MIS 161- test #2 ch:7,9,10,11,12,13,14

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False. (Uses a relative reference.)

The formula =SUM(D28:D30) uses an absolute reference.


True or false: To remove an indentation, click he Decrease Indent button.


In file Explorer windows, Windows displays a(n) __ on the folder icon of compressed folders.

Box D

In the accompanying figure of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following boxes is pointing to the paragraph mark? (Picture of document. Only thing in document is Paragraph mark (Box D) and insertion point (Box C).

The number of copies to be printed

In the accompanying figure of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following is Box 1 pointing to? (Picture of File tab open in document. Only one box, Box1 pointing to box to the right of Print button.)


Is a shorthand way to write an equation that performs a calculation.

Green underline

Means the flagged text is not in Word's dictionary

Outline tab

Shows the text or words on a slide.


Text that prints at the bottom of the margin

Fill Color

A cell background can be formatted by using the __ button.

Quick Access Toolbar

A customizable toolbar that contains buttons you can click to perform frequently used commands.

Linked Object

A file, chart, table, or other object that is created in another application such as Excel, stored in a source file, and inserted into a destination file, such as a PowerPoint slides, while maintaining a connection between the two files.

Protected view

Adam, a college student, downloads a document containing resume templates from the internet. When he opens the document using Microsoft Word 2016, he is able to view the templates but not edit or print them until he enables editing. It is evident that Adam has opened the file in __.

Tell me what you want to do box

Amanda, an Eighth grader, is learning to use Microsoft Office 2016 applications. She does not know the different ways to copy objects from a document. Amanda should use the __ to find information about copying objects.

Dialog Box Launcher

An icon you can click to open a dialog box or task pane from which to choose related commands.

Fill Handle

Appears in the lower-right corner of the active cell or range

Blue underline

Correctly spelled words used inappropriately

The position where the selected text will be placed.

Daniel is editing a Microsoft word 2016 and selects the text shown in the figure. When he presses and holds the mouse button pointing over the selected text and moves the pointer slightly, he notices the vertical like that Box 1 is pointing to in the figure. Which of the following does the vertical line indicate? (Picture where first paragraph is selected. Paragraph symbols at the end of every paragraph. Box 1 pointing to insertion point in front of 'Sincerely,')

-DATE (Year, month, day) ex: =DATE(201,5,23) returns as 5/23/2010. -NOW() (current date and time based on computer's date and time settings.) ex: =NOW(). -TODAY() (current date based on the computer's date setting formatted as a date.) ex: =TODAY().

Date and time functions


Harry, a bank employee, is using Excel to carry out loan payment calculations. He wishes to change the column containing interest rates to an absolute reference. Which of the following keys should Harry use to change the reference to an absolute reference for a selected cell or range?


In Microsoft Office 2016, you can press the __ keys to undo an action.


Is the value the function uses to perform a calculation, including a number, text, or a cell referenced that acts as an operand.

Using the options available in the Font group on the Home tab.

Kim creates a worksheet that contains data about students in her class and their achievements in the previous year. She wants the achievements to stand out from the rest of the data. Kim can achieve this by:

Red underline

Misspelled word

Adjust the column width of a single column to fit its widest entry.

One can double-click a right column border to __.


One can set the __ -the way a page is turned- for the pages in a document.

-AVERAGE (average or mean of the range). -COUNT (the number in the range that contain numbers; ex: =COUNT(D6:D21) returns 16 if all the cells in the range contain numbers. -MAX (the largest number in the range). -MIN (the smallest number in the range).

Statistical Functions

Readers scan an article quickly for key points.

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is designed to help __.

Position button

The __ in the Arrange group on the Picture Tools Format Tab is a shortcut to formatting a graphic as a floating graphic with the Square wrapping option and moving the graphic to a specific position on the page.

Recycle Bin

The __ is a folder on the desktop that stores items deleted from the hard drive until you remove them permanently.

Root directory

The __ is the top of the file system where folders and files that Windows needs when you turn on the computer are stored.

Customize a search to narrow the results

The dialog box shown in the accompanying figure of Microsoft Word 2016 is used to __.

PMT (rate,per, pv, fav, type)

The equal payments needed to repay a loan, at a fixed intervenes rate, in a specified number of periods, future value of the loan and the timing of the payments are optional.

Source File

The file in which a linked or embedded object is stored in a presentation.

FV (rate,per,pmt,pv,type)

The future value of an investment based on equal payments, at a fixed rate, for a specified number of periods. Present values of the investment and the timing of the payments are optional.

