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Cascading style sheets(CSS)

A simple mechanism for adding style(eg fonts, colours, spacing) to web documents. CSS enables diffirent style elements to be controlled across an entire site or section of site. Style elements that are commonly controlled include typography, background colour and images, and borders and margins

Brochureware site

A simple site with limited interaction with the user that replicates offline marketing literature


A small-scale destination site reached on click-through which is part of the media owner's site

Content Marketing Hub

A central branded location where your audience can access and interact with all your key content marketing assets. In a practical assets. In a practical sense, the content hub can be a blog or new section, an online customer magazine or a resource centre.

Collaborative filtering

Profiling of customer interests coupled with delivery of specific info and offers often based on the interests of similar customers.

Digital Marketing

The application of the internet and related digital technologies in conjunction with traditional communications to achieve marketing objectives

Brand experience

The frequency and depth of interactions with a brand can be enhanced through the internet


The use of internet technologies to provide government services to citizens

web response model

The website is used as a response mechanism for offline campaign elements such as direct mail or advertising

Business-to-business exchanges or marketplaces

Virtual intermediaries with facilities to enable trading between buyers and sellers

session cookies

a cookie used to manage a single visitor session

differential advantage

desirable amount of a product offering that is not currently matched by competitor offerings

Social media governance

a definition of how companies should respond to social mentions that give reise to leads or reputatioinal damge

World wide web definition

a medium for publishing information and providing service on the Internet. It is accessed through web browsers, which display site content on different web pages. The content making up websites is stored in the web servers.

leading performance indicator

measure which is suggestive of future performance

Destination website

site typically owned by a retailer or manufacturer brand which users are encouraged to click through to


small text files stored on an end user's computer to enable websites to identify the user

Options for offering digital products

subscription, pay per view, bundling, ad- supported content

Online Value Proposition (OVP)

A statement of the benefits of online services that reinforces the core proposition and differentiates from an organization's offline offering and those of competitors


A target maximum cost for generating leads or new customer's profitably

Word- of mouth(WOM) marketing

According to the word of mouth marketing association it is giving people a reason to talk about your products and services and making it easier for that conversation to take place. It is the art and science of building active, mutually beneficial consumer to consumer and consumer to marketer communications

Digital marketing definitions

Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies and media

Rich Media

Advertisements or site content that are not static, but provide animation sound or interactivity. Ex: display advertisement for a loan in which a customer can type in the amount of loan required, and the cost of the loan is calculated immediately.

Online Partnership

Affiliate marketing, Sponsorship, Co-branding, Link-building.

Customer Scenarios (online customer journeys)

Alternative tasks or outcomes required by a customer. Typically accomplished in a series of stages or different tasks involving different information needs across different sites and platforms

- Cost:

Although costs can be readily controlled, in competitive categories the costs can be high, exceeding 10 bảng/click (tìm k thấy kí hiệu bảng anh =)))))

Business-to-Business (B2B)

Commercial transactions between an organization and other organization (inter-organizational marketing)

Revenue model definition

Describe methods of generating income for an organization.

Specific offline advertising

Driving traffic to the website of expaining the online proposition is a primary objective of this advert

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

Informational or financial transactions between consumers, but usually mediated through a business site. Ex: Ebay


Involves different aspects of the contnt such as spelling, validity of links formatting on different web browsers and dynamic features such as form filling or database queries

Information architecture

the combination of organization, labeling and navigation schemes constituting an information system


traffic, rankings and results are generally stable and predictable in comparison with SEO


typically an animated ad that moves around the page and is superimposed on the website content


unsolicited email

Predictive analytics

using data mining and statistical modeling to predict future outcomes, for example by scoring customer propensity to respond to a specific offer.

Customer profiling

using the website to find out a customers specific interests and characteristics.


6. which of these categories are NOT of the five diagnostic categories for digital marketing measurement? 1. customer satisfaction 2. site promotion 3. stake holder satisfaction 4. none of those above


: for companies with a lower budget or a narrower range of products on which to generate lifetime value, it might not be cost-effective to compete.


A fictional profile that represents a particular target audience. A thumbnail summary of the characteristics, needs, motivations and environment of typical website users


A free for a single download or viewing session at a higher relative price than the subcription service

Long-Tail Concept

A frequency distribution suggesting the relative variation in popularity of items selected by consumers

Wifi definition

A high- speed wireless local- area network enabling wireless access to the Internet for mobile, office and home users.

House list

A list of prospect and customer names, email addresses, and profile information owned by an organization


A marketing led approach to building and sustaining long-term business with customers

Viral Marketing

A marketing message is communicated from one person to another, facilitated by different media, such as word-of-mouth, email or websites, in particular social network or blogsites. It implied rapid transmission of messages is intended.


A partnership agreement reached between different businesses to promote each other, typically based on sharing content principally to the audience of owned media channels such as social media, blog, and email marketing.

Digital media "assist"

A referrer of a visit to a site before the ultimate sale is credited with the sale, often through a weighting system

Earnings per click(EPC)

A relative measure of the effectiveness of a site or section of a site in generating revenue for the site owner through affiliate marketing for every 100 outbound clicks generated

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

Commercial transactions between an organization and consumer

B2C: Business to customer definition

Commercial transactions between an organization and consumers.

Satisficing behavior

Consumers do not have behave entirely rationally in product or supplier selection. They will compare alternatives, but then may make their choice given imperfect information

Key Online Influencers

Celebrities, individuals well known influencers in their niche, or publishers that an online target audience listens to and interacts with. Can help companies reach and engage a wider audience.

destination sites and platforms

There are the sites that the marketer is trying to attract visitors to, including transactional sites by retail, financial service, travel, manufacturers and other companies or non-transactional sites.

Electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM)

Using digital communications technologies to maximize sales to existing customers and encourage continued usage of online services through techniques including database, personalized web messages, customer service, email and social media marketing.


Unique visitors are individuals visitors to a site measured through cookies or IP addresses on an individual computer a. Right b. Wrong c. Not right or wrong

Display Ads

Use of graphical or rich media and ad units within a web page to achieve goals of delivering brand awareness, familiarity, favourability and purchase intent. Many ads encourage interaction through prompting the viewer to rollover to play videos, complete an online form or to view more details before clicking through to a site.

Unique visitor definition

Individual visitor to a site measured through cookies or the IP address on an individual computer.

Unique Visitor

Individual visitors to a site measured through cookies or IP addresses on an individual computer

unique visitors

Individual visitors to a site measured through cookies or IP addresses on an individual computer


Individuals and organizations post online media (audio/video) which can be viewed in the appropriate players. The latest updates can be automatically delivered by RSS

C2C: consumer to consumer

Informational or financial transactions between consumers, but usually mediated through a business site.


Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time- related

Display(or content) Network

Sponsored links are displayed by the search engine on third-party sites such as online publishers, aggregator or social networks. Ads can be paid for on a CPC. CPM or a CPA basis. There are also options for graphical or video ads as well as text-based ads

Customer acquisition

Strategies and techniques used to gain new customers

Internal Link Architecture

Structuring and labeling links within a site's navigation to improve the results of SEO.

Cross-media optimisation studies(SMOS)

Studies to determine the optimum spend across different media to produce the best results


Tailoring of website information for individual countries or regions. Localization can include simple translation, but also cultural adaption

Customer extension

Techniques to encourage customers to increase their involvement with an organization

Customer retention

Techniques to maintain relationships with existing customers

Web or digital analytics

Techniques used to assess and improve the contribution of digital marketing to a business including reviewing traffic volume, referrals, clickstreams, online reach data, customer satisfaction surveys, leads and sales

Web or Digital Analytics

Techniques used to assess and improve the contribution of digital marketing to a business, including reviewing traffic volume, referrals, clickstreams, online reach data, customer satisfaction surveys, leads and sales

electionic procurement(e-procurement)

The electronic intergration and management of all procurement activities including purchase request, quthorisation, ordering, delivery and payment between a purchaser and a supplier

Promotion variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves communication with customers and other stakeholders to inform them about the product and the organization.

Price variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves defining product prices and pricing models

Place variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves distributing products to customers in line with demand and minimizing cost of inventory, transport, and storage.

Product variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves researching customers' and developing appropriate products.

People Variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves the delivery of service to customers during interactions with customers

Outbound Internet-based Communication

The website and email marketing are used to send personalized communications to customers

Performance measurement system

the process by which metrics are defined, collected, disseminated and actioned


the process of applying game thinking and mechanics to engage an audience by rewarding them for achievements and sharing

Card sorting or web classification

the process of arranging oa way of organising objects on the website in a consitent manner


the process of interpreting mess

Social CRM

the process of managing customer-to-customer conversations to engage existing customers, prospects, and other stakeholders with a brand and so enhance customer relationship management.

Domain name registration

the process of reserving a unique web address that can be used to refer to the company website

domain name registration

the process of reserving a unique web address that can be used to refer to the company website


the process whereby companies register with the data protection registrar to inform about their data holdings

Offline site promotion

traditional techniques such as print and TV advertising used to generate website traffic

house list

data about existing customers used to market product to encourage future purchase

cold list

data about individuals that are rented or sold by a third party

channel marketing strategy

defines how a company should set specific objectives for digital channels, including web, mobile, and social media, and vary its proposition and commcunications for this channgel

Sense and respond communications

delivering timely, relevant, communications to customers as part of a contact strategy based on assessment of their position in the customer lifecycle and monitoring specific interactions with a company's website, emails, and staff.


describes how easy it is for users of a site to move between the different pages of content of the site

revenue model

describes methods generating income organization

target marketing strategy

evaluation and selection of appropriate segments and the development of appropriate offers

Channel satisfaction

evaluation of the customer's opinion of the service quality on the site and supporting services such as email

B2G: business to government

feedback to government businesses and non-governmental organisations.

C2G: consumer to government

feedback to government through pressure group or individual sites.

Benefits of digital media:

interactivity, intelligence, individualization, integration, industry restructuring, independence of location

online site promotion

internet-based technique used to generatewebsite traffic

ongoing investment

investment needed to continue to develop new content and generate new links.

Permission marketing definition

is a significant concept that underpins online CRM in management of the customer lifecycle. "Permission marketing" is a term coined by Seth Godin 1999. Customers agree (opt-in) to be involved in an organisation's marketing activities, usually as a result of an incentive.

Emotional loyalty

loyalty to a brand as demonstrated by favorable perceptions, opinions, and recommendations----including social sharing

Behavioral loyalty

loyalty to a brand is demonstrated by repeat sales and response to marketing campaigns.

inbound email marketing

management of emails from customers by an organization.


meeting process objectives, delivering the required outputs and outcomes "doing the right thing"

Growth hacking

mindset which focuses marketing activities on increasing the scale and profitability of a business through testing and improving techniques for improving the value of audience touch points across the customer lifecycle of reach, interactions, conversion and engagement


minimizing resources or time needed to complete a process "doing the thing right"

Online service- quality gap

mismatch between what is expected and delivered by an online presence

Page Impression

more reliable measure than a hit, denoting one person viewing one page; also known as a page view

customer communications channels

range of media used to communicate directly with the customer

Channel Outcomes

record of customer actions taken as a consequence of a visit to a site

. Customer profiling definition

Using the website to find out a customer's specific interests and characteristic.


a graphics format and compression algorithm best used for simple graphics


a high-speed wireless local-area network enabling wireless access to the Internet for mobile, office, and home users


a key success factor in e-marketing is achieving customer satisfaction through the electronic channel, which raises issues such as: is the site easy to use, does it perform adequately, what is the standard of associated customer service and how are physical products dispatched.

viral marketing

a marketing message is communicated from one person to another, facilitated by different media, such as word-of-mouth, email, or websites. It implies rapid transmission of messages is intended

Net promoter score (NPS)

a measure of the number of advocates a company has who would recommend it compared to the number of detractors.


a methodology that supports agile software development based on 15-30 day sprints to implement features from a product backlog, refers to a daily project status meeting during the sprint


a publisher or other brand seeks to take advantage of current topical interest in a story and then add to or subvert it to increase their own publicity.

