MM 24

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A 16 year old female is diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. By definition, the patient would weigh ___% less than normal for her age and height

15% less

Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than ____


The adult intestine processes approximately ____ liters of luminal content per day, of which 99% of the fluid is normally reabsorbed


Physiologic pH is maintained around 7.4 because carbonic acid and bicarbonate exist in a ratio of a. 20:1 b. 1:20 c. 10:2 d. 2:10

A. 20:1

Outbreaks of hepatitis _____ often occur in young children attending day care centers and can be attributed to poor hand washing a. A b. B c. C d. D

A. A

Which of the following type(s) of hepatitis has an incubation period of up to 180 days (select all that apply) a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

A. A D. D

Clinical manifestations of bile salt deficiencies are related to poor absorption of a. fats and fat-soluble vitamins b. water-soluble vitamins c. proteins d. minerals

A. Fats and fat-soluble vitamins

An 86 year old female patient has the wasting syndrome of aging, making her vulnerable to falls, functional decline, disease, and death. The nurse knows this patient is experiencing a. frailty b. sarcopenia c. somatic death d. cellular aging

A. Frailty

During childhood, the thymus decreases in size, and this is referred to as _____ atrophy a. physiologic b. pathologic c. disuse d. neurogenic

A. Physiologic

In addition to a mass, the child with Wilms tumor may also exhibit which assessment finding (select all that apply) a. abdominal pain b. enuresis c. hematuria d. weight gain e. fever

A. abdominal pain C. hematuria E. fever

A 2 month old female with Down syndrome is diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease following family complaints of chronic constipation. the most likely cause of these symptoms is a. absence of ganglia along the length of the colon b. the use of cow's milk instead of formula c. excessive use of glycerin suppositories to promote bowel elimination d. additional ganglia throughout the length of the colon

A. absence of ganglia along the length of the colon

In alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatocellular damage is caused by a. acetaldehyde accumulation b. bile toxicity c. acidosis d. fatty infiltrations

A. acetaldehyde accumulation

A 29 year old female presents with cloudy urine, flank pain, hematuria, and fever. which of the following does the nurse suspect the patient is most likely experiencing? a. acute cystitis b. renal calculi c. chronic renal failure d. postrenal renal failure

A. acute cystitis

A 60 year old female with a history of alcoholism complains of recent weight gain and right flank pain. physical examination reveals severe ascites. this condition is caused by decreased a. albumin and lack of cellular integrity b. capillary filtration pressure c. capillary permeability d. antidiuretic hormone secretion

A. albumin and lack of cellular integrity

A 19 year old female was involved in a motor vehicle accident during which she sustained a closed head injury. she is now experiencing detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. Which of the following is the most beneficial medication treatment a. alpha blocker b. beta blocker c. vasodilator d. diuretic

A. alpha blocker

An infant male experiences a constant dribbling of urine. His urethral opening is located behind the glans. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart a. anterior epispadias b. posterior epispadias c. extrophy of the bladder d. bladder outlet obstruction

A. anterior epispadias

Which of the following are complications of gastroesophageal reflux (select all that apply) a. aspiration pneumonia b. anemia c. weight loss d. delayed growth e. hepatomegaly

A. aspiration pneumonia B. anemia C. weight loss D. delayed growth

When a newborn is admitted with urinary tract infections (UTIs), which type of infection will the nurse look for in the newborn a. blood-borne infections b. infections caused by bacteria from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract c. yeast infections d. viral infections

A. blood-borne infections

A 39 year old female with chronic intermittent pain in the epigastric area 2-3 hours after eating is diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer. which of the following behaviors may have contributed to the development of the ulcer a. cigarette smoking b. drinking caffeinated beverages c. consuming limited fiber d. antacid consumption

A. cigarette smoking

The family learns that a 3D ultrasound of a 9-week fetus shows incomplete fusion of the nasomedial or intermaxillary process. The family will be told that the child will be born with a. cleft lip b. nasal passage atresia c. esophageal atresia d. lack of dentition

A. cleft lip

A 60 year old male with a 30 year history of smoking is diagnosed with a hormone-secreting lung tumor. Further testing indicates that the tumor secrets ADH. Which of the following assessment findings should the nurse expect (select all that apply) a. confusion b. weakness c. nausea d. muscle twitching e. weight loss

A. confusion B. weakness C. nausea D. muscle twitching

Sodium and water accumulation in an injured cell are a direct result of a. decreased ATP production b. karyorrhexis c. ribosome detachment d. dehydration

A. decreased ATP production

A 60 year old male is diagnosed with renal failure. while the nurse is reviewing lab results, which of the following lab values would be most consistent with this diagnosis a. elevated plasma creatinine level b. decreased plasma potassium level c. metabolic alkalosis d. increased urea clearance

A. elevated plasma creatinine level

Examination of a newborn female revealed that the esophagus ends in a blind pouch. This condition is referred to on the chart as a. esophageal atresia b. tracheoesophageal stenosis c. esophagitis d. pyloric stenosis

A. esophageal atresia

The primary complication of enterocolitis associated with Hirschsprung disease is related to which finding a. fecal impaction b. pancreatic insufficiency c. hyperactive peristalsis d. ileal atresia

A. fecal impaction

A 52 year old male suffered a myocardial infarction secondary to atherosclerosis and ischemia. Once oxygen returned to the damaged heart, reperfusion injury occurred as a result of a. free radical formation b. vacuolation c. increased metabolic state d. lipid acceptor proteins

A. free radical formation

Upon examination of a male infant, it is determined that the urethral meatus is located on the undersurface of the penis. The nurse will document this condition as a. hypospadias b. epispadias c. hydroureter d. cryptorchidism

A. hypospadias

When planning care for a cardiac patient, the nurse knows that in response to an increase workload, cardiac myocardial cells will a. increase in size b. decrease in length c. increase in excitability d. increase in number

A. increase in size

A patient has been reading on the internet that light to moderate intake of alcohol is cardio protective. When the patient asks the nurse what this means, the nurse should respond that the heart is protected by which of the following mechanisms (mark all that apply) a. increased levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol b. prevention of clot formation c. reduction in platelet aggregation d. increasing fibrinolysis e. increased collateral circulation f. vasodilation

A. increased levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol B. prevention of clot formation C. reduction in platelet aggregation D. increasing fibrinolysis

When taking care of a patient with hyperkalemia, which principle is priority? Hyperkalemia causes a ____ in resting membrane potential with ___ excitability of cardiac muscle a. increased; increased b. decreased; increased c. increased; decreased d. decreased; decreased

A. increased; increased

What principle should the nurse remember when trying to distinguish aging from diseases a. it is difficult to tell the difference because both processes are believed to result from cell injury b. it is easy to tell normal processes from abnormal processes c. disease, unlike aging, has a genetic component d. aging is defined as exceeding life expectancy, but no maximal life span