A picture along with the current date and time.

The lock screen in Windows 10 displays __.

PV (rate, per, pmt, fv, type)

The present of a loan or an investment based on equal payments, at a fixed rate of Internet, for a specified numbed of payments. Future value of the investment and the timing of the payments are optional.

Active window

The window to which the next keystroke or command is applied is referred to as the __.


True or false: For paragraphs formatted with the Normal style, the next paragraph created is also formatted with the Normal style.

False. (The NOW function displays both the current date and the current time. A date function is a function that inserts or calculates dates and times.)

True or false: The WEEKDAY function returns the current date and time.


True or false: The default desktop you see after you first install Windows 10 is a while background with a picture of light streaming through one square that represents a window. (Windows 10 default desktop is a dark blue background with a picture of light streaming through four squares that represent a window)

False. (Similar to styles you apply to text in word, you can apply styles to change how a cell and its contents are formatted. Excel has a variety of built-in styles to format worksheet titles,, column and row totals, and cells with emphasis.)

True or false: You cannot apply styles to a cell and its contents in Excel.

The entire column will be deleted.

Victor is working on a worksheet and realizes that he has entered incorrect information in a column. He selects the entire column and clicks the Delete button in the Cells group on the Home tab. Which of the following happens when Victor clicks the button?

Box 4

in the accompanying figure of a feature of Microsoft Excel 2016, __ points to the value that will be displayed in the active cell. (Picture of 'Function Arguments' window. Box 1 points to: {4,6,0}. Box 2 points to: 'number' that is gray not black in color. Box 3 points to: 'Number1' under 'Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.' Box 4 points to: '10' from 'Formula result'.)


A worksheet that appears with the chart and has the numbers for the chart.

Backstage View

Set of commands you use to do things to a document, it is accessed by clicking the File tab.

Using the Number Format box arrow in the Number group on the Home tab.

Laura has been entering dates in worksheets using the Long Date format. Her manager sends her an email asking her to change all the dates from the Long Date format to the Short Date format. Laura can make the changes by:


Lauren has created her school project report in an organized and impressive manner. She has received special appreciation from her class teacher for her efforts. For each of her project titles, Lauren had made use of __ for each text box that contained title text so that it gave the text a decorative and formatted look.

You can specify the thickness of and the number of lines in borders.

Which of the following is true of borders in Excel?

Excel uses parenthesis in formulas to interpret them correctly.

Which of the following is true of parenthesis in Microsoft Excel 2016?

When pointed to, the entire button is shaded.

Which of the following is true of the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in Microsoft Word 2016?

It appears in the same folder as the files and folders you compressed.

Which of the following statements is true of a newly created compressed folder?

Scroll bars appear when the workspace is taller than an application window.

Which of the following statements is true of scroll bars in Microsoft Office 2016?

Text can be selected using a keyboard.

Which of the following statements is true of selecting text in Microsoft Word 2016?

Box C

In the accompanying figure of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following boxes is pointing to the ScreenTip?

Active sheet

The sheet currently displayed in the workbook window is called the __.


To create a new theme color set, the first step is to click the Customize Colors command on the Colors button menu in the Document Formatting group on the __ tab.


True or false: If a graphic is an inline graphic, one can drag it to its new position in any line of text.

Nonprinting character

A character that does not print and that control the format of a document is called a __.

The remaining rows will shift up to take the place of the rows that were deleted.

Elsa has collated information for a meeting using Excel. Due to certain developments, some of the data in her worksheet is now redundant. She deletes three rows from her worksheet to reflect the developments. Which of the following will happen to the rest of the rows in the worksheet when Elsa deletes three rows?

Paragraph group

In Microsoft Word 2016, the Numbering button is in the __ on the Home tab.

='Car Loan Calculator'!B10

In the accompanying figure of Microsoft Excel 2016, a worksheet named Budget refers to cell B10 on another worksheet named Car Loan Calculator in the same workbook. Which of the following will be reference to cell B10? (Picture of Excel spreadsheet, starts at line 21, goes to line 38. Column A: Income/Expenses. Column B: Jan. Column C: Feb. etc. Cell B34 selected "Car Loan Payment" for Jan. $422.73)

Lock screen or the Sign in screen

Rene turns on her computer system. After a moment, Windows 10 starts. At this point, Rene will either see the __.


The box at the intersection of a column and a row in a table is a __.

False. (As you enter data into a worksheet, it appears in both the active cell and in the formula bar. The formula bar displays the contents of the active cell.)

