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internal combustion engine

Made gas/liquid fuels very widespread. Example of how new technologies changed peoples' lives

domestic servants

Many women became domestic servants because they needed to support their families, and middle class women at the time glorified domesticity.

May Day

May 1; made an international labor day to be marked by strikes and mass labor demonstrations by the Second International, a socialist group

Consuelo Vanderbilt

Wealthy american heiresses were in special demand. when _______ _______, married the duke of marlborough, the new duchess brought $10 million to her husband

Crimean War

(1853-1856) Russian war against Ottomans for control of the Black Sea; intervention by Britain and France cause Russia to lose; Russians realize need to industiralize.

Franco-Prussian War

(1870 - 1871) Was a conflict between the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. France, fearing a Prussian-controlled Spain attacked Germany to not be surrounded and lost. Napoleon III was captured. France lost Alsace and Lorraine to Germany The complete Prussian and German victory brought about the final unification of Germany under King Wilhelm I of Prussia thanks to liberals wanting national unity as well.

Second Industrial Revolution

(1871-1914) Involved development of chemical, electrical, oil, and steel industries. Mass production of consumer goods also developed at this time through the mechanization of the manufacture of food and clothing. It saw the popularization of cinema and radio. Provided widespread employment and increased production.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

On the Origin of Species

1859: Charles Darwin's book explained how various species evolve over time and only those with advantages can survive and reproduce

Henry Ford

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents. Used combustion engines in his work. Example of new technology changing peoples' lives


A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be

Louis Pasteur

A French chemist, this man discovered that heat could kill bacteria that otherwise spoiled liquids including milk, wine, and beer.

General Georges Boulanger

A popular military officers who gathered up all the monarchy favoring people (Bonapartists, aristocrats, nationalists etc) and was going to lead them into a war against the republic Fled when he was about to face the government. This only rallied support for the republican government.

The Communist Manifesto

A socialist manifesto written by Marx and Engels (1848) describing the history of the working-class movement according to their views. The Communists will prevail - history has always been a class struggle between the two classes, and this time the proletariat will win against the bourgeoisie and create a classless economy

North German Confederation

After the Austro-Prussian war Austria got kicked out of European politics. Now Prussia has reorganized Germany and taken control of all the states above the Main River. The southern German states were independent, but forced to militarily help Prussia thanks to contracts.

Alexander II and the serfs

Alexander II put a lot of energy into Russian System: ended up abolishing serfdom. -Peasants now allowed to own property, marry who they wanted to, and bring suits in the law courts. Land they could own was always not very good, couldn't support themselves well. Mir: state bought land from landowners and sold it to peasants; state compensated landowners from the money peasants gave them. -didn't allow peasants to leave land.

Alexander III and Nicholas II

Alexander III said that reform was a bad thing and he created a secret police. Advocates of constitutional monarchy and social reform groups and revolutionary groups were persecuted. If the gov suspected the inhabitants of treason then the entire city was placed under martial law. The zemstovs powers were severely decreased. Nicholas II adopted his fathers ideas that the absolute power of the tsars should be preserved.

Austro-Prussian War

Also known as the Seven Weeks' War. This war was between Austria and Prussia, with Italy helping Prussia. It was over control of the German Confederation. Prussia won, and created the North German Confederation, of which Austria was not a part, and Italy received Venetia. This isolated Austria politically.

Dual Monarchy

An 1867 compromise between the Germans of Austria-Bohemia and the Magyars of Germany to resolve the nationalities problem by creating the empire of Austria and the kingdom of Hungary, with a common ministry for finance, foreign affairs, and war

the Football Association and National and American Leagues

Associations established to help regulate sports. Sports were seen as a fun way to promote masculine values. In a mass society, sports teams gave people a sense of identity.


Attempt by Hungary to solve its nationalities problem by imposing the Hungarian language in all schools annd making it the official language spoken by the govt.

Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone

Benjamin Disraeli: leader of the Tories (AKA Conservatives) passed the Reform Act of 1867-allowed for more voters. Wanted it to benefit his party but ended up helping the Whigs. William Gladstone:resp for secret ballot voting (couldn't cheat) and abolished the practice of buying military commissions. Education Act of 1870 attempted to make elementary schools available to all children. liberals sought to strengthen nation and its institutions by letting people with talent to compete fairly- no abuses.


Bismarck's anticlerical campaign to expel Jesuits from Germany and break off relations with Vatican. Eventually, after little success, Bismarck halted these policies.

