Science semester 2 multiple choice

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Which of the following is a device designed to open an overloaded circuit and prevent overheating? A) circuit breaker B) magnet C) resistor D) transformer


If an atom has 16 protons it will also always have _____. A) 18 electrons B) 16 electrons C) 18 energy levels D) 16 electron clouds


The concentration of solution that contains a large amount of solute in the solvent could be described as _____. A) diluted B) concentrated C) polar D) unsaturated


The forces that hold different atoms or ions together are? A) electric currents B) chemical bonds C) physical bonds D) nuclear forces


The periodic table was arranged according to atomic number by _____. A) Rutherford B) Mendeleev C) Dalton D) Thomson


Using a flashlight to notice tiny particles moving around in fluid is known as the _____ Effect. A) Tindall B) Tyndall C) Tabor D) Haber-Bosch


When atoms are added, the resistance of a _____ can change and it will then be considered a conductor. A) superconductor B) semiconductor C) partial conductor D) occasional conductor


When gasoline is burned in an engine, _____. A) gasoline evaporates B) new substances are formed C) mass is lost D) mass is gained


Which is the state change that occurs when a solid becomes a gas without becoming a liquid first? A) vaporization B) sublimation C) deposition D) freezing


Which of the following does not increase the rate of dissolving? A) stirring B) insulated container C) temperature D) surface area


Which of the following is an example of a gas dissolved in a liquid mixture? A) the air we breathe B) a carbonated drink C) a helium balloon D) ice cubes


Which of the following will speed up the rate of reaction? A) cool the solution B) grind the solid C) freeze the solution D) grind the liquid


A path that allows only one route for an electric current? A) parallel circuit B) parallel current C) series circuit D) series current


A/An _____ is described as the flow of charged particles. A) electric field B) electric potential difference C) electric current D) gravitational force


According to _____, the volume of a gas increase with increasing temperature, as long as pressure does not change. A) Bernoulli's principle B) Boyle's law C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


Any characteristic of a material that you can observe that changes the composition of the substances in a(n) _____. A) physical property B) atomic property C) chemical property D) none of these


Current that does NOT reverse direction is called _____. A) alternating current B) circuit current C) direct current D) magnetic current


Each substance to the right of the arrow in a chemical reaction is a? A) catalyst B) compound C) product D) reactant


Elements that are gases, are brittle, and are poor conductors at room temperature are _____. A) metals B) metalloids C) nonmetals D) isotopes


Group 17 elements including F, Cl, I and At are called _____. A) florescent B) alkali C) halogens D) transition gases


Most matter _____ when heated. A) condenses B) contracts C) expands D) solidifies


On the solubility graph, a saturated solution can be found _____ the line. A) above B) below C) right on D) next to


Substances that prevent, or slow down, chemical reactions are called _____. A) catalyst B) endothermic C) inhibitors D) products


The _____ is a unit of force. A) pascal B) atmosphere C) newton D) kilopascal


The most common element in the universe is _____. A) iron B) lead C) hydrogen D) carbon


The region around a magnet where the magnetic forces act is the _____. This region is also shown by drawing arrows. A) electromagnetic pole B) magnetic domain C) magnetic field D) magnetic pole


The three permanent magnets are ___________. A) iron, cobalt, and manganese B) iron, nickel, and manganese C) iron, nickel, and cobalt D) lead, mercury, and silver


There are _____ families on the periodic table. A) 12 B) 7 C) 18 D) none


These elements are expected to have the same properties except _____. A) oxygen B) bromine C) chlorine D) iodine


What is the name of a binary compound made up of lithium and chlorine? A) chlorine lithiate B) chlorine lithium C) lithium chloride D) lithium chlorate


What is the neutral particle that is formed when atoms share electrons? A) cation B) ionic compound C) molecule D) nucleus


Which element comes first in a chemical formula? A) those with positive oxidation numbers B) those with negative oxidation numbers C) the first element is always a metal D) the first element is always a nonmetal


Which of the following compounds is not likely to have ionic bonds? A) LiF B) NaCl C) CH4 D) MgF2


