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Omega 6 FA have double bond between carbons omega __ and omega __.

6 7

*multiple correct* Reverse cholesterol transport involves: a)CETP b) lecitin cholesterol acyltransferase c) Apoprotein A-1 d)ACAT e) apoB-48

A, B, C

A 20-year old woman with diabetes mellitus was admitted to the hospital in a semiconscious state with fever, nausea and vomiting. Her breath smelled of acetone. A urine sample was strongly positive for ketone bodies. Which one of the following statements about this woman is correct? a) A blood glucose test will probably show that her blood glucose level is much lower than 80 mg/dL. b) an injection of insulin will decrease her ketone body production. c) she should be given a glucose infusion so she will regain consciousness. d) glucagon should be administered to stimulate glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. e) the acetone was produced by decarboxylation of the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate.


A patient with hyperlipoproteinemia would be most likely to benefit from a low-carbohydrate diet if the lipoproteins that are elevated in the blood are which of the following? a) Chylomicrons b) VLDL c) HDL d) LDL e) IDL


Certain prostaglandins, when binding to their receptor induce an increase in intracellular calcium levels. The signal that leads to th elevation of intracellular calcium is initiated by which of the following enzymes? a) protein kinase A b) phospholipase C c) Phospholipase A2 d) protein kinase e) Cyclo oxygenase


Coenzyme A and acyl carrier protein (ACP) resemble one another since both a) carry acyl groups across the mitochondrial membrane b) contain 4`-phosphopantetheine c) are involved in elongation of fatty acids in microsomes d) are involved in the condensation step of the novo fatty acid synthesis which yiedls the beta-keto-fatty acyl-derivative e) none of these


Complete hydrolysis of 1 mole of phosphatidylcholine would yield the components: glycerol, fatty acid, phosphate and choline in which of the following respective molar ration? a) 1:2:1:1 b) 1:1:2:1 c) 1:2:2:1 d) 1:2:1:2 e) 2:1:1:1


The activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase is a)increased by epinephrine and glucagon b) controlled by the presence of citrate c) controlled by carnitine d) decreased by polymerization e) is unregulated


The main proteins regulating HDL levels are: a) hepatic lipase, endothelial lipase, and LCAT b) LCAT, CEPT, endothelial lipase c) hepatic lipase, endothelial lipase, CEPT d) lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, endothelial lipase e), endothelial lipase, LCAT, lipoprotein lipase


Enzyme used to measure the thiamin deficiency is? a) acetyl CoA carboxylase b) transketolase c) alanine transaminase d) transaldolase e)pyruvate dehydrogenase

B A positive diagnosis test for thiamine deficiency can be ascertained by measuring the activity of the enzyme transketolase in erythrocytes. Thiamine in the human body has a half-life of 18 days and is quickly exhausted, particularly when metabolic demands exceed intake. A derivative of thiamine, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), is a cofactor involved in the citric acid cycle, as well as connecting the breakdown of sugars with the citric acid cycle...

Assume that an individual has been eating excess calories daily such that he will gain weight. Under which of the following conditions will the person gain weight most rapidly? a) If all the excess calories are due to carbohydrate. b) if all the excess calories are due to triacylglycerol. c) If all the excess calories are split 50%/50% between carbohydrate and triacylglycerol d) if all the excess calories are split 25%/75% between carbohydrate and triacylglycerol. e) it makes no difference what form the excess calories are in.

B(?) (our teacher said the worst thing is to mix fat and carbs so i guessss c or d /elvira)

Which one of the following compounds is a key intermediate in the synthesis of both triacylglycerols and phospholipids? a) CDP-choline b) phosphatidate c) triacylglycerode d) phosphatidylserine e) CDP-diacylglycerol


Leptin: a) stimulated the production of NPY b) inhibits the energy expenditure c) activated thermogenesis d) is produced in hypothalamus e) production is inhibited by insulin


Thromboxane A2, which is found in high levels in platelets, aids in wound repair through induction of which of the following activities? a) inhibits COX-2 gene expression b) inhibits COX-1 gene expression c) vasoconstriction d) vasodilation e) bronchodilation


which of the following is a characteristic of sphingosine? a) it is converted to ceramide by reacting with UDP-sugar b) it contains a glycerol moiety c) it is synthesized from palmitoyl-CoA and serine d) it is a precursor of cardiolipin e) it is only synthesized in neuronal cells


