Module 1

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Three Elements For Computer To Perform Successful Tasks

1.) Hardware 2.)Software 3.) Computer's User

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)

Another rapidly developing sector. This sector ranges from full-size fixed wing aircraft to much smaller multi-rotor hover drones.

Home Applicances

Check the contents of your smartphone while out shopping or start the washing machine cycle so that it has finished just as you get back to your house.

Ways Data Moves Through A Computer System

Input, Processing, Output, Storage.


Often used to cancel a command.


Smartphones sized between 5" and 7" form factors are often called this.


Swiping from a particular screen edge performs different actions. Swiping within an app window can also perform custom actions, such as moving from page to page or screen to screen. Swiping down from the top of the app window usually refreshes the content.

Enter (Return)

Usually used to confirm a command.

Installing Computer System - Consider The Following

Is the environment suitable for the computer? - Dust, dirt, heat, extreme cold, and dampness can be very damaging to computers. Is the installation safe for yourself and passers-by? - The main risks associated with computer equipment are electrical and trip hazards. Is the installation healthy to use? Improper use of computers, notably the mouse and keyboard, is associated with a number of health risks.

Hot Keys

Key combinations that can be used to navigate between and around windows. If you are not familiar with a computer keyboard, take some time to identify some of the special keys.


LAPTOP The term is used for laptops meeting a particular Intel specification for performance, size/weight, and battery life. There are also hybrid laptops that can be used like a tablet, as well as like a traditional laptop.


LAPTOP Laptops often use different system components (CPU, RAM, graphics) that are smaller, lighter, and draw less power than desktop versions.

Sign In

Means that the changes you make to the desktop are saved as your own personal settings. It may also give you access to resources on a computer network. At work, you will be given a sign in ID (Username and password) by your IT Department. At home you will create user accounts for yourself and your family. Signing in using a password that only you know means that you are authenticated as the valid owner of the computer account.

Operating System

A basic software environment is established by the computer's this. A computer requires this in order to function. This provides interfaces between the hardware, application programs, and the user. This handles many of the basic system functions, such as interaction with the system hardware and input/output.


Most portable devices can be operated using this. BLANK input is made by performing gestures or using the onscreen keyboard. some of the basic Windows 10 BLANK are.


Oftentimes, sitting at the heart of Home Automation is BLANK, to which other devices connect. These are usually controlled using voice recognition systems and smartphone apps.

Fault Tolerant

Servers need to be very reliable. This is achieved by specifying high quality components and also by using extra copies of components for redundancy. This makes a server system BLANK.


System that manipulates data according to a set of instructions.


The devices and components that make up a computer system. Many parts are contained within the computer's case.


The processed data is shown or played to the user through an output device, such as a monitor or loudspeaker system.

Modern Motor Vehicles

BLANK use a substantial amount of electronics. As well as computer systems to control the vehicle's engine and brakes. There may be embedded systems for in-vehicle entertainment and for navigation (sat-nav) using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to identify the vehicle's precise location. Some vehicles are now, also fitted with a "black box" or even data recorder, that can log the car's telemetry (acceleration, braking, and position). There are also sophisticated systems to control the vehicle on behalf of the driver, including automatic collision detection and avoidance, and parking assistance. Companies are experimenting with fully-automatic self-driving or autonomous vehicles.


Can take many forms including words, numbers, pictures, sound, or video. These can all be represented in an IT system using binary digits 1 and 0. When information is processed like this, it is often referred to as data.


Computer that integrates the display, system components, and input/output devices within a single, portable case (or chassis). Distinctive Features Of BLANK: Built-in-screen, integrated keyboard, touch pad pointer control, and I/O ports (on both sides and rear of chassis). Small laptops can also be described as notebooks and subnotebooks, while bigger models are often called desktop replacements.

File Icon

Data files that have the picture of the application used to edit the file on them. there are hundreds of different types but the icon shows what type of data is in the file (text, pictures, or music for instance) and which application is used to open it.

Touch Type

Makes operating a computer more comfortable and efficient. You use the A to F and J to ; keys as a base for your fingers. Once you have learned to position of the other keys, you can reach for them without looking. For example, you use the little finger on your left hand to press Q then return it to rest on A.