Which of the following is an endothermic reaction? A) fireworks exploding in the sky B) MRE's C) cold pack D) hand warmers


Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? A) strumming a guitar B) converting matter into energy C) grilling a burger D) melting copper


Which of the following statements is true about electric forces? A) electric forces cause objects to only attract each other B) electric forces cause objects to only repel each other C) electric forces cause objects to repel or attract each other D) electric forces have no effect on each other


_____ is another name for a homogeneous mixture. A) suspension B) substance C) solution D) liquid


_____ is responsible for the Atomic Theory. A) Bohr B) Thomson C) Dalton D) Greek


_____ solutions are very unstable. A) saturated B) unsaturated C) supersaturated D) suspened


Pascal's Principle can be applied to _____. A) all states of matter B) solids and gases only C) solids and liquids only D) any matter that can flow


The _____ tells you how many electrons a atom must gain, lose, or share to become stable. A) atomic mass B) atomic number C) ionic number D) oxidation number (charge)


The amount of solute that can be dissolved in a specific amount of solvent at a given temperature is its _____. A) concentration B) density C) dilution D) solubility


The idea that matter is made up of small particles that are in constant motion is _____. A) Bernoulli's principle B) heat of fusion C) Charles's law D) the kinetic theory of matter


The location of the strongest magnetic forces is the _____. A) electromagnets B) magnetic domains C) magnetic fields D) magnetic poles


The science of what matter is made of and how it changes is called _____. A) engineering B) kinetics C) physics D) chemistry


Which state of matter is the most common in the Universe? A) solid B) liquid C) gas D) plasma


The direction of the force on a positive test charge near another positive charge is _____ the other charge. A) away from B) toward C) parallel to D) perpendicualr


The energy levels of an atom are occupied by _____. A) electrons B) protons C) neutrons D) ions


_____ is known as the universal solvent. A) air B) water C) milk D) alcohol


How many electrons are needed in the outer energy levels of most atoms for the atom to be chemically stable? A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8


If energy must be added to a chemical reaction for the reaction to occur, the reaction is A) exothermic B) reactant C) balanced D) endothermic


According to _____, as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by the fluid decreases. A) Bernoulli's principle B) Boyle's law C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


An alloy is an example of a _____ solution. A) solid B) liquid C) gaseous D) dilute


An area with excess electrons has a rest _____ charge; an area with a deficit of electrons has a net _____ charge. A) negative, positive B) positive, negative C) positive, neutral D) negative, neutral


A car panel lamp has a resistance of 33 ohms when it is placed across a 12 V battery. What is the current through the circuit? A) 0.36 A B) 2.8 A C) 3.96 A D) 396 A


A change in the temperature of a solution is a sign that? A) a chemical change is taking place B) a physical change has just occurred C) oxygen is present D) organic chemicals are present


A physical property of gold is its _____. A) density B) non-flammability C) reactivity D) none of the above


A(n) _____ reaction is one in which heat is transferred from the surroundings to the reactants. A) endothermic B) exothermic C) chemical D) physical


A/An _____ is described as a closed loop or pathway that allows electric charges to flow. A) electric circuit B) conventional current C) parallel connection D) series connection


According to Rutherford's model of the atom, electrons behave like? A) planets orbiting the sun B) waves on a vibrating string C) light energy in a vacuum D) planets rotating on their axes


The charge of an electron is? A) -2 B) -1 C) 0 D) +1


Charging by _____ charges a neutral body by touching it with a charged body; whereas charging by _____ charges an object without touching it with a charged body. A) conduction, induction B) induction, conduction C) force, conduction D) force, induction


Current that reverse direction in a regular pattern is called _. A) alternating current B) circuit current C) direct current D) magnetic current


Electric field lines are directed _____ positive charges and _____ negative charges. A) away from, toward B) toward, away from C) parallel to, perpendicular to D) perpendicular to, parallel to


Electric forces can be either repulsive or attractive, whereas gravitational force is always: A) attractive B) repulsive C) both a and b D) neither a nor b