Streaming media server

a specialist server used to broadcast audio or video


a specialized form of online identity theft. The most common form is where spam emails are sent out purporting to be from an organization such as a bank or payment service


a specialized software application mounted on a server at the point where the company is connected to the Internet. Its purpose is to prevent unauthorized access into the company from outsiders

Web application frameworks

a standard programming framework based on reusable library functions for creating dynamic websites through a programming language

Media queries

a styling approach within Cascading Style Sheets(CSS3) enabling the layout to change based on type of deveice at its scale

Website auditors

auditors accurately measure th usage of different sites in terms of the numbers of ad impressions required for an advertisement to become effective

Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

both financial and informational, ectmnicauy electronically mediated transactions between an organisation and any third party It deals with (Chaffey, 2014). So ecommerce involves management not only of online sales transactions, but also of non-financial transactions such as inbound customer service enquiries broadcasts, so you can argue that e-commerce is open to all online organisations

Real-time marketing(and PR)

brands develop an agile, proactive in current news and trends to help increase their visibility and influence through positive brand mentions. They also develop a reactive approach to respond to negative brand mentors through socail media reputation management

clicks and mortar

business combining an online and offline presence

situation analysis

collection and review of information about an organization's internal processes and resources and external marketplace in order to inform strategy definition

Push media

communications are broadcast from an advertiser to consumers of the message, who are passive recipients

lack of predictability

compared with other media SEO is very unreliable in term of the return on investment - it is difficult to predict results for a given investment and is highly competitive.

Disadvantages of paid search marketing

competitive and expensive, requires specialist knowledge, time-consuming, irrelevant

G2C: government to consumer

concept is used for expressing the relationship between public administration and citizens. (


An indication of how long a visitor stays on site


the design or development of the site content


An individual agrees to receive email communications


19. Which of these following measures are of CPC a. Inventory served b. Clickthrough c. Cost per click d. Earnings per 100 clicks e. All are right f. All are not right or wrong


A commitment by a trader to purchase under certain conditions


A term to describe simultaneous use of devices such as digital TV and tablet

Autoresponder or 'mailbots'

Software tool or agent running on web servers that atomically sends a standard reply to the sender of an email message

Agile software development

An iterative approach to developing software and website functionality with the emphasis on face - to- face communications to elicit, define and test requirements. Each iteration is effectively a mini- software project including stages of planning, requirements analysis, design coding, testing and documentation

Social media marketing

Audience participation, Managing social presence, Viral campaigns, Customer feedback.

Business models defintions

B2C, B2B, C2C, G2C, C2B, C2G, B2G, G2G


Based on intelligence collected about site visitors and then stored in a database and subsequently used to target and personalise communications to customers to achieve relevance in all media. The process of tailoring is also referred to as personalisation.


Benchmarking customer propositions and communications activities against competitors can identify opportunities for nes approaches and digital marketing activities that need to be improved.

Real-time bidding(RTP)

Bids for buying ads against keywords can be managed in realtime in conjunction with a DSP


Broad forces affecting all organizations in the marketplace, including social technological, economic, political, legal and ecological influence

macro environment

Broad forces affecting all organizations in the marketplace, including social, technological, economic, political, legal and ecological influences


Bundling combines several product or service options into a package of services, typically at a discounted price

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Business applications and software services are provided through internet and web protocols with the application managed on a separate server from where it is accessed through a web browser on an end user's computer with data stored within 'The Cloud'.

Design phase

The design phase defines how the site will work in the key areas of website structure, navigation and security

Run-of site

Cost per 1000 ad impressions. CPM is usually higher for run-o- site advertisements where advertisement occur on all pages of the site

Multichannel Marketing

Customer communications and product distribution are supported by a combination of digital and traditional channels at different points in the buying cycle

Price transparency

Customer knowledge about pricing increases due to increased availability of pricing information

Customer loyalty

The desire on the part of the customer to continue to do business with a given supplier over time.


E-PR can be a relatively low-cost method of directly reaching a niche audience or a mass audience if the brand is amenable to stories that are of interest to publishers. This is often the case for new online brands and startups such as Zopa ( If buzz around an online campaign orchestrated through online PR is successful then additional reach and impact may also be generated by traditional media such as TV print and radio.

Search engine optimization

E-PR can help generate backlinks to a site which are favourable for SEO, often from large site sites such as online newspapers or magazines which have good link equity.

Responding to changes to technology and marketing platforms:

Google and the other ad-serving companies innovate to offer better capabilities for their customers. This means that staff managing campaigns needs training to keep up-to-date. Google offers 'Adwords Qualified Professionals' so that companies can be certain of a minimum skills level.

Opt-in email marketing

House list e-mails, Cold (rented list), Co-branded, Ads in third party e-newsletter.

G2G: government to government

Inter-government services and exchange of information.

customer segment:

Marketplace analysis helps identify and summarise different target segment for an online business in order to understand their online media consumption, behaviour and the type of content and experiences they wants. Ina digital campaign, personas are used to understand the preferences, chatacteristics and online behaviours of different groups.

Pricing elasticity of demand

Measure of consumer behavior that indicates the change in demand for a product of service in response to changes in price. Price elasticity of demand is used to assess the extent to which a change in price will influence demand for a product.

Brand equity

The assets linked to a brand's name and symbol that add to or subtract from a service

Public relations(PR)

The management of the awareness, understanding and reputation of an organisation or brand, primarily achieved through influencing exposure in the media

Pricing level

The price set for a specific product or range of products

ad-supported content

There is no direct price set here. Instead, the publisher's main revenue source is through adverts on the site (CPM display advertising on-stite using banner ads and skyscrapes) a fixed sponsorship arrangement or CPC, which stands for "cost-per-click" - more typical when using search ad network publishing such as google adsense, which accounts for around a third of google's revenue. Other options include affiliate revenue from sales on third-party sites or offering access to subscriber lists.

online questionnaire survey

There typically focus on the site visitors' experience, but can also include questions relating to products.


Web based personalization involves delivering customized content for the individual through web pages, email or push technology.


Web-based personalisation involves delivering customised content for the individual through web pages, email or push technology

Online Intermediary Sites

Websites that facilitate exchange between consumer and business suppliers. Ex: Google, Yahoo, MSN

media-neutral planning

an approach to planning ad campaigns to maximise response across different media acording to customer usage!

Always -on communications

continuous investment in paid, owned and earned digital media to engage prospects and customers and meet purchase intent as they research, socail media and publisher sites

Internet governance

control of the operation and use of the Internet

change management

controls to minimize the risks of project-based and organizational change

third-party cookies

cookies served by another site to the one being viewed - typically for portals where an ad network will track remotely or where the web analytics software places a cookie

early (first) mover advantage

early entrant into the marketplace

outbound email marketing

email are sent to customers and prospects from an organization.

strategy process model

framework for approaching strategy development

portfolio analysis

identification, evaluation, and selection of desirable marketing applications

Benefits of digital marketing

identifying, anticipating, satisfying

CRO(conversion rate optimisation)

improving the commercial refurns from a transactional site through incrasing conversion to key goals such as sales, quotes, bookings, or leads. CRO combines customer and competitor research with evaluation of customer behaviour using web analytics and AB and multivariate testing


indicates the speed at which date are transferred using a particular network medium. It is measured in bits per second(bps)


occurs each time a user clicks on a banner advertisement to direct them to a web page that contains further information. the click through rate is expressed as a percentage of total ad impressions, and refers to the proportion of users viewing a advertisement who click on it. It is calculated as the number of click-throughs divided by the number of ad impressions


occurs through online forms and through monitoring of on-site behavior through web analytics

strategic windows

opportunities arising through a significant change in the environment

technically simpler than SEO

position is based on combination of bid amount and quality score.

ethical standards

practices and behaviors which are morally acceptable to society

competitive intelligence

process that transforms disaggregated information into relevant, accurate and usable strategic knowledge about competitors, position, performance, capabilities, and intentions

AB testing

refers to testing two different versions of a page or a page element such as heading, image or button for effectiveness. The alternatives are served alternatively with the visitors to the page randomly split between the two pages. Changes in visitor behaviour can then be compared using different metrics such as click-thorugh rate on page elements liek buttions or images, or macro- conversion rates, such as conversion to sale or sign up

Usability/user testing

representative users are observed performing representative tasks using a system


sponsored listings are only part of the search engine mkt mix. Many search users do not click on these because they don't trust advertisers, although these are mainly people involve mkt.

online value proposition

statement of the benefits of online services reinforces the core proposition and differentiates from an organizations offline offering and those of competitors


the external influence that affects the quality of mess


1. according to the online customer experience pyramid, the Rational values includes: a. ease of use, relevance, performance b. usability, accessibility c. content and search, customersation d. speed, availability

SMS definition

The formal name for text messaging

wider macro-environment

There are the broader strategic including social, legal, environment, political, technology influences.

. Web browser definition

Used to store the web pages accessed by Web browsers. They may also contain database of customer or product information, which can be queried are retrieved using browser.


10. bound rate is proportion of visitors to a page or site who continues after visiting a single page only, usually expressed as a percentage a. true b. false


5. According to Kotler different levels of marketing control is 1. strategic control, profitability control, annual plan control, efficiency control 2. objectives in digital marketing, marketing objectives plans, marketing communication objectives 3. none of those above


5. according to Bevan (1999b) which of those areas used to test usability a. effectiveness, efficiency, performance b. effectiveness, productivity, satisfaction c. effectiveness, productivity, outcomes d. none of those

Mobile apps definition

A software application that is designed for use on a mobile phone, typically downloaded from an App store. iPhone apps are best known, but all smartphones support the used of apps which can provided user of apps with information, entertainment or location- based services such as mapping.

Web browser

browsers such as Google chrome, Firefox, Apple Safari, and Internet Explorer that provide an easy method of accessing and viewing information stored as HTML web documents on different web servers


high-speed communications links used to enable Internet communications across a country and internationally

subscriber data access for email marketing

The data a site owner has about its customers are also potentially valuable since it can send different forms of email to its customers if they have given their permission to receive email from either the publisher or third parties. The site owner can charge for adverts placed in its newsletter or can deliver a separate message in behalf of advertiser.

Internet definition

The physical network that links computers across the globe. It consists of the infrastructure of network servers and communication links between them that are used to hold and transport the vast amount of information.


the physical network that links computer across the globe. It consists of the infrastructure of network servers and communication links between them that are used to hold and transport the vast amount of information

the main types of online revenue models

(8) CPM (cost per thousand) display advertising on site, CPC (cost per click) advertising on site, - sponsorship of site sections or content types, - affiliate revenue, transaction fee revenue, subscription access to content or services, pay-per-view access to document:, subscriber data access for email marketing

visits per visitor

(VPV) this suggests the frequency of site visits. Readers will realize that this value is dependent on the period that data are collected over.

CPA definition

(cost per acquisition): The cost to the advertiser (or the revenue received by the publisher) for each outcome such as a lead or sale generated after a click to a third- party site.