Security Systems

Monitor and control alarms, locks, lighting, and videophone entry systems remotely.

Smart Home

One of the critical points of building this type of home is ensuring compatibility between the networking or communication standards supported by the hub and the appliances. Most devices support ordinary Wi-FI standards based wireless networking, but some may require connectivity standards designed for low power use, such as Z-Wave, ZigBee, or Bluetooth LE.

Status Bar

Shows useful information about whatever is selected in the rest of the window. When selecting files, you can enter information about the file here.


The instructions that a computer follows. Also known as computer programs. Provides an interface for the user to control the computer system. The user creates data files by inputting information and selecting commands from the interface.


The study of factors affecting the performance of people at work. It is well established that a poor working environment can cause certain health problems and decrease productivity.

Folder Icon

Used to store and organize files. The type of icon also indicates what the folder contains (documents, pictures, sub-folders, and so on).

Pinch And Stretch

Using two fingers, either pinch them together to zoom in or move them apart (stretch) to zoom out.

Information Age

We live in this. The effective use of information is regarded as the defining element of the 21st century, as important as the industrial revolution before it.

Function Of Operating System

Example of operating system is Microsoft windows. The function of it is to provide a stable environment for different software applications to work together. Controls access to the computer hardware. Applications software can only access the computer hardware via functions of the OS. Provides tools for configuring hardware, such as the settings app in Windows. Provides file management tools and can include a number of utilities. Windows includes a text editor (Notepad), picture editor (Paint), a word processor (Word-Pad), a calculator, some games, and so on.

Personal Computers (PC)

Generally understood to apply to versions of IBM PC. IBM PC was based on microprocessor or Central Processing Unit (CPU) designed by Intel. It is also called the x86 architecture or platform. This type of computer was fundamentally different to mainframes as it was operated directly by the end user. Most workstation and laptop personal computers designed for home and office use are still based on the IBM PC design x86 platform. As this PC platform matured, it became associated with use of Microsoft Windows Operating System Software. fsma

Setting Up A Personal Computer

1.) If the computer has just been delivered, check the contents of the box, read the instruction manual, and allow at least 30-60 minutes for the components to adjust to room temperature. There is a slight risk from condensation if you unpack a computer and start it immediately. 2.) Read the manufacturer's setup and safety guidelines and plan the installation of the computer to comply with them. 3.) Position the monitor and system unit so that cables can be tucked away neatly and do not cross any walkways. When lifting a heavy object such as a monitor, take care to protect your back. Ensure that any object placed on a desk is not at risk of toppling. 4.) Ensure there is adequate air flow around the monitor, system unit, and larger peripherals, such as a printer or scanner. 5.) Check that the screen is not exposed to excessive glare from windows or lighting and that the equipment is not in direct sunlight. 6.) Adjust the monitor, chair, and position of the mouse and keyboard so that the user can sit and type comfortably. 7.) Connect each peripheral to the computer using an appropriate cable. Inspect each cable and connector for any sign of visible damage before plugging it in. Use any available cable management features to keep wiring tidy and ensure it does not pose a trip hazard. 8.) Connect the power cables from the monitor, system unit, and any peripherals to electrical outlets, again checking that the cables are undamaged and the plugs are fitted with fuses of the correct rating. Ensure that the electrical outlets are not overloaded. 9.) Switch on any peripherals connected to the computer that you want to use then switch on the system unit. You start a computer by pressing the power switch. If the computer does not start, check that a power cable connects the back of the computer to a wall socket and that the socked is switched on.

Basics Of Computing And Processing

1.) User selects command (Using mouse to click an icon on the application toolbar). 2.) Software application receives command. 3.) Using functions of operating system, converts command into series of instructions. 4.) Instructions are stored in system memory, which is also known as Random Access Memory (RAM) 5.) Central Processing Unit (CPU) retrieves each instruction or data file from memory and processes it. 6.) CPU then writes the result back to memory and directs other components to perform actions. For example, it may instruct the display subsystem to update the image shown to the user or the storage subsystem to save data to a disk. 7.) All the instructions and data processed by a computer are ultimately represented as strings of 1s and 0s. 8.) The 1s and 0s are represented as on or off states in the transistors that make up CPU and RAM components. 9.) CPU processes billions of binary instructions per second, which gives it the illusion of being able to "think".


