Microbiology The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms

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The presence of an organism such E. coli in food and water is typically an indicator of ___ contamination.

- fecal

Which of the following are characteristics of methane-generating hyperthermophiles?

- grow optimally at 84 degrees C - can grow at temps as high as 97 degrees C - use CO2 as a terminal electron acceptor to generate methane - oxidize H2

Thermophilic extreme acidophiles:

- grow optimally at pH 2 or less - include members of the genera Thermoplasma and Picrophilus

Which of the following describe the photosystems of cyanobacteria?

- have pigments other then chlorophyll that contribute to its blue-green or reddish color

Which of the following are characteristics of the Caulobacter species?

- life cycle serves as a model of cellular differentiation - have a single polar prostheca (stalk) - binary fission results in swarmer cell and a stalked cell

Select the characteristics that describe the Epulopiscium species:

- much larger than most prokaryotes - Gram-postive cigar shaped - live in the intestine of surgeon fish - fo not undergo typical binary fission

Choose all the characteristics of the Sulfolobus species.

- obligate aerobes - oxidize sulfur compounds - use O2 as a terminal electron acceptor - found at the surface of sulfur containing hot springs

Chlamydia are transmitted directly from person-to-person and live within a host cell as a(n) ____ parasite.

- obligate intracellular

Aerobic chemoorganotrophs obtain their energy by:

- oxidizing organic compounds - producing CO2 and H2O - using O2 as a terminal electron acceptor

An anoxic atmosphere lacks _____

- oxygen

Which of the following explains the relationship between plants and their endosymbionts, the rhizobia?

- plants control the level of oxygen by producing leghemoglobin - rhizobia fix nitrogen while residing inside plant cells

Micrococcus species are Gram-____ cocci.

- positive

Which of the following can distinguish members of the genus Staphylococcus from other Gram-positive cocci?

- presence of the enzyme catalase

Bdellovibrio sp.:

- prey on Gram-negative bacteria like E. coli - are highly motile Gram-negative curved rods - bores a hole in the cell wall of its prey

Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs:

- produce ATP via substrate level phosphorylation - can obtain energy via fermentation

Propionibacteria produce ____ acid as their major fermentation end product.

- propionic

The luciferase gene in bioluminescent bacteria is only expressed when the density of organisms is high enough. The phenomenon is an example of ____ ____

- quorum sensing

List the colors purple bacteria can appear due to their light harvesting pigments.

- red - purple - orange

By definition obligate intracellular parasites cannot:

- replicate outside of a host cell

Streptomyces are:

- resemble fungi in their growth - include more than 500 species - gram-positive

Describe some growth conditions or characteristics that enable Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a problem in hospital environments.

- resistant to disinfectants - ability to grow in nutrient-poor environments - resistant to antibiotics

Members of the filamentous bacterial species Anabaena protect the nitogenase enzyme from O2 by:

- restricting the process of nitrogen fixation to heterocyst where O2 is not generated

Rickettsia ____ caused Rocky Moutain Spotted fever which is transmitted through the bite of a _____ (a type of arthropod).

- rickettsii - tick

The Wolbachia pimientos can be found inside parasitic worms that cause:

- river blindness - elephantiasis

Choose all the statements that describe the damaging effects of some types of cyanobacteria.

- some produce geosmin which can influence the taste of drinking water - some aquatic cyanobacteria produce toxins that can harm animals

Aquatic environments tend to possess a(n) ____ supply of nutrients, requiring microbes to evolve a variety of mechanisms the capture those nutrients.

- sparse

Both Treponema and Borrella are characterized by their corkscrew shape and endoflagella, thus placing them in the ________.

- spirochetes

Green sulfur bacteria are:

- strict anaerobes

Purple sulfur bacteria typically use hydrogen ____ to generate reducing power.

- sulfide

Choose the environments that would most likely support the growth of a methanogen.

- swamp - human digestive tract - marine sediment - rice paddies - sewage

Bioluminescent bacteria are characterized by:

- the ability to emit light

The chalky appearance of Streptomycin colonies is due to:

- the branching filament that make up the mycelium called hyphae

Which of the following can be used to distinguish between members of the genus Bacillus and Clostridium?

- their oxygen requirement

Scientist are interested in studying the growth of extreme ____ that grow near volcanic vents and fissures because these conditions are thought to mimic early earth's environment.

- thermophiles

Which of the following describe how Caulobacter sp. divide?

- they divide by binary fission forming a swarmer cell at one end and a stalked cell at the other end

Humans infected with Helicobacter pylori may develop stomach or duodenal _____.