A. it is difficult to tell the difference because both processes are believed to result from cell injury

For a patient with respiratory acidosis, chronic compensation by the body will include a. kidney excretion of H+ b. kidney excretion of HCo3 c. prolonged exhalations to blod off Co2 d. protein buffering

A. kidney excretion of H+

A nurse observes on the chart that a patient is admitted with Wilms tumors. A nurse knows the tumors are found in the a. kidneys b. ureters c. bladder d. urethra

A. kidneys

A 10 year old male is brought to the ER because he is incoherent and semiconscious. CT scan reveals that he is suffering from cerebral edema. This type of edema is referred to as a. localized edema b. generalized edema c. pitting edema d. lymphedema

A. localized edema

A 2 month old female is brought to the emergency room (ER) for persistent bile-stained vomiting after feeding. Physical examination reveals dehydration and x-ray reveals that the colon is located in the upper right quadrant. what is the most likely cause of this condition a. malrotation b. ileocecal displacement c. pyloric stenosis d. meconium ileus

A. malrotation

Complications obstruction in the lower bowel include (select all that apply) a. metabolic acidosis b. hypokalemia c. tachycardia d. hypovolemia e. peritonitis

A. metabolic acidosis C. tachycardia D. hypovolemia E. peritonitis

A 31 year old female presents with midabdominal pain. she is expected to have acute pancreatitis. which of the following will be part of the treatment plan (select all that apply) a. narcotic analgesics b. restriction of food intake c. nasogastric suctioning d. antibiotics e. IV fluids

A. narcotic analgesics B. restriction of food intake C. nasogastric suctioning D. antibiotics E. IV fluids

A patient presents to the physician with complains of constipation. which of the following could be the cause (select all that apply) a. neurogenic disorder of the large intestine b. sedentary lifestyle c. low residue diet d. aging e. use of antacids

A. neurogenic disorder of the large intestine B. sedentary lifestyle C. low reside diet D. aging E. use of antacids

which of the following characteristics is associated with an acute occlusion of mesenteric blood flow to the small intestine a. often precipitated by an embolism b. commonly associated with disease such as pancreatitis and gallstones c. caused by chronic malnutrition and mucosal atrophy d. often a complication of hypovolemic shock

A. often precipitated by an embolism

A 55 year old male intravenous (IV) drug user with a history of advanced liver disease is diagnosed with hepatorenal syndrome. which of the following clinical manifestations would be expected (select all that apply) a. oliguria b. jaundice c. ascites d. hypertension e. anorexia

A. oliguria B. jaundice C. ascites E. anorexia

A 20 year old male was recently diagnosed with lactose intolerance. He eats an ice cream cone and develops diarrhea. His diarrhea can be classified as ___ diarrhea a. osmotic b. secretory c. hypotonic d. motility

A. osmotic

Water movement between the ICF and ECF compartments is determined by a. osmotic forces b. plasma oncotic pressure c. antidiuretic hormone d. buffer systems

A. osmotic forces

A 46 year old female is diagnosed with gastric ulcers. which of the following characterizes the disorder (select all that apply) a. pain occurs immediately after eating b. weight gain occurs c. bile is regurgitated d. occurrence is typically a single event e. duration of treatment is extended

A. pain occurs immediately after eating E. duration of treatment is extended

A 62 year old male presents with difficulty swallowing. tests reveal a loss of esophageal peristalsis and failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax. functional dysphasia is the diagnosis. a history of which of the following could be the most likely cause (select all that apply) a. parkinson disease b. cerebrovascular accident c. achalasia d. peptic ulcer disease e. pyloric stenosis

A. parkinson disease B. cerebrovascular accident C. achalasia

Early identification and treatment for metabolic disorders is important because a. permanent damage to vital organs can be prevented b. surgery is usually necessary c. cure rates are higher with early detection d. death usually occurs within the first month

A. permanent damage to vital organs can be prevented

A 42 year old female presents with abdominal discomfort, epigastric tenderness, and bleeding. Gastroscopy reveals degeneration of the gastric mucosa int he body and fundus of the stomach. which of the following would most likely follow a. pernicious anemia b. osmotic diarrhea c. increased acid secretion d. decreased gastrin secretion

A. pernicious anemia

A 15 year old female presents with flank pain, irritability, malaise, and fever. Tests reveal glomerulonephritis. When the parents ask what could have caused this, how should the nurse respond a. poststreptococcal infection b. nephropathy c. nephrotic syndrome d. potter syndrome

A. poststreptococcal infectin

Occurrence of gastroesophagel reflux is highest in which pediatric population a. premature infants b. infants with Down syndrome c. children with cystic fibrosis d. children with esophageal atresia

A. premature infants

A 4 year old male is diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following assessment findings accompanies this condition a. proteinuria b. decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) c. hematuria d. sodium loss

A. proteinuria

a mother brings her 2 week old infant to the pediatrician because he vomits forcefully for no apparent reason and food sometimes is regurgitated as though undigested. the infant is most likely suffering from a. pyloric stenosis b. meconium ileus c. esophageal atresia d. galactosemia

A. pyloric stenosis

A 60 year old male is diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. which of the following factors most likely contributed to his disease a. reflux esophagitis b. intestinal parasites c. ingestion of salty foods d. frequent use of antacids

A. reflux esophagitis

The most common cause of pure water deficit is a. renal water loss b. hyperventilation c. sodium loss d. insufficient water intake

A. renal water loss

A 55 year old female presents to her primary care provider and reports dizziness, confusion, and tingling in the extremities. Blood tests reveal an elevated pH, decreased PCo2, and slightly decreased HCo3. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis a. respiratory alkalosis with renal compensation b. respiratory acidosis with renal compensation c. metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation d. metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation

A. respiratory alkalosis with renal compensation

A 50 year old male sustained a closed head injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident. CT scan revealed a collection of blood between the inner surface of the Dura mater and the surface of the brain. Which type of injury will the nurse be caring for a. subdural hematoma b. epidural hematoma c. contusion d. abrasion

A. subdural hematoma

When a nurse is teaching about urinary pathogens in men. Which information should the nurse include? Mechanisms for defense against urinary pathogens in men include (select all that apply) a. the long length of the urethra b. alkaline pH of urine c. secretion of mucus that traps bacteria d. antimicrobial secretions from the prostate e. implantation of the ureters in the bladder

A. the long length of the urethra D. antimicrobial secretions from the prostate

A 45 year old male presents with oliguria. He is diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis. The nurse knows oliguria is related to a. thickening of the glomerular membrane and decreased renal blood flow b. increased glomerular capillary oncotic pressure and tubular obstruction c. activation of renin-angiotensin from decreased blood volume d. vasoconstriction fo the efferent arterioles

A. thickening of the glomerular membrane and decreased renal blood flow

A newborn male is diagnosed with cleft palate. the pediatrician counsels the parents that complications of cleft palate include (select all that apply) a. tonsil hypertrophy b. recurrent paranasal infections c. difficulty breathing d. excessive dental decay e. hearing loss

