Midturm art

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What was the purpose of the Book of the Dead papyrus scroll found in the tomb of the royal scribe Hunefer?

A collection of spells and prayers needed to secure a happy afterlife.

What is the significance of the artificial sacred lake at the Temple of Amen complex at Karnak?

A reference to the primeval waters that existed before creation

Which of the following innovations can be credited to the Sumerians?

First to leave votive offerings for the gods First use of pictures to tell coherent stories First establishment of complex urban societies

A design principle that uses perspective to represent an object as if it extended into space


In which of the following artwork to the artist employ the device of personification to visually disrespect abstract concepts or ideas

Albrecht Durer, "the four horsemen of the Apocalypse." Ca.1498

What does the figure of human with a feline (Lion) Head found at hohlenstein-stately, Germany demonstrate to art historians

All the answers provided

What is a henge?

An arrangement of megalithic stone in a circle

Figure 3-13 "Menkaure and Khamerernebty (?)," ca. 2490-2472 BCE

An artwork meant to proclaim the eternal and divine nature of the Egyptian king

Figure 3-17 "Fragmentary head of Senusret III," ca. 1860 BCE

An artwork that breaks sharply from previous practice in its naturalistic details and depiction of an anxious or pessimistic ruler

Figure 3-33 "Akhenaton, Nefertiti and their Daughters," ca. 1353-1335 BCE

An artwork that breaks sharply from previous practice with its use of curvilinear forms and representation of an intimate royal family moment

Figure 3-21 "Hatshepsut with Offering Jars," ca. 1473-1358 BCE

An artwork that manipulates traditional practice to represent a female ruler in the costume of a male king

Figure 3-14 "Seated Scribe," ca. 2500 BCE

An artwork that represents typical Egyptian practice of representing non-royal figures in a naturalistic way, including realistic signs of aging or obesity

The scene of a rhinoceros, wounded man, and disemboweled bison at Lascaux is located in an easily accessible space that could have been viewed between viewed by many of the caves inhabitants or visitors


The nickname "Venus" ascribed to many Stone Age nude female sculptures is inappropriate and misleading because it is doubtful that these figures detect duties of any kind


The proportions and design details of the Greek Doric Order give it a light, airy, and elegant overall appearance.


A form of construction that uses carefully and regularly cut blocks of stone, fitted together without mortar

Ashlar Masonry

Images projecting only slightly away from a background of which they are a part

Bas relief

A design principle that incorporates two or more angular changes in direction

Bent-Axis Plan

In art history, the date of art objects and buildings


A form of construction that allows light to enter an interior space, built to rise above other parts of the roof


A convention of representation that combines profile and frontal views

Composite View

A convention of representation that presents the distinguishing characteristics of objects or figures, regardless of how they would appear to a viewer in reality

Conceptual Representation

With what construction technique was the Lion Gate of Mycenae built?

Corbeled arch

A construction technique using the blade of the stone and contilevered Positioning to hold it in place


The first system of writing ever developed, which allowed for increasingly sophisticated and complex means to record information


A prized possession that could indicate status in Mesopotamia but mostly served to authenticate documents and prevent tampering or unauthorized use

Cylinder Seal

A form of construction in which stone blocks are shaped to exact dimensions with smooth surfaces to ensure a perfect fit

Dressed Masonry

A half-round column attached to a wall or other vertical element

Engaged Column

Which of the following statements best describes why Euphronios' depiction of "Herakles Wrestling Antaios" (Figure 5-23), shown here, is so significant?

Euphronios thinned the glaze to distinguish the depiction of individual muscles on each figure's body, such as Antaios' abdomen and Herakles' thighs. Euphronios diluted the glaze to distinguish the appearance of Antaios' wild, unkept hair from Herakles' neat, dark hairstyle Euphronios took pains to communicate that his figures occupy real three-dimensional space by focusing on how the human body would have been seen from a particular viewpoint, instead of using the conventional composite view.

"Illusionistic space" most often refers to architecture because it means Space that viewer can physically enter


Art from Middle Kingdom Egypt is characterized by a new optimism reflected in evermore idealistic and perfected bodies and faces.


Mummification of the body was the only requirement for immortality in ancient Egypt.


One of the motivation hypothesized for the fortification of Neolithic Jericho was because their deceased ancestors demanded it


Stonehedge was build using the coreling technique


Sumerian temples were built to accommodate large groups of worshippers because they believed that every member of the community should participate in religious devotion, not just the priests.


The "Mantiklos Apollo" statuette is so named because it art historians know that it represents a real man named Mantiklos who had once offered a gift to the god Apollo.


Figures sculpted in the round are defined as


Images carved or molded into three dimension

Freestanding sculpture

A composite creatures consisting of a winged lion with an eagle head


Images protecting substantially or boldly from a background of which are part

High relief

Which of the following statements is true for this Egyptian statue of a Seated Scribe (Figure 3-14)?