Factors of selecting a web analytics tools

- integration with other data sources (for example, social media marketing, customer data and financial reporting). - accuracy: - media attribution - visualisation: how data are displayed through reports and alerts. Vendors continually introduce new features in this area. - customisation facilities: for creating and distributing new reports and alerts. - support services - privacy consideration


1. techniques used to assess and improve the contribution of digital marketing to a business, including reviewing traffic volume, referee, clickstreams, online reach data, customer satisfaction surveys, leads and sales is: 1. digital analytics 2. web mining 3. digital marketing measurement 4. none of those above


1. which of those statements are TRUE about digital marketing strategy? 1. provide a future direction to digital marketing activities; 2. define digital marketing objectives that support marketing objectives; 3. include strategy formulation to address typical marketing strategy options such as target markets, positioning and specification of the marketing mix; 4. all above


10. Social media marketing is monitoring and facilitating customer-to-customer interaction and participation throughout the web to encourage positive engagement with a company and its brands. Which of the following types is social media marketing tool a. Social knowledge (Wiki) b. Social niche communities (FU Hoà Lạc Confessions) c. All are right d. All are wrong


10. customer engagement's features 1. involvement 2. interaction 3. intimacy 4. influence 5. all above 6. a,b


10. in terms of social media marketing measurement, Share of voice (SOV), resonation, word-of-mouth (WOM) are the level of measuring 1. marketing effectiveness 2. business stakeholders 3. consumer engagement 4. none of those above


11. Customer engagement is a. Repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional, psychological or physical investment a customer has in a brand b. The level of involvement, interaction, intimacy, and influence an individual has with a brand over time c. All are right d. All are wrong


11. Four classic marketing activities of customer relationship management is 1. select, acquire, retain, extend 2. classify, select, care, gain benefit 3. select, acquire, retain, exploit 4. select, acquire, care, exploit


11. testing two different versions of a page or a page element such as a heading, image or button for effectiveness is 1. AB testing 2. experiment testing 3. control testing 4. none of those above


11. there are different forms of ROI, depending on how profitability is calculated for example ROAS (return on advertising spending) a. true b. false


12. Content marketing is the management of text, rich media, audio and video content aimed at engaging customers and prospects to meet business goals published through print and digital media including web and mobile platforms which is repurposed and syndicated to different forms of web presence such as publisher sites, blogs, social media and comparison sites. Which of these elements are of content management that need to be planned and managed? a. Content engagement value b. Content media c. Content syndication d. Content hub e. All are wrong f. A,B and C


12. the cost of acquiring a new customer or achieving a sale. Typical limited to the communications cost and refers to cost per sale for new customers. May also refer to other outcomes such as cost per quote or enquiry a. cost per sale b. cost per acquisition c. cost per action d. none of those


12. which of those measures are suitable for assessing "how successful is the site at achieving engagement and outcomes?" 1. conversion goals 2. bounce rates 3. pages/visit 4. all above


12. which of those stages are of permission-based online relationship building? 1. attract new and existing customer online presence 2. prompt and incentive visitors to action 3. capture customer information to maintain relationship 4. maintain dialogue using online communication 5. maintain dialogue using offline communication 6. all above


13. Which of these statements is right on CUSTOMER JOURNEYS a. Customer journeys is description of 'touchpoints' or different types of media which influence consumers as they access different types of website and content b. Customer journey maps are a technique used to model behavior of different audience personas c. Zero Moment of Truth, developed by Google is a retail-specific model for understanding customer journeys d. A and B e. All are are right f. All are wrong


13. behavioral targeting could be operated by which of following method a. pay-per-click b. display advertising c. email marketing d. all above e. none of those above


13. the method indicates the most popular combination of pages and/or calls-to-action which lead to a page. This is particularly useful for transactional pages such as the first checkout page on a consumer site; a lead generation or contact us page on a business-to-business site; an email subscription page or a call-me-back option is 1. path analysis 2. revenue path analysis 3. page analysis 4. none of those above


13. which of these activities used to manage CRM? 1. listening 2. talking 3. energising 4. support 5. embrace 6. all above


14. Emotional loyalty is loyalty to a brand which is demonstrated by favorable perceptions, opinions and recommendations including social sharing. 1. true 2. false


14. a plan for scheduling the creation of new or updated content for different audiences to support business goals for new visitors or increased conversion as part of content marketing is called 1. CRM scheduling 2. content calendar 3. editorial calendar 4. none of those above


14. integrated marketing communications is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent message about the organization and its products. which of these following is NOT characteristic of IMC a. coherence b. consistency c. complementary d. commitment e. all above


15. Customer insight is knowledge about a. Customers' needs b. Customers' profile c. Customers' digital experiences d. All are right e. All are wrong


15. digital asset is a. display ads b. email template c. videos d. flash animation e. none of those above f. a,b,c&d


15. if a consumer believes the Internet is easy to use, they are more likely to have a positive attitude towards the idea of online shopping and ultimately have an increased intention to shop online 1. true 2. false


15. which is TRUE about the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty 1. customer satisfaction increase, behavioral and emotional loyalty increase 2. customers with high degree of satisfaction who don't exhibit behavioral loyalty 3. customer who are loyal according to their behavior that may be at risk of defection 4. all above


16. Conversion marketing is using marketing communications to maximize conversion of potential customer to actual customers. Key conversion metrics are a. Awareness, attractability, engagement, conversion b. Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action c. Awareness, Engagement, Action d. All are right


16. according to Coulter and Starkis (2005), which of these factors are for media selection a. quality b. time c. flexibility d. coverage e. cost f. all of those above g. none of those above


16. online voice of customer is quantitative assessments of the effectiveness of digital presence based on direct customer feedback 1. true 2. false


16. which of those priorities help retailers survive in the omni-channel world? 1. increase opportunities to digitally interact 2. creating customer journey 3. investing more on UX, UI 4. all above


17. Persona is a fictional profile that represent a particular target audience. A thumbnail smmary of the characteristics, needs, motivations and environment of typical website users. Creating personas will help a. Develop customer-centred online strategies b. Develop company presences and campaign c. Form part of marketplace analysis d. All are right e. All are wrong


17. the order of marketing activities for B2B customer acquisition is 1. inbound marketing, engagement, permission-based content, leads following 2. inbound marketing, engagement, caring, lead following, revenue 3. engaging, caring, lead following, revenue 4. none of those above


17. which is TRUE about lifetime value modeling 1. modelling is based on estimating relationship associated with each customer over a period of time 2. lifetime value is defined as the total net benefit that a customer will provide a company over their relationship with the company 3. net present value of customer lifetime value is calculated in future monetary terms using discount rate value applied over the period. 4. all above


17. which of these following criteria are NOT of CODAR framework for integrated communications a. idea forming b. relationship building c. engagement d. sales activation e. help f. product experience g. all of those h. none of those


18. which of these media are one of four type of media in content distribution matrix is a. wasteful media b. paid media c. slow and steady media d. star performers


18. which of those factors influencing the degree of adoption of Internet technologies, in terms of B2B marketing? 1. operational dimension 2. market dimension 3. strategic dimension 4. all above


18. which of those guides are of propensity modeling by Duyne et al? 1. create automatic product relationships 2. use familiar trigger words 3. editorialize about related products 4. all above


2. a process used to evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization and its process is 1. performance measurement system 2. performance management system 3. marketing ROI 4. none of those


2. according to the process of website development, after PROTOTYPE, what should marketers do? a. select agency b. market research c. develop content d. all above


2. the nature of digital marketing strategy is CHANNEL MARKETING STRATEGY 1. true 2. false


3. Challenges in developing and managing digital marketing strategy a. Unclear responsibilities for the many different Internet marketing activities b. Do not have online value proposition for customer since the Internet is treated as 'just another channel to market' c. Results from digital marketing are not measured or reviewed adequately d. All is wrong e. A, B and C


3. measures that indicate the effectiveness of digital marketing activities integrated across different channels and platforms in meeting customer, business and marketing objectives is 1. digital marketing ROI 2. digital marketing metrics 3. digital marketing KPI 4. none of those


3. sequence of digital marketing strategy process is 1. situation analysis, objectives, strategy, actions, tactics, control 2. situation analysis, strategy, objectives, actions, tactics, control 3. situation analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, actions, control 4. all above


3. which of those aspects are of high-quality information content of a website a. personalized and accurate b. easy to find and clear c. timely and detailed d. up-to-date and relevant e. all above


4. in terms of website design, what is best definition of information architecture, according to Rosenfeld (2002) a. the combination of organization, labelling and navigation schemes within an information system b. the structure design of an information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content c. an emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape d. none of those


4. marketing effectiveness in terms of Assessing the current contribution of the digital marketing to the organization is 1. lead, sales, customer retention 2. lifetime value, loyalty, 3. customer service 4. all above


4. which of these following barriers influencing the improvement of measurement system 1. time limitation 2. senior management myopia 3. limited data 4. all above


5. Pay-per-click refers to when a company pays for text ads to be displayed on the search engine results pages as a sponsored link when a specific key phrase is entered by the search users. a. Right b. Wrong c. This definition just applied for PPC on Google


5. digital marketing effectiveness in terms of Assessing the current contribution of the digital marketing to the organization is 1. unique visitors, repeat visits, duration, conversion rates, attrition rate, churn rates 2. CPC, CPM, CPA, CTR 3. all above


6. EFFICIENCY is doing the right thing, EFFECTIVENESS is doing thing right 1. true 2. false


6. which of those elements are of site design, according to Nielsen (2000) a. the overall structure of the site b. the layout of individual pages c. how the text and graphic content on each page is designed d. none of those e. all of those


7. measures that assesses why customers visit a site - which adverts they have seen, which sites have they been referred from is 1. site promotion 2. channel promotion 3. channel buyer behavior 4. none of those above


7. the difference between leading performance indicator and lagging performance indicator is measuring the past and measuring future 1. true 2. false


7. which of those characteristics are involved pull media and inbound marketing a. applying content and search marketing to target prospects with defined need b. marketers have less control c. social media and search marketing do have a role to play in generating demand d. none of those e. all of those


8. Which is the right sequences to help engage prospects, customers and fans with rbands throughout the customer lifecycle. a. Reach-Act-Convert-Engage b. Reach-Convert-Act-Engage c. Reach-Engage-Convert-Act


8. comparing those techniques/measures 1. page impression is better than hit 2. unique visitor is better than hit 3. all of those above 4. none of those above


8. unique visitor is individual visitor to a site measured through cookies or the IP address on an individual computer a. true b. false


8. what is true about developing online value proposition 1. developing online content and service 2. explaining content/service through messages 3. communicating messages to all appropriate online and offline customer 4. all above


9. Viral marketing is a marketing message communicated from one person to another, facilitated by different media. Viral marketing implies rapid transmission of message is intended. Which is the most popular media for viral marketing in Vietnam? a. Word-of-mouth b. Email c. Website d. Social network


9. in social media marketing, the framework of different measures is arranged in terms of which following orders 1. business executives, business stakeholder, community managers 2. business executive, marketing executive, community managers 3. business stakeholders, business executive, marketing executives 4. none of those above


9. social media strategy aims at achieving interaction with social network users to meet business goals. The scope of social media optimization also includes incorporation of social features such as status updates and sharing widgets into company websites. 1. true 2. false


9. visitor conversion rate is an indication of the capability of a site in converting visitors to dollars revenue. Calculated by dividing the number of dollar revenue by the number of unique visitors within a defined time period a. true b. false

sponsorship of site sections or content types

: A company can pay to advertise a site channel or section. This type of deal is often struck for a fixed amount per year. It may also be part of a reciprocal arrangement, sometimes known as a contra-deal where neither party pays.

CPC (cost per click) advertising on site

: Advertisers are charge to the number of times they are clicked upon.Typical costs per click can be surprisingly high for some categories. The cost to the advertised (or the revenue received by the publisher) of each click of a link to a third- party site.

brand-enhancement and protection

: Favourable stories can enhance the reputation of a bran among its target audience and amplification through influencers can help reach a new audience. But since unfavourable media mentions may damage a brand, so monitoring and response to these is a necessity for most brands.

pay-per-view access to document

: Here payment occurs for single access to a document, video wwhich can be downloaded. It may or may not be protected with a password or digital rights management.


A badge or button incorporated into a site or social network space by its owner, with content or services typically served from another site making a widget effectively a mini software application or web service. Content can be updated in real time since the widget interacts with the server each time it loads

Direct-to-customer Model

A brand which has previously communicated to its customers via intermediaries such as media sites or wholesalers communicates directly via digital media such as social networks, email, and websites

Digital customer experience

A brand's total digital experience includes a brands's presence on different platforms including desktop website, mobile site and apps ads on gaming platforms and digital in-store. The quality of digital experience is based on the combination of rational and emotional factors of using a company's online services that influences customer's perceptions of a brand online

Web 2.0 Concept

A collection of web services involving data exchange between sites that facilitate participation and interaction of web users with sites to create user-generated content and encourage behaviours such as community or social network participation, mashups, content rating, use of widgets and tagging

Web 2.0 concept

A collection of web services that facilitate interaction of web users with sites to create user generated content and encouraging behaviors such as community or social network participation, mashups, content rating, use of widgets, and tagging

Affiliate marketing

A commission-based arrangement where referring sites (publishers) receive a commission on sales or leads by merchants (retailer). Commission is usually based on a percentage of product sale price or a fixed amount for each sale, but also may be on a per-click basis, for example when an aggregator refers visits to merchants.


A commitment by a trader to sell under certain conditions

transaction fee revenue

A company receives a fee for facilitating a transaction.Examples include eBay and PayPal, which charge a percentage of the transaction cost between buyer and seller.