A. tonsil hypertrophy B. recurrent paranasal infections D. excessive dental decay E. hearing loss

A 50 year old male complains of frequently recurring abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloody stools. A possible diagnosis would be a. ulcerative colitis b. hiatal hernia c. pyloric obstruction d. achalasia

A. ulcerative colitis

While planning care for a patient with renal calculi, the nurse remembers the most important factor in renal calculus formation is a. urine pH b. body temperature c. gender d. serum mineral concentrations

A. urine pH

A 3 year old female presents with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), fever, poor growth and development, and feeding problems. Tests reveal a retrograde flow of urine from the urinary bladder into the ureters. When giving report to the oncoming shift, the nurse will call this condition a. vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) b. vesicourethral reflux c. vesicoureteral influx d. hydronephrosis

A. vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)

A 40 year old female presents complaining of pain near the midline in the epigastrium. Assuming the pain is caused by a stimulus acting on an abdominal organ, the pain felt is classified as a. visceral b. somatic c. parietal d. referred

A. visceral

The cardinal signs of small bowel obstruction are a. vomiting and distention b. diarrhea and excessive thirst c. dehydration and epigastric pain d. abdominal pain and rectal bleeding

A. vomiting and distention

The nurse would anticipate the patient with syndrome of inappropriate ADH to demonstrate which of the following symptoms (select all that apply) a. weakness b. nausea c. headache d. muscle twitching e. weight loss

A. weakness B. nausea C. headache D. muscle twitching

Marasmus is most common in children of which age group a. younger than one b. 1-2 years c. 5-6 years d. 12-15 years

A. younger than 1

A person is given an attenuated antigen as a vaccine. When the person asks what was given in the vaccine, how should the nurse respond? The antigen is

Alive, but less infectious

When the maternal immune system becomes sensitized against antigens expressed by the fetus, what type of immune reaction occurs


When a patient asks the nurse what hypersensitivity is, how should the nurse respond? Hypersensitivity is best defined as

An excessive or inappropriate response of the immune system to a sensitizing agent

When a patient presents at the emergency department for an allergic reaction, the nurse recognizes the most severe consequence of a type I hypersensitivity reaction is


A 25 year old female has sexual relations with her boyfriend. Later she is told that the boyfriend is infected with Neisseria gonorrhea. Testing reveals that she does not have the disease. How is it possible that she did not contract the disease

Antibodies covered sites of attachment

A 2 year old male is diagnosed with Wilms tumor. Which of the following clinical conditions is often associated with this disease a. cystic disease of the liver b. aniridia c. anemia d. hypothyroidism

B. Aniridia

A family presents to their primary care provider reporting headache, nausea, weakness, and vomiting. Which of the following would be the most likely explanation for these symptoms a. lead exposure b. carbon monoxide poisoning c. ethanol exposure d. mercury exposure

B. Carbon monoxide poisoning

Which of the following buffer pairs is considered the major plasma buffering system a. protein/fat b. carbonic acid/bicarbonate c. sodium/potassium d. amylase/albumin

B. Carbonic acid/bicarbonate

A 2 year old swallowed watch batteries. Following ingestion, kidney function was impaired, and the heart began to fail. Which of the following was the most likely cause a. karyorrhexis b. coagulative necrosis c. ammonia accumulation d. caseous necrosis

B. Coagulative necrosis

A 22 year old male underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor. following surgery, he experienced a peptic ulcer. his ulcer is referred to as a ____ ulcer a. infectious b. cushing c. ischemic d. curling

B. Cushing

A 35 year old male received a traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle accident. CT scan revealed a lesion above the pontine micturition center. Which of the following would the nurse expect a. dyssynergia b. detrusor hyperreflexia c. detrusor areflexia d. detrusor sphincter dyssynergia

B. Detrusor hyperreflexia

While reading a textbook, the student reads the term "apoptosis". The student recalls that apoptosis is a condition in which cells program themselves to a. atrophy b. die c. regenerate d. age

B. Die

A 10 year old male is diagnosed with glomerulonephritis. Tests reveal the deposition of immunoglobulin IgA i the glomerular capillaries. The nurse will monitor for recurrent a. infections b. hematuria c. vomiting d. enuresis

B. Hematuria

Hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia are associated with a. hypernatremia b. hypertonic hypernatremia c. hypokalemia d. acidosis

B. Hypertonic hypernatremia

A 35 year old female was severely burned and is hospitalized. she is now suffering from acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart a. prerenal b. intrarenal c. extrarenal d. postrenal

B. Intrarenal

The primary causes of duodenal ulcers include (select all that apply) a. consumption of spicy foods b. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) c. H. pylori infection d. trauma e. side effects of antibiotics

B. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammaory drugs (NSAIDs) C. H. pylori infection

A newborn male dies shortly after birth. Physical examination reveals wide-set eyes, parrot-beak nose, low-set ears, and receding chin. The most likely diagnosis the nurse will see on the chart is a. unilateral renal agenesis b. potter syndrome c. renal aplasia d. renal dysplasia

B. Potter syndrome

A 25 year old male was diagnosed with Goodpasture syndrome. While planning care for this patient, which of the following mechanisms would cause tissue injury a. viral infection of the Bowman capsule b. production of antibodies against the glomerular basement membrane c. antigen-antibody complex deposition with complement activation d. abnormal activation of clotting factors and micro clotting in the glomerulus

B. Production of antibodies against the glomerular basement membrane

A patient has been searching on the internet about natriuretic hormones. When the patient asks the nurse what do these hormones do, how should the nurse respond? Natriuretic hormones affect the balance of a. calcium b. sodium c. magnesium d. potassium

B. Sodium

A 19 year old male presents to his primary care provider reporting restlessness, muscle cramping, and diarrhea. Lab tests reveal that he is hyperkalemic. Which of the following could have caused this condition a. primary hyperaldosteronism b. acidosis c. insulin secretion d. diuretic use

B. acidosis

Intussusception is treated initially by a. bowel resection b. an air enema c. laxative d. doubling fluid intake

B. an air enema

Which of the following gastrointestinal (GI) clinical manifestations is subjective (select all that apply) a. retching b. anorexia c. nausea d. vomiting e. diarrhea

B. anorexia C. nausea

When a nurse observes post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis as a diagnosis on a patient, which principle will the nurse remember? Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is primarily caused by a. swelling of mesangial cells in the Bowman space in response to the presence of bacterial b. antigen-antibody complex deposition in the glomerular capillaries and inflammatory damage c. inflammatory factors that stimulate cellular proliferation of epithelial cells d. accumulation of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies

B. antigen-antibody complex deposition in the glomerular capillaries and inflammatory damage

A 24 year old male who sustained a head injury and fractured femur develops a stress ulcer. a common clinical manifestation of this ulcer is a. bowel obstruction b. bleeding c. pulmonary embolism d. hepatomegaly

