MKTG 633 Exam Review #2

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unique self

"Casual Fridays" in American workplaces encourage the expression of a person's ________.

reality principle

When the ego tries to balance opposing forces, it uses the ________.

Utilitarian needs

In its advertising, an automobile company emphasizes the fuel economy, safety rating, and resale value of its car. The company is trying to appeal to which of the following consumer needs?

The celebrity's image should match that of the product and should embody cultural meaning.

A marketing study found that respondents believed that a dark-haired model would be more effective in selling gold jewelry than a blond-haired celebrity would if the dark-haired celebrity was not perceived to be ethnic. What two ideas of using celebrities as communication sources are most likely to be at work here?

The hierarchy is often culture-bound.

A religious person who has taken a vow of celibacy would not necessarily agree that physiological needs must be satisfied before self-actualization needs are addressed. What does this example say about Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


A(n) ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues.


According to the theories of Carl Jung, our shared memories create ________, which involve universal themes and appear frequently in myths and stories across cultures.

body image

Anna Jones thinks she should lose some weight even though she is skinny. Anna is concerned about her ________.


Based on motivational research, which of the following consumption motives most likely explains a person's motivation to purchase gourmet foods, foreign cars, cigarette holders, or perfume?

An approach-avoidance conflict

Bill has a toothache, and he wants the tooth to stop hurting, but he has always been afraid to go to a dentist. What type of motivational conflict is Bill experiencing?


Both Justin and Craig are business majors and live in the same dorm, but Justin's room looks like a Cabela's showroom, with fishing trophies and lures on the wall and pictures of fishing trips across the study desk, while Craig's room features posters if his favorite musical group and stacks of CDs. The different between the two rooms reflects a difference in ________ between Justin and Craig.

ideal self

College student Jeff Barnes sees himself as a rich banker who drives a top of the line BMW. This fantasy is an expression of the ________.


Consumption at the extreme low end of the involvement continuum is characterized by ________, when decisions are made out of habit.

The model has relatively weak theorems about attitudes.

Despite improvements to the Fishbein model, all of the following are considered obstacles to predicting behavior using this model EXCEPT which one?

Hannah's personality is a unique psychological makeup that consistently influences behavior within a certain environmental situation. Although behavior will be consistent within consistent environments, it does not have to be consistent between environments.

Hannah was embarrassed when her friends teased her about dancing on a table on Friday night. She tried to tell her friends that she really is quite introverted and shy. Her friends observed that Hannah does not appear shy when she is out on a weekend evening. Which of the following statements is most applicable in understand Hannah's personality?


If Chen Ho follows a Confucian perspective and dresses according to accepted rules of the group (where others' perceptions of the self and maintaining one's desired status in their eyes is important), then he is recognizing the importance of ________.


If a female consumer sees an ad about a woman who can no longer fit into her old bathing suit, the consumer might think about her own situation and make a personal pledge to lose weight before summer arrives. This would be an example of marketing communications that attempt to influence a consumer's level of ________.

Expectancy theory

Jill was planning on traveling over spring break, but she didn't want to spend a lot of money on the airfare. Even though it took more time, she went online to get tickets instead of going to a travel agent. What theory of motivation best explains Jill's behavior?


Jim sees himself as being confident, powerful, and heroic. According to the BrandAsset Archetypes model developed by ad agency Young & Rubicam, Jim would be classified as a ________.

Purchase situation involvement

Joe was told by his mother that he needed to get a gift for his aunt's birthday. He had only met his aunt once before and hardly knew her. Joe was walking through a mall and saw a candy specialty store. He entered and looked at the selection without much interest. He was about to select a box of chocolates for his aunt simply because it was cheap when he remembered that his new girlfriend Julie loved chocolate. Joe really liked Julie. He began to inspect each box of chocolates carefully, trying to find evidence of quality. Which type of involvement explains Joe's change of behavior?

Lindsay forgot that consumer involvement includes personal factors and situational factors as well as object factors.

Lindsay believed that customers would come to view her new resort hotel with high personal involvement because it was a quality property with an excellent view. Instead, she found that many of her customers came to the hotel only when she offered special price discounts. What aspect of consumer involvement has Lindsay ignored?

extended self

Many of the props and settings consumers use to define their social roles become part of themselves. For example, one of Mary Bennett's last requests was that when she died, she wanted to be buried in her favorite dress. This situation illustrates ________.

reproductive potential

Men are more likely to use a woman's body shape as a sexual cue. One explanation of this phenomenon is that feminine curves provide evidence of ________.

sexual symbolism

Most Freudian applications in marketing relate to the product's supposed ________.

The looking-glass self

Pamela Ortiz rarely makes eye contact with others in social settings. Though by many standards she is physically attractive, she perceives that others find her plain and uninteresting. By not making eye contact, she is somewhat creating a self-fulfilling prophecy with respect to males in her social circle. This situation matches occurrences in which of the following "self" situations?

halo effect

Physically attractive people are perceived as smarter, cooler, and happier than average people. These perceptions are a result of the ________.


Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The highest level of involvement is ________.


Roger was really angry when Coca-Cola attempted to switch from its older formula to New Coke. He wrote letters to Coca-Cola, talked to friends, called the local bottler, attempted to hoard "old Coke," and complained to the local grocery store manager. In this example, which degree of commitment would be most closely associated with Roger and his attitudes?


Rudi Gonzalez sees himself as being handsome rather than intellectual. Which of the following self-concept dimensions best applies to Rudi's view of himself?


The VALS2TM group that has the highest degree of resources and innovation is termed the ________. This group is concerned with social issues and is open to change.


The ________ function of attitudes applies when a person is in an ambiguous situation and needs order, structure, or meaning.

credibility and attractiveness

The source of a message has an impact on whether the message will be accepted or not. Two particularly important source characteristics are ________.

The effectiveness of positive sources over less positive sources can be erased over time.

What does the sleeper effect suggest about source credibility?

mass customization

When M&M's put consumers' names and faces on their candy, this is an example of ________.


When a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy, the ________ process has been activated.


When marketer's use psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors to analyze a market, they are using ________.

To separate group members from nonmembers

Which of the following explains why people decorate or mutilate their bodies?

Expectancy theory

Which of the following is NOT a biological explanation of motivation?

Theory of cognitive dissonance

Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors?


________ is/are a norm that controls basic behaviors such as who does household chores.

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