True or false: The Name box displays the contents of the active cell..


True or false: The highest level heading style is Heading 1.

Direct formatting

While working with style formatting for a Microsoft Word document,when you change the text or paragraph formatting of a single instance, such as by applying bold or changing the alignment, you are applying __.


Case 12-1 A word document contains a table. Along the top of the table, from left to right, there are boxes labeled "2014," "2015," "2016," and "2017." Along the left of the table, from top to bottom, there are boxes labeled "Minneapolis," "Dallas," and "Seattle." The box marked 2015 in the table is a __.


Case 12-2 John works as an intern at a graphic design company. In his first week of on-the-job training, he has been assigned the task to use Microsoft Word to create tables and format the various data that are entered to give the information a neat and organized look. John enters the information in the corresponding rows and columns of the table. After entering data in one cell, John has to move the insertion point to the next cell to add the next bit of the information. If John wants to move the insertion point to the next cell to the left in the table, he should press __.


Case 12-2 John works as an intern at a graphic design company. In his first week of on-the-job training, he has been assigned the task to use Microsoft Word to create tables and format the various data that are entered to give the information a neat and organized look. John works on the information provided by a dance academy where the data needs to be categorized based on the different dance forms and the learning hours for each form. To organize this information with particular headings and to give it a grid-like appearance, John should use a __.

Text effects

Case 12-3 Parker, an accounts manager at Henuron Pharmaceuticals, creates a document that records all the sales and profits that the company has made over the last three years. He decides to divide the document into sections to give it a more organized and detailed look, such that it can be easily understood by the readers. Parker wants to give a special formatting effect to all the text in the document that mentions special categories of profit-making investments that the company has had so far. Special formatting effects such as an outline, a shadow, reflection, or glow effect that can be applied to each word-based content, which Parker wants to highlight, are referred to as __.


Case 13-1 Matt, a financial consultant, is auditing a friend's documents. Matt wants to calculate the amount of loan payments his friend needs to make on certain loans. He enters the data regarding interest and total principal in the worksheet. Which of the following functions should Matt use to calculate this?


In Microsoft Word 2016, the default setting for paragraph spacing is __ points after each paragraph.

A warning appears to change the margin settings.

Case 11-3 Mac has recently started working as a data-entry officer. To publish his job skills, Mac is learning the various Microsoft Word formatting and text enhancing styles. Mac decides to use a specific custom margin fir all his documents. To do this, he clicks on the Set As Default. Button on the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box. Which of the following happens when Mac creates custom margins that are too narrow?


In a Word document, a(n) __ is identifying information about a file that is saved with the file, such as the author's name and the date the file was created.

Header row

Case 12-1 A word document contains a table. Along the top of the table, from left to right, there are boxes labeled "2014," "2015," "2016," and "2017." Along the left of the table, from top to bottom, there are boxes labeled "Minneapolis," "Dallas," and "Seattle." An additional row is added at the top of the table labeled "Cities" that helps in identifying the type of data that appears in each column. Such a row is called a __.

Operators. (Most commonly used operators are arithmetic operators that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation.)

A formula is written using __ that combine different values to return a single value.

Thumbnail for the selected page in the document

In the accompanying figure of Microsoft Word 2016, Box A indicates the __. (There is no picture looking back at quiz?? Other options: -page that contains a text that has been searched using the Find option. -style formatting applied to the pointed page. -available themes and styles for the pages in the document..

New folder button on the Quick Access Toolbar

In the accompanying figure of Windows 10, Box A is pointing to the __. (Picture of file folder open, documents section opened under this PC. Selected is a new file "New Folder". Box A pointing to far right folder on top left bar.)

Decrease Font Size button

In the accompanying figure of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following is Box 1 pointing to? (Picture of fonts drop down open, Box 1 pointing to smaller 'A' beside font size drop down.)

Format Painter button

In the accompanying figure of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following is Box A pointing to? (Picture of word document with "Brian T. Carter" in it highlighted in gray. Box A points to paintbrush beside Pasta button on the left.)


In the accompanying figure, box __ points to the insertion point. (No picture looking back at quiz?? Options: -D. -A. -C. -B.

Box B

In the accompanying figure, which of the following boxes is pointing to the default font for body text in Microsoft Word 2016? (Picture of font style drop down open, Box A points to top font "Calibri Light"(not the answer), Box B points to 2nd font "Calibri", Box C points to font "Times New Roman", Box D points to font "Arial Black".)