- ulcer

Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are Gram-negative rods/spirals that:

- use sulfur compounds as an energy source and oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor

Oxygenic phototrophs use ____ as a source of electrons to form organic matter.

- water

Oxygenic phototrophs use _____ as a source of electrons to form organic matter.

- water

The ability of prokaryotic organisms to thrive and flourish in a wide variety of environments is an example of their wide _____

- diversity

Staphylococcus epidermidi is found as normal microbiota of the ______.

- skin

Match the following genera of organisms of the statement that describe them. a) Lactococcus b) Lactobacillus c) Enterococcus

- a) Lactococcus: - includes species used to make cheese - b) Lactobacillus: - members include microbe in the mouth and in the vagina during childbirth years - c) Enterococcus: - members typically inhabit the intestinal tract

______ use organic compounds to obtain energy.

- Chemoorganotrophs

An an oxygenic phototroph does not produce:

- O2

Which of the following genera of organisms forms a beneficial symbiotic relationship with plants?

- Rhizobium

Humans infected with Campylobacter jejune would typically exhibit ____.

- diarrhea

The purpose of storage granules produced by some bacteria is to store:

- nutrients

Staphylococcus epidermis is part of the the normal microbiota of the _____.

- skin

Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs:

- can obtain energy via fermentation - produce ATP via substrate level phosphorylation

Characteristics of the microscope morphology of the genus Neisseria include:

- cocci - typically in pairs

Characteristics of Micrococcus species include:

- obligate aerobes - are typically pigmented - tolerate dry conditions - facultative halophiles

Examples of structures that aquatic microbes have formed to maximize their ability to acquire nutrients include:

- sheaths - prostecae

An anaerobic chmoorganictroph that uses glucose for energy and pyruvate as its terminal electron acceptor is undergoing:

- fermentation

Facultative anaerobes can use aerobic respiration if O2 is present and _______ as an alternative mechanism.

- fermentation

Which of the following characteristics are common to both Campylobacter and Helicopter?

- microaerophilic - curved, Gram-negative rods

The normal habitat of Bacteroides fragilis in the human include:

- mouth - genital tract - intestine

An organism that cannot reproduce outside of a host cell is termed a(n) ____ ____ parasite.

- obligate intracellular

Characteristics of Pseudomonas species that distinguish them from the family Enterobacteriaceae include:

- oxidase-positive - possess polar flagella

Environments in which methanogens could be found are those that contain both CO2 and H2 and lack _____.

- oxygen

Members of the genus Corynebacterium are Gram-postive rods that exhibit a variety of shapes. This difference in shape is referred to as being _______.

- pleomorphic

Characteristics of the microscopic morphology of the genus Neisseria include:

- typically in pairs - cocci

The two organisms of medical significance in the genus Neisseria are N. ______ and N. ______.

- N. meningitides - N. gonorrhoeae

The Streptomycin resemble _____ in their growth but are ______.

- fungi - prokaryotes

Members of the genus Agrobacterium attach to a wounded plant and transfer a portion of their DNA of the plant cell, which induces the plant to produce growth hormones, resulting in the growth of a ____.

- tumor

Legionella species live in a(n) ____ environment, where they often live within a protozoa.

- aquatic

An organism that requires a minimum of 9% NaCl would be called an extreme ______.

- halophile


- have diverse morpholiogies

____ _____ can only use respiration, and not fermentation, to obtain energy.

- Obligate aerobes

______ _______ can only use respiration, and not fermentation, to obtain energy.

- Obligate aerobes

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the lactic acid bacteria?

- Possess the enzyme catalase

While ____ species forms a mutually beneficial relationship with certain plants, _____ cause tumor like growth on plants.

- Rhizobium - Agrobacterium

Organisms that form storage granules include:

- Spirillum - sulfur-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing marine bacteria

Antibiotics that interfere with peptidoglycan synthesis are ineffective in the treatment of Mycoplasma infections because these organism lack ____.

- a cell wall

Match the organism with the disease that it causes: a) Chlamydia trachomatis b) Chlamydophila pneumoniae c) Chlamydophila psittaci

- a) Chlamydia trachomatis: - a common sexually transmitted disease - b) Chlamydophila pneumoniae: - atypical pneumonia - c) Chlamydophila psittaci: - psittacosis

Which of the following pairs are matched correctly? a) Lactobacillus: milk and other diary products b) Lactococcus: mouth microbiota c) Enterococcus: intestinal tract

- a) Lactobacillus: milk and other diary products - c) Enterococcus: intestinal tract

A special staining procedure called the ___ is an important test used in the identification of Mycobacterium species.

