MOB 12

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1. The earliest approach to the study of leadership was a. the trait approach. b. the behavioral approach. c. the transactional approach. d. the transformational approach.

a) Easy/Comprehension

43. Nina makes it a point to talk to her subordinates every day about what is going on in their personal lives. She always congratulates them when they share successes and has a kind word and "a shoulder to cry on" if necessary when things are not going well. Nina has a _____________ leadership style. a. directive b. supportive c. participative d. achievement-oriented

b) Difficult/Application

18. Which of the following is not a key trait associated with leadership? a. High conscientiousness b. High introversion c. High intelligence d. High integrity

b) Medium/Synthesis

23. Task-oriented behaviors are also called a. authoritarianism. b. consideration. c. initiating structure d. laissez-faire.

c) Easy/Knowledge

10. Extraversion is a. being curious, original, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas. b. being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented and dependable. c. being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm. d. being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations.

d) Easy/Knowledge

42. Maurice is a manager in the production area of a large manufacturing firm. He sets a tight production schedule every day and makes certain each employee knows what job he is performing that day and how to perform it. Maurice has a ____________ leadership style. a. directive b. supportive c. participative d. achievement-oriented

a) Difficult/Application

4. Which of the following statements regarding intelligence is INCORRECT? a. One's intelligence is the strongest predictor of leadership performance. b. People with high mental abilities are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment. c. Effective leaders tend to have high emotional intelligence as well as high mental intelligence. d. IQ matters for entry into the high level managerial ranks, but once there, IQ is less effective since all others at that level also possess high IQ.

a) Difficult/Evaluation

20. Which of the following statements regarding traits and leadership is INCORRECT? a. All traits are equally effective in predicting leadership potential across organizations. b. In large, bureaucratic organizations, leader traits have less impact on behavior than in a small, entrepreneurial organization. c. Some traits have a stronger impact on leader emergence than on leader effectiveness. d. Recognition of leader traits can help select appropriate managers for organizations.

a) Difficult/Synthesis

35. If leader-subordinate relations are good, position power is low and task structure is high, the situation would be categorized as a. favorable. b. medium favorable. c. unfavorable. d. controlled.

a) Medium/Analysis

59. Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about leader-member exchange LMX) theory? a. High LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member. b. In high LMX relationships, the leader has a trust-based relationship with the member. c. In high LMX relationships, both leader and member go above and beyond their job descriptions to assist the other party in succeeding. d. In low LMX relationships, the leader does his job and the member does his.

(a) Difficult/Evaluation

51. According to the leadership decision tree, a leader who makes a decision alone using available information has an) a. autocratic decision-making style. b. consultative decision-making style. c. group decision-making style. d. laissez-faire decision-making style.

(a) Medium/Analysis

52. Bob meets with his subordinates on a regular basis to share concerns and information with the group. He takes their feedback but makes decisions on his own. According to the leadership decision tree, Bob has an) _____________ decision-making style. a. laissez-faire b. consultative c. group d. autocratic

(b) Medium/Analysis

28. Nelson is the manager of a marketing department in a medium sized company. Nelson has six employees reporting to him. In deciding the goals for the department for next quarter, Nelson is holding a meeting for employee input and direction. Nelson uses an) _________ style of decision making in the marketing department. a. authoritarian b. democratic c. laissez-faire d. supportive

(b) Medium/Application

44. Leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision making have an) _________________ leadership style. a. achievement-oriented b. supportive c. directive d. participative

(d) Medium/Comprehension

9. Being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm is a. agreeableness. b. extraversion. c. conscientiousness. d. openness.


38. Michael is the United Way pledge leader for his department. He gets along quite well with his coworkers. His pledge leader duties, with regard to specific steps to follow in asking coworkers for pledges and how to collect and report them, are clearly laid out for him in a United Way brochure. Which LPC style is best for this scenario? a. Low LPC leaders are effective. b. High LPC leaders are effective. c. Medium LPC leaders are effective. d. Either low or high LPC leaders will be effective.

a) Difficult/Synthesis

63. Servant leadership a. is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others. b. refers to effective leaders who stay true to themselves. c. is leading employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. d. involves structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways that will increase the performance of the group.

a) Easy/Knowledge

16. Martin sent an anonymous memo to various members of his company charging his manager with cheating the employees out of pay bonuses. Martin's manager seems to lack a. integrity. b. agreeableness. c. extraversion. d. neuroticism.