Energy levels are the same as _____ on the periodic table. A) periods B) families C) atomic number D) atomic mass


How many periods are there on the periodic table? A) 7 B) 6 C) 5 D) none


Matter in which the particles are free to move in all directions until they have spread evenly throughout their container is a _____. A) gas B) liquid C) plasma D) solid


On the solubility graph, a supersaturated solution is found _____ the line. A) above B) below C) right on D) next to


One example of a good conductor is _____. A) copper B) wood C) glass D) rubber


The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance is the _____. A) temperature B) heat C) thermal energy D) kinetic energy


The order of elements in the periodic table is based on? A) the number of protons in the nucleus B) the electric charge of the nucleus C) the number of neutrons in the nucleus D) atomic mass


The periodic table is used for _____. A) organizing elements B) nothing C) multiplying atoms D) decorating the room


These are all isotopes of Hydrogen except _____. A) Hydronium B)Protium C) Deutrium D) Tritium


Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's _____. A) resistance to flow B) adhesive forces C) average kinetic energy D) buoyancy


What is the correct formula for magnesium oxide? A) MgO B) MgO2 C) Mg2O2 D) Mg2O


What is the correct ordering of these small parts of matter, from the smallest to the largest _____. A) protons, nucleus, atom B) nucleus, atom, proton C) atom, nucleus, proton D) proton, atom, nucleus


Where are metals found on the periodic table? A) the left side of stairstep B) right side of stairstep C) on the stairstep D) all over the table


Which is an amorphous material? A) candle wax B) water ice C) fire D) table salt


Which of the Group 13 elements is NOT a metal? A) Boron B) Aluminum C) Gallium D) Indium


Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A) dissolving salt in water B) burning wood into charcoal C) cooking an egg D) rusting iron


Which state of matter will hold its shape without a container? A) solid B) liquid C) gas D) plasma


Which statement about the alkali metals is correct? A) they are located in the left-most column of the periodic table B) they are extremely nonreactive C) they are usually gases D) they form negative ions with a 1-charge


_____ forces between charges are enormous in comparison to _____ forces. A) electrical, gravitational B) gravitational, electrical C) positive, negative D) negative, positive


A _____ is described as a device with specific resistance and is used to control current. A) battery B) resistor C) parallel connection D) series connection


A/An _____ is a material in which charges will not move easily, whereas a/an _____ is a material that allows charges to move about easily. A) conductor, insulator B) insulator, conductor C) electroscope, conductor D) insulator, electroscope


About _____ elements are found on Earth. A) 9 B) 90 C) 900 D) 9000


According to _____, if you decrease the volume of a container of gas and hold the temperature constant, the pressure of the gas will increase. A) Bernoulli's principle B) Boyle's law C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


According to _____, pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted unchanged throughout that fluid. A) Bernoulli's principle B) Pascal's principle C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


An amorphous solid _____. A) flows freely at any temperature B) has no true melting point C) has a repeating unit structure D) becomes less viscous as it cools


An atom's mass number equals the number of? A) protons plus the number of electrons B) protons plus the number of neutrons C) protons D) neutrons


As a sample of matter is heated, its particles _____. A) are unaffected B) move more quickly C) move more slowly D) stop moving


Bernoulli's principle explains why _____. A) boats float B) planes fly C) heated objects expand D) heat of fusion exists


Carbon and other nonmetals are found in which area of the periodic table? A) on the left-most side B) on the right side C) in the middle column of the periodic table D) in the bottom row


Compared to most substances, water is unusual because it _____ when it goes from the liquid to solid state. A) contracts B) expands C) melts D) diffuses


Hydraulic machines work by applying _____. A) Bernoulli's principle B) Pascal's principle C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


Increasing the surface area of a solid A) slows down the rate of reaction B) speeds up the rate of reaction C) has no effect on the rate of reaction D) counteracts the rate of reaction


Matter is defined as anything that _____. A) can be seen and touched B) has mass and takes up space C) can be weighed D) contains kinetic or potential energy


Metals combine with _____ to form salts. A) Hydrogen B) Halogens C) Oxygen D) Transition Metals