B. bleeding

A 54 year old male is diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease. this condition is most likely caused by a. hereditary hormonal imbalances with high gastrin levels b. breaks in the mucosa and presence of corrosive secretions c. decreased vagal activity and vascular engorgement d. gastric erosions related to high ammonia levels and bile reflux

B. breaks in the mucosa and presence of corrosive secretions

A 13 year old female confides to her mother that she binge eats and induces vomiting to prevent weight gain. this disease is referred to as a. anorexia nervosa b. bulimia nervosa c. long term starvation d. laxative abuse

B. bulimia nervosa

A patient with end-stage renal disease has pruritus. When the patient asks what causes this, what is the nurse's best response? Pruritus, seen in patients with end-stage renal disease, is caused by high levels of a. potassium b. calcium c. sodium d. magnesium

B. calcium

When a patient asks what the most common type of renal stones is composed of, how should the nurse respond? The most common type of renal stone is composed of a. magnesium b. struvite c. calcium d. phosphate

B. calcium

A 54 year old male complains that he has been vomiting blood. tests reveal portal hypertension. which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition a. thrombosis in the spleen b. cirrhosis of the liver c. left ventricular failure d. renal stenosis

B. cirrhosis of the liver

A 27 year old male has a severe kidney obstruction leading to removal of the affected kidney. Which of the following would the nurse expect to occur a. atrophy of the remaining kidney b. compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining kidney c. dysplasia in the remaining kidney d. renal failure

B. compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining kidney

A 25 year old male is diagnosed with a hormone secreting tumor of the adrenal cortex. Which finding would the nurse expect to see in the lab results a. decreased blood volume b. decreased blood K+ levels c. increased urine Na+ levels d. increased white blood cells

B. decreased blood K+ levels

When planning care for elderly individuals, the nurse remembers the elderly area at a higher risk for developing dehydration because they have a a. higher total body water volume b. decreased muscle mass c. increase in thirst d. increased tendency towards developing edema

B. decreased muscle mass

A 52 year old diabetic male presents to the ER with lethargy, confusion, and depressed reflexes. His wife indicates that he does not follow the prescribed diet and takes his medication sporadically. Lab results indicate hyperglycemia. Which assessment finding is most likely to occur a. clammy skin b. decreased sodium c. decreased urine formation d. metabolic alkalosis

B. decreased sodium

which condition should the nurse assess for in mothers carrying fetuses affected by esophageal malformations a. enlarged placentas b. excessive amniotic fluid c. short umbilical cords d. foul smelling vaginal discharge

B. excessive amniotic fluid

When the nurse is checking the urinalysis, the finding that would alert the nurse to cellular injury is the presence of a. slight glucose b. excessive protein c. blood d. urea

B. excessive protein

Prolonged diarrhea is more serious in children than adults because a. children have lower adipose reserves b. fluid reserves are lower in children c. children have a lower metabolic rate d. children are more resistant to antimicrobial therapy

B. fluid reserves are lower in children

A 55 year old male presents reporting urinary retention. Tests reveal that he has a lower urinary tract obstruction. Which of the following is of most concern to the nurse a. vesicoureteral reflux and pyelonephritis b. formation of renal calculi c. glomerulonephritis d. increased bladder compliance

B. formation of renal calculi

A 13 month old infant presents with vomiting; abdominal pain; and pale, bulky, greasy, and foul-smelling stools. A possible diagnosis the clinician would document on the chart might be a. failure to thrive b. gluten-sensitive enteropathy c. gastroesophageal reflux d. meconium ileus

B. gluten-sensitive enteropathy

Outcomes of lab tests include an elevated level of natriuretic peptides. Which organ is the priority assessment a. lungs b. heart c. liver d. brain

B. heart

An increase in the rate of red blood cell breakdown causes which form of jaundice a. obstructive b. hemolytic c. hepatocellular d. metabolic

B. hemolytic

When planning care for the pregnant patient, the nurse will recall that the mammary glands enlarge as a consequence of a. compensatory hyperplasia b. hormonal hyperplasia c. hormonal anaplasia d. compensatory anaplasia

B. hormonal hyperplasia

For a patient experiencing metabolic acidosis, the body will compensate by a. excreting H+ through the kidneys b. hyperventilating c. retaining Co2 in the lungs d. secreting aldosterone

B. hyperventilating

An 8 week old female is diagnosed with a congenital heart disease and Down syndrome. Her parents report that she has difficultly defecating. X-ray reveals anorectal malformation that causes complete obstruction often referred to as a. intussusception b. imperforate anus c. meckel diverticulum d. megacolon

B. imperforate anus

A 45 year old female presents with hypertension, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, and anemia. She is diagnosed with chronic renal failure. When the patient asks what caused this anemia, how should the nurse respond? Your anemia is caused by a. red blood cells being lost in the urine b. inadequate production of erythropoietin c. inadequate iron absorption in the gut d. red blood cells being injured as they pass through the glomerulus

B. inadequate production of erythropoietin

A 20 year old male presents to the emergency department with a jagged sharp-force injury that is longer than it is deep. Which type of wound will the nurse be caring for a. stab wound b. incised wound c. puncture wound d. chopping wound

B. incised wound

An experiment was designed to test the effects of the Starling forces on fluid movement. Which of the following alterations would result in fluid moving into the interstitial space a. increased capillary oncotic pressure b. increased interstitial oncotic pressure c. decreased capillary hydrostatic pressure d. increased interstitial oncotic pressure

B. increased interstitial oncotic pressure

A nurse is teaching the staff about antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Which information should the nurse include? Secretin of ADH is stimulated by a. increased serum potassium b. increased plasma osmolality c. decreased renal blood flow d. generalized edema

B. increased plasma osmolality

Reflux esophagitis is defined as an a. immune response to gastroesophageal reflux b. inflammatory response to gastroesophageal reflux c. congenital anomaly d. secretory response to hiatal hernia

B. inflammatory response to gastroesophageal reflux

A rick of hypovolemic shock is high with acute mesenteric arterial insufficiency because a. the resulting liver failure causes a deficit of plasma proteins and a loss of oncotic pressure b. ischemia alters mucosal membrane permeability, and fluid is shifted to the bowel wall and peritoneum c. massive bleeding occurs in the GI tract d. overstimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in ischemic injury to the intestinal wall

B. ischemia alters mucosal membrane permeability, and fluid is shifted to the bowel wall and peritoneum

The nurse assessing the patient with biliary atresia would expect to find which primary clinical manifestation a. anemia b. jaundice c. hypobilirubinemia d. ascites

B. jaundice

The icteric phase of hepatitis is characterized by which of the following clinical manifestations a. fatigue, malaise, vomiting b. jaundice, dark urine, enlarged liver c. resolution of jaundice, liver function returns to normal d. fulminant liver failure, hepatorenal syndrome

