Module 1: The Materials of Music (test 1)

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** 1 (twin-kle, twin-kle, lit-tle star)

**In the following image, click the example that is in duple meter. Remember, the numbers below the text refer to the beats in the measure.

** 4 (My coin-try 'tis ofthee, Sweet land of li- - ber-ty.)

**In the following image, click the example that is in triple meter. Remember, the numbers below the text refer to the beats in the measure.

** 2 (a-las my love, you do me wrong, to cast me off dis-cour-teous-ly,)

**In the following image, click the line that is in sextuple meter. Remember, the numbers below the text refer to the beats in the measure.

** chords

**What are the circled sections?

Triple Meter

Basic pattern. Has three beats to a measure- One strong beat and two weak ones. ONE two three. Traditionally associated with dances such as the waltz and the minuet.

All music has a strong, discernable beat. True/False


Consonance creates a sense of suspense that is only resolved with dissonance. True/False


Historically, harmony and melody developed simultaneously. True/False


Melody constitutes the vertical aspect of music, and harmony constitutes the horizontal aspect. True/False


Several rhythmic patterns that conflict with the underlying beat occurring simultaneously is called polyphony. True/False


The first accented beat of each metric pattern is known as the offbeat. True/False


Which of the following is a tradition in live Western "classical" music performances?

Is a tradition in live Western classical performances: -knowing when to clap -the formal attire the performers wear Is NOT a tradition in live Western classical performances: -audience participation on the stage

Melody= Harmony=

Melody= horizontal dimension Harmony= vertical perspective


Music that moves without any strong sense of beat or meter.

When is the best time to arrive at a "classical" concert?

at least twenty minutes before the performance is scheduled to begin

There are certain traditions surrounding concerts and concert-going: these include the performers' _________, the appropriate time to _________, and time to move from your _________.

attire applaud seat

Sextuple meter is also known as ___________ meter.

compound duple

What term is usually used to refer to the first-chair violinist in an orchestra?


Each melody is unique in _____________ (how it moves up and down) and in ____________ (span of pitches).

contour range

Accents on the weak beats create syncopation. True/False


A melody may be accompanied by a secondary melody, or a _______________.

countermelody (literally "against a melody")

In Western music two scales—major and minor—have been predominant. True/False


Which of the following best describes the harmony in this excerpt? Haydn, Symphony No. 94 Surprise, II5:32

mostly consonant

What are the sections of a symphony known as?


In most Western music, each measure contains a fixed number of beats, and the __________ beat gets the strongest accent.


In most Western music, each measure contains a fixed number of beats, and the _________________ beat gets the strongest accent.


Measures often begin with a strong _________


In some Asian cultures, harmony consists of a single sustained pitch called a:


Simple Meters

duple, triple, and quadruple--are the most common. each beat is divided into two.

In triple meter, the accent is typically on the first beat. True/False


The development of harmony is central in Western art music. True/False


The most common chord in Western music is a triad, which consists of three pitches built on alternate notes of the scale. True/False


Which of the following are true of dissonance?

True About Dissonance: -Dissonance adds a sense of drama and tension in music -The combination of dissonant tones sounds unstable NOT True About Dissonance: -The combination of dissonant tones sounds stable -Dissonance adds a sense of relaxation in music

Which of the following are true about scales?

True About Scales: -The distance between the first and last notes of a scale is called an octave -Most Western music is based on major or minor scales NOT True About Scales: -Melody and harmony are derived independently of scales -The tonic (or, do) is the least important note of the scale


five parallel lines where notes (the symbol for each pitch) are placed

Melody and ________ do not function ________ of one another. On the contrary, each ________ influences the other.

harmony independently constantly

How do performers of "classical" music ensembles typically dress?

in black formal wear

At a concert, there is usually a break when you can move around. What is this break called?


Meter, marked in ___________ (or bars), organizes the ___________ in music.

measures beats

Duple Meter

most basic pattern. alternates a strong downbeat with a weak beat. ONE two, ONE two or LEFT right, LEFT, right.