Title bar

In the accompanying image of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, Box A points to the __. (Picture of blank word document, Box A is pointing to top bar where says "Document1- Word"

Box B: points to paintbrush icon.

In the accompanying image of a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which of the following boxes point to the Format Painter button on the Mini toolbar? (Picture of word document, there are boxes A-D. It is not Box D: points to fill color icon in paragraph section.

Quick Part

Lisa inserts her house address as the return address at the bottom of any official document that she sends out. She formats this return address using bold and italic, centered, with a thin black line surrounding it. This formatted return address is referred to as a(n) __.

Ctrl+Home keys

Maggie's, a learning designer, is developing an instructional manual on Word. She is insure of the title for the documents and keeps changing it often. Since the manual has nearly 50 pages, she finds it time consuming to scroll to the beginning of the document each time. Which of the following keys should Maggie press to move the insertion point to the beginning of the document?

Analyze and present charts of numerical data.

Microsoft Excel 2016 is used to:

Absolute references

Miley is using Excel to calculate the value of power. She varies the value of voltage while maintaining a constant value of current. In the final step, she adds a $ in front of the current value in a formula. The formula entered by Miley is composed of __.

False. (In Microsoft Word 2016, the Print screen contains options for printing the document and a preview displaying a full-page version of the document in the right pane. However, you cannot edit the document from the Print screen; it simply provides a way to look at the document page by page before printing)

True or false: In Microsoft word 2016, you can edit a document from the Print screen.


True or false: Shutting down your computer makes sure that it starts quickly the next time you use it.

False. (Styles in the Grid Tables section include visible borders between the columns. Styles in the List Tables section do not include visible vertical borders between the columns.)

True or false: Styles in the List Tables section include visible borders between the columns.

False. (Unlike photos, text boxes are inserted as floating objects so you can position them anywhere on the page. Text boxes created using the WordArt button have the In Front of Text wrapping option applied.)

True or false: Text boxes created using the WordArt button have the At Back of Text wrapping option applied.

False. (The MEDIAN function calculates the middle value of a collection of numbers.)

True or false: The MIDPOINT function calculates the middle value of a collection of numbers.

False. (the default setting for Microsoft Word 2016 documents is one-inch margins on all sides. Margins are the blank areas at the top, bottom, left, and right sides of a page between the text and the edge of the page.)

True or false: The default setting for Microsoft Word 2016 documents is 1.5-inch margins on all sides.

Live tile

A tile that displays content that is regularly updated is called a(n) __.

False. (The quickest way to move a sheet is to use drag and drop to drag its sheet tab to the new location. As you drag a sheet tab, the pointer indicates where the sheet tab will be dropped when you release the mouse button.)

True or false: The quickest way to move a sheet is to copy and paste them in the new location.


True or false: When you click the Maximize button, the window resizes to fill the screen.

Mixed reference

A(n) __ is a cell reference that contains both an absolute reference and a relative reference.

With a mouse, click before the first character you want to select, press and hold down left mouse button then drag over text. When all are highlighted that you want, release the mouse button. With a keyboard, position the insertion point before the first character you want to select, you can click or use the arrow key pointing in the direction you want to select the text. To select the nonadjacent text, just do the same method, press and hold the Ctrl key then use the mouse and drag to select as many other blocks of text as needed.

Briefly explain the ways of selecting text in Microsoft Office 2016.


Case 10-1 Janice, a content writer, uses Microsoft Word 2016 to create articles. She enters the text, edits it, and changes the appearance of the document using the same application. Janice wants to enter the current month as January. She types the first four characters of the month and a ScreenTip appears, suggesting that the Enter key can be pressed to insert "January" into the document. This ScreenTip is an example of the __ feature.

( r)

Case 10-1 Janice, a content writer, uses Microsoft Word 2016 to create articles. She enters the text, edits it, and changes the appearance of the document using the same application. Janice wishes to add a registered trademark symbol at the end of the pages in the document. She should type __ so that AutoCorrect converts it into a registered trademark symbol.

Home tab

Case 10-2 Ali, a student, has signed up for an online course on formatting in Microsoft Word 2016. During the course, he learns to format paragraphs as a whole. He practices what he learns to format paragraphs as a whole. He practices what he learns in the course on the Microsoft Word 2016 application in his system. Ali wants to type the steps to instal an application. He finds the numbering formats in the Paragraph group on the __.

Select the Navigation pane check box in the Show group on the View tab

Case 11-1 Cindy is learning the basics of formatting Microsoft Word documents. Her trainer, Annie, is an expert at giving lessons on working with documents and how it can be enhanced for better understanding and appearance. Cindy decides to use the Pages tab in the Navigation document to scroll through the document she is formatting. To open the Navigation Pane, Cindy should __.