B. jaundice, dark urine, enlarged liver

Which of the following conditions is thought to contribute to the development of obesity a. insulin excess b. leptin resistance c. adipocyte failure d. malabsorption

B. leptin resistance

Which of the following patients should the nurse assess for a decreased oncotic pressure in the capillaries? A patient with a. high protein diet b. liver failure c. low blood pressure d. low blood glucose

B. liver failure

A 7 month old female presents with jaundice, clay-colored stool, and failure to gain weight. She is diagnosed with biliary atresia. The nurse realizes the treatment for this disorder will most likely by a. immunoglobulins b. liver transplant c. bone marrow transplant d. dietary modifications

B. liver transplant

Chronic gastritis is classified according to the a. severity b. location of lesions c. patient's age d. signs and symptoms

B. location of lesions

A 1 week old female is brought to her pediatrician for abdominal distention and unstable temperature. Physical examination reveals bradycardia and apnea. Tests reveal hypoxia injury to the bowel resulting in bacterial invasion and perforation. This condition is referred to as a. infective enteropathy b. necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) c. mucoviscidosis d. ileus

B. necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder wall usually caused by a. accumulation of bile in the hepatic duct b. obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone c. accumulation of fat in the wall of the gallbladder d. viral infection of the gallbladder

B. obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone

A nurse assesses a patient with a complicated urinary tract infection (UTI) for a. several species of bacteria b. other health problems c. urosepsis d. rrethral obstruction

B. other health problems

A 52 year old female presents with continuous abdominal pain that intensifies after eating. she is diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. contributing factors include (select all that apply) a. alcohol abuse b. peptic ulcer disease c. trauma d. smoking e. bulimia

B. peptic ulcer disease C. trauma D. smoking

When an infant has increased bilirubin production and impaired hepatic excretion of bilirubin, what does the nurse suspect is occurring in the patient a. biliary hypertrophy b. physiologic jaundice c. hepatitis A d. infantile cirrhosis

B. physiologic jaundice

A 35 year old female is diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Biopsy of the tumor reveals Russell bodies, and laboratory testing reveals kidney dysfunction. Which substance should the nurse monitor as it is accumulating in the patient's body a. glycogen b. protein c. pigment d. melanin

B. protein

A 28 year old female presents with fever, chills, and flank pain. She is diagnosed with pyelonephritis. A nurse recalls the patient's infection is located in the a. bladder b. renal pelvis c. renal tubules d. glomerulus

B. renal pelvis

A urologist is discussing nephritic syndrome. Which information should be included? If nephrotic syndrome is not caused initially by kidney disease, it is termed ____ nephrotic syndrome a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. idiopathic

B. secondary

A 34 year old male was diagnosed with a bacterial GI infection. Which of the following types of diarrhea would most likely occur with his condition a. osmotic b. secretory c. hypotonic d. motility

B. secretory

A report comes back indicating that muscular atrophy has occurred. A nurse recalls that muscular atrophy involves a decrease in muscle cell a. number b. size c. vacuoles d. lipofuscin

B. size

A serious complication of paraesophageal hiatal hernia is a. hemorrhage b. strangulation c. peritonitis d. ascites

B. strangulation

A 75 year old male reports to his primary care provider loss of urine with cough, sneezing, or laughing. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart a. urge incontinence b. stress incontinence c. overflow incontinence d. functional incontinence

B. stress incontinence

Celiac disease, or sprue, is caused by alterations of the intestinal a. glands b. vili c. smooth muscle wall d. sphincters

B. villi

A 27 year old male presents with fever, GI bleeding, hepatomegaly, and transient joint pain. He reports that as a child he received blood transfusions following a motor vehicle accident. He also indicates he was vaccinated against hepatitis B. Which of the following types of hepatitis does the clinician think he most likely has a. A b. B c. C d. D

C. C

A group of prison inmates developed tuberculosis following exposure to an infected inmate. On examination, tissues were soft and granular (like clumped cheese). Which of the following is the most likely cause a. coagulative necrosis b. liquefactive necrosis c. caseous necrosis d. autonecrosis

C. Caseous necrosis

A newborn male is diagnosed with albinism based on skin, eye, and hair appearance. which finding will support this diagnosis a. increased melanin b. increased hemoproteins c. inability to convert tyrosine to DOPA d. inability to convert bile to bilirubin

C. Inability to convert tyrosine to DOPA

A 55 year old male has swelling of the feet. which of the following aided in development of swelling a. increased ATP b. chloride movement out of the cell c. Na+ movement into the cell d. decreased oncotic pressure

C. Na+ movement into the cell

A 7 year old male presents to his primary care provider for incontinence. His mother indicates that he has never been continent. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart a. nocturnal enuresis b. diurnal enuresis c. primary enuresis d. secondary enuresis

C. Primary enuresis

The early dilation (swelling) of the cell's endoplasmic reticulum results in a. increased aerobic metabolism b. failure of DNA c. reduced protein synthesis d. decreased Na+ and K+ pump function

C. Reduced protein synthesis

A 5 year old male was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis. History reveals that he had an infection 3 weeks before the onset of this condition. The infection was most likely located in the a. bone b. Gastrointestinal tract (GI) c. respiratory tract d. ear

C. Respiratory tract

A 3 month old female presents with intention tremors, dystonia, greenish-yellow rings in the cornea, and hepatomegaly. Tests reveal a defect on chromosome 13. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis a. galactosemia b. fructosemia c. wilson disease d. cirrhosis

C. Wilson disease

A 40 year old male develops an intestinal obstruction related to protrusion to the intestine through the inguinal ring. this condition is referred to as a. intussusception b. a volvulus c. a hernia d. adhesions

C. a hernia

A 30 year old male is demonstrating hematuria with red blood cell casts and proteinuria exceeding 3 to 5 g/day, with albumin being the major protein. The most probable diagnosis the nurse will see documented on the chart is a. cystitis b. chronic pyelonephritis c. acute glomerulonephritis d. renal calculi

C. acute glomerulonephritis

A 55 year old male died in a motor vehicle accident. autopsy reveled an enlarged liver caused by fatty infiltration, testicular atrophy, and mild jaundice secondary to cirrhosis. the most likely cause of his condition is a. bacterial infection b. viral infection c. alcoholism d. drug overdose

C. alcoholism

A 30 year old obese female underwent gastric resection in an attempt to lose weight. which of the following complications could the surgery cause a. constipation b. acid reflux gastritis c. anemia d. hiccups

C. anemia

A 16 year old female presents with abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant. Physical examination reveals rebound tenderness and low grade fever. A possible diagnosis would be a. colon cancer b. pancreatitis c. appendicitis d. hepatitis

C. appendicitis

A nurse is preparing to teach about renal agenesis. Which information should the nurse include? Infants who have bilateral renal agenesis a. die within 1 year of birth b. can expect to have a normal, healthy life c. are stillborn or die within a few hours of birth d. have structural abnormalities that can be corrected with surgery

