Milady - Chapter 9 Nail Structure & Growth
Healthy nail
Firm, flexible, shiny surface, smooth, and unspotted with no wavy ridges, pits, or splits.
nail folds
Folds of normal skin that surround the natural nail plate.
nail plate
Hardened keratin plate that sits on and covers the natural nail bed. It is the most visible and functional part of the natural nail unit.
4 - 6 months
How long it takes for a fingernail to be replaced
9 months - a year
How long it takes for a toenail to be replaced
100 layers
How many layers of nail cells make up the nail plate?
nail beds
Live cells, so they do require oxygen, vitamins, and minerals.
Living skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix area.
free edge
Part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe.
nail bed
Portion of the living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge.
Slightly thickened layer of skin that lies between the fingertip and free edge of the natural nail plate.
nail grooves
Slits or furrows on the sides of the sidewall.
1/10" (2.5 mm)
The average rate of nail growth in the normal adult per month.
Location of ligaments
The base of the matrix and around the wedges of the nail bed
dead tissue
The cuticle adhered to the nail plate
living tissue
The eponychium grows up to the nail plate
true color of matrix
The lighter color of the lunula
sudoiferous (sweat) glands
The nail bed does not perspire. It is the skin around the nail that perspires.
The nail plate allows water to pass throught it
Appendage of the skin
The natural nail
integumentary system
The natural nail is part of this system
bed epithelium
Thin layer of tissue that attaches the nail plate and the nail bed.
Tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place
cuticle moisturizers, softerners & conditioners
Treatment of eponychium, sidewalls, and hyponychium - not the cuticle
Visisble part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin; it is the whitish, half-moon shape at the base of the nail.
15 - 25 percent
Water content of a healthy nail.Water content directly affects the nail's flexibility.
gently push back the eponychium
What cosmetologists are permitted to do
The length, width, and curvature of the matrix
What determines the thickness, width, and curvature of the natural nail plate?
matrix cells
What forms the nail plate?
nerves, lymph, & blood vessels
What is contained in the matrix?
nail plates
What is made of dead cells so they do not require oxygen?
cuticle remover
What removes the dead cuticle tissue?
disease, injury or infection in matrix
When the shape of thickness of the nail plate can change
The toenail matrix is longer than the fingernail matrix
Why are toenails thicker and harder than fingernails?
poor nail appearance
affected if an individual is in poor health, if a nail disorder or dsease is present, or it ther has been an injury to the matrix
fibrous protein found in the natural nail and is also found in skin and hair
children's nails
grow more rapidly than adult nails
elderly adults
grow more slowly than adult or children's nails
middle finger
nail growth is faster than all other nails
nail growth is slower than all other nails
nails grow faster
nails grow slower
Also known as lateral nail fold; the fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail.
natural nail
Also known as onyx; the hard protective plate is composed mainly of keratin, the same fibrous protein found in skin and hair. The keratin in natural nails is harder than the keratin in skin or hair.
lateral nail fold
Also known as the sidewall.
natural nail unit
Composed of the nail plate, nail bed, matrix cuticle, eponychium, hyponychium, specialized ligaments, and nail fold.
nail cuticle
Dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate. The tissure is sticky and difficult to remove from nail plate. It's job is to seal the space between the natural nail plate and living skin.