Show field codes instead of their values.

Case 11-3 Mac has recently started working as a data-entry officer. To polish his job skills, Mac is learning the various Microsoft Word formatting and text enhancing styles. Mac tries to insert page numbers to each page in a document. However, {PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT} appears instead of the page number. To fix this, he opens Options in the File tab, clicks on Advanced, and scrolls down to the "Show document content" section. Here, Mac should deselect __ check box before clicking the OK button.


Case 7-2 Sandra uses her computer system extensively to perform her daily official tasks. She feels that knowing how to save, locate, and organize computer files makes her more productive while working on the system. Sandra finds that most of the important files that she wants to modify are available within a compressed folder. To create uncompressed copies of them in a folder, she will have to __ the files.

Save As

Case 9-2 Sarah is preparing the annual financial report of her company using Microsoft Word 2016. After Studying the report, Sarah makes a few modifications to the file. She wants to retain the changes in a file with a new name so that the old file remains unchanged. To do this, Sarah should use the __ option.

Current location of the file being saved.

In the accompanying image of Microsoft Word 2016, Box A points to the __. (Picture of save as folder, Box A pointing to top search bar "Chapter", where you can tell where you are saving a file.)


To find specific text in a document, you can use the __ tab in the Navigation pane, which you open by clicking the Find button in the Editing group on the Home tab.

Empty recycle bin

To permanently delete the files stored in the Recycle Bin, right-click the Recycle Bin and then click __ on the shortcut menu.

False. (A file extension is the three or four characters that follow the dot in a file name and that identify the file type. As you work with files, pay attention to file names- they provide information about the file, including its contents and purpose.)

True or false: A File identifier is the three or four characters that follow the dot in a file name and that identify the file type.

False. (If you do not know how to perform a task or if you want more information about a feature, you can use the Tell me what you want to do box. If you want more information about the topic, click Get Help on "key words" to open the Word 2016 Help window. To access all of the Help topics, your computer must be connected to the Internet.)

True or false: In Microsoft Office 2016, a computer need not be connected to the internet to access all the Help topics.

False. (As you work, you might make mistakes that you want to correct or undo, or you might need to replace a value based on more current information. You could simply make the cell active and then press the F2 key.)

True or false: One of the ways to edit data in a cell is by selecting it and pressing the F5 key.

False. (Scroll bars appear in Microsoft Office application windows when the workspace is taller or wider than the window. Depending on the application and zoom level, you might see a vertical scroll bar, a horizontal scroll bar, or both.)

True or false: Scroll bars appear in Microsoft Office application windows when the workspace is shorter or narrower than the window.

False. (To select nonadjacent text in Microsoft 2016, after selecting the first block of the text, press and hold the Ctrl key and then use the mouse and drag to select as many other blocks of text as you want.)

True or false: To select adjacent text in Microsoft Office 2016, after selecting the first block of the text, press and hold the Alt key and use the mouse to drag and select as many other blocks of text as required.

False. (In order to work with columns and rows, you need to know how to select them. You can select all the columns and rows in a worksheet by clicking the Select All button in the upper-left corner of the worksheet.)

True or false: You can select all the columns and rows in a worksheet by holding the Alt key while double-clicking on a column.

Relative references are used when you want to repeat the same formula with cells in different locations. It is mostly used to copy a formula that sums a column of numbers or calculates the cost of several items by multiplying the item cost by the quantity being purchased. This helps avoid an error when typing data. Absolute references have a '$' before each column and row designation. Best used when you want different formulas to refer to the same cell. Mixed references are the least used. It is used mostly when creating tables of values that are calculated like a multiplication table where the values of the formula can be found in the initial rows and columns.

When are relative, absolute, and mixed references used in Excel? Briefly Explain.

Insertion point

When editing content directly in a cell, the Right and Left arrow keys move the __ backward or forward through the cell's content.

The row height increases as needed to fit the text.

Which of the following happens if you choose to wrap text within a cell?

Setting the column width in terms of characters per column.

Which of the following should be considered when setting column widths?

Associated Press (AP)

While selecting a citation style, journalists commonly use the __ style, which focuses on the concise writing style common in magazines and newspapers.

Page Break Preview

__ displays the location of page breaks within a worksheet.


__ is the amount added to the principal by the lender.


__ means to align Paragraph text along the right margin with ragged edges along the left margin.

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