Module 4 - Cranial Nerves

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The cranial nerve responsible for movement of the medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles is the __________ nerve.


What nerve is responsible for all important eye muscles (obliques and recti) except for two? What are these two muscles?

Oculomotor nerve (nerve iii); Superior oblique; lateral rectus

Eye condition wherein the eye has a downward and outward gaze, dilated pupil, and drooping eyelids due to ptosis

Oculomotor nerve palsy

Which there nerves are connected to the muscles outside the eyeball? What is this muscle called?

Oculomotor; trochlear; abducens; Extraocular muscles

Exposed nerve endings at the base of the brain (upper part of the nose) are binding sites for what molecules?


The cranial nerve responsible for taste in the _______ _______ of the tongue, as well as the raising of the _________ of your mouth.

Glossopharyngeal; Posterior one-third; palate

The ninth cranial nerve that has motor, sensory, and __________ components

Glossopharyngeal; Autonomic

What are the three kinds of cranial nerves?

purely sensory (afferent); purely motor (efferent); mixed (sensory and motor)

What sense is one of the fastest to move into memory and processing (conscious and unconscious)?


This cranial nerve is responsible for the movement of the SCM (___________________)

Spinoaccessory; (nerve xi); sternocleidomastoid

What are the six important muscles that move the eye?

Superior rectus, lateral rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique

Trigeminal = "___________ ___________" (collection of gray matter)

Three nuclei

Glosso- : __________ -___________ : pharynx

Tongue; Pharyngeal

Which cranial nerve is the largest?

Trigeminal (nerve v)

This cranial nerve controls mastication or _____________

Trigeminal (nerve v); chewing

A condition of the trigeminal nerve (fiery sensation to one side of your face)

Trigeminal neuralgia

The superior oblique muscle is controlled by which cranial nerve?

Trochlear (nerve iv)

Eye condition wherein the eye has an upward and inward gaze

Trochlear nerve palsy

The sternocleidomastoid allows you to

Turn your head

This is the longest cranial nerve

Vagus (CN X)

Responsible for the sensation of the pharynx and partially responsible for the motor part of the pharynx

Vagus (nerve x)

System in the inner ear that controls balance

Vestibular system

The hearing and balance nerve

Vestibulocochlear (nerve viii)

A lesion in the optic chiasm causes

bitemporal hemianopsia

Oculomotor nerve is responsible for how many eye muscles (and which are they), as well as the control of what?

4; superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, medial rectus; Opening the rye (lifting the eyelids

Oculomotor : _____________ ; Trochlear : ___________ ; Abducens : __________

Moves the eyes; Pulley; Abduction

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?

12 pairs

Purely Motor Cranial Nerves

3 = Oculomotor 4 = Trochlear 6 = Abducens 11 = Spinal Accessory 12 = Hypoglossal

How many kinds of cranial nerves are there?

3 kinds

The lateral rectus is controlled by which cranial nerve?

Abducens (nerve vi)

Eye condition wherein trying to move the eye outward doesn't move the eye. The eye remains centered

Abducens nerve palsy

Condition associated with the facial nerve. This condition is idiopathic and self-limiting.

Bell's palsy

A condition wherein you lose your peripheral vision in both eyes

Bitemporal hemianopsia

A lesion behind the eyeball results to


Damage to the visual cortex AKA ____________ or the occipital lobe results to _______ vision of each eye

Calcarine; Half

The __________ part of your vision is mostly preserved until the rest of the occipital lobe is damaged.


Structure in the inner ear responsible for hearing


The action of the vagus nerve on your guys is part of the reason why you feel _______


The trigeminal nerve is responsive for sensations of the ________ and ____________ of three scalp.

Face; Front half

The motor component of this nerve moves the face.


Condition wherein one does not have control to one side of their face. If the damaged nerve is the left one, there would be no control on the _______ side of the face.

Facial nerve palsy; Right/opposite

The sensory component of the _______ nerve is responsible for the taste in the _______ _______ of the tongue

Facial; Anterior two-thirds

Purely motor cranial nerve responsible for moving your tongue

Hypoglossal (nerve XII)

purely sensory cranial nerves

I, II, VIII (olfactory, optic, vestibulocochlear)

The pattern of ___________/__________ is what causes you to perceive or remember a smell.

Inhibition; excitation

oblique muscles : ______________ and _____________ movement Rectus : _____________ movement

Inward, backward; Straight/straightforward

The ____________ nerves have a direct course to the limbic system, particularly the ___________. This is why when you smell something foul, you get a strong aversive reaction.

Olfactory; amygdalae

The cranial nerve that is more like extensions of the brain rather than true nerves. It is an extension of brain matter rather than __________ (What nerves are).

Optic; A bundle of axons

The vagus nerve is a major nerve in the ________ nervous system.


From your eyes, the optic nerve crosses, just above the ___________ ________, in the __________ _________.

Pituitary gland; optic chiasm

What kind of cranial nerve is the first cranial nerve? What is it?

Purely sensory; olfactory

A condition wherein you lose a quarter of your vision (depending on damage to the particular optic radiation)


Damage to the optic nerve behind the optic chiasm (__________ _________) causes

Quadrantanopia; optic radiations

Cranial nerve IX is also responsible for (apart from taste + raising mouth palate)


What are the 12 pairs of cranial nerves?

olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinoaccessory, hypoglossal

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