Brand advocate

A customer who has favorable perceptions of a brand who will talk favorably about a brand to their acquaintances to help generate awareness of the brand or influence purchase intent

Customer journey

A description of modern multichannel buyer behaviour as consumers use different media to select suppliers, make purchases and gain customer support

Landing Page

A destination page when a user slicks on an ad or other form of link from a referring site. It can be a home page but more typically and desirably, it is a page with the messaging focussed on the offer in the ad. This will maximize conversion rates and brand favourability

Call-back service definition

A facility available on the website for a company to contact a customer at a later time as specified by the customer.

Customer Experience Management(CXM)

A holistic approach to managing customer experience and customer engagement across digital and non- digital touchpoints including web, mobile and social digital platforms, in-store and by call-centers

intranet definition

A network within a single company that enables access to company information using the familiar tools of the Internet such as email and web browsers. Only staff within the company can access the intranet, which will be password- protected.

Editorial calendar

A plan for scheduling the creation of new or updated content for different audiences to support business goals for new visitors or increased conversion as part of content marketing


A preliminary version of part, or a framework of all, of a website, which can be reviewed by its target audience or the marketing team. Prototyping is an iterative process in which website users suggest modifications before further prototypes and the final version of the site are developed

Extenal link building

A proactive approach to gain quality links from third-party sites. It can be considered to be an element of online PR since it involves getting your brand visible on third-party sites and creating backlinks related to your site


A prospect or customer takes the first step in actively using an online service after initial registration or purchase

subscription access to content or services

A range of documents can be accessed from a publisher for a fixed period. These are often referred to as premium services on website.


A reciprocal agreement in the form of an exchange where payment doesn't take place. Instead, services or ad space to promote another company occurs

Paid search marketing(pay per click) marketing( PPC)

A relevant text ad with a link to a company page is displayed on the SERPS when the user of a search engine types in a specific phrase. A fee is charged for every click of each link, with the amount bid for the click mainly derminging its position. Additionally, PPC may involve advertising through a display network of third-party sites(which may be on a CPPC, CPM or CPA basis)


A scale between 0 to 10 used by Google named after Google founder Larry Page which is used to assess the importance of web pages according to the number of inbound links or backlinks


A semantic definition of a specific information type such as a product, event, recipe or review. Schema. org manages some of the most common definitions

Log file analyser

A seperate program such as WEbTRends that is used to summarise the information on customer activity in a log life

Visitor session(visit)

A series of one or more page impressions, served to one user, which ends when there is a gap of 30 minutes or more between successive page impressions for that user

Online Social Network

A service facilitating the connection, collaboration and exchange of information between individuals

Demand Side Platforms(DSPs)

A service that enables ads to be managed across multiple ad networks and ad exchanges through a single interface designed for managing reporting and performance


A simplified outline of single-page template used to define new layout or functionality for part of a website for discussion, iteration and then a brief for implementation

Social Networks

A site that facilitates peer-to-peer communication within a group or between individuals through providing facilities to develop user-generated content (UGC) and to exchange messages and comments between different users

Firewall definition

A specialized software application mounted on a server at the point where the company is connected to the Internet . Its purpose is to prevent unauthorized access into the company from outsides.

Digital Transformation

A staged programme of business improvements to People, Process and Tools tools used for integrated digital marketing to maximize the potential contribution of digital contribution of digital technology and media to business growth

Search engine optimisation (SEO)

A structure approach used to increase the position of a company or its products in search engine natural or organic results listing or selected keywords or pharases

Competitor Benchmarking

A structured analysis of the online services, capabilities and performances of an organization within the areas of customer acquisition, conversion, retention and growth

Search Engine Optimisation

A structured approach used to increase the position of a company or its products in search engine natural or organic results listings (the main body of the search results page) for selected keywords or phrases.

Social Commerce

A subset of e-commerce which encourages participation and interaction of customers in rating, selecting and buying products through group buying. This participation can occur on an e-commerce site or on third-party sites

Online Business Model

A summary of how a company will generate a profit identifying its core product or service value proposition, target customers in different markets, position in the competitive online marketplace or value chain and its projections for revenue and costs

Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)

A summary of today's multichannel consumer decision making for product purchase where they search, review ratings, styles, prices comments on social media before visiting a retailer

Content distribution( or delivery networks)(CDNs)

A system of servers distributed globally with copies of date stored locally to enable more rapid download of content. Their use has increased with increased use of streaming video and more complex web applications

Social Graph

A term popularized by Facebook in 2007 when describing its Facebook platform. The social graph describes the relationship between individuals linked through social networks and other connections such as email or personal contact.


A term used in computer-mediated environments to mean a 'virtual person'

Social sign-on

A user logs into a site using a social network service user name and password. This can enable connection between social memberships and company profile information

Electronic marketspace

A virtual marketplace such as the Internet in wich no direct contact occurs between buyers and sellers

Uniform(universal) resource locator( URL)

A web address used to locate a web page on a web server

Contextual ad

Ad relevant to page content on third-party sites brokered by search ad networks

Extended product

Additional features and benefits beyond the core product

Results- based payment

Advertiser pay according to the number of times the ad is clicked on

Electronic Commerce

All financial and informational electronically mediated exchanges between an organization and its external stakeholders


Also known as "schematics", a way of illustrating the layout of an individual web page

Paid Media

Also known as bought media, a direct payment occurs to a site owner or an ad network when they serve an ad, a sponsorship or pay for a click, lead or sale generated

Adaptive web design

Also known as progressive enhancement this design technique delivers different layouts and features according to what is supported by browser and screen resolution of the device


An alternative term to price comparison search engines. Aggregators include product, price, and service information comparing competitors within a sector such as financial services, retail, or travel. Their revenue models commonly include CPA, CPA, and CPM.


An alternative term to price comparison sites. Include products, price and service information comparing competitors within a sector such as financial services, retail or travel. Their revenue models commonly include affiliate revenue (CPA), Pay-per-click advertising (CPC) and display advertising (CPM).

Google Adwords enhanced campaigns

An approach introduced by google in 2013 to simplify the management of ads displayed in different locations, different day parts(times of day) and on different devices


An approach to development of systems which involves a more aollaborative and closer relationship between development and operations teams with the aim of reducing deployment times and frequency of system updates and improving their stability

Web accessibility

An approach to site design intended to accommodate site usage and settings- particularly required by the visually impaired and visitors with other disabilities including motor control, learning difficulties and deaf users. Users whose first language is not English can also be assisted.


An arrangement between two or more companies which agree to jointly dispaly content and perform joint promotion using brand logos, email marketing or banner advertisements. The aim is that the brands are strengthened if they are seen as complementary. Co-branding is often a reciprocal arrangement which can occur without payment as part of a wider agreement between partners

Quailty score

An assessment in paid search by Google Adwords (and now other search engines) of an individual ad triggered by a keyword which, in combination with the bid amount, determines the ranking of the ad relative to through rate for each ad, but quality score also considers the match between the keyword and the occurrence of the keyword in the text, historical click-through rates the engagement of the searcher when they click through to the site and th speed at which the page loads


An assessment of how easy it is for a web user to locate a single content object or to use browse navigation and search system to find content. Like usability it is assessed through efficiency- how long it takes to find the content and effectiveness - how satisfied the user is with the experience and relevance of the content they find

Trusted feed

An automated method of putting content into a search engine index or an aggregator database

Knowledge Graph

An infrastructure developed by Google to display related information about people, places, and objects.


An online publisher that acts as a gateway to information and services available on the Internet by providing search engines, directories and other services such as personalized news or free email

Feed (or RSS feed)

Blog, news or other content is published by an XML standard and syndicated for other sites or read by users in RSS reader services such as Google Reader, personalized home pages or email systems. RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication.

Really Simple Syndication feed(RSS)

Bolg, news or other content is published by an XML standard and syndicated for other sites or read by users in RSS reader software services. Now typically shortened to feed, eg newsfeed or sports feed

Panda and Pengyin algorithm updates

Changes to Google's algorithm aimed at reducing the impact at webspam. They caused the rankings of many sites to fall. Panda targeted low-quality sites with 'thin' content. Penguin targeted sites using aggressive link building

Situation Analysis

Collection and review of information about an organization's external environment and internal resources and processes in order to refine its strategy

customer feedback or support forums

Comments posted to the site or independent sites such as social networks may give suggestions about future product innovation. Freshdesk has developed a platform to enable a company to communicate and collaborate inside and outside the company. The platform also has the capacity to intergrate with CRM, e-commerce and analytics systerms. Companies using freshdesk include Honda, 3M, Hugo Boss, Kuoni and Unicef.


Comments that are made by a person independent from a company are considered are authentic and so can help raise trust about an online provider such as a retailer. You can see that personal recommendations are particularly important and seem to be trusted more than content sites giving reviews and opinions (although these still given credence by many web users)

Push media definition

Communications are broadcast from an advertiser to consumers of the message, who are passive recipients.

Digital Media

Communications are facilitated through content and interactive services delivered by different digital technology platforms including the Internet, web, mobile phone, interactive TV, IPTV and digital signage


Companies promoting a merchant typically through a commission-based arrangement either direct or through an affiliate network.

Key challenges of digital communications:

Complexity, Responding to competitors, Responding to changes to technology and marketing platforms, Cost, Attention

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

Consumer approach the business with an offer

C2B: consumer to business

Consumers approach the business with an offer.


Content or product information is distributed to third parties. Online this is commonly achieved through standard XML formats such as RSS.

Online reputation management

Controlling the reputation of an organisation through monitoring and controlling messages placed about the organisation


Creation of a new intermediary by an establish company

Sense and Respond Communication

Customer behaviour is monitored at an individual level and the marketer responds with communications tailored to the individual's need.

Permission Marketing

Customers agree to be involved in an organization's marketing activities, usually as a result of an incentive

Inbound Internet-based Communications

Customers enquire through web-based forms and email

Web self-service

Customers perform information requests and transactions through a web interface rather than by contact with customer support staff

web self-service definition

Customers perform information requests and transactions through a web interface rather than by contact with customer support staff.


Customers' perception of the product and brand offering relative to those of competitiors


Delivering individualized content through web pages or email

Revenue Model

Describe methods of generating income for an organization

Pricing models

Describe the form of payment such as outright purchase, auction, rental, volume purchases, and credit items

Click Ecosystem

Describes the customer behaviour of flow of online visitors between search engines, media sites, other intermediaries to an organization and its competitors

Programming ad buying

Describes the purchase online display advertising that is aggregated, booked, flighted, analysed, and optimised via demand sitde software interfaces and algorithms. It includes RTB and also non-RTB methods and buy types such as facebook ads API and the google display network

Channel buyer behaviour

Describes which content is visited and the time and duration

Channel buyer behaviour

Describes which content is visited and the time and duration.

User-centered design

Design based on optimising the user experience according to all factors, including the user interface, which affect this

Mobile-based apps

Designed to run on smartphones and tablet computers, apps provide users with rich mobile content by deploying the handset's multiple native capabilities. Apps are available for download from app stores hosted by the mobile operating systems.

The main types of digital marketing platform

Desktop, laptop, and notebook platforms/ Mobile phone and tablet platforms / Other hardware platforms (gaming platforms, indoor and outdoor kiosk-type apps, interactive signage, wearables)

Landing page

Destination page when a user clicks an ad or other form of link from a referring site. It can be a home page but more typically and desirably messaging focussed on the offer in the ad. this will maximise conversion rates and brand favourability.


Different channels or content can be offered as individual products or grouped at a reduced price compared to pay-per-view.

Owned Media

Different forms of online media controlled by a company including their website, blogs, email list and social media presence

Owned media

Different forms of online media controlled by a company including their website, blogs, email list and social media presence.

Online Company Presence

Different forms of online media controlled by a company including their website, blogs, email list and social media presences. Also known as 'owned media'

Duplicate content

Different pages which are evaluated by the search engine to be similar and so dont rank highly even though they may be for distinct products or services

Google Display Network(GDN)

Different types of online publishers agree for Google to display contextual ads on their sites for a fee for example as part of the Adsense programme


Digital media and technology can be used as a relatively low-cost method of collecting marketing research, particularly about customer perceptions of products and service.