Caffeine acts to acetylate and thus *inactivate*: a) cyclooxygenase b) stimulate adenyl cyclase c) inhibit adenylyl cyclase d) stimulate phosphodiesterase e) inhibit phosphodiesterase

C (?) (Caffeine increases *epinephrine*, which will *activate adenylate cyclase* producing ATP --> cAMP. but the questions is tricky because it depends on how you read it I guess: *B: stimulate adenyl cyclase* TRUE *C: inactivate inhibition of andeylyl cyclase* TRUE :))))))))) -kristine)

The accumulation of the GM2 gangliosides in tay-sachs disease is caused by a) increase synthesis of the gangliosides b) increase concentration of UDP sugars required for gangliosies synthesis c) a deficiency of lysosomal enzymes that degrades gangliosides


Using structures write the regulatory step in bile acid synthesis

check biochem notes + cholesterol - cholic acid

cytosolic Acetyl-CoA is produced from breakdown of?


The main components of a mixed micelle are made during lipid metabolism by a human with an average diet are: a) FFA and cholesterol b) Cholesterol and lizofosfolipidy c) Glycerol and FFA d) 2 - monoacyloglycerol and FFA e) glycerol and cholesterol


The reduction of which intermediate in glycolysis leads directly to a compound involved in the biosynthesis of fats? a) Fructose 1-6biphosphate b) glucose 6-P c) pyruvic acid d) dihydroxyacetone phosphate e) glyceraldehyde 3-P


Which of the following is belived to have an important role in regulation the rate of biosynthesis of cholesterol from acetyl CoA in the liver? a) the condensation of malonylCoA with acetyl CoA b) the cleavage of HMG-CoA to form acetoacetate ad acetyl CoA c) The reactions involved in the cyclization of the polyisoprenoid precursor of the sterol ring system d) the enzymatic reduction of HMG CoA e) the introduction of 3-beta-hydroxyl group into the steroid ring system


After a steroid hormone enters a target cell, it can exist as all of the following except which one? a) free hormone in the cytoplasm b) hormone-receptor complex in the cytoplasm c) hormone-receptor complex in the nucleus d) free hormone bound to chromatin

d hormone enters cell and in cytoplasm it binds with receptor, enter nucleus as a complex and attach to chromatin

All of the following statements about acetyl-CoA carboxylase are correct EXCEPT? a) it undergoes protomer-polymer interconversion during its physiological regulation b) it requires biotin c) it is inhibited by a cAMP-mediated phosphorylation d) it is activated by both palmitoyl-CoA and citrate e) its content in a cell responds to changes in fat content in the diet

d (only activated by citrate and insulin) (palmitoyl-CoA inhibits ACC)

NADPH's for lipogenesis are provided by which enzymes:

glucose6P dehydrogenase, 6Pgluconate dehydrogenase, and malic enzyme.

Lipolysis: needs the action of?

hormone sensitive lipase

hyperlipidemia type II

increased cholesterol in blood

Familial hypercholesterimia is characterized deficient?

ldl- receptors

Result of cortisol inflammation?

nhibites phospholipase A2 → no formation of arachidonic acid

What is Sphingolipodosis?

när d e fel i lysosomal enzymezzzzz

T/F: Triacylglycerols found in plants are more likely than those from animals to be: Polyunsaturated?

T (Fatty acids in plants are usually polyunsaturated, but in industry we like to add hydrogen atoms to them, making them saturated. Saturated fats have a higher melting point, which is better for baking and their expiration date.)

T/F: Hydrogenation of an unsaturated fatty acid (FA) usually results in a compound having a Increased melting point?

T (Hydrogenation means the double bonds are removed, making the chain tighter → increasing the melting point.) Unsaturated becomes more saturated. Done w trans-fats to extend the oils shelf-life!

