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The Tuareg were

western Saharan pastoralists and caravan guides.

Role of Mongol women in politics

women from prestigious families were often powerful in negotiation and management

The cultural blending associated with the expansion and spread of Islam from 1200 to 1500 can be seen by examining

the design of mosques that combine older traditions and new influences.

The Treaty of Verdun resulted in

the division of the Holy Roman Empire among Charlemagne's grandsons.

One effect of the rise of cities in Yuan China was

the increasing influence of Mandarin.

Justice at the local level was usually provided by whom?

the lord of the manor.

One of the most important material technologies transmitted from Asia to Europe along the Silk Road was

the stirrup.

The Ming dynasty halted the voyages of Zheng He because

the voyages were expensive and the world beyond China was deemed of little value.

Because Mongols controlled access to the Silk Road after the overthrow of the Yuan, the emperor Yongle put an emphasis on

trade by ships.

In Kievan Russia, power derived from



was a system used to write Korean phonetically.

West African trade:

was dependent upon the camel to deliver goods to Europe.

In Islamic society, mosques

were centers of learning and promoted literacy.

Kamikaze means

wind of the gods.

Ibn Battuta found the Muslims of Mali

worthy of praise for how well they followed the requirements of the Qur'an.

Which of the following was not a reason for economic decline in China after the death of Yongle?

Resurgence of the bubonic plague

What was the political organization of Russia at the time of the Mongol invasion in the first half of the 13th century?

Russia was divided into numerous petty kingdoms centered on trading cities.

In what way was the educational system of the medieval West different from that of China?

The universities were not tied into a single bureaucratic system.

Which of the following describes a major effect of the Bantu migrations?

The spread of Islam across sub-Saharan Africa

Why did the khan of the Ilkhan horde decide to give up his plans to continue his conquest of the Islamic heartland in 1260?

The successor of Batu as ruler of the Golden Horde, Berke, had converted to Islam and was a potential ally of the Mamluks.

Besides silk, what kind of goods moved along the Silk Road from China to western Europe?

Apricots and ginger

The Byzantine Empire lasted from approximately

500 to 1450.

Which of the following statements about feudalism is most accurate?

Although it inhibited the development of strong central states, some kings were able to use feudalism to build their own power.

What was the common cultural trait of the urbanized trading ports of the east African coast?

Bantu-based and Arabic-influenced Swahili language

Which of the following groups did NOT migrate to the coastal region of East Africa?

Berbers from north Africa

Which of the following did the Europeans not learn about from the Mongols?


What dynasty took over the Frankish monarchy in the 8th century?


Where was the capital of the Islamic kingdom established after 1206 on the Gangetic plain?


As a means of continuing to spread the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan used all except which of the following means to expand and control his territories?

Diplomatic negotiation

What was the social impact of the Mongol conquest on Russia?

Due to the crushing burden of tribute paid to Mongols and princes, the Russian peasantry was reduced to serfdom.

The emperor Yongle improved the imperial complex built by the Mongols called the

Forbidden City.

The first sub-Saharan state to convert to Islam was


Which of the following statements concerning Great Zimbabwe is NOT correct?

Great Zimbabwe was constructed by Arab Muslims who were trading with the Bantu residents of the region.

In general, how did Islam spread in southeast Asia?

Port cities were points of dissemination to other links in trading networks.

The African proverb, "Until the lions have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter", conveys which of the following?

History usually reflects the viewpoint of the victors.

Which of the khanates undertook the invasion of the Muslim heartland?

Ilkhan khanate

What was the nature of trade with the towns of east Africa?

International trade flourished in the urbanized ports of east Africa, including commerce with India and China.

The empires of Mali in West Africa and of Delhi in South Asia both utilized

Islamic administration.

Which of the following is an accurate description of Great Zimbabwe?

It was an inland kingdom that gained wealth from gold mining and exporting.

Mongol rule of Russia overthrown by

Ivan III

As trade increased in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Strait of Malacca became the center of a political rivalry between

Majapahit and Chinese pirates.

Water Margin and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms are examples of

Ming literature.