Digital propositition and communications should be based around the customer: their charactertistics, behaviours, needs, wants.

industry restructuring

Disintermediation and reintermediation are key concepts of industry restructuring that should be considered by any company developing an e-marketing strategy.

Brand assets

Distinctive names, symbols, images

Incidental offline advertising

Driving traffic to the website is not the primary objective of the advert

Buy-side e-commerce

E-commerce transactions between a purchasing organization and its suppliers

Sell-side e-commerce

E-commerce transactions between a supplier organization and its customer

Soft lock-in

Electronic linkages between supplier and customer that increase switching costs

independence of location

Electronic media also introduce the possibility of increasing the reach of company communications to the global market. This gives opportunities to sell into international markets which may not previously have been possible

Electronic Business (e-business) or Digital Business

Electronically mediated information exchanges, both within an organization and with external stakeholders supporting the range of business processes

Marketing automation

Enables businesses to automate tasks in the marketing and sales process to make the process to deliver more relevant communications typically delivered as personalized emails and website messages

Index inclusion

Ensuring that as many of the relevant pages from your domain(s) are included within the search engine indexes you are targeting to be listed in.

Target Marketing Strategy

Evaluation and selection of appropriate customer segments and the development of appropriate offers

Online Marketplace

Exchanges of information and commercial transactions between consumers, businesses and governments completed through different forms of online presence such as search engines, social networks, comparison sites, and destination sites

Marketing Intermediaries

Firms that can help a company to promote, sell and distribute its products or services. For example media sites, comparison sites, search engines, social networks, and blogs


Formed by extending the intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers, collaborations or even competitors. This is password-protected to prevent access by general Internet users.

extranet definition

Formed by extending the intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers, collaborators or even competitors. This is again password- protected to prevent access by general Internet users

Adaptive mobile web design

Generally a more sophisticated approach than Responsive web design that involves delivering an experince optimised or handsets targeted and splits the code and processing to render on different devices between the client and the server

Customer Segments

Groups of customers sharing similar characteristics, preferences and behaviors that are meaningful in terms of various market propositions, and which are defined as part of target marketing strategy and planning

Online branding

How online channels are used to support brands that, in essence, are the sum of the characteristics of a product or service as perceived by a user.

Brand reflection

How the customer perceives themselves as a result of buying the brand


Hyperlink which links to a particular web page. Also known as inbound link. Google PageRank and Yahoo WebRank are methods of enumerating this

Differential pricing

Identical products are priced differently for different types of customers, markets, or buying situations

Customer selection

Identifying key customer segments and targeting them for relationship building

Online inluencer outreach

Identifying online influencers such as bloggers media owners or individuals with a large online following in the social networks and then approaching them to partner together to communicate with their audience

Consumer Behavior Analysis

In digital markets, this type of analysis involves research into the motivations, media consumption preferences and selection processes used by consumers as they use digital channels together with traditional channels to purchase online products and use other online services


In this sector, the Internet supports selling new products which are developed and sold into new markets.

multichannel marketing goals

Integrate (hợp thành 1 thể thống nhất) all communications methods to help achieve marketing objectives by supporting mixed-mode buying.

Online Market Ecosystem

Interactions between different online systems related to a specific hardware or software technology which may be independent or developed by a particular brand

Competitor Analysis

Involves identifying the companies which are competing for our business and then reviewing what they are good at, what are their strengths, where are their weaknesses; what are they planning, where do they want to take the company and how do they behave when other companies try to take their market share

Forward auctions

Item purchased by highest bid made in bidding period

Reverse auctions

Items purchased from lowest-bidding supplier in bidding period

Deep linking

Jakob Nielsen's term for a user arriving at a site deep within its structure

Brand domain

Key target markets, where the brand competes

Customer Insight

Knowledge about customers needs, profile, preferences and digital experiences fro analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Specific insights can be used to inform marketing tactics directed at groups of customers with shared characteristics

Responsive Web Design(RWD)

Layout and formatting or website content is modified at the point of rendering to suit different screen resolutions and capabilities to produce a better experience to users of a range of desktop, tablet and smarphone devices using web development methods liek CSS and image scaling

Location-based Marketing

Location or proximity-based marketing is mobile marketing on the GPS built into phones or based on interaction with other local digital devices

Continuous e-communications acitivties

Long-term use of e-marketing communications intended to generate site visitors for customer acquisition( such as search engine, affiliate marketing and online sponsorship) and retention ( for example, e-newsletter marketing)


MEeting process objectives, delivering the required outputs and outcomes, doing the right thing

Interruption Marketing

Marketing communications that disrupt customers activities

Interruption marketi

Marketing communications that disrupt customers' activities

Mobile Marketing

Marketing to encourage consumer engagement when using mobile phones (particularly smartphones) or tablet devices

Dgital marketing metrics

Measures that indicate the effectiveness of digital marketing activities integrated across different channels and platforms in meeting customer, business and marketing objectives

intermediaries, influencers and media publisher sites

Media sites and other intermediaries are often sucessful in attracting visitors via customer search or direct to their websites if they are mainstream brands. Companies need to assess potential online media and distribution partners.

Application Programming Interfaces (API)

Method of exchanging data between systems such as website services

key performance indicators (KPI)

Metrics used to assess the performance of a process and/or whether set goals are achieved


Minimising resources of time needed to complete a process doing the right

Stage Models

Models for the development of different levels of Internet marketing services

Social Media Marketing

Monitoring and facilitating customer-to-customer interaction and participation throughout the web to encourage positive engagement with a company and its brands. Interactions may occur on a company site, social networks and other third-party sites.

product development

New products or services are developed which can be delivered by the Internet. These are typically digital products.

Web 3.0 Concept

Next generation web incorporating high-speed connectivity, complex cross-community interactions and an intelligent and semantic web where automated applications can access data from different online services to assist searchers perform complex tasks of supplier selection

Online Public relations(e-PR)

OMaximising favourable mentions of your company, brands, products or websites on third-party websites which are likely to be visited by your target audience. Online PR can extend reach and awareness of a brand within an audience and will also generate backlinks vital to SEO. It can also be used to support viral or word-of mouth marketing activities in other media

Digital media channel

Online communications technique such as search engine marketing affiliate marketing and display advertising used to engage web users on third-party sites: encourage them to visit an organisation's site or purchase through traditional channels such as by phone or in-store

Digital medai channel

Online communications technique used to achieve goals of brand awareness, familiarity, favourability, and to influence purchase intent by encouraging users of digital media to visit a website, where they will engage with the brand or product and ultimately purchase online or offline through traditional media channels such as by phone or instore

Digital Media Channels

Online communications techniques used to achieve goals of brand awareness, familiarity, favorability and to influence purchase intent by encouraging users of digital media to visit a website to engage with the brand or product, and ultimately to purchase or offline through traditional media channels such as by phones or in-stores

native advertising

Online content that it is crated to promote or enhance a brand such as publisher article or social media updat. Such content should be disclosed an advertising by law in many countries, but often it isnt

Online influencers of KOL

Online inluencers can include any type of person who publishes online who has a significant following. They can include journalists, bloggers or celebrities


PPC listing get posted quickly, usually in a few days (following editor review). SEO results can take weeks or months to be achieved. Moreover, when a website is revised for SEO, ranking will initially drop while the site is re-indexed by the search engines.


PPC refers to when a company pays for text ads to be displayed on the search engine results pages as a sponsored link when a specific key phrase is entered by the search user. It is so-called because the marketer pays each time the hypertext link in the ad is clocked on. If a link is clicked repeatedly, then this will be detected by the search engine as click fraud and the marketer will not be charges

requires specialist knowledge

PPC requires a knowledge of configuration, budding options and of the reporting facilities of different ad networks. Internal staff can be trained, but they will need to keep up-to-date with changes to paid search services.

Atritrion rate

Percentage of site visitors lost at each stage in making a purchase

Conversion rate

Percentage of site visitors who perform a particular action such asmakeing a purchase

Main types of customer data held as tables in customer databases for CRM

Personal and profile data, Transaction data, communication data


Personal online diary, journal or news source compiled by one person, an internal team or external guest authors postings are usually in different categories. Typically comments can be added to each blog posting to help create interactivity and feedback

Dynamic pricing

Prices can be updated in real time according to the type of customer or current marketing conditions

social media optimization (SMO)

Process to review and improve the effectiveness of social media marketing through reviewing approaches to enhance content and communications quality to generate more business value

Google's Product Listing ADS(PLAs)

Product information such as pricing and images are uploaded to Google's servers using a product feed in XML or text formats fordisplay in ads within Google ADWords or Google Shopping

Customer preference center

Profile pages which enables customers to tailor the type and frequency of communications they receive

Search engine marketing(SEM)

Promoting an organisation through search engines to meet its objectives by delivering relevant content in the search listings for searchers and encouraging them to click though to a destination site. The two key techniques of SEM are search engine optimisation(SEO) to improve results from the natural listings to improve results from natural listings, and paid search marketing to deliver results from the sponsored listings within the search engines. Note, in the US and some European countries the acronym SEM is sometimes used just to describe paid search advertising.

Bounce rate

Proportion of visitors to a page or site who exit after visiting a single page only, usually expressed as a percentage

Online PR

Publisher outreach, Community participation, Media alerting, Brand protection


QN=56 (20284) Which of the following sections do annual reports typically contain? a. financial summary related to the past year's performance b. information about the company, its products, and its activities c. audited financial statements, including limited historical financial data d. All of these sections are included in the annual report.

Online voice of customer definition

Qualitative assessments of the effective of digital presence based on direct customer feedback. They answer "who and why" questions about how customers interact with brands online. Online VoC measures are useful for reviewing customer sentiment online. The satisfaction rating we have reviewed are one example of VoC measures. This is a key technique for improving online customer journeys.

Demand Analysis

Quantitative determination of the potential use and business value from online customers of an organization. Qualitative analysis of perceptions of online channels is also assesed


Reach defines the number of unique individauls who view an advertisement

advantages of online public relations

Reach, cost, Credibility, Search engine optimization, brand-enhancement and protection

XMOS(cross-media optimisation studies)

Reasearch designed to help marketers and theri agencies answer the question" what is the opimal mix of advertising vehicles across different media, in terms of frequency, reach and budget allocation, for a given campaign to achieve its marketing goals? The mix between online and offline spend is varied to maximise campaign metrics such as reach, brand awareness and purchase intent


Recorded for each graphic or text file requested from a web server. It is not a reliable measure for the number of people viewing a page


Refers to ensuring email messages are deliverd and aren't blocked by spam filters because the email content or structure falsely identifies a permission based email as a spammer, or because the sender's IP address has a poor reputation for spam

Customer engagement

Repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional psychological or physical investment a customer has in a brand.

Customer Engagement

Repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional, psychological or physical investment a customer has in a brand

Retail channel

Retailer 's use of the internet as both a communication and a transactional channel concurrenly in business to consumer markets

. Six digital channels

Search engine marketing, Online PR ,Online Partnership , Display advertising, Opt-in email marketing, Social media marketing

Navigational(orbrand) search

Searchers use a search engine such as Google to find information deeper within a company site by appending a qualifier such as a product name to the brand or site name. Organisations need to check that relevant pages are available in the search results pages for these situations

E-business or digital business

Similar to e-commerce but broader in scope: and refers to using digital technology to manage a range of business processes incorporating the sell-side and buy-side e-commerce shown in Figure 1.7, and also other key supporting business processes including research and development, marketing, manufacturing and inbound and outbound logistics.

Responding to competitors

Since competitors can also change their approach readily, more resource has to be used to monitor competitor activity. Automated tools known as bid management tools can assist with this - they will automatically check amounts competitors are paying and then adjust them according to per-defined rules

Marketing-led site design

Site design elements achieve customer acquisition, retention and communication of marketing messages

Transactional e-commerce sites

Sites that support online sales

Destination Sites

Sites typically owned by merchants, product manufacturers or retailers providing product information

Design for analysis(DFA)

THe required measures from a site are considered during design to better understand the audience of a site and their decision points

Web merchandising

The aims of web merchandising are to maximise the sales potential of an online store for each visitor. This means connecting the right offer to the right visitor, and remembering that the online store is part of broader experience including online and offline advertising, in- store visits, customer service and delivery

Earned Media

The audience is reached through editorial comments and sharing online

Share of Search

The audience share of Internet searches achieved by a particular audience in particular market

Earned media:

The audiences is reached through editorial, comments and sharing online.

