MNGT Ch. 7

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Difference among three manufacturing technologies is technical complexity:

Small-batch and unit production Large-batch and mass production Continuous process production

Chain of Command- Associated with two underlying principles.

Unity of Command. Scalar Principle.

The deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals:

1. How tasks are divided and assigned across the organization 2. Reporting relationships. 3. Mechanisms to ensure effective coordination of work across departments. The deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Span of Management: Many organizations today,

30 or more per manager.

Mechanism through which authority and responsibility are brought into alignment.


___ means that people with authority and responsibility are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command.


Formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders, and to allocate resources to achieve organizationally desired outcomes.


___ is the formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate resources to achieve outcomes desired by the organization.


__ means that decision authority is located near top organization levels.


decision authority is located near the top of the organization.

Centralization -

Unbroken line of authority that links all persons in an organization and shows who reports to whom.

Chain of Command

__ means a joint effort between people from two or more departments to produce outcomes that meet a common goal or shared purpose.


__ involves mechanization of the entire workflow and nonstop production, such as in chemical plants or petroleum refineries.

Continuous process production

___ refers to the managerial task of adjusting and synchronizing the diverse activities among different individuals and departments.


____ consist of employees from various functional departments.

Cross-functional teams

___ means that decision authority is pushed down to lower organization levels.


authority is pushed downward to lower organizational levels.

Decentralization -

Process managers use to transfer authority and responsibility.


___ is the basis for grouping individual positions into departments and departments into the total organization.


__ has a wide span, is horizontally dispersed and fewer hierarchical levels.

Flat structure

__ differ in terms of technical complexity, which refers to the degree to which complex machinery is involved in the production process to the exclusion of people.

Manufacturing technologies

__ is characterized by long production runs to manufacture a large volume of products with the same specifications.

Mass production

____ is defined as the framework in which the organization defines how tasks are divided, resources are deployed, and departments are coordinated.

Organization structure

___ solve ongoing problems. Employees come from all functional areas

Permanent teams

___refers to frequent horizontal coordination and communication carried out through ongoing relationships of shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect.

Relational coordination

__ is the flip side of the authority coin; it refers to the duty to perform the task or activity that one has been assigned.


__is characterized by intangible outputs and direct contact between employees and customers.

Service technology

____&___ technologies are associated with a more flexible horizontal structure, whereas a tighter vertical structure is appropriate for mass production.

Small batch and continuous process

___ is a type of manufacturing technology that involves the production of goods in batches of one or a few products designed to customer specification.

Small-batch production

The number of employees reporting to a supervisor

Span of Management

___, sometimes called span of control, refers to the number of employees reporting to a supervisor.

Span of management

__ has a narrow span and more hierarchical levels.

Tall structure

knowledge, tools, techniques and activities

Technology -

Organization Structure

The deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

__ uses cross-functional teams to improve coordination on software and services projects for small law firm clients.

Total Attorneys

The firm subcontracts most of its major functions to separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small headquarters organization.

Virtual Network Structure

____, sometimes called division of labor, is the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into individual jobs

Work specialization

Both the team and the network approach have distinct

advantages and disadvantages.

Large Spans of Control Factors: Rules and procedures are


Examples of service firms include

banks, hotels, and fast-food restaurants.

The ____ is an unbroken line of authority that links all individuals in the organization and specifies who reports to whom.

chain of command

People are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of


Sony created a new position of chief information security officer (CISO) after hackers accessed customer data on the

company's computer network.

A ___ team is a group of employees from various functional departments that meet as a team to resolve mutual problems.


The trend is toward broader spans of management and greater


When managers transfer authority and responsibility to positions below them in the hierarchy, it is called __.


Each approach to ___ has distinct advantages and disadvantages.


The ___ groups employees and departments based on similar organizational outputs (products or services), such that each division has a mix of functional skills and tasks.

divisional structure

Large Spans of Control Factors: Similar task is performed by


A ___ is characterized by an overall broad span of management and relatively few hierarchical levels.

flat structure

Southwest Airlines achieves the shortest turnaround time in the airline industry because managers foster relational coordination among the varied people and departments involved in the

flight departure process.