Teutonic knights fought


Which of the following statements concerning the Yuan social order is most accurate?

Muslims and central Asian allies ranked directly below the Mongols.

Which of the following areas was NOT one of the regions into which expansion from western Europe took place?

Northern Africa

The Yuan tax administration relied on

Persian, Arab, and Uighur administrators

What caused a decline in the military reputation of the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China?

The failure of expeditions against the Japanese

Which of the following statements concerning the Mongol conquest of Song China is most accurate?

Song China proved one of the toughest areas for the Mongols to conquer, taking from 1235 to 1279 to subdue.

In what region of Africa was the influence of Islam most profound?

Sudan and Swahili coast

Which of the following was a major change in the administration of China under the Mongols?

The Mongols discontinued the use of the examination system to keep the scholar-gentry from gaining too much power.

What was the most lasting impact of the Mongols on China?

The Mongols permanently reunited China after a prolonged period of political fragmentation.

Why was Islam so readily adopted by rulers within the Sudan?

The Muslim concept of a ruler who united civil and religious authority reinforced traditional ideas of kingship.

What was the Yuan policy with respect to religion during the Mongol occupation of China?

The Yuan, like their ancestors, insisted on religious toleration.

What was the most significant impact of the period of the Mongol rule on Russia?

The period of Mongol rule reinforced the isolation of Russia from western Europe and the developments of the Renaissance and Reformation.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Mali Empire and the Delhi Sultanate?

The rulers of the Delhi Sultanate invaded India, whereas the leaders of Mali were indigenous to the region and peacefully converted to Islam.

The empires of Ghana and Mali differed in which of the following ways?

Unlike Ghana, Mali was a Muslim empire from the beginning.

In the year 1350, the majority of gold in circulation in the Middle East came from:

West Africa.

Which of the following statements concerning the intellectual activity of the medieval West prior to the 8th century is most accurate?

With the few literate people concentrated in monasteries, little was achieved other than copying older manuscripts.

Because of the trade through the Strait of Malacca, Malacca became an important port and

a meeting place for traders from around the Eurasian world.

A common feature of both Japanese and European feudalism was

a strict social structure.

One of the most significant sources of conflict for western Europe between 1000 and 1400 was

a struggle for power between the church and state.

Which of the following best describes the Silk Road?

a trade route linking the Mediterranean region to East Asia

Zheng He's primary accomplishment was

acquiring Ming tributary states.

Yi kingdom publicly rejected Mongols but

adopted Mongol administrative practices and institutions

Narratives such as Marco Polo's created a European

ambition to find easier routes to Asia

Narratives such as Marco Polo's created a European

ambition to find easier routes to Asia.

Technology to improve military skills in the Middle Ages included all of the following except

an early form of dynamite.

The sixth century "plague of Justinian" was

an outbreak of bubonic plague during Justinian's rule.

Relationship between Koryo family and Mogols was

attached and loyal

The Mongols were successful in creating the world's largest empire because

the civilizations that were conquered often had weak or declining political power.

Human migrations spread______ around the tropics by 1200

bananas, yams, and coffee

Timbuktu in the fourteenth century

became a center for Islamic study and trans-Saharan trade.

The most profitable item traded from North Africa to Timbuktu, a center for learning, was


What military techniques or innovations made the Yi military a formidable defensive force?

cannon with gunpowder-driven arrow launchers.

The rise of literacy in Korea resulted from the

combination of an improved printing system and the han'gul writing system.

The different regional networks of the Indian Ocean trade were tied together by

commercial interests.

Under Islamic leadership, the Jewish people of Spain

contributed to the cultural growth of Spain as great thinkers and writers.

Yi Kingdom agriculture based on their cash crop:


Two main areas of mechanized production in Yi Korea were in

cotton and movable-type font.

In 1206, Temüjin became supreme leader of the Mongols, or "Genghis Khan." Under him, the Mongols

created an empire that stretched from Poland to northern China.