Brand heritage

The background and culture of the brand

Value Proposition

The benefits or value a brand offers to customers in its products and services


The capability of an email to display correctly formatted in different email readerson desktop and mobile devices

Brand personality

The character of the brand

Keyphrase(Keyword phrase)

The combination of words users of search engines type into a search box which form a search query

Channel Structure

The configuration of partners is a distribution channel

. Pull media definition

The consumer is proactive in actively seeking out a solution and interactions with brands and are attracted through content search and social media marketing.

Inbound Marketing

The consumer is proactive in seeking out information for their needs, and interactions with brands are attracted through content, search and social media marketing

Brand values

The core characteristics of the brand, e.g. price, quality, and performance

Cost per thousand(CMP)

The cost of placing an act viewed by 1000 people


The cost of placing an ad viewed by 1000 people

Cost per acquisition (CPA)

The cost to the advertiser (or the revenue received by the publisher) for each outcome such as a lead or sale generated after a click to a third-party site

CPC (cost per click)

The cost to the advertiser (or the revenue received by the publisher) of each click of a link to a third-party site

CPM (cost per thousand)

The cost to the advertiser (or the revenue received by the publisher) when an ad is served 1000 times


The costs for online PR are the agency or internal staff fees for developing the online PR plan, concepts and content. Since there are no media placement costs, this can be cost-effective.


The creation new intermediaries between customers and suppliers providing services such as supplier search and product evaluation


The creation of new intermediaries between customers and suppliers providing services such as supplier search and product evaluation

Mass customization

The creation of tailored marketing messages or products for individual customers or groups of customers typically using economies of scale and the capacity of mass marketing or production.

Mixed-mode buying

The customer's purchase decision is influenced by a range of media such as print, TV and Internet

Path to Purchase

The different sites, channels and devices and information sources that consumers use to inform their purchase decision for a product or service. Also known as conversion pathways to a site.

Price dispersion

The distribution or range of prices charged for an item across different retailers

Process variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves the methods and procedures companies use to achieve all marketing functions

Physical evidence variable

The element of the marketing mix that involves the tangible expression of a product and how it is purchased and used

Core product

The fundamental features of the product that meet the user's needs


The interaction between company, customer and other customers facilitated through online community, social networks, reviews and comments

Content Marketing

The management of text, rich media, audio and video content aimed at engaging customers and prospects to meet business goals published through print and digital media including web and mobile platforms which is repurposed and syndicated to different forms of web presence such as publisher sites, blogs, social media and comparison sites


The medium enables a dialogue between company and customer

Universal search

The natural listings incorporate other relevant results from vertical searches related to a query, such as video, books, news, real-time social media recommendations, site links, and images.

Control page

The page against which subsequent opimisation will be assessed typically a current lading page. When a new page performs better than the existing control page. It becomes the control page in subsequent testing. Also known as "champion challenger"

Search engine results page(SERPS)

The pages containing the results after a user types a keyphrase into a search engine. SERPS contain both natural or organic listings and paid or sponsored listings

Natural or organic listings

The pages listing results from a search engine query which are displayed in a sequence according to relevance of match between the keyword phrase typed into a search engine and a web page according to a ranking algorithm used by the search engine


The players (stakeholders) and their interactions which influence how an organization responds in its marketplace

Micro environment

The players (stakeholders) and their interactions which influence how an organization responds in its marketplace.


The process by which companies distinguish their product offerings from the competition by the sum of the characteristics of product or service as perceived by the customer

Environmental Scanning

The process of continuously monitoring and analyzing events in an organization's environment(s) which have implications for planning.

Social media listening

The process of using monitoring tools to review mentions or a brand and related keywords within social networks and other online sites


The process whereby a company develops more of the characteristics of a virtual organization.


The process whereby product selection becomes more dependent on price than on differentiating features, benefits and value-added services


The process whereby product selection becomes more dependent on price than on differentiating features, benefits, and value-added services.

Channel Profitabiltiy

The profitability of the website, taking into account revenue and cost and discounted cash flow

Interaction rate(IR)

The proportion of ad viewers who interact with an online ad through rolling over it. Some will be involuntary depending on where the ad is placed on the screen, so it is highly dependent on placement


The removal of intermediaries such as distributors or brokers that formerly linked a company to its customers

Customer Journeys

The sequence of online and offline touchpoints a customer takes during a buying process or broader customer experience. Online this may include a range of digital platforms, communications media, websites, pages, and engagement devices

Marketing Mix

The series of seven key variables- product, price, place promotion, people, process, and physical evidence that are varied by marketers as part of the customer offering.

Referrer or referring site

The source of a visitor to a site delivered via a digital media channel. Typically a specific site vd Google, adwords, or a media site or an idividual ad placement on the site

Ad serving

The term for displaying an advertisement on a website. Often the advertisement will be served from a web server different from a web server different from the site on which it is placed

Link anchor text

The text used to form the blue underlined hyperlink viewed in a web browser defined in the HTML source. For example, a link: visit dave chaffey s digital marketing site is created by the HTML code: http... visit dave Chaffey's digital marketing site

Brand identity

The totality of brand associations including name and symbols that must be communicated

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

The use of different technologies to protect the distribution of digital services or content such as software, music; movies or other digital data

Internet-based market research

The use of online questionnaires and focus groups to assess customer perceptions of a website or broader maketing issues

Video Marketing

The use of video to gain visibility in search marketing, video hosting sites to engage site visitors.

Personal and profile data

These include contact details and characteristics for profiling customers, such as age and sex (B2C), and business size, industry sector and the individual' s role in the buying decision (B2B).

Affiliate network

Third-party brokers also known as affiliate managers who manage recruitment of affiliates and infrastructure to manage a merchant's affiliate program in the form of links, tracking, and payment of a range of affiliates


This is a traditional pubisher revenue model, but subscription can potentially be offered for different periods at different price points, e.g. three months, twelve months or two years.

CPM (cost per thousand) display advertising on site

This is traditional method by which site owners charge a fee for advertising. Ads may be served by the site owner's own ad server or more commonly through a third-party ad network service. The cost to the advertiser (or the revenue received by the publisher) when an ad is served 1000 times.

Initiation of the website project

This phase of the project should involve a structured review of the costs and benefits of developing a website( or making a major revision to an existing website). A successful outcome to initiation will be a decision to proceed with the site development phase, with an agreed budget and target completion date


To enable the benefits we have mentioned above - such as personalization, testing and dynamic variation in ads though time - time has to go into configuring the campaign although the search engines provide defaults to enable easy setup. This requires specialist expertise either in-house or at an agency to manage the campaign.

Site navigation scheme

Tools provided to user to move between different information on a website


Tracking the origin of customers and their spending patterns. Tagging also refers to where users or web page creators categorise content on a site though adding descriptive terms. A common approach in blog posts

Media site definitions

Typical location where paid- for ads are placed.

Media site

Typical location where paid-for ads are palced

Email Marketing

Typically applied to outbound communications from a company to prospects or customers to encourage purchase or branding goals. It is most commonly used for mailing to existing customers on a houselist, but can also be used for mailing prospects on a rented or co-branded list. Emails may be sent as part of a one-off campaign or can be automated event-based, triggered emails such as a welcome strategy which can be broadcast based on rules about intervals and customer characteristics

Virtual organization

Uses information and communications technology to allow it to operate without clearly defined physical boundaries between different functions. It provides customized services by outsourcing production and other functions to third parties.

E-CRM definitition

Using digital communications technologies to maximise sales to existing customers and encourage contined usage of online services through techniques including database, personalised web messages, personalised web messages, customer services, email and social media marketing. E-CRM involves creating strategis and plans for how digital technology and digital data can support CRM.

Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM)

Using digital communications technologies to maximize sales to existing customers and encourage continued usage of online services through techniques including database, personalized web messages, customer services, email and social media marketing

Mass customization

Using economies of scale enabled by technology to offer tailored versions of products to individual customers or groups of customers

Conversion Marketing

Using marketing communications to maximize conversion of potential customers to actual customers

Traffic building

Using online and offline site promotion techniques to generate visitors to a site

Tipping Point

Using the science of social epidemics explains principles that underpin the rapid spread of ideas, products, and behaviors through a population

market place analysis including intermediaries, influencers and potential partners

We will see the there is a wide range of influences including search engines, publisher media sites, blogs, review sites and social networks which should all be considered. Marketplace analysis also involves reviewing opportunities and threats from digital media and technology.


Websites, pages or widgets that combine the content or functionality of one website or data source with another to create something offering a different type of value to web users from the separate types of content or functionality


When assessing the marketing effectiveness of a website, the role of the Internet in communicating with customers and other partners can best be considered from 2 perspectives: outbond Internet-based communication from organization on customer and Internet-based communication from customer to organization. Many companies have now integrated email response and website callback into their existing call center or customer service operation.


While online paid search ads are highly targeted and there is arguably little wastage, not everyone will view paid adverts, indeed there is a phenomenon known as 'banner blindness' where web users ignore online ads.

Nofollow and dofollow tags

a basic piece of HTML. Appended to a hyperlink, it allows webmasters to control whether search engines follow a link or not. For example, the following url on a page of another site allows search engines to visit Samrt Insights website and credit the website with the link, each link is scored by the search engines supporting SEO. This normal, natural type of lnik is sometimes known as do followed here's the same hyperlink, now including a nofollow tag


a customer declines the offer to receive further information


a customer declines the offer to receive further information


a customer proactively agrees to receive further information


a customer proactively agrees to receive further information

opt-out definition

a customers declines the offer to receive futher information.

opt-in defitnion

a customers proactively agrees to receive futher information

URL strategy

a defined approach to forming URLs including the use of capitalization, hyphenation, and sub-domains for different brands and different locations. This has implications for promoting a website offline through promotional or vanity URLs, such as search engine optimization and findability

URL strategy

a defined approach to how content is labelled through placing it in different directories or folders with distinct web addresses

data controller

a defined person responsible for data protection in every company

hype cycle

a graphic representation of the maturity, adoption, and business application of specific technologies

Site map

a graphical or text depiction of the relationship between different groups of content on a website


a graphics format and compression algorithm best used for photographs

World Wide Web

a medium for publishing information and providing services on the Internet. It is accessed through web browsers, which display site content on different web pages

online focus group

a moderated focus group can be conducted to compare customers'experience of product use. Many companies now have permanet customer panels they can use to ask about new ideas.


a moral right of individuals to avoid intrusion into their personal affairs


a network within a single company that enables access to company information using the familiar tools of the Internet such as email web browsers/ Only staff within the company can access the intranet, which will be password-protected

static (fixed) web page

a page on the web server that is invariant

dynamic web page

a page that is created in real time, often with reference to a database query, in response to a user request

Content developer

a person responsible for updating web pages within part of an organisation

Performance management system

a process used to evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation and its processes

Internet service provider

a provider enabling home or business users a connection to access the Internet. They can also host web-based applications

econometric modelling

a quantitative technique to evaluate the past influence or predict the future influence on a dependent variable( typically sales in a marketing context) of independent variables which may include product price, promotions and the level and mix of media investments

Transaction data

a record of each purchase trasaction including specific product purchased, quantities, category, location, date and time and channel where purchased.

communication data

a record of which customers have been targeted by campaigns and their response to them (outbound communications). Also includes a record of inbound enquiries and sales representative visits and reports (B2B).

subject access request

a request by a data subject to view personal data from an organization

Digital media de-duplication

a single referrer of a visit leading to sale is credited with the sale based on the last-click method of digital media channel attribution

Social network

a site that facilitates peer-to-peer communication within a group or between individuals through providing facilitates to develop user-genenerated content(UGC) and to exchange messages and comments between different users

mobile apps

a software application that is designed for use on a mobile phone, typically downloaded from an App store. iPhone apps are best known, but all smart phones support the use of apps which can provide users with information, entertainment, or location-based services.

