Miss Julie

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One of his relatives let his wife sleep with the king during the Danish War

How did the count become a count?

Beginning, memi, ballet

How does the playwright break the play into three parts?

Jean is the count's chauffeur/ servant

How is Jean related to Ms. Julie?

She is the cook for the count

How is Kristine connected to Ms. Julie's family?

Garden of Eden guarded by angels with flaming swords and the Tree of Life- The count's garden and his apple trees -Prophesy under a lucky star, so you'll catch a glimpse of your husband- star of Bethlehem -Thief can enter heaven- farmhand's son enter the manor house -John the Baptist- beheaded, like the bird -Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He takes all our sins- So many sins in this play, need for forgiveness from count -"where sin is abounded, grace did much more abound"

What are the three Biblical references and their significances?

Proclaim his love for her and run away with her -Transitioned into wanting Jean to order her to kill herself

What did Ms. Julie want Jean to do?

His family was very poor His dad was a farm hand for the District Attorney Grew up in a shack with 7 brothers and sisters in the middle of a wasteland

What do we know about Jean's family?

She comes from a low status

What do we know about Kristine's family?

Her mom wouldn't marry the count because she was a feminist and didn't agree with marriage. When Julie was born her parents were still unmarried.

Ms. Julie is not a countess why?

Speak through a speaking tube

Ms. Julie's dad is an offstage character but Jean talks to him how?

Yes because the author hates women -They hate men and believe in women's rights and that women and men are equals

Are women in the play evil?

The bird is decapitated

Does John the Baptist have anything to do with the play? (John was decapitated) What does that have to do with the play?

Mother- Feminist, commoner who fell in love with the count, believed in social equality, didn't want Julie, brought Julie up as a man to show girls are as good as men, became ill shortly after being forced to marry the count, started the fire that burnt down the whole estate, used her money she hid before being forced to marry the count to rebuild the estate, had an affair, hated men Father- the count, did what his "lover" said until the estate started to suffer, Grandfather- let his wife sleep with a king during the Danish war to become count

What do we know about Ms. Julie's mother, father, and grandfather?

See- A fountain with a statue of Cupid, lilac bushes in bloom, and tops of Lombardy poplars

What do you see out of the glass door? What is the importance

Kidney from the veal roast Slop for the dog

What does Kristine cook?


What does Kristine do?

Before- dances with the servants Middle- has sex w/ Jean and talks about running away with him End-kills herself

What does Miss Julie do before, in the middle, and after the play?

Ms. Julie has Jean pretend to hypnotize her so that he will tell her to kill herself

What does mesmerism and hypnotism have to do with the play?

The broom is the razer and the sweeping is using the razor to cut into Ms. Julie's skin

What does the broom do?

According to Jean- Miss Julie was "training"her fiance to jump over riding crop like a dog and hitting him with crop each time. He took the crop and hit her in the cheek with it and broke the crop then left. -According to Miss Julie- She got engaged to the lawyer to make him her slave, but got tired of him so ended the relationship

What happened to Ms. Julie's engagement? How long was it broken off and why?

She became ill and then died (killed herself?)

What happened to Ms. Julie's mom?

Dancing and Julie kills herself

What happens in the barn?

Julie kills herself with a razor in the barn Dancing Jean and Julie have sex

What happens offstage?

Midsummer's eve/ midsummer's day- most festive holiday in Sweden

What is going on in Sweden?

Clara* and Sophie

What is the maid's name?

The count's kitchen

What is the scenery location?

Dog, horses, green finch Why-These animals symbolize Miss Julie. The dog, Diana, mates with a mongrel, representing Miss Julie's sexual intercourse with Jean, a valet. Jean later kills the bird and provides Miss Julie the razor that she uses to kill herself. How many- one finch (Serena), two dogs (Diana and a mut) +horses

What pets does Ms. Julie have? Why? How many?

June 23-24 188?

When (Day/ Month/ Year) did the play take place?

With her father visiting family

Where was Ms. Julie suppose to be during the play?

The count's chef/ servant

Who is Kristine?

She burned it down as a revenge for the count forcing her to get married to him

Why didn't Ms. Julie's mother allow her to go into the cowshed?

She just ended her engagement and it's her time of the month. She's a girl so she is hysterical

Why is Ms. Julie acting crazy?

Jean thinks you can buy your title there, so after making money at his hotel, they will go to Romania and he will be a count and Miss Julie will be his countess

Why is Romania important to one character?

Jean- "Gift from God"

Why is the character named Jean?

She is the main character and protagonist

Why is the title "Miss Julie"?

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