a) Medium/Application

31. If you dislike working with a person and do not care for them on a personal level either, a. you would have a low least preferred coworker score. b. you would have a high least preferred coworker score. c. you would have a midrange least preferred coworker score. d. you would not have a least preferred coworker score.

a) Medium/Comprehension

58. The key factor in the effectiveness of transformational leadership is a. trust. b. creativeness. c. extraversion. d. charisma.

a) Medium/Comprehension

47. If jobs are boring and repetitive or tasks are stressful, the ________ style of leadership is most effective. a. supportive b. achievement oriented c. directive d. participative

a) Medium/Knowledge

30. Nancy argues with Janet over every work project and generally does not want to be assigned to work with her. Yet, Nancy thinks Janet is a very nice person and enjoys her company at social outings. a. Nancy would have a low least preferred coworker score. b. Nancy would have a high least preferred coworker score. c. Nancy would have a midrange least preferred coworker score. d. Nancy would not have a least preferred coworker score.

b) Difficult/Application

32. In situations of medium favorableness, a. low LPC leaders are effective. b. high LPC leaders are effective. c. medium LPC leaders are effective. d. either low or high LPC leaders will be effective.

b) Difficult/Evaluation

62. Which of the following statements regarding leader-member exchange relationships is INCORRECT? a. A problem with a low-quality exchange relationship is that employees may not have access to a positive work environment. b. All employees would like to have a positive relationship with their leader. c. If a leader is unethical, employees may not want to have a relationship so as not to suffer from guilt by association. d. When high LMX employees succeed, leaders credit the efforts they put forward and their high level abilities.

b) Difficult/Evaluation

70. Which statement regarding global leader characteristics is correct? a. In Western and Latin cultures, leaders who speak in a monotonous voice convey the ability to control emotions. b. Universally, people feel that honesty, trustworthiness and fairness are related to leadership effectiveness. c. Transactional leaders are found to be the most influential leaders around the world. d. There is no universal agreement on characteristics viewed as undesirable in leaders.

b) Difficult/Evaluation

14. Research has found all of the Big 5 personality traits to be related to leader emergence and leader effectiveness EXCEPT a. conscientiousness. b. agreeableness. c. extraversion. d. openness.

b) Difficult/Synthesis

37. Karli is the designated leader of a class project group. She gets along well with the group members but often is not sure exactly what she should do to assist her group in producing a high-quality project. Which LPC style is best for this scenario? a. Low LPC leaders are effective. b. High LPC leaders are effective. c. Medium LPC leaders are effective. d. Either low or high LPC leaders will be effective.

b) Difficult/Synthesis

22. People-oriented behaviors are also called a. initiating structure. b. consideration. c. laissez-faire. d. authoritarian.

b) Easy/Knowledge

66. Authentic leadership a. is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others. b. refers to effective leaders who stay true to themselves. c. makes sure employees are involved in decision making. d. sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach those goals.

b) Easy/Knowledge

8. Being anxious, irritable, temperamental and moody is a. anxiety. b. neuroticism. c. anger. d. aggressiveness.

b) Easy/Knowledge

36. If leader-subordinate relations are poor, position power is high and task structure is high, the situation would be categorized as a. favorable. b. medium favorable. c. unfavorable. d. controlled.

b) Medium/Analysis

40. Expectancy theory suggests individuals are motivated when all of the following conditions are met EXCEPT a. effort leads to high performance. b. rewards lead to high performance. c. rewards are valuable to the performer. d. high performance will be rewarded.

b) Medium/Analysis

5. Jien has the ability to control his emotions in multiple situations and has empathy for others; he is internally motivated and has many admirable social skills. Jien has a. high mental intelligence. b. high emotional intelligence. c. low mental intelligence. d. low emotional intelligence.

b) Medium/Application

15. The degree to which a person is at peace with himself and has an overall positive assessment of one's self worth and capabilities is a. agreeableness. b. self-efficacy. c. self-esteem. d. integrity.

b) Medium/Comprehension

2. The trait approach to leadership examines all of the following factors EXCEPT a. psychological attributes. b. behaviors. c. personality characteristics. d. physical characteristics.

b) Medium/Comprehension

24. People-oriented behaviors include a. providing employees instructions. b. treating employees with respect. c. structuring employee roles. d. planning for increased employee performance.