Content management system(CMS)

a software tool for creating, editing and updatin documents accessed by intranet, extranet or internet

secure electronic transaction

a standard for public-key encryption intended to enable secure e-commerce transactions, lead-developed by Mastercard and Visa


a standard for transferring structured data, unlike HTML, which is purely presentational


a standard format used to define the text and layout of web pages

Stie design template

a standard page layout format which is applied to each page of a website for particular page types.. eg category pages, product or blog pages

Site design page template

a standard page layout format which is applied to each page of a website. Defined for different page categories.(eg: category page, product page, search page)

SEO definition

a structured approach used to increase the position of a company or its products in search engine natural or organic results listings for selected keywords or phrases.

Avatar definition

a term used in computer-mediated enviroments to mean a "virtual person". Derived from the word' orginal meaning: the descendant of a Hindudeity in a visible form; incarnation; supreme glorification of any principle. Avatar are increasingly being used to reduce the need for enquires. Using of an avatar-based sales agent can lead to more satisfaction with the retailer, a more positive attitude towards the product and a greater purchase intent. They investigated the usage of "attractive" versus "expert" advisers dependent on the complexity of the purchase decision.

technology convergence

a trend in which different hardware devices such as TVs, computers, and phones merge and have similar functions

Soft launch

a trial version of a site launched with limited publicity

Soft launch definition

a trial version of a site launched with limited publicity.

quick response code

a two-dimensional matrix bar code used for direct response

One-to-one marketing

a unique dialogue occurs between a company and individual customers (or groups of customers with similar needs)


a unique word or phrase that distinguishes your company. the mark can be registered as plain or designed text, artwork or a combination.


a valid copy of a public key of an individual or organization together with identification information. It is issued by a trusted third party or certification authority

web analytics

a wealth of marketing research information is also available from response data from email and search campaigns and the website itself, since everytime a user clicks on a link offering a particular product, this indicates a preference for products and related offers. Such information can be used indirectly to assess customer's product preferences.

Campaign URL or CURL

a web address specific to a particular campaign


a web address used to locate a web page on a web server

transaction log file

a web server file that records all page requests

bluetooth technology

a wireless standard for transmission of data between devices over short ranges


ad add-on program to a web browser providing extra functionality such as animation

Interstitial ads

ads that appear bewteen one page and the next

simple page or concept feedback tools

again a form off crowd sourcing, give feedback from an online panel about page layout, messaging or services.

Paid media

also know as bought media, a direct payment occurs to a site owner or an ad, a sponsorship or pay for a click, lead or sale generated.

customer scenarios

alternative tasks or outcomes required by a visitor to a website. Typically accomplished in a series of stages of different tasks involving different information needs or experiences


an approach to website design intended to enable the completion of user tasks

Landing page

an entrance page to the site when a user clicks on an ad or other form of link from a refeming site. It can be a home page but more typically, and desirably, a landing page is a page with the messaging focussed on the offer in the ad.. This will maximise conversion rates and brand favourability


an idea, theme, or trend that engages an audience and spreads through viral communications.

Visitor conversion rate

an indication of the capability of a site in converting visitors to defined outcomes such as registration. calculated by dividing the number of conversion events by the number of unique visitors within a defined time period.

client discovery process

an initiative to learn what a client or brands needs from a campaign their strategic initiatives which it must align with, their goals and their marketing outcomes

Virtual community

an internet based forum for special interest groups to communicate. -social networks, Facebook, Google+, and linkedin


an online diary or nws source prepared by an individual or a group of people. From "Web log" Business blogs are created by an organisation for communication to their audiences

certificate authority

an organization issuing and managing certificates or public keys to individuals or organizations together with identification information

Expert review

analysis of an existing site or prototype by an experience usability expert who will identify deficiencies and improvements to a site based on their knowledge of web design principles and best practices

personal data

any information about an individual stored by companies concerning their customers or employees

Digital marketing strategy

approach by which applying digital technology platforms will support marketing and business objectives

multichannel prioritization

assesses the strategic significance of the internet relative to other communications channels and then deploys resources to integrate with marketing channels

online revenue contribution

assessment of the direct contribution of the internet or other digital media to sales, usually expressed as a percentage of overall sales revenue

online promotion contribution

assessment of the proportion of customers, new or retained, who are influenced and reached by online communications

Five main types of goals of an interactive marketing communications:

audience or traffice goals, conversion or interation(xấp xỉ) goals, third-party site reach and branding goals, multichannel marketing goals, longer brand engagement goals.

symmetric encryption

both parties to a transaction use the same key to encode and decode messages

asymmetric encryption

bother parties use a related but different key to encode and decode messages

crowd sourcing product opinion software

broader than web feedback, enabling customers to comment about potential new services.

Affiliate marketing

commission-based arrangement where referring sites receive a commission on sales or leads by merchants(retailers or other transactional sites) Commission is usually based on a percentage of product sale price or a fixed amount for each sale(CPA or cost per acquisition) but may also sometimes be based on a per-click basis, for example when a aggregator refers visits to merchants

customer touchpoints

communications channels with which companies interact directly with prospects and customers

early adopters

companies or departments that invest in new technologies and techniques

digital certificates (keys)

consist of keys made up of large numbers that are used to uniquely identify individuals


consists of client computers such as PCs sharing resources such as a database stored on a more powerful server computer

first-party cookies

cookies served by the site currently in use - typically for e-commerce sites

persistent cookies

cookies that remain on the computer after a visitor session has ended. used to recognize returning visitors

performance drivers

critical success factors that determine whether business and marketing objectives are met

Single customer view

customer profile info is kept consistent across systems to maintain customer data quality

Main elements of online marketplace map

customer segment, search intermediaries, intermediaries, influencers and media publisher sites, destination sites and platforms

permission marketing

customers agree (opt-in) to be involved in an organization's marketing activities, usually as a result of an incentive

Permission marketing

customers agree to be involved in an organizations marketing activities, usually as result of an incentive.


customers perception of the product offer relative to those of competitors

Factors should be covered in situation analysis

customers, market place analysis including intermediaries, influencers and potential partners, competitors, wider macro-environment

URL strategy

defined approach to forming URLs including the use of capitalization, hyphenation and subdomains for different brands and locations. Has implications for promoting a website offline through a promotional or vanity URL, search engine optimisation and findability

multichannel marketing

defines how different marketing channels should integrate and support each other in terms of their proposition development and communications based on their relative merits for the customers and the company

social media strategy

definition of marketing communications used to achieve interaction with social network users to meet business goals

Contact or touch strategy

definition of the sequence and type of outbound communications required at different points in the customer lifecycle.

Media fragmentation

describes a trend towards increasing choice and consumption of a range of media in terms of different channels such as web and mobile and also within channels, for example more TV channels, radio stations, magazines, more websites. Implies increase difficulty in reaching target audiences

User-centered design

design approach which is based on research of user characteristics and needs.

Mobile app

designed to run on smartphones and tablet computers, apps provide users with rich mobile content by deploying the handsets multiple native capabilities. Apps are available for download from app stores hosted by the mobile operating systems(itunes for ios, google play for android, microsoft app store..)

campaign-based e-communications

digital communications that are executed to support a specific marketing campaign such as a product launch, price promotion or website launch

Display advertising definition

display ad are paid ad placements using graphical or rich media ad units within a web page to achieve goals of delivering brand awareness, familiarity, favorability and purchase intent. Many ads encourage interaction through prompting the viewer to interact or rollover to play videos, complete an online form or to view more details by clicking through to a site.

Display advertising

display ads are paid ad placements using graphical or rich media ad units within a web page to achieve goals of delivering brand awareness, familiarity, favourability and purchase intent. Many ads encourage interaction through prompting the viewer in interact or rollover to play videos, complete an online form or to view more details by clicking through to a site

outbound email marketin

emails are sent to customers and prospects from an prganisation

general online survey tools

enable companies to survey their audience at a low cost (for example: boomerang, survey monkey,...)

cascading style sheets (CSS)

enable web designers to define standard styles (fonts, spacing and colors) to HTML documents. by separating the presentation style of documents from the content of the documents, this simplifies web authoring and site maintenance since style can be defined across a whole site (or section of sites)

Behavioural ad targeting

enables an advertiser to target ads at a visitor as they move elsewhere on the site, visit other sites on an ad network return to the sit, the process of remarketing to increase the frequency or number of impressions served to an individual in the target market

online tactical marketing segmentation

enables targeting based on customer journey behavior such as search behavior, content accessed, and contribution to social media

Facted navigation

enables users to rapidly filter sesults from a product search based on different ways of classifying the product by their attributes or features. For example by brand by sub product category, by price bands

Four elements of the model that can constrain the effectiveness of Internet marketing:

encoding, noise, decoding, feedback.

Sales generation offer

encourage product trial. A coupon redeemed against a purchase is a classic example.

call-back service

facility available on the website for a company to contact a customer at a later time as specified by the customer.

short code

five-digit number combined with text that can be used by advertisers or broadcasters to encourage consumers to register their interest. They are typically followed up by an automated text message from the advertiser with the option to opt in to further information by email or to link through to a WAP site

balanced scorecard

framework for setting and monitoring business performance


further subdivided into a sell-Side e-commerce perspective, which refers to transactions involved with selling products to an organisation's customers, and a buy-side e-commerce perspective, which refers to business-to-business transactions to procure resources needed by an organisation from its suppliers

strategy formulation

generation, review and selection of strategies to achieve strategic objectives


google offers retargeting through cookies placed on the searcher computer to display ads on the content network after someone has clicked on a paid search ad or visited a specific page on a site as a reminder to act. these can be effective in boosting the conversion rate to lead or sale.

market development

here the Internet is used to sell into new geographical markets, taking advantage of the low cost of advertising internationally without the necessity for a supporting sales infrastructure in the customers' countries.

view through

indicates when a user views an ad and subsequently visits a website


individuals and organisations post online media(audio and video)which can be viewed int he apporpriate palyers including the iPod which frist spearked the growth in this technique

third-party site reach and branding goals

influence and engage with prospective (bảo hộ) customers on third-party sites (exp: reach a targeted audience of 500,000 during the campaign)

privacy statement

information on a website explaining how and why individuals' data are collected, processed, and stored

Site-visitor activity data

information on content and services accessed by e-commerce site visitors

affiliate revenue

is commission-based. Increasingly, this approach is replacing CPM or CPC approaches where the advertiser has more negotiating power.

Disadvantages of SEO

lack of predictability, time for results to be implemented, complexity and dynamic nature, ongoing investment, poor for developing awareness in comparison with other media channels

Accessibility legislation

legislation intended to protect users of websites with disabilities including visual disability

accessibility legislation

legislation intended to protect users of websites with disabilities including visual stability


literally, data about data, a format describing the structure and content of data

marketing planning

logical sequence and a series of activities leading to the setting of marketing objectives and the formulation of plans for achieving them

continuous e-communications

long-term use of e-marketing communications for customer acquisition


loosely structured group of people who research and develop innovative opportunities and business benefits


malicious software or toolbars, typically downloaded via the Internet, which act as a 'Trojan horse' by executing unwanted activities such as keylogging of user passwords or viruses which may collect email addresses

inbound email marketing

management of emails from customers by an organisation

Content strategy

management of text, rich media, audio and video content aimed at engaging customers and prospects to meet business goals published through print and digital media including web and mobile platforms which is repurposed and syndicated to different forms of web presence such as publisher sites, blogs, social media and comparison sites

The use of Internet in achieving strategic directions

market penetration, market development, product development, diversification

Interruption marketing

marketing communications that disrupt customers' activities.

proximity marketing

marketing messages are delivered in real time according to the customers' presence based on the technology they are carrying, wearing, or have embedded

site user intent-satisfaction surveys

measure the gap between what the user had hoped to do on the site and what they actually achieved.

lagging performance indicator

measure which indicates past performance; corrective action can then be applied to improve performance

longer brand engagement goals

measured through lifetime value, loyalty and customer interactions

performance metrics

measures that are used to evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes

Channel promotion

measures that assess why customers visit a site - which adverts they have seen, which sites have they been reffered from.

Channel promotion

measures that assess why customers visit a site--which adverts they have seen, which sites have they been referred from

distribution channels

mechanism by which products are directed to customers either through intermediaries or directly

Social media marketing

monitoring and facilitating customer interation and participation throughout the web to encourage positive engagement with a company and its brands. Interactions may occur on a company site, social networks and other third-party sites

Lead generation offer

offered in return for customers providing their contact details and characteristics. Commonly used in B2B marketing where free info such as report or a seminar will be offered.