A ____ groups employees into departments based on similar skills, tasks, and use of resources.

functional structure

Three traditional approaches to departmentalization are

functional, divisional, and matrix.

An alternative approach to divisional structure is to group employees and departments based on

geographic region or customer group.

As organizations __, they add new positions, departments, and hierarchical levels, which leads to greater coordination problems.


Service technologies tend to have more flexible

horizontal structures.

Technology varies but it can

impact structure

Large Spans of Control Factors: Personal preferences and styles of management favor a

large span.

Managers may have ____, which refers to the formal power to direct and control immediate subordinates, or ____, which refers to the right to advise, counsel, and recommend in the manager's area of expertise.

line authority; staff authority

Large Spans of Control Factors: A single


Organizations encourage managers to delegate authority to

lowest possible level

Types of technologies include

manufacturing and service.

The ___ uses both functional and divisional chains of command simultaneously, in the same part of the organization.

matrix approach

A ___ is a functional or product supervisor responsible for one side of the matrix.

matrix boss

Managers in every organization face the question about how to organize for

maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

The successful U.S. mission to raid Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan was a result of collaboration between the nation's intelligence officers and its

military officers.

The ____ is one in which a manufacturing company uses outside suppliers to provide large chunks of a product such as an automobile, which are then assembled into a final product by a few employees.

modular approach

Large Spans of Control Factors: Little time is required in

nonsupervisory activities.

An ____approach is needed for a differentiation strategy and when the organization needs flexibility to cope with an uncertain environment.

organic, horizontal

An ___ is the visual representation of an organization's structure.

organization chart

Accountability Can be built into the

organization structure.

The Disney Channel is structured into geographic divisions to better address the interests of children and teens in different

parts of the world.

Authority is vested in organizational positions, not


A __ is a group of employees from all functional areas permanently assigned to focus on a specific task or activity.

permanent team

A ___ is a person responsible for coordinating the activities of several departments for the completion of a specific project.

project manager

Companies often shift to a more horizontal approach after going through ___, which refers to the radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.


Span of Management: Traditional view,

seven or so per manager.

Span of Management: Generally if supervisors must be closely involved with employees span should be


The trend has been toward wider

spans of control

A mechanistic, vertical structure is appropriate for a cost leadership strategy, which typically occurs in a

stable environment.

Large Spans of Control Factors: Work is

stable or routine.

Organizing refers to the deployment of organizational resources to achieve

strategic goals.

Contingency factors of strategic goals, environment, and technology influence the correct

structural approach.

Authority is accepted by


Large Spans of Control Factors: Support systems and personnel are available for


Span of control used in an organization determines whether the structure is

tall or flat.

A ___ is characterized by an overall narrow span of management and a relatively large number of hierarchical levels.

tall structure

A ___ is a temporary team or committee formed to solve a specific short-term problem involving several departments.

task force

Ways to increase horizontal coordination include

task forces, teams, project managers, and relational coordination.

Popular contemporary approaches to departmentalization include

team and virtual network structures.

A ___ structure is one in which the entire organization is made up of horizontal teams that coordinate their activities and work directly with customers to accomplish organizational goals.


Whole Foods Market uses a

team-based structure.

In a matrix structure, the ____ oversees both the product and the functional chains of command and is responsible for the entire matrix.

top leader

Large Spans of Control Factors: Employees are highly


In a matrix structure, some employees, called ____, report to two supervisors simultaneously.

two-boss employees

Authority flows down the

vertical hierarchy

In addition to the ___, every organization needs mechanisms for horizontal integration and coordination.

vertical structure

With a ____, the organization subcontracts most of its major functions to separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small headquarters organization.

virtual network structure

Fundamental characteristics of vertical organization structure include

work specialization, chain of command, span of management, and centralization and decentralization.

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