C. are stillborn or die within a few hours of birth

Complete obstruction of bile flow to the liver would be manifested by a. elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit b. lower-leg edema c. clay-colored stools d. hypotension

C. clay-colored stools

A 55 year old male is diagnosed with hepatocellular cancer secondary to hepatitis C. If the cancerous region of the liver were removed, the remaining cells would undergo a. pathologic hyperplasia b. pathologic metaplasia c. compensatory hyperplasia d. compensatory aplasia

C. compensatory hyperplasia

Confirmation of somatic death is based on a. presence of algor mortis b. presence of livor mortis c. complete cessation of respiration and circulation d. change in skin color to pale yellow

C. complete cessation of respiration and circulation

A 30 year old female presents with a gunshot wound to the head. The wound has seared edges and a deep penetration of smoke and gunpowder fragments. This wound would be documented as a ____ wound a. exit b. intermediate range entrance c. contact range entrance d. indeterminate range entrance

C. contact range entrance

Meconium ileus is associated with which of the following disorders a. pyloric stenosis b. esophageal atresia c. cystic fibrosis d. esophagitis

C. cystic fibrosis

Which of the following patients is the most at risk for developing hypernatremia? A patient with a. vomiting b. diuretic use c. dehydration d. hypoaldosteronism

C. dehydration

A 25 year old female is diagnosed with urinary tract obstruction. while planning care, the nurse realizes that the patient is expected to have hydronephrosis and a decreased glomerular filtration rate caused by a. decreased renal blood flow b. decreased peritubular capillary pressure c. dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces proximal to a blockage d. stimulation of antidiuretic hormone

C. dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces proximal to a blockage

Acute pancreatitis often manifests with pain to which of the following regions a. right lower quadrant b. right upper quadrant c. epigastric d. suprapubic

C. epigastric

The most common clinical manifestation of portal hypertension is ____ bleeding a. rectal b. duodenal c. esophageal d. intestinal

C. esophageal

The most common disorder associated with upper GI bleeding is a. diverticulosis b. hemorrhoids c. esophageal varices d. cancer

C. esophageal varices

Which patient is most prone to metabolic alkalosis? A patient with a. retention of metabolic acids b. hypoaldosteronism c. excessive loss of chloride (Cl) d. hyperventilation

C. excessive loss of chloride (Cl)

A 7 year old female is diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following should the nurse ask the parents if they or the child has noticed recently a. sunken fontanelles b. vesicular skin rash c. frothy urine d. jaundice

C. frothy urine

A 52 year old presents with bleeding from the rectum. this condition is referred to as a. melena b. occulut bleeding c. hematochezia d. hematemesis

C. hematochezia

Where does the nurse expect the obstruction to be in a patient with extrahepatic portal hypertension a. sinusoids b. bile ducts c. hepatic portal vein d. hepatic artery

C. hepatic portal vein

Manifestations associated with hepatic encephalopathy from chronic liver disease are the result of a. hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice b. fluid and electrolyte imbalances c. impaired ammonia metabolism d. decreased cerebral blood flow

C. impaired ammonia metabolism

Anemia accompanies chronic renal failure because of a. blood loss via the urine b. renal insensitivity to vitamin D c. inadequate production of erythropoietin d. inadequate retention of serum iron

C. inadequate production of erythropoietin

A 42 year old male is involved in a motor vehicle accident during which he loses a lot of blood. the nurse realizes he is in acute renal failure caused by a. kidney stones b. immune complex deposition in the glomerulus c. inadequate renal blood flow d. obstruction of the proximal tubule

C. inadequate renal blood flow

Which statement by the staff indicates teaching was successful concerning aldosterone? Secretion of aldosterone results in a. decreased plasma osmolality b. increased serum potassium levels c. increased blood volume d. localized edema

C. increased blood volume

A 70 year old male with chronic renal failure presents with edema. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this condition a. increased capillary oncotic pressure b. decreased interstitial oncotic pressure c. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure d. increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure

C. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure

A 60 year old male presents with GI bleeding and abdominal pain. he reports that he takes NSAIDs daily to prevent heart attack. tests reveal that he has a peptic ulcer. the most likely cause of this disease is a. increasing subepithelial bicarbonate production b. accelerating the H+ (proton) pump in parietal cells c. inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis d. stimulating a shunt of mucosal blood flow

C. inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis

A 6 month old male infant is brought to the ER after the sudden development of abdominal pain, irritability, and vomiting followed by passing of "currant jelly" stool. Ultrasound reveals intestinal obstruction in which the ileum collapsed through the ileocecal valve and invaginated into the large intestine. this type of obstruction is referred to as a. prolapse b. pyloric stenosis c. intussusception d. imperforation

C. intussusception

A 75 year old male presents with chest pain on exertion. the chest pain is most likely due to hypoxic injury secondary to a. malnutrition b. free radicals c. ischemia d. chemical toxicity

C. ischemia

Liquefactive necrosis occurs in the brain because a. debris is not digested by hydrolases b. of protein denaturation c. it is rich in hydrolytic enzymes and lipids d. ischemia results in chemical injury

C. it is rich in hydrolytic enzymes and lipids

Which organ system should the nurse monitor when the patient has long term potassium deficits a. central nervous system b. lungs c. kidneys d. gastrointestinal tract

C. kidneys

Tissue damage in pancreatitis is caused by a. insulin toxicity b. autoimmune destruction of the pancreas c. leakage of pancreatic enzymes d. hydrochloric acid reflux into the pancreatic duct

C. leakage of pancreatic enzymes

Pancreatic insufficiency is manifested by deficient production of a. insulin b. amylase c. lipase d. bile

C. lipase

A 50 year old male is experiencing reflux of chyme from the stomach. he is diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux. this condition is caused by a. fibrosis of the lower third of the esophagus b. sympathetic nerve stimulation c. loss of muscle tone at the lower esophageal sphincter d. reverse peristalsis of the stomach

C. loss of muscle tone at the lower esophageal sphincter

A nurse recalls regulation of acid-base balance through removal or retention of volatile acids is accomplished by the a. buffer systems b. kidneys c. lungs d. liver

C. lungs

A 55 year old male with a 30 year history of smoking is examined for respiratory disturbance. Examination of his airway (bronchial) reveals that stratified squamous epithelial cells have replaced the normal columnar ciliated cells. This type of cellular adaptation is called a. anaplasia b. hyperplasia c. metaplasia d. dysplasia

C. metaplasia

A 40 year old male presents with epigastric pain. tests reveal acute pancreatitis. the most likely cause of his condition is a. pancreatic duct obstruction by a malignant tumor b. surgical trauma to the pancreas c. obstruction of the biliary tract by a gallstone d. toxic injury to the pancreas from nonprescription medications