Obesity, defined as a state of pathologically increased adipose cell mass is a major health problem in wealthy societies and is associated with increased risk of developing diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Nutritional status has a profound effect on the activity of the malic enzyme. (3 Marks) 1. Write down what happens with the malic enzyme gene expression in a rat liver during a) Starvation b) refeeding after starvation

a) Starvation will significantly reduce the level of mRNA, that code for malic enzyme, in the rat's liver. b) Refeeding after starvation induces the expression of mRNA, that code for malic enzyme, in the rat's liver. Feeding regulates malic enzyme mRNA by 2 mechanisms: 1) increase in transcription of the malic enzyme gene 2) decrease in the degradation of the malic enzyme.

Which of the following is involved in the synthesis of triglycerides in adipose tissue? a) fatty acids obtained from chylomicrons VLDL b) Glycerol 3-phosphate derived from blood glycerol c) 2-Monoacylglyserol as an obligatory intermediate d) LPL to catalyze the formation of ester bonds e) Acetoacetyl-CoA as an obligatory intermediate

a, b

Mark the correct statements: a) branched-chain fatty acis are oxidized at the a-carbon b) The (omega)-carbon (the terminal methyl carbon) of fatty acids is oxidized to a carboxyl group c) Odd-chain fatty acids produce acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA d) The bond between the a- and B-cawrbons of the B-ketoacyl CoA is cleaved by a thiolase that ...... coenzyme A e) Desaturation of fatty acids requires O2, NADPH, and cytochrome...

a, b, d, e

Familiar hypoproteionemia type 2.normal TAG, higher cholesterol level in blood, what could be the cause? a) LDL receptor deficiency b) VLDL increase production c) increase chylomicron


In the process of conversion of 0,1 mmoles of Mevalonate to dIsopentylene diphosphate you use up: a) 100 μmol ATP b) 200 μmol ATP c) 300 μmol ATP d) 400 μmol ATP e) 500 μmoli ATP


The four reactions of Beta oxidation are in order?

oxidation, hydration,oxidation, cleavage (breaking of a C-C bond)

A baby is born with respiratory problems, liver biopshy show low ACC levels?

phosphatidylcholine deficiency

RDS is caused by a deficiency of:

phosphatidylcholine. (respiratory distress deficiency)

Phosphatidyl serine is formed from an exchange reaction with?


The apoproteins B-48 and B-100 are similar with respect to which of the following? a) they are synthesized from the same gene b) they are derived by alternative splicing of the same hnRBA c) apoB-48 is a proteolytic product of apoB-100 d) both arefound in mature chylomucrons e) both are found in very low density lipoproteins


Which of the following is an intermediate in the synthesis of both cholesterol and dolichol? a) Farnesyl pyrophosphate b) Squalene c) Lanosterol d) Malonyl-CoA e) Cholic acid


You prescribe ibuprofen to help reduce your patients's inflammation. Which of the following pathways is blocked as an anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? a) Prostaglandin synthesis b) Thromboxane synthesis c) Leukotriene synthesis d) All eicosanoid synthesis e) Arachidonic acid release from the membrane


Reverse cholesterol transport involves: a)CETP b) lecitin cholesterol acyltransferase c) Apoprotein A-1 d)ACAT e) apoB-48

a (MAQ: we think A,B,C is correct) xoxo Helene and Ingrid

A child has been diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease, in which a particular lipid accumulates within the lysosomes. The component of this lipid which cannot be removed in the lysosome is which of the following? a) Ceramide b) Sphingosine c) Fatty acid d) Glucose e) N-acetylgalactosamine

a ? Tay Sach's - accumulation of GM2 ganglioside A ganglioside is a molecule composed of a glycosphingolipid (ceramide and oligosaccharide) with one or more sialic acids (e.g. n-acetylneuraminic acid, NANA) linked on the sugar chain. I think it's E -Saif

Deoxycholic acid is a catabolite of: a) Glycocholic acid b) Taurocholic acid c) Litocholic acid d) GLyco-heno-deoxy-cholic acid e) Tauro-heno-deoxy-cholic acid

a and b

Which of the following is involved in the synthesis of triacylglycerol in adipose tissue? a) Fatty acids obtained from chylomicrons and VLDL b) Glycerol 3-phosphate derived from glycolysis c) 2-Monoacylglycerol as an obligatory intermediate d) LPL to catalyze the formation of ester bonds e) Acetoacetyl-CoA as an obligatory intermediate

a and b

In noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus A) hypertriglyceridemia does not occur B) ketoacids in the untreated state is always present C) results because of B cells of the pancreas can no longer make insulin D) may be accompanied by high levels of insulin in the blood E) results in severe weight loss


