MIS Chapter 6
The Problem
- Data rich, information poor -Can't get all the data they need quick enough -Businesses face data explosions such as digital images, email inboxes, and broadband connections doubles by 2010 -The amount of data generated is doubling every year -Some believe it will soon double monthly
Data Warehouse
-A logical collection of information gathered from many different operational databases that support business analysis activities and decision-making tasks -Aggregate information throughout an organization into a single repository for decision-making purposes -Extend the transformation of data into information -Provided the ability to support decision making without disrupting the day to day operations
Data Aggregation
-Collection of data from various sources for the purpose of data processing. -One example of a data aggregation is to gather information about particular groups based on specific variables such as age, profession, or income
The Solution
-Improving the quality of business decisions has a direct impact on costs and revenue -BI enables users to receive data for analysis that is reliable, consistent, understandable, and easily manipulated
-The analysis of streaming data as it travels around the Internet
-The scale of data -Includes enormous volumes of data generated daily from machines and networks
-The uncertainty or untrustworthiness of data including biases, noise, and abnormalities -Data must be meaningful to the problem being analyzed -Data must be kept clean and implement processes to keep from dirty data accumulating in systems
Source Data
-identifies the primary location where data is collected
Example of all this:
1 table named: Tracks is the Entity. The Attributes are the top categories such as track number, track title, and track length. The records are the attributes numbered 1-3 under the attribute track number. The primary key is track number and the foreign key is an attribute that is repeated in many tables so that you can find more relationships.
Low Quality
1. Customers enter inaccurate information to protect their privacy 2. Different entry formats 3. Operators enter abbreviated info by accident or to save time 4. Third party and external info contain errors
Identity Management
A broad administrative area that deals with identifying individuals in a system (such as a country, a network, or an enterprise) and controlling their access to resources within that system by associating user rights and restrictions with the established identity
Big Data
A collection of large, complex datasets, including structured and unstructured data, which cannot be analyzed using traditional database methods and tools and includes the following four common characteristics Variety Veracity Volume Velocity
A collection of related data elements
Increased Scalability and Performance
A database must scale to meet increased demand, while maintaining acceptable performance levels
Primary Key
A field(or group) that uniquely identifies a given entity in a table, they provide a way of distinguishing each record in a table
A person, place, thing, transaction, or event about which information is stored (each entity has a table with rows and columns)
Foreign Key
A primary key of one table that appears as an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship between the two tables
Extraction, Transformation, Loading*
A process that extracts information from internal and external databases, transforms the information using a common set of enterprise definitions, and loads the information into a data warehouse
Information cleansing or scrubbing
A process that weeds out and fixes or discards inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete information
Data Map
A technique for establishing a match, or balance, between the source data and the target data warehouse
High Quality
Accurate, Complete, Consistent, Timely, Unique Can significantly improve the chances of making a good decision which impacts an organizations bottom line
Database Management System
Allows users to create, read, update, and delete data in a relational database while controlling access and security
Relational Database Management System
Allows users to read, create, update, and delete data in a relational databse
Information Timeliness
An aspect of information that depends on the situation
Data Driven Websites
An interactive website kept constantly updated and was always relevant to the needs of its customers using a database
Data Set
An organized collection of data
Structured Query Language Tool
Asks users to write lines of code to answer questions against a database
Information Quality
Business decisions are only as good as the quality of information used to make those decisions
Comparative Analysis
Can compare two or more data sets to identify patterns and trends
Data Dictionary*
Complies all of the metadata about the data elements in the data model
Data Mart
Contains a subset of data warehouse information sent from the ETL
Reduced Information Redundancy
Databases reduce information redundancy Inconsistency is one if the primary problems with redundant information
Physical View
Deals with the physical stage of information on a storage device
Business Rule
Defines how a company performs certain aspects of its business and typically results in either a yes/no or true/false answer (10-day return policy)
Departmental goals, revenues, expenses, processes, and strategies
Information Granularities
Detail(fine), summary, aggregate(coarse)
Details about data Example: metadata about an image could be its size, resolution, and date created
Access Control
Determines types of user access, such as read-only access
Access Level
Determines who has access to the different types of information
Different forms of structured and unstructured data (spreadsheets, databases, email, videos, and PDF's)
Information Formats
Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and Database
Data Driven Website Advantages
Easy to manage content, easy to store large amounts of data, and easy to eliminate human errors
Transactional Information
Encompasses all of the information contained within a single business with a purpose to support the performing of daily operational tasks(airline ticket, sales receipt, packing slip)
Analytical Information
Encompasses all organizational information, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis tasks(product statistics, sales projections, future growth, and trends)
Business-Critical Integrity Constraint
Enforce business rules vital to an organization's success and often require more knowledge and insight than relational integrity constraints (15 day return policy because the produce would be bad by then)
Enterprise revenues, expenses, processes, and strategies
Inconsistent Data Definitions
Every department had its own method for recording data so when trying to share information, data did not match and users did not get the data they really needed
Dirty Data
Flawed Data, complete removal is impossible, business problem not MIS
Logical View
Focuses on how individual users logically access information to meet their own particular business needs
Increased Flexibility
Handle changes quickly and easily have only one physical view, provide users with different views, and have multiple logical views
Query By Example Tool
Helps users graphically design the answer to a question against a database
Real time information
Immediate, up to date information however can slow down decisions because real-time information is always changing
Low Quality Leads To:
Inability to track customers, difficulty to identify valuable customers, can't identify selling opportunities, etc.