C. obstruction of the biliary tract by a gallstone

A 60 year old female is diagnosed with hyperkalemia. which assessment finding should the nurse expect to observe a. weak pulse b. excessive thirst c. oliguria d. constipation

C. oliguria

A sign that a newborn infant may have pyloric stenosis is a. diarrhea b. bile regurgitation c. olive-sized mass in the upper abdomen d. ascites with a fluid wave visible across the abdomen

C. olive-sized mass on the upper abdomen

A 50 year old male intravenous drug user is diagnosed with hepatitis C. Examination of the liver reveals cell death secondary to a. fat necrosis b. physiologic apoptosis c. pathologic apoptosis d. pyknosis

C. pathologic apoptosis

Which finding would support the diagnosis of respiratory acidosis a. vomiting b. hyperventilation c. pneumonia d. an increase in non-carbonic acids

C. pneumonia

Kwashiorkor is a severe dietary deficiency of a. fat-soluble vitamins b. carbohydrates c. protein d. calcium and magnesium

C. protein

A 42 year old female is diagnosed with chronic renal failure and the nurse is discussing dietary treatment. Which information indicates the nurse understands dietary regimen? Treatment includes restricting a. fats b. complex carbohydrates c. proteins d. sugars

C. proteins

A 38 year old female complains of epigastric fullness following a meal, nausea, and epigastric pain. Tests reveal narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the duodenum. This condition is referred to as a. ilocecal obstruction b. hiatal hernia c. pyloric obstruction d. hiatal obstruction

C. pyloric obstruction

The nurse would correctly identify the most common symptoms of Meckel diverticulum as a. constipation b. vomiting c. rectal bleeding d. ascites

C. rectal bleeding

A 54 year old male with a long history of smoking complains of excessive tiredness, shortness of breath, and overall ill feelings. Lab results reveal decreased pH, increased Co2, and normal bicarbonate ion. these findings help to confirm the diagnosis of a. respiratory alkalosis b. metabolic acidosis c. respiratory acidosis d. metabolic alkalosis

C. respiratory acidosis

While turning a patient with chronic renal failure, which principle should the nurse recall? Bone fractures are a risk factor in chronic renal failure because a. calcium is lost in the urine b. osteoblast activity is excessive c. the kidneys fail to activate vitamin D d. autoantibodies to calcium molecules develop

C. the kidneys fail to activate vitamin D

While planning care for a patient who has acute pyelonephritis, a nurse recalls the most common condition associated with the development of acute pyelonephritis is a. cystitis b. renal cancer c. urinary tract obstruction d. nephrotic syndrome

C. urinary tract obstruction

The cardinal signal of pyloric stenosis caused by ulceration or tumors is a. constipation b. diarrhea c. vomiting d. heartburn

C. vomiting

The directional migration of leukocytes along a chemical gradient is termed


A 35 year old male weighs 70 kg. Approximately how much of this weight is ICF? a. 5 L b. 10 L c. 28 L d. 42 L

D. 42L

A 40 year old male who consumes a diet high in fat and low in fiber is at risk for a. cancer of the stomach b. cancer of the liver and biliary ducts c. cancer of the small intestine d. CRC


A common pathway of irreversible cell injury involves increased intracellular a. sodium b. potassium c. magnesium d. calcium

D. Calcium

A 25 year old female presents with burning urination. She was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. When the nurse checks the culture results, which of the following organisms is most likely infecting her urinary tract a. streptococcus b. candidia albicans c. chlamydia d. escherichia coli

D. Escherichia coli

A 50 year old female became infected with Clostridium bacteria and died a week later. Examination of her red blood cells revealed lysis of membranes. Which of the following most likely caused her death a. fat necrosis b. wet gangrene c. gangrenous necrosis d. gas gangrene

D. Gas gangrene

Which of the following clusters of symptoms would make a clinician suspect a child has developed glomerulonephritis a. pyuria, fever, and abdominal pain b. proteinuria, hypotension, and ascites c. dysuria, urinary frequency, and abdominal tenderness d. gross hematuria, flank pain, and hypertension

D. Gross hematuria, flank pain, and hypertension

A 15 year old male was diagnosed with pharyngitis. Eight days later he developed acute glomerulonephritis. While reviewing the culture results, which of the following is the most likely cause of this disease a. Kelbsiella b. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) c. genital herpes virus d. group A B-hemolytic streptococcus

D. Group A B-hemolytic streptococcus

When a child is admitted with acute renal failure, a clinician realizes the most common cause of acute renal failure is a. glomerulonephritis b. obstruction c. nephrotic syndrome d. hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)

D. Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)

A 23 year old male develops a black eye following a fight. When the aid asks the nurse why this occurred, the nurse's best response is that the bruising is due to an accumulation of a. transferrin b. bilirubin c. albumin d. hemosiderin

D. Hemosiderin

A 6 year old male is experiencing urine reflex from the urinary bladder into a grossly dilated ureter and calyces. He was diagnosed with vesicoureteral reflux. This condition would be graded a. I b. II c. III d. IV


A 56 year old male presents with flank pain and polyuria. Tests reveal that he has an enlarged prostate. which of the following types of renal failure should the nurse monitor for as it is the most likely to occur a. prerenal b. intrarenal c. extrarenal d. postrenal

D. Postrenal

A 42 year old female presents to her primary care provider reporting muscle weakness and cardiac abnormalities. Lab tests indicate that she is hypokalemic. Which of the following could be the cause of her condition a. respiratory acidosis b. constipation c. hypoglycemia d. primary hyperaldosteronism

D. Primary hyperaldosteronism

When the nurse observes muscle stiffening occurring within 6-14 hours after death, the nurse should document this finding as ____ present. a. liver mortis b. gangrene c. algor mortis d. rigor mortis

D. Rigor mortis

The most common cause of chronic vascular insufficiency among the elder is a. anemia b. aneurysm c. lack of nutrition in gut lumen d. atherosclerosis

D. atherosclerosis

A 7 month old female presents with jaundice, clay-colored stool, and failure to gain weight. Testing reveals the absence of intrahepatic bile ducts. This condition is referred to as ___ atresia a. hepatic b. portal c. sinusoidal d. biliary

D. biliary

A 39 year old female presents with abdominal pain and jaundice. she is diagnosed with gallstones and undergoes cholecystectomy. an analysis of her gallstones would most likely reveal a high concentration of a. phosphate b. bilirubin c. urate d. cholesterol

D. cholesterol

Which of the GI cancers has the highest rate of incidence and is responsible for the highest number of deaths a. esophageal b. stomach c. pancreatic d. colorectal

D. colorectal

A 55 year old female has general symptoms of gallstones but is also jaundiced. IV cholangiography would most likely reveal that the gallstones are obstructing the a. intrahepatic bile canaliculi b. gallbladder c. cystic duct d. common bile duct

D. common bile duct

A 40 year old female is diagnosed with cervical cancer after a Pap smear. Which of the following cellular changes would the nurse most likely see on the report a. metaplasia b. atrophy c. hypertrophy d. dysplasia