Factors contributing to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood include: a) insulin effects on liver glycogen b) synthesis of glucose from acetyl CoA precursors c) increased glucagon/insuling ratio d) breakdown of muscle glycogen to yield free glucose

D (A: insulin promotes the uptake of circulating glucose into its target tissues, such as skeletal muscle and fat tissue, and thereby reduces the blood glucose level B: Acetyl CoA cannot make glucose C: high glucagon/insulin ratio inhibits the production of glucose)

The high glucagon/insulin ratio seen in starvation: a) promotes the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose stores b) leads to depletion of liver glycogen stores c) leads to the formation of ketone bodies d) inhibits fatty acid beta-oxidation

D (*In high glucagon/insulin ratio:* glucose will be stored as glycogen fatty acid transport inhibited fatty acid oxidation inhibited --> less formation of ketone stores -kristine) Glucagon promotes glycogen breakdown and beta-oxidation, Insulin inhibits beta-oxidation and promotes glycogen formation; I would go with A -Saif

A woman was told by her physician to go on a low-fat diet. She decided to continue to consume the same number of calories by increased her carbohydrate intake while decreasing her fat intake. Which of the following blood lipoprotein levels would be decreased as a consequence of her diet? a) VLDL b) IDL c) HDL d) Chylomicrons e) HDL

D (chylomicrons are derived from dietary fat and supply the tissue with fat absorbed from the diet. They transport lipids/fat absorbed in the intestine to adipose, cardiac and skeletal muscle. )

What is the most positive activator of the process shown below? (aka fatty acid synthesis) a) Acetyl CoA b) citrate c) Malonyl CoA d) Malate e) oxaloacetate


Which of the following sequences places the lipoproteins in the order of most dense to least dense? a) HDL/VLDL/chylomicrons/LDL b) HDL/LDL/VLDL/chylomicrons c) LDL/chylomicrons/HDL/VLDL d) VLDL/chylomicrons/LDL/HDL e) LDL/chylomicrons/VLDL/HDL


Which of the following steps in biosynthesis of cholesterol is the commited rate limiting step? a) the condensation of acetoacetyl-CoA with a molecule of acetyl-CoA to yield B-hydroxy-B-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) b)the reduction of HMG-CoA to mevalonate c) the conversion of mevalonate to two activated isoprenes d) the formation of farnesyl pyrophosphate c) condensation of six activated isoprene units to form squalene


Your patient has a genetic defect that blocks the synthesis of androstenedione. Which of the following will also be reduced by this defect? a) progesterone b) testosterone c) pregnenolone d) cortisol e) aldosterone

b Androstenedione is the common precursor of the androgen/testosterone and estrogen sex hormones

Lipoprotein lipase ("clearing factor") located in the vascular endothelium of adipose tissue a) is inhibited by heparin b) is increased in acitivty during fasting, when lipid storage is diminished c) removes fatty acids from triglycerides of very low density lipoproteins d) is increased in (Frederickson`s) type I hyperlipidemia, a disease characterized by lipid storage defects e) hydrolyzes triglyceride to fatty acids and glycerol during lipolysis in the adipocyte


The conversion of n moles of cytoplasmic acetyl CoA to 1 mol palmitoyl CoA (C16:0) requires a) 0 moles of ATP b) 5 moles of ATP c) 7 moles of ATP d) 8 moles of ATP e) 16 moles of ATP


Which of the following is NOT a property of the fatty acid complex????(Dont know if the whole sentence is complete) a) A multifunctional enzyme b) Requires pantothenic acid as a cofactor c) Requires biotin as a cofactor d) Is found in the cytosol e) Active form is a dimer


A 52-year-old man with chronic alcoholism has a plasma lipid profile that contains an increase in very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). The mechanism that best explains the increase in VLDL in *both the blood and the liver* in chronic alcoholics is a. Impaired function of apolipoprotein B-100 b. Inactivation of capillary lipoprotein lipase c. Increased β-oxidation of fatty acids d. Increased synthesis of glycerol 3-phosphate

c(?) (Looks like *Fatty acid oxidation* occurs in *liver and blood*, while *glycerol-3-P* occurs only in the *liver*. So I agree on C. -Kristine)

T/F: 2-Monoacylglycerol is an obligatory intermediate in the synthesis of triglycerides in adipose tissue.

