MKT450 Marketing Research Exam 3

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What are the key aspects of the final summary?

Summary Say the saything as executive summary but in a different way. Look at the key findings and see when compared to other research you might be able to connect the dots between research. end with a call to action Here is what we do. Questions sometimes you wait till the end for questions or you do them as you go. give people a chance to interact with the data and beable to ask questions to figure out what so what and now what.

Top 8 Survey Question Mistakes

#1 Missing answer choices #2 Double Barreled Questions #3 Too Difficult questions #4Ambiguous Answer choices #5 overlapping Answer choices #6 Biased Questions #7 social desirability of answer choices #8 Wrong type of Data

What are best practices with data visualization and when using graphs and tables?

-Make sure graph is full size -Font size should be at least 24 -Delete title and add a text box size 36 so it jumps out at people -Data labels should be in decending order and are short and meaningful -lastly bring out checklisit -Fewer words the better -Delete the legend

Where do you find the objectives for each analysis class?

Analyze & Graph Demographic or behavioral data to answer the objectives. ask your self if the sample looks like the population. think about it and then ask your self who is the sample and ask if theres are target.

When do you generally use line charts?

Awesome for when looking at data over time like the stock market. Lot if time in CX research they were be dealing with performance over time so use a line graph.

What are the common mistakes with graphing? How do you avoid these mistakes when graphing?

Common graphing mistakes are: -title needs to be appropriate needs to be data labels on graphs -Nice range 7.4-8.5 vs 7-10 or 6-10. -Get rid of the legend under the graph -Make sure the words arent too wordy -Make the font size bigger should be minimum 24 -Decimal places should be 2 places be consistent -The legend without data labels takes longer to read you dont know what the numbers are -Use color or picture of organization, boarders can be distracting -we dont need taste in the x axis if its in the title -Keep Axis the same and simple -Sort the data decending left to right it makes it easier on the readers.

When do you generally use scatter plots?

Good for showing relationships (Correlation) between 2 variables. we might plot a line to see how strong the relationships is

When do you generally use pie charts?

Great when dealing with Parentages and everything in it adds up to 100%. Becareful of data overload when have more then 5- categorys.

When do you generally use Bubble charts?

Good for showing relationships (Correlation) between 2 variables.

Explain an Executive Summary to a 5th grader.

Its a short document that summarizes a longer report or proposal in a way wear readers can get an understanding of the topic by readying the executive summary and not the whole thing.

When do you generally use column or bar charts?

Most Versatile chart which is why they are so often seen. Perfect for many CX Applications, Great for attribute mean scores and attributes Percentages Colum charts horizontal and bar should be vertical. There very easy to see.

When do you generally use radar charts?

New ones, Different cool unique. Good when lots of variation in the data Particuly with Percentages

What are the key aspects of the results?

Results critically important part its the meat and potatoes of our presentation right when we get to the results we should be thinkink 85 percent of the time in this presentation is spent talking about the results and how critical those results are. Results Graphs & Tables a lot of what we are going to be doing in market research particularly in quantitative part will be graphs and tables. we're going to be great at them. a lot of results we show that. when you make graphs check your work over so you don't make the simple mistakes. Results: Tell US what this means What? So What? Now What? What: What key facts do you see in chart? What are the \"Highlights\"? So What: is so important what is your interpretation? What does this mean? Is it good or bad? whats the significance. Results sign post Why do we do it? to teach the audience about the results and what do they mean. Do Patients Know How to Interpret Lab Reports? no you have no idea you need a guide or doctor to help interpret them. Will they intuitively know how to interpret...... -NPS -acsi -Attrbuite performance ratios -Performance- Importance analysis Results sign post- Why do we do it It tells them what they should expect its like an agenda but of what to come of the results. for example Table of NPS Catogories next graph comparing NPS to direct competitors and Graph comparing NPS to top Benchmarks

When do you generally use Combo charts?

Similar to scatter plots. different look at same data.2 charts in one

What is a "results signpost" and why do we use them?

Teach the audience how to interpret the results and what they mean. Giving an agenda in a way for what's to come for the results.

What are the key sections in a market research presentation?

The Executive Summary: its an elevator speech and when we think about elevator speeches how much time do we have with executives in the elevator somewhere between 30 Seconds too two minutes. we've got to talk about the things that are most important and give them some meaning. we need to strike home taking action on data. a constant theme on our presentations will be what? So what and Now what? What? What are the Key Findings? So what? give me your interpretation give me some of the meaning behind some of those findings and now what? call to action. Introduction Why is this study important? you need to hook the reader. the audience needs to be engaged since the beginning. Quick but needs to be hard hitting. Research Objectives one of the most important things we can do is be crystal clear on our research objectives. I may talk about Broad objectives and then get more specific but everything has to be research objective driven and we start off the presentation with these objectives and then we talk about how we are going to fulfill them. a broad objective could be this study is about understanding customers so we can make better strategy and tatical decisions more specifically were going to talk about the objectives to customer expericence research. Research Method really important because this is going to talk about how you did the research study when we talked about made to stick i talked about credibility. at that point i said you know how were going to get creditability in the research method section. we need to give the audience confidence the study was done correctly so they can believe the results. Who is the Sample and how did we get right. we want to talk about survey development how did we go about delvoping the survey. if we had 15 rounds of revisions let's talk about that. if we tested it out on customers lets talk about it. if we got internal Depatments to talk about it lets talk about it. we need to do so quickly but bring up information. then we talk about data collection. did we send out mail or did we in the mall how did we collect the data. Lastly, Limitations its a great aspect of research method is talk about the Limitations there will be 2 types of limitations that we talk about first,

Do we give a What? So What? Now What? For each graph, or just in the executive summary / summary?