Irish Home Rule

Britain finally gave the Irish the power to self rule but the protestants and Catholics couldn't get along enough so it caused more problems. Issues weren't addressed until post WWI.

Thomas Cook

British Pioneer of mass tourism. Used a large railroad to take many people around the country for a cheep price. Got him a TON of money. Even allowed lower classes to take weekend trips along with the middle class and upper class.

Queen Victoria

British Queen, under whose rule the British empire reached the height of its wealth and power, forced to accept a new, virtually powerless role after the Chartist movement

Contagious Diseases Acts

British law giving authorities the right to examine prostitutes for venereal disease; prostitutes infected with a venereal disease were confined to "lock hospitals" and given moral instruction; opposition to the act arose from middle class reformers who objected to laws that punished women who suffered from veneral disease but not men; due to their efforts, the act was repealed in 1886.

Public Health Act of 1875

British law that prohibited the construction of new buildings without running water and an internal drainage system.

music halls and dance halls

Common lower class pastime. Meant for only males but eventually let females and children in as well. Dance halls were more oriented to adults-very dirty and suggestive dancing. Didn't want young children involved in that.

Richard Wagner and Gesamtkunstwerk

Created a true German opera. Had a unique idea of dramatic music. Gesamtkunstwerk: music drama and it was for the theater, music, acting, and singing all combined together.Came up with many story ideas from old epics and myths in German folklore

Second German Empire

Created when the southern German states agreed to enter the Northern German Confederation; on January 18, 1871, King William I, with Bismarck at his side, was proclaimed kaiser (emperor) at the palace at Versailles.


District or village assemblies that administered local areas; established by Alexander II.

garden city movement

Ebenezer Howard's movement, which advocated the construction of new towns separated from each other by open country with recreational areas, fresh air, and sense of community that would encourage healthy family life

Michael Faraday

English chemist who created the first simple electric motor and the first dynamo

Charles Darwin

English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)

Charles Dickens

English writer whose novels depicted and criticized social injustice (1812-1870)

Florence Nightingale

Established sanitary nursing care units. Founder of modern nursing. began professional education of nursing.

Boy Scouts

Founded out of the belief that a child's surroundings determine their character (oh hey Locke!). The point of the Boy Scouts was to instill patriotism, self-sacrifice, and masculinity. Example of new mass...stereotypes?

battles of Magenta and Solferino

French defeated Austrians in the two battles for Italy -Realized that Prussia was going to help Austria and Napoleon didn't want to take on two enemies. -French created a peace with Austria to end war quickly after these two important battles.

Jean Jaures

French revisionist socialist who repudiated revisionist doctrines to achieve a unified socialist state. Think more French Revolution instead of Marx.

Reform Act of 1884

Gave the right to vote to all men who paid regular rents or taxes. Greatly increased agricultural workers and also later eliminated the boroughs. Made constituencies with about equal populations and one representative each. Made the House of Commons become even more democratized.

Social Democratic Party

German Party in late 1870s that were committed to a Marxist critique of capitalism and cooperation with other socialist parties internationally. Bismark saw them as threat to stability of Germany and outlawed the party, although candidates stood for election. Socialist strength steadily grew.

Gottlieb Daimler

German engineer and automobile manufacturer who produced the first high-speed internal combustion engine (1834-1900)

Eduard Bernstein

German social democratic theoretician and politician, a member of the SPD, and the founder of evolutionary socialism and revisionism.

Baron Houssmann and Paris

He was the man who helped change the layout of Paris so military could work better there so it would look better and so people could not set up barricades as easily.

Spanish-American War

In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence

Guglielmo Marconi

Italian electrical engineer known as the father of radio (1874-1937)


Independent enterprises working together to control prices to guarantee profits for everyone. This stopped price drops and is a result of improvements in

Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan

Invented the lightbulb! (WIP)

Graham Bell

Invented the telephone! Revolutionized the use of electricity in everyday life

Ottoman Empire

Islamic state founded by Osman in northwestern Anatolia. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire was based at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) from 1453-1922. It encompassed lands in the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe.

Mexico and Emperor Maximilian

Napoleon III appointed Maximilian to watch French interests in Mexico. When Mexican Nationalists revolted in 1867, they executed Max

France's Third Republic

National Assembly wanted a monarch but they couldn't figure out who so they set up a constitution that made a republican government and a bicameral legislature. This became the Third Republic that lasted 65 years.

Napoleon III

Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, and elected emperor of France from 1852-1870, he invaded Mexico when the Mexican government couldn't repay loans from French bankers. He sent in an army and set up a new government under Maximillian. He refused Lincoln's request that France withdraw. After the Civil War, the U.S. sent an army to enforce the request and Napoleon withdrew.

the "weekend"

New work patterns start developing as factories start changing the definition of "work": now, there are distinct times for leisure and work!