- acid-fast stain

Members of the genus Vibrio:

- include pathogens such as V. vulnifcus

Anoxygenic phototrophs typically live in which of the following environments?

- lakes - upper layers of mud -bogs

Beneficial characteristics of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria include:

- limiting atmospheric CO2 buildup - provide an important source of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in nutrient poor soil - responsible for maintaining the structure of soil

The _____ of a spore within a cell can be used to aid in the identification of the organism.

- location

The _______ of a spore within a cell can be used to aid in the identification of the organism.

- location

Which of the following explain why terrestrial microbes evolved mechanisms to tolerate various conditions?

- nutrient availability can vary - water availability can change from wet to dry - soil temperature can change daily and seasonally

Characteristics of Micrococcus pieces include:

- obligate aerobes - facultative halophiles - are typically pigmented - tolerate dry conditions

Methanogens are organisms that:

- obtain energy by oxidizing gas - use CO2 as a terminal electron acceptor - generate methane

Beneficial characteristics of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria include:

- responsible for maintaining the structure of soil - limiting atmospheric CO2 build up - provide an important source of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in nutrient poor soil

An anaerobic organism the makes up about a third of the bacteria in fecal matter in humans and is associated with abscesses and bloodstream infections is:

- Bacteroides fragilis

____ species are Gram-negative curved rods the are highly motile and prey on other Gram-negative rods.

- Bdellovibrio

Which of the following characteristics are common to both Campylobacter and Helicobacter?

- curved, Gram-negative rods - microaerophilic

The earliest oxygenic phototroph probably belonged to a group of bacteria called the _____.

- cyanobacteria

Azotobacter species produce a resting cell called a ___, which allows the organism to withstand drying and ultraviolet radiation.

- cyst

Mycobacteria fulfill an important role in nature. They have the ability to:

- degrade complex organic substances - digest bacteria - digest some fungi and algae

The role that rhizobia performs while living in the plant cell is called ___ because the plant receives a benefit of the relationship.

- endosymbiont

Rhizobia exist in symbiotic relationships with plants in which they provide a benefit to the plant in which they reside. Therefore, the rhizobia are examples of ______.

- endosymbionts

As a group, chemolithotrophs oxidize reduced inorganic chemicals such as hydrogen gas to to obtain ____ which necessary for cellular metabolism.

- energy

A purpose of the projections, which are extensions of the cytoplasm and cell wall found in prosthecate bacteria is to ______.

- facilitate absorption of nutrients

Because most Pseudomonas species are strict aerobes, they do not _____ carbohydrates to obtain energy.

- ferment

An anaerobic chmeoorganotroph that uses glucose for energy and pyruvate as its terminal electron acceptor is undergoing:

- fermentation

The process of converting N2 to ammonia, which can then be incorporated into cell material, is called nitrogen ______.

- fixation

Deinococcus species have the ability to withstand ______.

- high doses of radiation

Enterobacteriaceae get their name because they reside in the ______ tract of humans and animals.

- intestinal

Which is not an environment in which the purple non-sulfur bacteria are found?

- Arid environments

____ and _____ are the most common Gram-positive bacilli that form spores.

- Bacillus - Clostridium

Characteristics of the genus Propionibacterium include:

- Gram-positive - found on the skin - ferment lactic acid

Bifidobacterium species:

- Gram-positive, irregular rod-shaped anaerobes - part of the intestinal microbiota

Aside from green and purple bacteria, members of the genus ____ are also example an an oxygenic phototrophs.

- Heliobacterium

______ bacteria have a string of magnetic particles inside them in order to align themselves to Earth's magnetic field.

- Magnetotactic

An important group of Gram-negative organisms that serve as important models in the study of developmental biology are the _____.

- Myxobacteria

The member of the lactic acid group is a Gram-postive coccus that grows in the oral cavity and can cause pharyngitis.

- Streptococcus pyogenes

The plasmid of Agrobacterium tumifaciens that allows the bacterium to induce plants to form tumors is called the ____ plasmid.

- Ti

True or False: It is thought that Nanoarchaeum equitans parasitize a sulfur reducing hyperthermophile Ignicoccus by growing as shares on its surface.

- True

Some unicellular oxidizers have been used to prevent ____ ____ , a problem caused by burning of sulfur containing coal.

- acid rain

Which of the following statements describes Bordatella species?

- aerobic Gram-negative coccobacilli - the most significant medical species cause whooping cough

Haemophilus species:

- are Gram-negative coccobacilli that require matin and / or NAD for growth

Which of the following are characteristics of the Spiriullum species?