The executive summary or our summary slide at the end. we want to look across the 3,4 or hoever many graphs we have and we want to draw the big picture. What? Big Picture, So what? Big Picture and now what call to actions.

Where would we "write" down answers to these questions in our PowerPoints?

The executive summary or our summary slide at the end. we want to look across the 3,4 or hoever many graphs we have and we want to draw the big picture. What? Big Picture, So what? Big Picture and now what call to actions.

What are the key aspects of an introduction?

Why is this study important? you need to hook the reader. the audience needs to be engaged since the beginning. Quick but needs to be hard hitting.

What do "What, So What, and Now What" mean?

What: What key facts do you see in chart? What are the \"Highlights\"? So What: is so important what is your interpretation? What does this mean? Is it good or bad? whats the significance. Now What: What actions do we need to take critical

What? So What? Now What? What do each of these mean in regards to interpreting the data?

What? What are the highlights of the graph that you want the audience to see? So what? The so what is drawing conclusions. It gives meaning to data. What does it mean for us is what we are trying to do here. Now what? What action should we take? What should we do? ° Now what is a call to action

When do you generally use Tables?

breaking up metonym or when focus is on the exact tables

How would you describe an executive summary to a 5th grader?

how much time do we have with executives in the elevator somewhere between 30 Seconds too two minutes. we've got to talk about the things that are most important and give them some meaning. This is the first and might be the only thing youll here during the presentation. your pitch how long does it take you to go from 6 to 1st floor. most of your elevator pitch will me about results 90% in fact. 30 second commercial spot less is more. 2 Minute walk what is it not? - Not an agenda - not how you did the study - NOT why you did the study - Not what you will be able to do What it is -90% of the executive summary should be results if not more. -Looking Across Key Results- Connecting the dots -Contains What? So what? Now what? Without directly stating these categories. -Compelling concrete campfire story.

What are the key aspects of research objectives?

one of the most important things we can do is be crystal clear on our research objectives. I may talk about Broad objectives and then get more specific but everything has to be research objective driven and we start off the presentation with these objectives and then we talk about how we are going to fulfill them. a broad objective could be this study is about understanding customers so we can make better strategy and tatical decisions more specifically were going to talk about the objectives to customer expericence research.

What are key aspects in the research methodology section?

really important because this is going to talk about how you did the research study when we talked about made to stick i talked about credibility. at that point i said you know how were going to get creditability in the research method section. we need to give the audience confidence the study was done correctly so they can believe the results. Who is the Sample and how did we get right. we want to talk about survey development how did we go about delvoping the survey. if we had 15 rounds of revisions let's talk about that. if we tested it out on customers lets talk about it. if we got internal Depatments to talk about it lets talk about it. we need to do so quickly but bring up information. then we talk about data collection. did we send out mail or did we in the mall how did we collect the data. Lastly, Limitations its a great aspect of research method is talk about the Limitations there will be 2 types of limitations that we talk about first, type of limitation might be inherent in the research method. when we talk about survey data there is inherent limitations. when we talk about customer experience research there's inherent limitations in it. Second type of Limitations when we talk about are when we did the study here's some things that werent perfect or didnt go as planned or we wanted a bigger sample size. we want to talk about spefic limitations that happen when we collect the data. It depends how much detail we need to go in to. sometimes you go in to alot of detail in research method. sometimes you fly through this section. you really need to know your audience and what they want.

What is included in the graphing checklist?

⊙Another 2 that could be on this list is Data overload and bad color. 1. Consistent Scales (no defaults!) Are graph Scales consistent? 2. Control the Axis 3. Order (Results or categories) 4. Data labels Actual numbers on graph no guess work. If you have to many points or its going to be overwhelming don't use data labels. 5. Font Size- Minimum 24 6. Delete the legend Instead of using the legend put the labels in its place. or if you can put one use a text box as the title. 7. Graph is full size Always do this. Nothing should be competing with it. 8. Title-Correct,Clear & Simple 9. Truncated & Meaningful data labels. Sometimes variable names coming out of excel or SPSS will be really long labels. could even be numbers. Our job is to give them short consise and meaningful labels. 10. Correct and consistent numbers of decimal Places No decimals with percentages. When looking at attribute importance we always have 2 decimal places. different type of analysis were going to use a different number of decimal places key to have the correct number and be consistent with it. a good rule of thumb is the more variation we have the fewer decimal places. The less variation we have the more decimal places we have. Always have this in mind go over it when you think you're done. It keeps you from making silly mistakes.

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