Count Otto von Bismarck

Part of the Junker class (German Nobility) Wanted a diplomatic experience- bc Prussian delegate to German Confederation. (Learned characteristics of rulers through this) -Helped in unification of Germany- only waged war when he knew he would win; played it very safe. -Practiced Realpolitik-the end justifies the means. Liberalism/Nationalism can be separated from each other. - Used Nationalism as a way of keeping the Germans and liberals together, but used conservatism to carry out his policies. -Thought Prussia needed a strong army but parliament disagreed. Went ahead and raised taxes anyways- parliament didn't to a thing to stop him.

Bismarck's welfare legislation

Passed tons of laws on social welfare to get people away from socialism. Pensions were granted for the sick, old, accident, and disabilities. Not granted for death though. This was the most successful system ever but it was hard to get a full pension. Failed to stop the growth of socialism.

Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary

Perfect version of the Realism novel. A woman was tired of her boring love life to a drab doctor went out and became a prostitute with men younger and better looking than her husband. This life didn't suit her either so she ended up killing herself. He depicted the contempt for the bourgeois society- lots of middle class hypocrisy and smugness.

Piedmont and the House of Savoy

Piedmont: Italian state that unification was focused on. Best place to hope to achieve goal. House of Savoy: Ruled the kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia (previously tried to defeat Austrian rule but Concert of Euro. stepped in) - Under King Victor Emmanuel II- led Italy to unification

Lord Tennyson's The Princess

Poem written to describe the women's position as much more than just working at them home and being inferior to men. Wanted to be equal to men.

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln stated that the nation's slaves were free. This made the civil war a fight to end slavery, not only re unite the country. War soon ended with a blockade of the South- shortage of fighting men made Confederate desperate and war soon ended.

William II

This new German emperor opposed Bismarck, fired him, and ended up being less successful than Bismarck anyway with his aggressive foreign policy.

Franz Liszt

This was a pianist in the Romanticism era that was a star in his day

"iron and blood" and Realpolitik

Realpoltick was a German realist political movement that Bismarck used similar tactics to unify Germany he used military i.e. The iron and blood of the the people to win

the assembly line

Result of improved precision technology, allows people to produce a lot of things very fast.

Cuba and the Philippines

Spain was forced to give Cuba and Philippines to the Americans after they lost the Spanish-American War. This pissed off people at home, and led to many calls for social reforms.

Michael Bakunin and anarchism

Russian anarchist; believed that small groups of well-trained, fanatical revolutionaries could perpetrate so much violence that the state and its institutions would disintegrate; after his death in 1876, anarchists used assassinations as their instrument of terror

Dmitri Mendeleyev

Russian chemist who arranged the 63 elements, creating the first periodic table.

battles of Sadowa and Sedan

Sadowa: The Austro-Prussian war (1866). bismarck beat austria and used the chance to isolate austria, without kicking them in the face with hard peace settlements. Sedan is the Franco-Prussia War 1870-1871, where the French army with Napoleon was captured by the Prussian Armies


The "Compromise" of 1867 that created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary. Austria and Hungary each had its own capital, constitution, and legislative assembly, but were united under one monarch.

the Commune

The Paris extralegal revolutionary government. They

the Reichstadt

The lower house of the german parliament, that elected based on universal male suffrage but did not have ministerial responsibility. It presented the opportunities for the growth of real political democracy, though it failed to develop before WWI because all the leaders just ruled via emergency decree.

Willhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel

The leaders of the Social Democratic Party. They helped advance social benefits legislation for workers. They also preferred gradual change as opposed to instantaneous change.


The name of the free trade zone that German states created in the early 19th century, decades prior to their unification.

Reform Bill of 1867

This gives working class the right to vote. Disraeli believes that this will make them vote conservative because they gave them their suffrage. This does end up destroying the Liberal and Malthusian party in England.

Hegel's dialectic

This idea was used in the Manifesto. Everything evolves and all change in history is a result of two antagonistic elements clashing. Marx disagreed with this idea, believing that history was determined by material forces (not by the emergence of new ideas as this idea stated).

Dardanelles and Savastopol

This was a strait controlled by the Ottoman empire that Russia was eyeing. Britain jumped in the Crimean war to prevent them from gaining it. The second thing was a siege of this Russian city. After lots of Russian deaths, Tsar Alexander II finally surrendered with the Treaty of Paris.