Any computer providing services to other computers, but usually this term implies a powerful computer that supports a number of users simultaneously in a computer network. Most of BLANK use the same type of components as a desktop. The difference is that the components are more powerful and more reliable, and consequently more expensive. If a desktop PC stops working, a single user may be unable to do their job. If a BLANK computer stops working, tens or even hundreds of users may not be able to do their jobs. As a result, these BLANK need to be very reliable. BLANK systems are also, usually designed to be easy to expand and upgrade with additional or improved components. Very often, BLANK computers use a special type of case designed to fit into a steel rack shelving system.

Repetitive Strain Injury

Condition that occurs when the same task it carried out repeatedly for a long period, making use of the same muscles continuously. Symptoms include muscle pain, numbness, tingling, prickly heat, and loss of strength. Linked with use of keyboards and mice. When using mouse, keep wrist straight and rest palm on body of mouse. When using keyboard, keep forearms parallel with the keyboard. With both devices, avoid working with your wrists bent. Do not hunch your shoulders or bend forward. Take frequent breaks, to stretch or walk around. Ergonomically designed, angled keyboards and molded mice are designed to reduce the risk of strain injury. Using a mouse mat makes the action of the mouse smoother and is therefore less straining.

Gaming Consoles

Contains many of the same components as a workstation. Gaming consoles have powerful CPU's and graphics processors, plus Ethernet and Wi-Fi for wired and wireless home networking and internet connectivity. Web cameras and microphones are also available as peripherals. The main difference to a workstation is that a console is designed to be operated by a gaming pad rather than a keyboard and mouse, though these are often also available as options. A gaming console would use an HD TV for a display. There are also handheld game consoles that come with Wi-Fi to connect to the internet or to other consoles.


Contains several tools to help you start and switch between software applications. The desktop itself can contain shortcut icons used to open applications, folders, and files.

IT System

Could use computers, the telecommunications network, and other programmable electronic devices. In fact, because of the importance of communications in IT, the term ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is often used in preference to IT. Very flexible and can be made to perform a variety of different tasks.

Tap And Hold

Equivalent to a right-mouse click. For example, you might swipe to select some content then tap and hold the selection to open a "copy" command. This might also be implemented as a two-finger tap.


Every desktop application runs in this. You can open multiple BLANK and switch between them. All BLANK share basic features in common. Some BLANK are split into multiple panes; click or press TAB and SHIFT+TAB to navigate between them. If a BLANK is not large enough to display its contents, a scroll bar is shown. Click the arrows or click the button on the scroll bar to move it( or use the scroll wheel on the mouse). The application controls are displayed as toolbars and/or a menu bar at the top of the window. Can either fill the whole desktop or occupy a part of it. This is done by clicking the maximize/restore button. To resize a window, you can click-and-drag on the window's border. To move a window, click-and-drag the title bar. Right clicking the taskbar gives you options for arranging windows in a single pattern. Minimize button hides the window from the desktop. You can reactivate it by clicking its taskbar icon. You can also use the taskbar to switch between windows. You can work with several programs at the same time, but you should note that each program takes up memory. If you open too many windows, your computer will slow down. If you have finished using a program, close the window to free up resources. To close a window, either select CLOSE or EXIT from the FILE menu. Click the CLOSE button or press ALT+F4.

Setting Up A Laptop

Follow the same basic principles when using a laptop for the first time. Read the instruction manual and let the system acclimatize if it has just been delivered. You will probably have to insert the batter pack, which should clip into a slot on the underside of the laptop. When you use the laptop for the first time, you will probably have to connect it to the building power supply using the supplied AC adapter to charge the battery. You can use laptop without connecting any peripherals, unlike a desktop computer. There are optional components to plug in. After setting up the laptop, use the power button on the lid to open it. Press it and wait for laptop to start.