More solute can be dissolved in a _____ solution: A) saturated B) unsaturated C) supersaturated D) suspended


Most of the time the charges of the nonmetals are _____. A) positive B) negative C) covalent D) neutral


One source of constant electric current? A) coulomb B) dry cell C) switch D) transformer


A chemical equation is balanced by changing or adding A) chemical symbol B) subscripts C) coefficients D) reactants


A gas-like mixture with no definite volume or shape that is made up of positively charged particles is a _____. A) gas B) liquid C) plasma D) solid


A lamp draws a current of 0.50 A when it is connected to a 120 V source? What is the resistance of the lamp? A) 4.17 x 10^-2 ohms B) 60 ohms C) 2.4 x 10^2 ohms D) 24 x 10^2 ohms


A motor with an operating resistance of 32 ohms is connected to a voltage source. The current in the circuit is 3.8 A. What is the voltage of the source? A) 0.12 V B) 8.42 V C) 1.2 x 10^2 V D) 1,216 V


A _____ is a substance that has water molecules attached to it. A) molecule B) anhydrate C) ion D) hydrate


A cork is able to float on water because it is _____. A) a crystalline solid B) equal in density to water C) small in size D) less dense than the water


A substance that dissolves in a solvent is said to be: A) insoluble B) unmixable C) mixable D) soluble


A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction is a? A) inhibitor B) coefficient C) reactant D) catalyst


A substance that speeds up chemical reactions in the human body is ______. A) inhibitor B) polar C) a prohibitor D) an enzyme


A synthesis reaction is a reaction between at least two compounds in which. A) one breaks down into at least two products B) a compound is decomposed by an electric current C) a compound burns in the presence of oxygen D) a new, more complex compound is formed


According to _____, the buoyancy force on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. A) Bernoulli's principle B) Boyle's law C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


According to the Law of Conservation of Mass, how does the mass of the products compare to the mass of the reactants? A) mass of products is greater B) mass of reactants is greater C) there is no relationship D) the masses are equal


All substances are built from _____. A) compounds B) oxygen C) metals D) atoms


An electromagnet is _____. A) a permanent magnet B) made with bar magnets C) attracts all metal substances D) only operating when the current is on


Archimedes' Principle helps to explain the relationship between _____. A) kinetic energy and density B) temperature and density C) pressure and density D) buoyancy and density


Electric charge that has accumulated on an object? A) circuit electricity B) current circuit C) current electricity D) static electricity


Knowing the chemical properties of a substance will tell you how the substance _____. A) looks B) smells C) is broken down D) reacts


Matter in which atoms are tightly held in place is a _____. A) gas B) liquid C) plasma D) solid


Normally, atoms are electrically neutral because there are? A) more protons than electrons B) more electrons than protons C) equal numbers of protons and neutrons D) equal numbers of protons and electrons


The particles that make up a solid move _____ than do the particles that make up a gas. A) in the same way B) more quickly C) more quickly and farther D) moves slowly


The subatomic particle that moves around the nucleus is ___. A) ions B) neutrons C) protons D) electrons


Three examples of physical changes are _____. A) freezing of water, evaporation of gasoline, and rusting of nail B) boiling of water, bursting of a balloon, and melting of a candle C) sawing of wood, crushing of a can, and toasting of a marshmallow D) burning of gasoline, rotting of an egg, and exploding of fireworks


Whether on object will sink or float in a fluid is determined by _____. A) Boyle's law B) Bernoulli's principle C) Charles's law D) Archimedes' principle


Which change in state requires the energy be added to the substance? A) freezing B) deposition C) condensing D) vaporizing


Which of the following changes is chemical rather than physical? A) water is boiled B) aluminum foil is crumpled C) glass is shattered D) wood is burned


Which of the following elements is an alkali metal? A) calcium B) magnesium C) mercury D) sodium


Which of the following elements will likely form a negative ion in its ionic compounds? A) Li, lithium B) Al, aluminum C) Mg, magnesium D) Cl, chlorine


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