisms.


Organisms that obtain their nutrients from dead plants or animals in soil or aquatic habitats are termed


Identify the functions of the golgi apparatus energy (ATP) production secretion protein synthesis mRNA synthesis protein modification

secretion protein modification

Which term refers to cross walls found in some fungal hyphae? sutures septa mycelia conidiospores


Choose the statement that most accurately describes a typical helminth lifestyle. the helminth reproduces asexually and is facultatively parasitic, which means it can live independently or can live parasitically within a host. the helminth reproduces sexually and spends most of its life in either a single animal host or a series of animal hosts. the helminth reproduces asexually in its definitive host and sexually in its intermediate host. the helminth reproduces sexually and alternates between free living and parasitic stages of its lifecycle.

the helminth reproduces sexually and spends most of its life in either a single animal host or a series of animal hosts.

Which of the following statements are true about algae? they are prokaryotes the are always unicellular they are both eukaryotes and prokaryotes they are eukaryotes they are always multicellular they are both unicellular and multicellular

they are eukaryotes they are both unicellular and multicellular

Which statements accurately describe helminths? they are multicellular they exhibit organs and organ systems they are prokaryotic they contain a cell wall

they are multicellular they exhibit organs and organ systems

vessicles of a chloroplast formed by elaborate folding of the inner membrane to form "discs"


Inside the chloroplast, a third membrane is folded into small, disc-like sacs called ________


Where is chlorophyll pigment located in photosynthetic eukaryotic cells? thylakoids of chloroplasts vesicles of golgi apparatus cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum

thylakoids of chloroplasts

Microscopic fungi are those fungi that are _____ to be seen by the naked eye. large enough too small

too small

Which type of vesicles bud from the endoplasmic reticulum and fuse with the forming face of the Golgi apparatus? transitional reticulating condensing secretory


Membrane-bound packets that carry protein from the ER to the Golgi apparatus are called ______ vesicles


a category of helminths; also known as flatworm or fluke


Cestodes and ___________ are flatworms nematodes trematodes


_______ are helminths that have an oval shaped body which is quite flat.


A ________ is the vegetative, free-living form of a protozoan cell.


What is the name given to free-living, motile cellular form of protozoans? cyst trophozoite zygote spore


a vegatative protozoan


Diagnosis of giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis involves looking in patient stool samples for fungal hyphae cestodes trophozoites cysts

trophozoites cysts

True of False: With exception to one group, the Apicomplexa, all protozoans are motile organisms.


True or False: Fungi and most algae have a thick cell wall.


True or False: Many eukaryotic cells have a glycocalyx.


True or False: Some ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.


Enterobiasis is found in alpine climates primarily in australia in tropical climates worldwide


Which of the following terms describes the unicellular form of a microscopic fungus? mushroom mold yeast


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