Page and ad impressions

one page impression occurs when a member of the audience views a web page. One ad impression occurs when a person views an advertisement placed on the web page

native advertising

online content that is created to promote or enhance a brand such as a publisher article or social media update

Options for performing new product development research online

online focus group, online questionnaire survey, customer feedback or support forums, web analytics

Viral Marketing

online viral marketing or buzz marketing, is a form of electronic word of mouth marketing Brands and promotions are discussed and awareness of them transmitted in two main forms, either as pass along email or discussion in a social network

clicks-only (internet pureplay)

organization that is principally online

social exclusion

part of society is excluded from the facilities available to the remainder

Conversion rate

percentage of site visitors who perform a particular action such as making a purchase.

SEM definition

promotion an organization through search engines to meet its objectives by delivering relevant content in the search listings for searchers and encouraging them to click through to a destination site.

intellectual property rights

protect the intangible property created by corporations or individuals that is protected under copyright, trade secret and patent laws

website feedback tools

provide a permanent facility for customers to give feedback by prompts on every page.

Email service providers(ESPs)

provide a web based service used by marketers to manage their email activities including hosting email subscription forms broadcast and tracking

QR code definition

quick response code- a two- dimensional matrix bar code. QR codes were invented in Japan where they are a popular type of two- dimensional code used for direct response.

Big data applications in marketing

refers to applications to gain value from the increasing volume, velocity, and variety of data integrated from different sources. These enhance insight to deliver more relevant communications through techniques such as marketing automation and CRM.

pay-per-click search marketing

refers to when a company pays for text ads to be displayed on the search engine results pages when a specific key phrase is entered by the search users

Contextual marketing

relevant communications are delivered consistent with the context of the recipient which can depend on their location, time or place.

Reverse path analysis

reverse path analysis indicates the most popular combination of pages and/or calls to action which lead to a page. This is particularly useful for transactional pages such as the first checkout page on a consumer site, a lead generation or contact us page on a business to business site, an email subscription page or a call me back option

resource analysis

review of the technological, financial, and human resources of an organization and how they are utilized in the business process

Forward path analysis

reviews the combinations of clicks that occur rom a page. this form of analysis is most beneficial from important pages such as the home page, product and directory pages. Use this technique to identify: messaging/navigation combinations which work best to yield the most click from a page

Search engine marketing

search engine optimization (SEO), Paid search pay-per-click (PPC), Paid for inclusion feeds.

2 key techniques:

search engine optimization (SEO, paid-search marketing

significant traffic driver

search marketing can attract a significant proportion of visitors to the site if companies are successful in implementing it.

poor for developing awareness in comparison with other media channels

searchers already have to be familiar with a brand or service to fine it. However, it offers the opportunity for less well-known brands to "punch above their weight" and to develop awareness following click-through.

strategic market segmentation

selection of key audiences to target with value propositions developed for these audiences


shows the relationships between pages and other content components, and can be used to portray organisation, navigation and labelling systems

Advantages of SEO

significant traffic driver, highly targeted, potentially low-cost visitors, Dynamic: the search engine

competitive and expensive

since pay-per-clicks has become popular, some companies may get involved in bidding wars that drive bids up to an unacceptable level.

Web application server

software processes which is accessed by a standard programming interface of a web application framework to serve dynamic website functionality in response to requests received from browsers

Robots or spiders

software processes, technically known as robots, employed by search engines to index web pages of registered sites on a regular basis. They follow or crawl on a regular basis. They follow or crawl links between pages and record the reference URL of a page for future analysis

Content management system

software tool for creating, editing and updating documents accessed by intranet, extranet or internet

emergent strategy

strategic analysis, strategic development, and strategy implementation are interrelated and are developed together in a more agile fashion

customer engagement strategy

strategy to encourage interaction and participation of consumers with a brand through developing content and experiences with the aim of meeting commercial objectives

business model

summary of how a company will generate revenue, identifying its product offering, value-added services, revenue services and target customers


supporting users to locate the content or offers they are looking for through search engines or when browsing or searching on a site


tailoring of website information for individual countries

audience or traffice goals

target for using online site promotion and offline site promotion to drive quality visitors

allowable cost per aquisition

target maximum cost for generating leads or new customers profitably

web analytics

techniques used to assess and improve the contribution of e-marketing to a business, including reviewing traffic, volume, referrals, clickstreams, online reach data customer satisfaction surveys, leads and sales


tests have shown that there is a branding effect with PPC, even if users do not click on the ad. This can be useful for the launch of products or major campaign.


the Internet can be used for marketing research to find out customers' needs and wants.

market penetration

the Internet can be used to sell more existing products into existing market.


the Internet provides an additional channel by which customers can access information and make purchases - evaluating this demand is key to governing resource allocation to e-marketing.


the advertisier is not paying for the ad to be displayed, PPC advertising is highly targeted, predictable, predictable, remarketing, speed, Branding

Propensity modeling

the approach of evaluating customer characteristics and behavior and then making recommendations for future products.

Customer centric marketing

the approach to digital marketing based on deep understanding of customer behavior and needs within the target audience and then seeking to deliver more relevant communications and services to meet the needs of customers.


the average length of time that different customer types take between different activities

Pages per visit definition: (PPV

the average number of pages viewed per visitor to a site (this is indicative of engagement with a site since the longer visitor stays on a "sticky site", the higher this value will be). PPV is a more accurate indication of stickiness than duration on a site in minutes since this figure is skewed upwards by visitors who arrive on a site and are inactive before their session tims out at 30 minutes.

strategic agility

the capability to innovate and so gain competitive advantage within a marketplace by monitoring changes within an organization's marketplace, and then efficiently evaluating alternative strategies, selecting, reviewing, and implementing appropriate candidate strategies

Pull media and inbound marketing

the consumer is proactive in actively seeking out a solution and interactions with brands and are attracted through content, search and social media marketing

Cost per acquisition (CPA)

the cost of acquiring a new customer of achieving a sale. Typically limited to the communications cost and refers to cost per sale for new customers. May also refer to such as cost per quote or enquiry

Cost per click (CPC)

the cost of each click from a referring site to destination site, typically from a search engine in pay per click search marketing


the creation of a website by programmers. It involves writing the HTML content, creating graphics and writing any necessary software code such as JavaScript or ActiveX(programming)

Mass customisation

the creation of tailored marketing messages or products for individual customers or groups of customers typically using technology to retain the economies of scale and the capacity of mass marketing or production


the customer initianformation or an experiece (pull) + it is a high-intensity medium-the maketer will have 100% of the individual's attention when he or she is viewing tes contact + the customer is seeking ia website + a company can gather and store the response of the individual + individual needs of the custoemr can be addressed taken into account in the future dialogues.

Inbound marketing

the customer is proactive in actively seeking out a solution and interactions with brands are attracted through content, search and social media marketing.


the design, text and graphical information that forms a web page. Good content is the key to attracting customers to a website and retaining their interest or achieving repeat visits

digital signatures

the electronic equivalent of written signatures which are used as an online method of identifying individuals or companies using public-key encryption

Customer satisfaction

the extent to which a customer's expectations of product quality, service quality and price are met.

Online voice of customer

the extent to which a customer's expectations of product quality, service quality and price are met.

Short Message Service (SMS)

the formal name for text messaging

Digital asset

the graphical and interactive material that supports a campaign displayed on third party sites and on microsites. Includes display ads, email templates, video, audio, and other interactive media such as Flash animations.

Discovery or analysis phase

the identification of the requirements of an online service. Techniques to achieve this may include quantitative analysis of digital analytics date and quantitative analysis involving focus groups, questionnaires sent to existing customers or interviews with key accounts


the increase of international trading and shared social and cultural values

data subject

the legal term to refer to the individual whose data are held

identity theft

the misappropriation of the identity of another person, without their knowledge or consent

Hurdle rate

the proportion of customers that fall within a particular level of activity. Ex: the percentage of members of an email list that click on the email within a 90-day period.

time for results to be implemented

the results from SEO may tale months to be achieved, especially for new sites.

Media multiplier or halo effect

the role of one media channel on influencing sale or uplift in brand metrics. commonly applied to online display advertising, where exposure to display ads may increase click-through rates when the consumer is later exposed to a brand through other media, for example sponsored links or affiliate ads. It may also improve conversion rates on destination sites through higer confidence in the brand or familiarity with the offer


the search engine robots will crawl the home page of popular sites daily, so ne content is included relatively quickly for the most popular pages of a site (less for deep links)

complexity and dynamic nature

the search engines take hundreds of factors into account, yet the relative weighting are not published, so there is not a direct correlation between mkt actions and results

Destination site

the site reached on click-through


the site that visitor prevously visted berore following a link

Last-click method of digital media channel attribution

the site which referred a visitor immediately before purchase is credited with the sale. previous refernals inluenced by other customer touch points on other sites are ignored

Customer life cycle

the stages each customer will pass through in a long term relationship through acquisition, retention, and extension. -select, acquire, retain, extend

Lifetime value (LTV)

the total net benefit that a customer or group of customers will provide a company over their total relationship with a company.


the use of internet technologies to provide government services to citizens


the use of static drawings of screenshots of the different parts of a website to review the design concept with user groups. Can be used to develop the structure- an overall 'map' with individual pages shown separately

Pay-for-performance communications

the wastage from traditional media buys can be reduced online through advertising models where the advertisers only pay for a response( cost-per-click) as in pay- per-click search marketing or for a lead or sale as in affiliate marketing

potentially low-cost visitors

there are no media costs for ad display or click-through. Costs arise solely from the optimization process where agencies are paid to improve positions in the search results.

search intermediaries

there are the main search engines in each country: Google, Yahoo!, Bing,... There are companies which provide specialist audience dato to enable a digital marketer to discover the relative importance of particular search engines.

denial of service attack

these involve a hacker group taking control of many 'zombie' computers attached to the Internet whose security has been compromised. This 'botnet' is then used to make many requests to a target server, so overloading it and preventing access to other visitors

prescriptive strategy

three core areas of strategic analysis, strategic development, and strategy implementation are linked together sequentially


thumbnail summary of the characteristics, needs, motivations and environment of a typical website user

paid-search marketing

to deliver results from the sponsored listings within the search engines.

search engine optimization (SEO):

to improve results from the natural listings


to manage a PPC account can require daily or even hourly checks on the bidding in order to stay competitive. This can amount to a lot of time. The tools and best practice varies frequently so keeping up-to-date is difficult.


tracking of origin of customers and their spending patterns

Display advertising

use of graphical or rich media ad units within a web page to achieve goals of delivering brand awareness, familiarity, favourability and purchase. Many ads encourage interaction through prompting the viewer to rollover to play videos, complete an online form or to view more details before clicking through to a site.

conversion or interation(xấp xỉ) goals:

use onsite communications to deliver an effective mess

Web server

used to store the web pages accessed by web browsers. They may also contain databases of customer or product information, which can be queried and retrieved using a web browser

Persuasion marketing

using design elements such as layout, copy, and typography together with promotional messages to encourage site users to follow particular paths and specific actions rather than giving them complete choice in their navigation

Offlien promotion

using traditional media such as TV, radio and print to direct visitors to an online presence

highly targeted

visitors are searching for particular products or services so will often have a high intent to purchase - they are qualified visitors.

Social bookmarking

web users keep a shared version of favourite sites online. This enables the most popular sites in a category to be identified

Five classes of online feedback tools

website feedback tools, site user intent-satisfaction surveys, crowd sourcing product opinion software, simple page or concept feedback tools, general online survey tools


website in which a company has simply transferred its existing paper-based promotional literature on to the internet without recognizing the differences between the medium

social location-based marketing

where social media tools give users the option of sharing their location, and hence give businesses the opportunity to use proximity or location-based marketing to deliver targeted offers and messages to consumers and collect data about their preferences and behaviors. Businesses can offer consumers benefits to check-in, for example, to gain points, be the most regular visitor to that location, to gain rewards and prizes from advertisers, to share their location with friends and, in the case of events, to meet people.

On=page optimisation

writing copy and applying markup such as the title tag and heading tag to highlight to search engine relevant key phrases within a document

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