Device Icon

Hard disk drives store data saved or installed on the computer. Removable drives have different icons, such as an optical drive or USB thumb drive. You may also see an icon for printers and other devices connected to the computer.


In the last couple of decades, personal computers have become available as much smaller, more portable devices. These devices use different hardware platforms and operating systems. This has been coupled with the growth of the internet as a global data communications network. Device with roughly the same functionality as a personal computer that can be held in one hand. Most of BLANK have a screen size between 4.5 and 5.7 inches. They use touchscreen displays, making the much easier to operate.

Software Applications

Include word processors, spreadsheet programs, and payroll programs. Can be installed within the OS to extend the range of things that the computer can be used to do. Having different software applications means that the same hardware can be put to a variety of uses.

Display Type

LAPTOP Laptops use flat-panel display technologies to provide lightweight, slimline screens that are built into the case. Laptop screen sizes come in ranges 11-14 inches, 15-16 inches, and 17 inches and more.

Size And Weight

LAPTOP Laptops weigh between 1 and 4 kg or 2 to 9 pounds.

Power Source

LAPTOP Portable computers can run from internal battery packs, as well as from building power.


LAPTOP Portable computers use wireless radio technologies to connect to networks rather than cabled connections.

Input Devices

LAPTOP The main input devices are integrated into the case, such as a built-in keyboard, a touch pad instead of mouse, and/or a touchscreen.

Shortcut Icon

Links to a file have an arrow icon superimposed. Do not confuse a shortcut for the file itself. You can delete the shortcut at any time without losing the information in the file itself. In Windows, shortcuts to all your programs are located in the Start Menu or Start Screen. Programs may also put shortcuts on the desktop, and you can add desktop shortcuts to files or folders that you use often.

Hybrid Approach

Many Windows mobile devices adopt this approach where a laptop can be converted into a tablet by flipping the screen. Microsoft's Surface Pro tablet is available with a detachable keyboard, which can also function as a cover for the screen. Other vendors are also producing "Two-In-One" devices that can function as both a laptop and a tablet.

Mobile Devices

Many of the uses of PCs and laptops have been superseded by smaller personal devices or by specialized devices.


Monitor and adjust your home or office Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) controls from an app installed on your phone.

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

Most companies producing PCs and laptops are referred to as this. This is because rather than making each component that goes into a PC, they source components such as CPUs and RAM modules from manufacturers and put them together as a branded PC system.


Most computers are configured in this, which allows them to exchange data. You can think of this as a special class of input and output, but it is probably more helpful to conceive of it as a separate function. IT Networks, such as the global internet, allow use to distribute and share information quickly.

IP Cameras

Often used for security, these devices connect to Internet Protocol (IP)-Based Networks, such as the Internet and support direct upload and sync to cloud storage for remote monitoring.


Often used with other keys to activate a special command. The ALT key also activates an applications menu. You can navigate menus using the underline access keys or using the ARROW keys.


Pictures used in an operating system to represent folders, files, and other system objects. The main types of icons are Files, shortcuts, Folder, Application, and Device Icons. Each BLANK has a shortcut menu, allowing your to close the program or access recently used documents. Point at an BLANK shows a preview of any open windows, which you can select by clicking. Right-clicking an icon exposes a context menu which you can use to perform functions that relate to that icon. For example, right-clicking the icon for Microsoft Word exposes pinned and recently opened document files. Taskbar also contains "pinned" icons for frequently used programs, such as email and web browser. Pinned items always remain on the taskbar. A program with open windows is shown with a highlight. You can add, remove, or reposition pinned items by dragging and dropping.

Streaming Media

Play content stored on a storage device through any smart speaker or TV connected to the home network.


Pressing once is the same as a left mouse click.

Home Automation Software

Pretty much anything from a clock to an alarm system or a refrigerator can be controlled over the internet by this type of software, if the device or appliance is "smart".


Principally used to manage open windows (applications and files). It is usually positioned at the bottom of the desktop and may only appear when you point the mouse at the bottom of the screen. When you run applications, each program appears as an icon on the taskbar. You can click the icons to switch between windows. Alternatively, hold the ALT keys and then press TAB to cycle through the windows or on a touch-enabled screen, swipe from the left edge You can also click the Task View bottom to list running programs. This is located to the right of the search box on the taskbar.