His corpulent (fat, obese) figure was a common characteristic for non-royal portraits in the Old Kingdom because it confirmed the comfortable lifestyle of relatively high-ranking officials. This image is meant as a true portrait, with physical details that were closely observed from the subject himself. Scribes were important figures in mostly illiterate ancient Egypt, and were regarded at the same level as the kings. The sculptor represented this figure with obvious signs of aging, such as sagging chest muscles and protruding belly.

An interior space with a roof supported by numerous columns

Hypostyle Hall

What is the significance of the Rosetta Stone?

It allowed scholars to figure out that hieroglyphs represent signs of a once-spoken language. It records the many accomplishments of Ramses II, the greatest of the Egyptian Warrior-Pharaohs It is made out of precious lapis lazuli. Its discovery marked a true revolution in the modern discipline of Egyptology. It allowed scholars to finally decipher hieroglyphs because it contains the same text written in three languages.

What is the main significance of the architectural design of the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina, Greece?

It demonstrates a more refined plan, with more widely spaced and slender columns, than previous Doric temples.

What is the significance of the "Hero and Centaur" small bronze figural group from Olympia, Greece?

It demonstrates the artist's ingenuity in devising a solution for depicting a mythological creature that is half-man, half-horse.

What is the significance of the Hagia Triada sarcophagus for the study of ancient Minoan culture?

It informs us that Minoan funerary rituals included animal sacrifice accompanied by music. It informs us that Minoan funerary rituals included the deposition of gifts in the tomb along with the dead It informs us about moments in the legend of the Minotaur that are missing from other documented sources for this story. It and other objects like it must serve as primary evidence for Minoan rituals in the absence of legible contemporary documentation.

Which of the following statements best describe the "Harvesters Vase" from Hagia Triada, Crete, Greece, (Figure 4-14), shown here?

It is a very early example in art history wherein an artist demonstrates interest in depicting the underlying muscular and skeletal structure of the human body. It transforms a common ancient scene with a new vitality through its individualized characters depicted in varied poses suggesting loud participation and forward movement. The amount of detail achieved by the artist is remarkable given the relatively small size of the object, since each figure is only a few inches tall.

Which statement best explains the significance of the Warka Vase?

It is the oldest example of narrative relief sculpture known to art historians.

What where is the significance of the lion hunt for Assyrian culture?

It represented the main virtue of the king and was associated with his success at warfare.

Which of the following statement best explains why the figure of the king on the " alter to that hand (Ikegobo)" from Benin Nigeria is depicted with a disproportionately large head?

It was a mark of his importance because one of the rulers praise his name was "great head"

Why is the Stepped Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, Egypt so significant?

It was built in a single campaign, reaching its final form as intended from the start of construction. Its architect, Imhotep, is the first recorded artist in history. It is one of several structures within a large precinct that was meant to serve as the king's palace in the afterlife. It served as a temple platform

What are some of the theorized functions of for Stonehedge

It was served as in kind of astronomical Observatory and sure calendar It was the center of healing for the sick and dying It was a funeral site for Community of neolithic people

What is the symbolic significance of the balance or scale seen in figure 1 - 7 gislebertus's depiction of the last judgment on the west tympanum of saint-Lazare at autun, France shown here?

Justice: souls are weighed to determine whether they are worth to enter heaven

A large composite creature that guarded the gates of Assyrian royal complexes


Which of the following term is used for the material substance of an artwork?


Neolithic communities in Western Europe, such as Stonehenge and newgrange, are characterized by their

Megalithic architecture

In which period were temples the most grandiose form of Egyptian architecture?

New Kingdom

A convention of representation that presents objects or figures as if seen from a fixed viewpoint

Optical Representation

The distinctive aesthetics characteristics that can be linked to a specific artist or architect, often used to explain stylistic discrepancies between artworks originality from the same time or place

Personal style

Which of the following serves as evidence that the new palace built at Knossos after 1700 BCE was carefully planned?

Rooms with similar function were placed in clusters around the central court.

A picture, usually stylized, used to represent a concept or idea


The foreparts of an animal, such as head, forelegs and part of the body, often used as architectural decoration


The distinctive authentic characteristic that relate to geographic origin

Regional style

One of a series of horizontal bands used to contain visual information (such as pictorial narrative or other motifs)


A drinking vessel with a conical shape, which often takes the shape of an animal


The distinctive authentic characteristic shared among a group of artists working in a same time and place

School style

Which statement best explains the "apotropaic" function of Medusa on the West Pediment of the Temple of Artemis at Corfu, Greece?

She serves to protect the temple by warding off evil spirits.

Which of the following images demonstrates the artistic convention called heraldic composition?