Data Validation
Includes the tests and evaluations used to determine compliance with data governance policies to ensure the correctness of data, helps to ensure that every data value is correct and accurate
Database advantages from a business perspective include:
Increased flexibility Increased information integrity Increased scalability performance, Reduced information redundancy Increased information security
Individual knowledge, goals, and strategies
Information Levels
Individual, Department, and Enterprise
Increased Information Security
Information is an organizational assist and must be protected Databases offer several security features
4 Traits of the Value of Information
Information type, timeliness, quality, and governance
Is everywhere in an organization and is stored in databases
Data Steward
Is responsible for ensuring the policies and procedures are implemented across the organization and acts as a liaison between the MIS departments and business
Data Model*
Logical data structures that detail the relationships among data elements using graphics or pictures
Maintains information about various types of objects(inventory), events(transactions), people(employees), and places(warehouse)
Lack of Data Standards
Managers need to perform cross-functional analysis using data from all departments, which differed in granularities, formats, and levels
Measures how quickly people can access their demands
Information Integrity
Measures the quality of information
Ineffective Direct Data Access
Most data stored in operational databases did not allow users direct access; users had to wait to have their queries or questions answered by MIS professionals who could code SOL
Data Gap Analysis
Occurs when a company examines its data to determine if it can meet business expectations while identifying where missing data might exist
Information Integrity Issues
Occurs when a system produces incorrect, inconsistent, or duplicate data
Information Inconsistency
Occurs when the same data element has different values
Business Intelligence
Organizational data is difficult to access and contains structured and unstructured data
Provides authentication of the user
Real time system
Provides real-time information in response to requests
Refers to how well a system can adapt to increased demands
Data Governance
Refers to the overall management of availability, usability, integrity, and security of company data
Reports across departments, organizations, and companies
Reports for all sale personnel, all products, and all parts
Reports for each salesperson, product, and part
Relational Integrity Constraint
Rules that enforce basic and fundamental information-based constraints (not allow someone to create an order for a nonexisting customer or order zero pounds of raw material from a supplier)
Integrity Constraint
Rules that help ensure the quality of information, the database design need to consider these
Relational Database Model
Stores information in the form of logically related two-dimensional tables
The billing system has accounts payable customer contact information
Customer Service
The customer service system has the product user customer contact information
Attribute (field, columns)
The data elements associated with an entity (head columns in each table contain the attributes)
Poor Data Quality
The data, if available, were often incorrect or incomplete. Therefore, users could not rely on the data to make decisions
Information Redundancy
The duplication of data or storing the same information in multiple places
Data Stewardship
The management and oversight of an organization's data assets to help provide business users with high-quality data that is easily accessible in a consistent manner
Marketing and Sales
The marketing and sales system has decision maker customer contact information
Master data management
The practice of gathering data and ensuring that it is uniform, accurate, consistent, and complete, including entities
Date Element*
The smallest or basic unit of info can include a customer's name, address, email, discount rate, quantity ordered, and preferred shipping method
Data Latency
The time it takes for data to be stored or retrieved
Information Type
Transactional and Analytical
Inadequate Data Usefulness
Users could not get the data they needed; what was collected was not always useful for intended purposes
Where data is stored and managed
Data Broker
a business that collects personal information about consumers and sells that information to other organizations.
Data Lake
a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its original format until the business needs it
Data Driven Decision Management
an approach to business governance that values decisions that can be backed up with verifiable data
Data Point
an individual item on a graph or a chart
Analyze big data
data mining, big data analytics, and data visualization
DBMS uses three primary models for organizing information
hierarchical, network, and the relational database