b) Medium/Comprehension

54. Which one of the following traits is NOT a tool that transformational leaders use to influence employees and create commitment to the company goals? a. charisma b. management by exception c. intellectual stimulation d. inspirational motivation

b) Medium/Comprehension

56. Malcolm is the manager of his department. After performance evaluations, he gives those who have met their goals for the year a pay raise. He gives his employees their assignments and leaves them to do their work but does monitor them so that if he notices a potential problem, it gets resolved before causing difficulties. What kind of contemporary leadership style is Malcolm demonstrating? a. directive leadership b. transformational leadership c. transactional leadership d. laissez-faire leadership

c) Difficult/Application

25. Research findings of leader behaviors suggest a. when leaders are task oriented, employees are more satisfied. b. task oriented behaviors tend to be more effective in large companies. c. extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees. d. employees who work under people oriented leaders are more productive.

c) Difficult/Evaluation

49. Which of the statements regarding research on House's path-goal theory is correct? a. House's theory suggests that the leader's style is fixed and the environment changes. b. The theory has been fully tested and verified. c. The theory's greatest contribution is the importance of the leader's ability to change styles depending on the circumstances. d. House's theory is based upon goal-setting theory.

c) Difficult/Evaluation

29. Research on decision-making styles finds a. Laissez-faire decision making is positively related to employee satisfaction. b. Democratic decision making leads to stronger employee productivity. c. Employees care more about the overall participativeness of the organizational climate than involvement in every single decision. d. Scientists favor authoritarian decision making over democratic decision making.

c) Difficult/Synthesis

55. Most research on leadership has been conducted on which of the following contingency theories of leadership? a. Fieldler's contingency theory b. House's path-goal theory c. transformational leadership theory d. authentic leadership theory

c) Difficult/Synthesis

3. All of the following are examples of the Big 5 Personality traits EXCEPT a. openness. b. extraversion. c. intelligence. d. agreeableness.

c) Easy/Comprehension

33. Situational favorableness includes all of the following conditions EXCEPT a. leader-subordinate relations. b. position power. c. motivation level. d. task structure.

c) Easy/Comprehension

26. When leaders make decisions alone without involving employees in the decision making process, they are using a. laissez-faire decision making. b. participative decision making c. authoritarian decision making. d. democratic decision making.

c) Easy/Knowledge

53. ___________ leaders lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. a. Directive b. Transactional c. Transformational d. Achievement-oriented

c) Easy/Knowledge

7. Openness is a. being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations. b. being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm. c. being curious, original, intellectual, creative and receptive to new ideas. d. being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable.

c) Easy/Knowledge

39. Research on Fiedler's Contingency Theory indicates which of the following? a. Predictions about where high LPC leadership will be effective are supported more than those where low LPC leadership is effective. b. There is full support for Fiedler's Contingency Theory. c. Fiedler's theory is important because it recognizes the importance of the leadership context. d. Fiedler's theory is a useful framework for thinking about which personality traits are useful in predicting leadership.

c) Medium/Analysis

60. All of the following are factors contributing to building high-quality leader-member exchange EXCEPT a. leader fairness. b. leader delegation. c. employee job satisfaction. d. personality similarity.

c) Medium/Analysis

64. Servant leadership has an explicit focus on all of the following factors EXCEPT a. ethics. b. community development. c. paternalism. d. self-sacrifice.

c) Medium/Analysis

69. Which of the following statement regarding leadership and other cultures is INCORRECT? a. Ninety-eight percent of all leadership studies have been completed in the United States. b. The applicability of leadership theories to other cultures is uncertain. c. Only decisiveness is a universal leadership trait. d. Given the differences between cultures, a sensitivity to those differences and the ability to adapt style to circumstances are needed in global leaders.

c) Medium/Analysis

11. Maria is part of an organizational behavior project group. Her group members chose her as the leader of the group because she is always on task, on time for meetings, sets achievable goals and is willing to assist anyone who needs help. Maria is a. agreeable. b. extraverted. c. conscientious. d. open.

c) Medium/Application

34. Paolo is a manager of a department in a small, family-run retail department store. He and his subordinates clash over scheduling and other procedural aspects of the job almost daily. While having the title of manager, Paolo makes few decisions for the department, instead implementing those relayed by his manager. The sales associate position as well as his managerial position do not have specific duties tied to them; instead everyone is supposed to do "whatever it takes." The situation would best be described as a. favorable. b. medium favorable c. unfavorable. d. controlled.