Sound Box from the bull-headed harp from Tomb 789, Royal Cemetery at Ur

A carved stone slab used to commemorate a historical event or to mark a grave


What is meant by the term provenance?

The origin, source, or findspot of an artwork or artifact

Point before which; in art history, the latest possible date for an artwork, or the quote point before which "it was made

Terminus Ante Quem

"Point after which "in art history, the earliest possible date for an artwork, or that "point after which "it was made

Terminus post quem

One of the most striking differences between the wall painting found at catal hoyuk, turkey and those Paleolithic caves is

The presence of human figures in large, coherent groups acting in pictorial narratives

The statement "measuring rods and coiled rope," which connotes the ruler's capacity to build social order and render judgments, is best depicted on which object?

The Stele of Hammurabi

What is a ground line

The baseline on which figures appear to stand

Which motif on the Palette of Narmer symbolizes the king's physical strength?

The bull knocking down the fortress walls

By what architectural feature is the Greek Ionic Order most easily recognized

The capitals have a distinctive scroll-like spiral shape. The frieze is composed of a single, continuous field that could be filled with decorative relief sculpture Its overall appearance feels light, airy, and elegant. The column shafts rest on bases placed upon the stylobate. Its overall appearance feels weighty and severe. The capitals have a distinctive convex and cushion-like shape.

Which of the following details from the image at the top of Figure 2-18 "Stele of Hammurabi" demonstrates the artist's experimentation with Foreshortening?

The diagonal lines in the beard of the figure at right, as if seen at an angle from the viewer's position The angular view of the throne at right as if projecting back into space The side view of the horns on the headdress of the figure at right shown in profile to the viewer's position

How does the Bull-Leapers wall painting demonstrate the particular aesthetic style of the Minoans

The gender of its figures are distinguished using color: dark for male figures and light for female The figures are highly stylized, demonstrating the typically Minoan pinched wait silhouette. The combination of a profile pose with frontal eye is unique to Minoan art. ts figures are formed using sweeping, curved lines that suggest the elasticity and mobility of moving beings.

Which of the following objects demonstrate use of composite view techniques

The hall of bulls scene from Lascaux cave France The human figure from Ain Ghazal, Jordan The deer hunt scene from fatal hoyuk, turkey

Which of the following statements best describes the image of "Ti Watching a hippopotamus Hunt" from his mastaba in Saqqara?

The image emphasizes Ti's essential nature as an impassive observer in the afterlife.

What is the aesthetic object of the artist who made the relief of Hesire for his tomb at saqqara in Ancient Egypt?

To present the various human body parts as clearly as possible

A statue is different from a bust in the state only do pick it that head shoulders and chest and the figure


Art history knows that they can never be truly objective and must take steps to knowledge the existence of inherent assumptions, presupposition or prejudices from their own Culture content


Assyrian artists always depicted the lions that kings hunted as fierce and formidable in order to emphasize the king's strength and power to defeat them.


Cycladic sculptures have been found in graves as well as settlement sites.


Images of hunting, such as those found within the Tomb of Ti at Saqqara, are typical for Egyptian tomb decoration in the Old Kingdom.


In order to present a complete image of a lamassu as visible from multiple angles, Assyrian artists created a conceptual representation by depicting the creatures with five legs.


Minoan and Mycenaean palaces differed mainly in the fact that the Mycenaeans encircled their palaces within heavily fortified walls built of monumental, rough-cut stone blocks


Portrait statues, such as that of the Seated Scribe from Saqqara, were placed in tombs to ensure the ka would have a dwelling place if the mummified body had disintegrated.


The "Gigantomachy," or battle between Gods and Giants, was a popular theme for Greek art of all periods and symbolized the triumph of reason and order over chaos


The Vast majority of Stone Age sculptures to pick either animal we're humans but the humans are almost exclusively women


The elevated placement of Mesopotamian temples atop tall platforms was probably designed to bring worshippers closer to the gods, who were believed to reside above the human realm.


The frozen, stereotypical gesture seen in this artwork between the female figure and king Menkaure standing next to her is meant to suggest either their marital status (so husband and wife) or their shared divinity (if king and goddess).


The statuettes found in the Square Temple at Eshnunna depict mortal worshippers who stand in place of the donors.


The type of art historian who can most likely reliably attribute an artwork based on style alone is called a connoisseur.


Which statement best explains the significance of the development of the Corinthian capital for the history of architecture?

Use of the Corinthian capital with an Ionic frieze eliminated both of the "corner problems" presented by the strict rules of the Doric frieze and the Ionic capital's particular bi-frontal design.

The tiered platform for a Mesopotamian temple


Although largely influenced by Assyrian art, Persian art was different in its preference for

more rounded forms.

The distinctive authentic characteristic of a specific era, usually within a specific culture

period Style

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