Dominion of Canada

Unified Canadian government created by Britain to bolster Canadians against potential attacks or overtures from the United States.

Wilbur and Orville Wright

Used combustion engines in their airplanes. Planes would later take off in popularity during WWI. Example of new technology changing peoples' lives

Coney Island and Blackpool

Used new transportation to take people to amusement parks outside of the cities. Had Ferris Wheels and other entertainments together-threw young women and men together. Accessible for weekend getaways-tourism as a economic benefit began.

Marxist "revisionism"

Used to prove Marx's ideas as wrong. Different view of Marxism-realized that the collapse of capitalism was inevitable and the need for a social ownership was necessary for the means of production. THE MIDDLE CLASS IS EXPANDING!!!!!!!

the People's Will

a Russian terrorist organization, best known for the successful assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia. It created a centralized, well disguised, and most significant organization in a time of diverse liberation movements in Russia.

Marx's Das Kapital

after the failures of the revolutions in 1848, marx went to london, where he spent the rest of his life. He continued writing on political economy. The das kapital (capital) was only one volume long.

Elizabeth Blackwell

an abolitionist, women's rights activist, and the first female doctor in the United States. Blind and deaf!

Joseph Lister

discovered how antiseptics prevented infection. Proved bacteria cause infections by entering wounds. Used carbolic acid to stop infections. Developed anesthesia, making surgeries better. Dropped death rates.

First International

first convened in 1864, it was also known as the International Working Men's Association. It was an eclectic gathering eventually headed by Karl Marx, who used the First International to spread his ideas about socialism and the need for revolution in the capitalist society. Members of the First International hoped that the Paris Commune would be the spark for revolution across Europe, although it obviously failed.

Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Red Shirts

former Italian supporter of Mazzini, democratic republican whose men were called the Red Shirts, assigned to stop a revolt in Southern Italy against the Bourbon kings of the Two Sicilies and later marched up the peninsula conquering provinces, gave control of his army and his lands to Cavour to prevent a civil war

white-collar jobs

jobs that do not involve manual labor although they require less education and provide a lower income than do the jobs held by the upper-middle class (nurses, small-business owners, salesmen)


lower or working class who used new transportation to visit the amusement parks and stayed for only a weekend or so. Bother to the middle class. Often swam at the beach, wondered on walks just to get a break from their normal lives.

Count Camillo di Cavour

named prime minister in 1852 by King Victor Emmanuel, he led the northern troops to victory and unification of Italy in 1861

"yellow press"

newspapers that used sensational headlines and exaggerated stories in order to promote readership example of mass entertainment

V.A. Huber and Octavia Hill

one of the first German housing reformers. Believed that the construction of model dwellings renting at a reasonable price would force other private landlords to elevate their own housing standards. Octavia Hill actually built these model dwellings and inhabited 3500 tenants.

Aletta Jacob and "family planning"

she founded the first birth control clinic Initially family planning was the suggestion of reformers who thought that the problem of poverty could be solved by reducing the number of children among lower classes. The practice spread quickly among the propertied class rather than impoverished.

bourgeoisie v. proletariat

the bourgeoisie were antagonists in an emerging class struggle, but this time they faced the proletariat (working class). The struggle would be fierce but the workers would overthrow the bourgeois. the proletariat would then form a dictatorship do reorganize the means of production, resulting in a classless society which would not represent the views of any class, ending class struggles.


wealthy class that controlled government and industry in the late nineteenth / early twentieth century.

Gustave Courbet's The Stonebreakers

the most famous artist of the realist school. Realism was first coined in response do one of his paintings. He reveled in a realistic portrayal of everyday life. the stone breakers,one of his most famous works, shows two road workers engaged in deadening work of breaking stones to build a road. This representation of Human misery was a scandal do those who objected to his cult of ugliness.


the process of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire

August Comte and "positive knowledge"

the study of society was most evident in his work. His major work system of positive philosophy was published between 1837 and 1842. he created a system of positive knowledge based on a hierarchy of all the sciences. Maths was the foundation of all physical , earth, and biological sciences. At the top was sociology. He played an important role in the growing popularity of science and materialism in the mid nineteenth century.

"survival of the fit"

those who were naturally selected for survival survived. The unfit did not and became extinct. the fit who survived propagated and passed on the variations that enabled them to survive until, a new separate species emerged.

sweatshops and "sweating"

women were forced into marginal work at home or labor as pieceworkers. Usually tailored cloth and was done at home and poorly paid because it didnt require many skills or equipment.

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