Prior to the Apple iPAD, BLANK PCs were usually laptops with touchscreens. The iPAD defined a new form factor; smaller than a laptop and with no keyboard. BLANK screens tend to be sized between 7 and 10 inches.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Refers to a world in which many different types of things are embedded with processing and networking functionality. Processing and networking functionality can be provisioned by very small chips, so the "things" can range from motor vehicles and washing machines to clothing and birthday cards.

Hardware Server

Server can refer to either hardware or software. BLANK may be running many software servers and sometimes different types of software servers. Examples of types of software servers include web servers, email servers, database servers, authentication servers, and so on.

Sitting Position And Monitor Placement

Sitting at a desk in poor position can cause back pain. This is especially true if you sit for a long period without getting up and stretching. To help prevent back pain, monitors should be adjustable so that they can be positioned at the correct height and chairs should provide support for the back and neck. You should be able to sit up straight with the top of the monitor at or slightly below eye level. You should be able to rest your feet flat on the floor comfortably and your thighs should be parallel with the floor. You should be able to hold your forearms level with the desk. Try to avoid hunching your shoulders forward and remember to take frequent breaks to stretch your arms and legs. If you need to type a lot of text from a source document, use a copy holder to position the source text at eye-level rather than flat on the desk.

Information Technology (IT)

System that processes, stores, and transfers information.


The computer receives data entered by the user through peripheral devices, such as mice, keyboards, scanners, camera, and microphones.


The data is written to memory and manipulated by the CPU, acting on instructions from the operating system and applications software.


The data may be written to different types of storage devices, such as hard disks or optical discs, because data stored in most types of system memory is only preserved while the computer is powered on.

Peripheral Devices

The other parts that are connected to a computer. Most of these allow information to be entered (input) and retrieved (output).

Application Icon

These are the files that contain the program itself. Contrast Word's program file show here with the ion for a word document file show above.

Medical Devices

These represent another class of devices where use of electronics to remotely monitor and configure the appliance is expanding rapidly. It is important to recognize that of these devices is not confined to hospitals and clinics but includes portable devices such as cardiac monitors/defibrillators and insulin pumps. These allow doctors and nurses to remotely monitor a patient and potentially to adjust dosage levels or other settings without the patient having to visit the care provider.


Use these and the PAGE UP/DOWN, HOME, and END to navigate between icons or within a text file


Used for simple typing and also to issue commands.


Used in a window to move to the next pane. Shift+TAB moves back.

Power-On-Self-Test (POST)

When you siterm-57gn into Windows, some text or a logo may be displayed on-screen while the computer starts up. The computer will then perform this to check that the main components work and then loads Windows. After a minute or so, a screen prompting you to sign in to the computer is displayed.

Determinants Of Computer Performance

1.) The speed of the CPU determines the basic speed of the computer. 2.) More system memory makes it possible to run more applications simultaneously and process large amounts of data more quickly. 3.) The capacity of the main storage drive determines how much data can be stored on the computer when it is switched off. 4.) Optional components extend the range of things the computer can do. For example, a sound card makes it possible to play audio while a webcam allows sound and video recording. 5.) The quality of peripherals such as the display, mouse, and keyboard make the computer more comfortable to use. This is referred to as ergonomics.

Workstation Type PC

Housed in a case that can sit on or under a desk. Consequently, they are often referred to as desktop PCs or just as desktops. A desktop computer can be used independently by a single user to run powerful software applications with many functions. It can also be used as a network client to access shared resources. Some of a PC's components are attached to a motherboard contained within the computer's case. It also required the use of peripheral devices, connected to the motherboard via ports aligned to holes in the case. The advantage of desktops is that the basic design can be modified with higher or lower specified components and optional features, making a particular model better suited to different tasks. A workstation-class computer with higher specification components, such as a CPU and system memory, will cost more, but be able to process data faster. Can also be purchased as "all-in-one" units. This means that the computer components are contained within the monitor case.

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