Additive Rhythms

Where larger patterns are built from combinations like 2+3+3(=8), rather than recurring patterns of two or three. Typical of Indian classical music.

Melody is the horizontal dimension in music, while harmony adds ________ perspective.



what moves music forward in time

In addition to the _________ being performed, the program may include short notes about each composition and _________ sketches about the soloist and _________.

works biographical conductor

Some music is __________, with an obscured pulse.


Which term is used to describe music that moves without a strong sense of beat?


Harmony is defined as the simultaneous combination of ________, which results in intervals and ________.

notes chords


number of vibrations per second

In a concert in which a symphony is performed, when is the audience generally expected to clap?

only at the end of the final movement

Which term describes a collection of pitches arranged in ascending and descending order?


*Which term best describes the meter of the song Tonight, from Bernstein's West Side Story? (Hint: The beat is divided into twos.) Simple/Compound?


What is created when the accent is shifted to a weak beat or an offbeat?


Which of the following determines the tonality of a piece?

the scale chosen by the composer


the units that make up a melody. phrases end in resting places called cadences.

In simple meters the beat is divided into two, and in compound meters the beat is divided into how many?


The ________ is the first and central note of a scale. The principle of organization around a central note is called ________.

tonic tonality

The most common type of chord in Western music is the:


An accented beat followed by two weak beats indicates a ___________ meter.


When a melody does not begin on the first beat (or downbeat), it is said to begin on a(n):



"many rhythms"

Compound Meter vs. Simple Meter

Compound Meter: ONE-and-a, TWO-and-a Simple Meter: ONE-and, two-and

Sextuple Meter

Compound duple. Six beats to the measure. Two main beats that divides into three. ONE-and-a, TWO-and-a. Marked by a gently flowing effect. Often found in lullabies and nursery rhymes.

Conjunct vs. Disjunct

Conjunct: a melody that moves in small, connected intervals Disjunct: a melody that moves by leaps, many wide leaps

Quadruple Meter

Contains four beats to the measure. Primary accent on the first beat and a secondary accent on the third. Usually has a broader feeling than duple meter.

Which of the following are true of harmony?

Correct Answer(s): -The most common chord in Western music is the triad -Harmony is derived from scales -Chords occur when three or more notes are sounded simultaneously Incorrect Answer(s): -Harmonic practices are identical today to what they were a millennium ago

Which of the following create rhythmic complexity in music?

Correct Answer(s): -accented offbeats -polyrythm -syncopation Incorrect Answer(s): -a strong regular pulse

At the concert, what information does a program provide and what does it not provide?

Provided in concert program: -the pieces on the concert -the names of the performers Not provided in concert program: -the music notation for the night's concert

Which of the following are terms that can be used to label a piece of music that is composed and which are not?

Term for composed music: -work -piece Not a term for composed music: -orchestra -conductor

Which is a characteristic of consonance? a. stability b. introduction of conflict c. creates suspense d. instability

a (stability)


a deliberate upsetting of the normal patterns of accents


a line, or the tune, in music

Which of the following meters can only be classified as compound? a. duple b. quadruple c. sextuple d. triple

c (sextuple)

Three or more tones sounded together produce a(n):


Rhythmic complexities occur with:

offbeats syncopation polyrhythm

Which of the following is NOT true of tonality? a. The first note of the scale is the tonic b. In Western music between the late seventeenth and early twentieth centuries, the main types of tonality were major and minor c. It is a principle of musical organization d. Each scale sounds identical to the other scales

d (each scale sounds identical to the other scales)

Which term best describes a combination of tones that sounds discordant or in need of resolution?



distance between the lowest and highest notes. This span can be very narrow, as in an easy children's song, or very wide, as in some melodies played on an instrument.

Tone Color (or timbre)

distinguishes voices from instruments, a trumpet from a clarinet, etc.

Compound Meters

divide each beat into three (rather than two)

Syllables in the order they appear in a major scale:

do re me fa sol la ti do


the distance between any two pitches


the first accented beat of each pattern. referring to the downward stroke of a conductor's hand.

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