False. TAG → 2-monoacylglyserol.

What is the obligatory intermediate in the synthesis of triacylglycerol in adipose tissue?

Fatty acyl-CoA.

What form mixed micelles?

Free fatty acids (long chain), free cholesterol, 2-monoacylglycerol Bile salts Fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK)

What is true of lipoprotein lipase?

It's an extracellular enzyme.

What are the omega-3 fatty acids?

Linolenic acid Eicosapentaenoic acid docosahexaenoic acid

During your lab class , malic enzyme activity was assayed by measuring the increase in A340 due to the formation of ................................................ (fill in the sentence).


Considering the final steps in cholesterol biosynthesis, when squalene is eventually converted to lanosterol, which of the following statements is correct? a) all of the sterol have three fused rings (the steroid nucleus) and are alcohols with a hydroxyl group at C3 b) the action of squalene monooxygenase oxidizes C14 of the squalene chain, forming an epoxide c) squalene monooxygenase is considered a mixed function oxidase because it catalyzes a reaction in which only one of the oxygen atoms of O2 is incorporated into the organic substrate d) squalene monooxygenase uses reduced flavin nucleotides, such as FAD(2H), as the cosubstrate in the reaction e)squalene is joined at carbons 1 and 30 to form the fused ring structure of sterols


Product of FA-oxidation which can go into gluconeogenesis?

propionyl CoA

BMI 30 - 39.9 means: a) underweight b) healthy weight c) overweight (Grade 1 obesity) d) obese (grade 2 obesity) e) morbid/Severe obesity (Grade 3 obesity)


Omega 3 FA have double bonds between carbon omega __ and omega __.

3 4

De novo fatty acid biosynthesis occurs in a) mitochondria b) endoplasmic reticulum (microsomal fraction) c) lysosomes d) cytosol e) nucleus


An adipokine is: a) TNFalpha b) ghrelin c) cholecystokinin d) insulin e) glucagon


Progesterone is a precursor of? a) aldosterone, cortisol and corticosterone b) cholesterol, cortisone and cholic acid c) aldosterone, decarboxycholic acid and pregnenolone d) hydrocortisone, pregnenolone and ... e) corticosterone, testosterone and cholesterol sulfate


You prescribe ibuprofen to help reduce your patients's inflammation. Which of the following pathways is blocked as an anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? a) Prostaglandin synthesis b) Thromboxane synthesis c) Leukotriene synthesis d) All eicosanoid synthesis e) Arachidonic acid release from the membrane


LDL receptor deficiency and a drug was given to counter act, this was the outcome of the drug a) LDL receptor up regulation b) lower cholesterol level in blood c) synthesis more cholesterol

A "Familial hypercholesterolemia" - LDL receptor deficiency FH is usually treated with statins.[7] Statins act by inhibiting the enzyme hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMG-CoA-reductase) in the liver. In response, the liver produces more LDL receptors, which remove circulating LDL from the blood

A mouse model has been generated as in vivo system for studying fatty acid synthesis. An inactivating mutation was created which led to the cessation of fatty acid synthesis and death to the mice. This mutation is most likely in which of the following proteins? a) carnitine acyl transferase I b) carnitine acyl transferase II c) citrate translocase d) Glucose 6-P dehydrogenase e) medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase

A (?) (I would guess for CAT-1 , because it can be inhibited by malonyl CoA. If CAT-1 is too much inhibited our body cannot synthesise long-chain fatty acids and give this energy to our cardiac mm. resulting in death.- Kristine)

Certain patients with abetalipoproteinemia frequently have difficulty maintaining blood volume; their blood has trouble clotting. This symptom is attributable to which of the following? a) Inability to produce chylomicrons b) Inability to produce VLDL c) Inability to synthesize clotting factors d) inability to synthesize fatty acids e) Inability to absorb short-chain fatty acids

A and B deficiencies in the apolipoproteins B-48 and B-100, which are used in the synthesis and exportation of chylomicrons and VLDL

The action of pancreatic lipase requires?