D. dysplasia

A 3 month old female develops colicky pain, abdominal distention, and diarrhea after drinking cow's milk. the best explanation for her symptoms is a. deficiency of bile that stimulates digestive secretions and bowel motility b. excess of amylase, which increases the breakdown of starch and causes and osmotic diarrhea c. overgrowth of bacteria from undigested fat molecules, which leads to gas formation and decreased bowel motility d. excess of undigested lactose in her digestive tract, resulting in increased fluid movement into the digestive lumen and increased bowel motility

D. excess of undigested lactose in her digestive tract, resulting in increased fluid movement into the digestive lumen and increased bowel motility

A 24 year old female is diagnosed with renal calculus that is causing obstruction. Which of the following symptoms would she most likely experience a. anuria b. hematuria c. pyuria d. flank pain

D. flank pain

A 45 year old male complains of heartburn after eating and difficult swallowing. he probably has a. pyloric stenosis b. gastric cancer c. achalasia d. hiatal hernia

D. hiatal hernia

Which of the following patients is most prone to hypocholoremia. A patient with a. hypernatremia b. hypokalemia c. hypercalcemia d. increased bicarbonate intake

D. increased bicarbonate intake

A 5 year old male presents to the ER with delirium and sunken eyes. After diagnosing him with severe dehydration, the primary care provider orders fluid replacement. The nurse administers a hypertonic intravenous solution. Which of the following would be expected a. symptoms subside quickly b. increased ICF volume c. decreased ECF volume d. intracellular dehydration

D. intracellular dehydration

A nurse is reviewing lab reports. the nurse recalls blood plasma is located in which of the following fluid compartments a. intracellular fluid (ICF) b. extracellular fluid (ECF) c. interstitial fluid d. intravascular fluid

D. intravascular fluid

A 10 month old is brought to the pediatrician by the mother who states the baby has been experiencing colicky pain following by vomiting, sweating, nausea, and irritability. testing reveals a condition which one part of the intestine telescopes into another. from which type of intestinal obstruction is he suffering a. hernia b. ileus c. torsion d. intussusception

D. intussusception

After ingestion of lead, what organ systems should the nurse monitor because they are the most sensitive to the effects of lead (select all that apply) a. heart b. lungs c. liver d. kidneys e. brain f. hematopoietic

D. kidneys E. brain F. hematopoietic

An 8 week old male was recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Which of the following digestive alterations would be expected a. insufficient bile production b. gastric atrophy c. hypersecretion of stomach acid d. malabsorption

D. malabsorption

Which of the following symptoms would help a heath care provider distinguish between ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease a. abdominal pain b. pattern of remission/exacerbations c. diarrhea d. malabsorption

D. malabsorption

A 15 year old female presents to the ER following a physical assault. she has internal damage to the neck with deep bruising. X-ray reveals fractures of the hyoid bone and tracheal and cricoid cartilage. which of the following most likely caused her injuries a. chemical asphyxiation b. choking asphyxiation c. ligature strangulation d. manual strangulation

D. manual strangulation

A patient has a heart attack that leads to progressive cell injury that causes cell death with severe cell swelling and breakdown of organelles. what term would the nurse use to define this process a. adaption b. pathologic calcification c. apoptosis d. necrosis

D. necrosis

A 24 year old female presents with excessive menstrual bleeding. the physician identified endometrial changes that are due to hormonal imbalances. these cellular changes would be referred to as a. dysplasia b. pathologic dysplasia c. hyperplasia d. pathologic hyperplasia

D. pathologic hyperplasia

A 54 year old female is diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following is a common symptom of this disease a. hematuria b. dysuria c. oliguria d. proteinuria

D. proteinuria

A newborn female has chronic renal failure caused by a lack of development of one of the kidneys. When a staff member asks what this condition is called, how should the nurse respond? This condition is called a. renal dysplasia b. renal agenesis c. hypoplastic kidney d. renal aplasia

D. renal aplasia

Which patient should the nurse assess for both hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis? A patient diagnosed with a. diabetes insipidus b. pulmonary disorders c. Cushing syndrome d. renal failure

D. renal failure

When planning care for a dehydrated patient, the nurse remembers the principle of water balance is closely related to ____ balance a. potassium b. chloride c. bicarbonate d. sodium

D. sodium

A 19 year old female with type I DM was admitted to the hospital with altered consciousness and the following lab values: serum glucose 500 mg/dl (high) and serum K+ 2 (low). Her parents state that she has been sick with the flu for a week. The diagnosis is hyperosmolar hyperglycemia non-ketonic syndrome (HHNKS). What relationship do these values have with her insulin deficiency

Decreased insulin causes hyperglycemia and osmotic diuresis

A 25 year old female presents to her primary care provider reporting vaginal discharge of a white, viscous, and foul-smelling substance. She reports that she has been taking antibiotics for the past 6 months. Which finding will the nurse most likely see on them microorganism report

Decreased lactobacillus

A 12 year old male is newly diagnosed with type I DM. Which of the following tests should the nurse prepare the patient to best confirm the diagnosis

Fasting plasma glucose levels

When a staff member asks the nurse what causes the chronic complications of DM such as micro vascular and macro vascular disease, how should the nurse respond? These complications are primarily related to


When a patient asks what causes hyperglycemia in type II DM, how should the nurse respond? Hyperglycemia is a result of


A 13 year old male who uses insulin to control his type I diabetes experiences hunger, lightheadedness, tachycardia, pallor, headache, and confusion during gym class. The most probable cause of these symptoms is

Hypoglycemia caused by increased exercise

A 54 year old male intravenous (IV) drug user is diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C. Testing revealed that he is a candidate for treatment. Which of the following could be used to treat his condition


A 10 year old male is stung by a bee while playing in the yard. He experiences a severe allergic reaction and has to go to the ER. The nurse providing care realizes this reaction is the result of


A 12 year old female is newly diagnosed with type I DM. When the parents ask what causes this, what is the nurse's best response

Immune destruction of the pancreas

A 19 year old female with type I DM was admitted to the hospital with the following lab values: serum glucose 500 mg/dl (high), urine glucose and ketones 4+ (high), and arterial pH 7.2 (low). Her parents state that she has been sick with the flu for a week. Which of the following statements best explains her acidotic state

Insulin deficiency promotes lipid metabolism and ketone formation

A nurse is reviewing lab results for glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1C) levels. A nurse recalls the purpose of this test to

Monitor long-term serum glucose control

A 50 year old male patient presents with polyuria and extreme thirst. He was given exogenous ADH. For which of the following conditions would this treatment be effective

Neurogenic diabetes insipidus

When the immunoglobulin crosses the placenta, what type of immunity does the fetus receive


An 11 year old male is newly diagnosed with type I DM. Which classic symptoms should the nurse assess the patient for

Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, and weight loss

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