- can form phosphate storage granules - microaerophilic - Gram-negative spiral-shaped

Obligate aerobes:

- can only respire

Thiomargartia namibiensis:

- can store sulfur in goblets and has a large storage vacuole for nitrate in its cytoplasm - are very large and pearly white in color

Coxiella brunettI:

- causes Q fever - can from spore-like small cell variants (SCVs) that survive well in the environment

Mycobacterium fulfill an important role in nature. They have the ability to:

- degrade organic substances - digest some fungi and algae - digest bacteria

Adverse commercial implications of the bacteria in the group called nitrifies include:

- disposal of wastes that have high ammonia concentration consumes O2 quickly - nitrogen is rapidly leached from the soil

Which of the following are characteristics of Hyphomicrobium sp.?

- divide by buying - single polar prostheca

Because the skin is ____, growth of many organisms is prevented.

- dry and salty

The study of the various adaptations prokaryotes use to survive terrestrial and aquatic environments is called ____.

- ecophysiology

Movement of the spirochetes is via ____ or axial filaments, which are flagella contained within the periplasm.

- endoflagella

Put the following events in the life cycle of Bdeliovibrio sp. n the correct order: bacteria strikes and attaches to its prey it elongates in the periplasm it rotates and releases digestive enzymes to bore a hole into the cell wall it divides into several motile daughter cells which are released when the host cell lysis

- 1. bacteria strikes and attaches to its prey - 2. it rotates and releases digestives enzymes to bore a hole into the cell wall - 3. it elongates in the periplasm - 4. it divides into several motile daughter cells which are released when the host cell lyses

_____ chemoorganotrophs obtain their energy by oxidizing organic compounds to obtain energy, using O2, as a terminal electron acceptor.

- Aerobic

Anoxygenic phototrophs typically live in which of the following environments?

- Blogs - Upper layers of mud - Lakes

Cyanobacteria have photosystems that function similarly to which organelle?

- Chloroplasts

Which of the following describe characteristics of members of the genus Vibrio?

- Gram-negative straight or curved rods - typically found in marine environments

An important group of Gram-negative organisms that serve as important models in the study of development biology are the _______.

- Myxobacteria

To differentiate the genera in the family Enterobateriaceae, a microbiologist will use which of the following methods?

- Biochemical tests - Serological tests - (most often biochemical tests are used, but serological tests can also be used) - Gram stain

Aerobic chemolithotophs obtain energy by oxidizing reduced inorganic chemicals, using ______ as a terminal electron acceptor.

- O2

Which of the following describes the morphology of cyanobacteria? a) cocci rods or spiral shaped b) can unicellular c) Gram-positive rods that can form endospores d) can form filamentous multicellular associations

- a) cocci rods or spiral shaped - b) can unicellular - d) can form filamentous multicellular associations

Early chemotrophs may have used all of the following pathways to harvest energy EXCEPT:

- aerobic respiration

Which of the following types of metabolism is used by chemoorganotrophs that grow anaerobically and use sulfate as a terminal electron acceptor?

- anaerobic respiration

All of the following are characteristics shared by Helicobacter and Campylobacter except:

- can cause disease in humans

Which of the following are characteristics of cyanobacteria that live in aquatic environments?

- can form blooms when a large number of them accumulate - can move vertically through a water column using gas vesicles

Anaerobic chmoorganotrophs:

- can obtain energy via fermentation - produce ATP substrate level phosphorylation

Presence of the enzyme ______ is a key characteristic of Staphylococcus species that is used to distinguish them from Gram-positive cocci that do not respire aerobically, such as Streptococcus species.

- catalase

A key characteristic of the genus Mycoplasma is that they lack a ____ _____. This quality allows them to easily pass through the pores of filters that retain other bacteria.

- cell wall

Streptomycin are:

- gram-positive - include more than 500 species - resemble fungi in their growth

Streptococcus progenies produce B-_______ , a characteristic used to differentiate these organisms from the normal oral microbiota.

- hemolysis

Most of the anaerobic chemolithotrophs that have been discovered are members of the domain:

- Archaea

Characterized members of the domain ____ typically thrive in extreme environments, such as high heat, acidity, alkalinity, and salinity.

- Archea

The process of converting N2 to ammonia, which can them be incorporated into cell material, is called nitrogen ____.

- fixing

Thermophilic organisms, such as Aquifer species, typically grow in _____.

- hot springs

Choose the environments that would most likely support the growth of a methanogen.

- human digestion - marine environment - rice paddies - swamp- sewage

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