During prolonged starvation, all of the following are true EXCEPT: a) the energy demands of the body are met primarliy by the stores of triacylglycerols b) demands for glucose are met by gluconeogenesis c) glycogen stores do not serve as a source of energy d) the brain utilizes ketone bodies for energy. e) the insulin/glucagon ratio increases


Of the major risk for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, which one, if present, is the only risk factor in a given patient without a history of having had a myocardial infarction that requires that the therapeutic goal for the serum LDL cholesterol level be <100 mg/dL? a) obesity b) cigarette smoking c) diabetes mellitus d) hypertension e) sedentary lifestyle

E (I would have guessed Sedentary lifestyle, because: "A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much of the day." and that is basically us 24/7, and I aint had any heart attack or high LDL yet. Obesity, smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure are kind of obvious reasons? -Kristine)

In diacylglycerol the lipid chains of FA are attached to glycerol backbone by what type of bond?

Ester bond

In triacylglycerols the FA chains are connected to the glycerol backbone by what type of bond?

Ester bond

T/F: palmitic acid and stearic acid are highly unsaturated

F (BOTH are saturated)

T/F: NADP+, which is important for fatty acid synthesis, is produced by the pentose phosphate pathway


T/F: In noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus results in severe weight loss?

F (Type 2 diabetes occurs in obese/overweight people. Type 1 diabetes is genetic and if it is untreated it can cause weight loss. )

T/F: Fatty acids are synthesized from acetyl CoA in the mitochondria

F (cytosol)

T/F: The elements for TAG production in adipose tissue include glycerol that gets absorbed from the blood.

F (glucose from blood)

T/F: the primary source of carbons for fatty acid synthesis is glycerol

F (glucose)

T/F: Fatty acid synthesis and esterification to glycerol to form triacylglycerols occur primarily in muscle cells

F (liver)

A high glucagon:insulin ratio seen in starvation: a) promotes the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose stores. b) leads to depletion of liver glycogen stores c) leads to the formation of ketone bodies d) inhibits fatty acid beta-oxidation.


In an insulin-dominant state, each of the following is favored except? a) stimulation of glucose uptake by skeletal muscle b) synthesis of glycogen in liver c) synthesis of fatty acids in liver d) glycolysis in liver e) lipolysis in adipose tissue


In the pathway leading to biosynthesis of acetoacetate from acetyl CoA in the liver, the immediate precursor of acetoacetate is which of the following substances? a) 3-hydroxybutyrate b) Acetoacetyl CoA c) 3-hydroxybutyryl CoA d) Mevalonic acid e) 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA


Newly synthesized fatty acids are not immediately degraded because of which of the following? a) tissues that synthesize fatty acids do not contain the enzymes that degrades fatty acids b) High NADPH levels inhibit B-oxidation c) In the presence of insulin, the key fatty acid degrading enzyme is not induced d) newly synthesized fatty acids cannot be converted to their CoA derivatives. feil e) transport of fatty acids into mitochondria is inhibited under conditions in which fatty acids are being synthesized


When adipose tissue stores triglyceride arriving from the liver or intestine, glycolysis must also occur in the adipocyte. Which of the following products or intermediates of glycolysis is required for fat storage? a) glycerol b) glucose 6-P c) pyruvate d) acetyl CoA e) dihydroxyacetone phosphate


Which of the following steroids is the only one that could serve as an intermediate in the formation of testosterone, estradiol, cortisol and aldosterone? a) corticosterone b) dehydroepiandrosterone c) estriol d) 11-deoxycorticosterone e) progesterone


Type III hyperlipidemia is caused by a deficiency of apoprotein. Analysis of the serum of patients with this disorder would exhibit which of the following? a)n An absence of chylomicrons after eating b) higher than normal levels of VLDL c) normal triglyceride levels d) elevated triglyceride levels e) lower than normal triglyceride levels

e ( tag, vldl and chylomicrons are fewer) (er det ikke d)-ingrid

Which enzyme is not used in metabolism in lipoproteins? a) ACAT, b) LCAT, c) lipoprotein lipase, d) hepatic lipase, e) lysosomal lipase.


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