c) Medium/Application

13. The Big 5 personality trait ___________ has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness. a. conscientiousness b. agreeableness c. extraversion d. openness

c) Medium/Comprehension

67. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of authentic leaders? a. They are not afraid to act they way they are. b. They understand where they are coming from. c. They have no set priorities. d. They have high levels of personal integrity.

c) Medium/Comprehension

68. Which of the following statements regarding leadership and ethics is INCORRECT? a. People in positions of authority are influential in driving others to ethical or unethical behaviors. b. Leaders with high levels of moral development create more ethical organizational climates. c. The contingency theories of leadership are explicit in noting the important role that ethics play in effective leadership. d. The level of ethical leadership shown is related to a willingness to report job related problems to the leader.

c) Medium/Evaluation

19. Which of the following is not a key trait associated with leadership? a. High integrity b. High conscientiousness c. High agreeableness d. High openness to experience

c) Medium/Synthesis

41. Which of the following statements regarding House's path-goal theory of leadership is INCORRECT? a. The role of the leader in the path-goal theory is to remove roadblocks and create a motivational environment for workers. b. Each leadership style identified in the path-goal theory is effective depending on the employee characteristics and those of the work environment. c. House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation. d. Leaders can create high performing employees by making sure employee effort leads to performance and that performance is rewarded with desired rewards.

c) Medium/Synthesis

46. In which scenario would directive leadership be most effective? a. when employees have low role ambiguity b. when employees have high abilities c. when employees have an internal locus of control d. when employees have an external locus of control

d) Difficult/Evaluation

57. Research on transformational and transactional leadership shows all of the following EXCEPT a. transformational leaders increase the performance of their followers. b. transactional leaders have positive influences over employee attitudes. c. transformational leaders create higher levels of commitment to organizational change efforts. d. transactional leaders increase the intrinsic motivation of their followers.

d) Difficult/Evaluation

21. The two broad categories of leader behaviors are a. task-oriented and authority-oriented structures. b. task-oriented and initiating structures. c. people-oriented and authority-oriented structures. d. task-oriented and people-oriented structures.

d) Easy/Knowledge

27. In democratic decision making a. leaders leave employees alone to make decisions. b. the leader provides minimum guidance and involvement in the decision. c. leaders make the decision alone without necessarily involving employees in the decision making process. d. employees participate in the making of the decision.

d) Easy/Knowledge

6. Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable are characteristics of the personality trait a. openness. b. agreeableness. c. extraversion. d. conscientiousness.

d) Easy/Knowledge

17. Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem and leadership is INCORRECT? a. Leaders with high self esteem support their subordinates more than leaders with lower self esteem. b. Research shows a strong relationship between height and being viewed as a leader which may be accounted for by self-esteem. c. Those with high self esteem have high self confidence which may affect the image perceived by followers. d. Leaders with high self esteem punish their subordinates less effectively, when such punishment is due, than do leaders with lower self esteem.

d) Medium/Analysis

48. The information system department's employees are highly skilled individuals who possess a very internal locus of control. The firm is looking to hire a manager for the department to replace the retiring manager. What type of leadership style would likely be most effective with this group? a. supportive b. achievement-oriented c. directive d. participative

d) Medium/Analysis

61. All of the following are consequences of a high leader-member exchange relationship EXCEPT a. job satisfaction. b. lower turnover. c. organizational commitment. d. effort in building good relationships.

d) Medium/Analysis

65. Servant leaders a. put themselves first. b. make their overriding goal getting their employees to contribute to the community. c. make their primary mission high-level personal achievement. d. feel an obligation to their employees, customers and the larger community.

d) Medium/Analysis

12. Nick's roommate is attending a networking event for his business fraternity this weekend. He says, "Nick, you are so good at going up to someone and starting a conversation. You always seem to know what to do and what to say. You never seem awkward and you can talk to anyone about anything. I want to handle this networking event well—give me some tips." Nick seems to be very a. agreeable. b. conscientious. c. narcissistic. d. extraverted.

d) Medium/Application

50. The leadership decision tree a. focuses on a static leadership style. b. focuses on leader emergence. c. focuses on an adaptive leadership style. d. leads to the determination of how much involvement leaders should seek in making decisions.

d) Medium/Comprehension

45. An achievement-oriented leader a. makes sure employees are involved in decision making. b. provides directions for his employees. c. provides emotional support to employees. d. sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach their goals.

d) Medium/Knowledge

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