After the introduction of paper money in China caused economic instability, the Mongols restored a degree of economic stability by:

cutting off trade with Japan to stem the flow of copper exports

The relationship between the leading family in Korea, the Koryo family, and the Mongols was that

the Koryo family became attached and loyal to the Mongols.

Mongols did NOT attack central Europe in 1241 because of

death of Great Khan Ogodei

Mongol leader, the Khan had

decisions ratified by a council

What caused the collapse of the empire of Great Zimbabwe?

deforestation and cattle overgrazing

NOT a technique of Mongols to defeat armies


Religion of Central Asian nomads

diverse mixture

Timurids supported discovery of

eclipse prediction

Which of the following was NOT a contributing factor to Mongol military supremacy?

enormous conscripted armies to outnumber their enemies

The Mongol military forces were

entirely cavalry.

The most significant factor contributing to agriculture in the Delhi Sultanate was

extensive irrigation canals.

The traditional occupation on the Arabian peninsula was


Chinese censored info to foreigners because they

feared technological transfer

Relationships between members of the military elite based on a reciprocal exchange of land for military service and loyalty were called


Who was Juvaini?

first to write history of Mongols

The economic and political power of Great Zimbabwe was based on long-distance trade in

gold, copper, and salt.

The Mongol leader, the khan,

had his decisions ratified by a council.

Three harvests each year have been possible in some parts of India because of

high rainfall from the monsoons.

The end of Anglo-Saxon domination in England came in the late 11th century with:

invasion of the Norman king William.

Southeast Asia first rose to prominence because

it was an intermediary in regional trade.

The spread of Bantu-speaking peoples over southern Africa before 1400 CE can best be explained by their

knowledge of agriculture

What was the primary reason for the slowdown of technology after Yongle's death?

limitation of the mining industry by the Ming empire.

In the early days of international trade, the most common type of goods was:

luxury items.

The system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers was called


The self-sufficient economic system that developed in Western Europe during the time period 600 to 1450 is known as


What significant cultural feature allowed the regions of Aden and Ethiopia to thrive commercially?

mutual tolerance of diverse religions

Mongols did NOT teach Koreans

sailing and ship building

Ibn Khaldun held all of the following views, except:

scholars are often the wisest rulers.

To demonstrate their rejection of the Mongols, the Ming emperors

severed relations with the Middle East and Central Asia and closed the borders to foreigners.

Menial work in Mongol camps was done by


Which of the following factors represents the most significant cause of the growth of cities in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1000-1450?

Increased interregional trade

Most of Southeast Asia's early commerce was conducted with

India and China.

The greatest network of irrigation canals between the 14-19th century was found in:

The Delhi Sultanate

The religion of the Delhi Sultanate was

primarily Islam, but officially tolerant of other faiths.

Advantage of Mongol was

promotion of spread of ideas and movement of people in Eurasia

Conflict between Il-Khan and Golden Horde originated in

religious differences

Sultan Muhammed ibn Tughluq was noted by Chronicler Ibn Battuta as being remarkable for his

religious toleration

Which of the following was not one of the active roles or special skills that women of the tropical regions played or contributed to their communities?

ruling many countries

To demonstrate rejection of Mongols, Ming Empire

severed relations w/ Middle East and Central Asia and closed borders to foreigners

One religion among the several or many that virtually all Mongols observed was:


During the revival of Western Europe (1000-1200), the population nearly doubled, in part, because of

technological innovations such as a new type of plow and efficient draft harnesses for pulling wagons.

After the ninth century, Arabs provided the main trading link between East Africa and:

the Indian Ocean.

Mongol armies consisted of

multinational force w/ Mongol leaders

The largest concentration of pastoralists in the world was in

northeastern Africa and Arabia.

Since 3000 B.C.E., most invasions of India have come from the:


Why didn't Ming China develop seafaring for commercial and military gain?

The Mongol threat from the north took priority over seafaring.

(Map of Major Afro-Eurasian Long Distance Trade Routes) Which of the following about Afro-Eurasian trade is supported by the map above?

The Ottoman Empire was located at the intersection of major trading routes.

What accounts for the growing political dominance of Moscow under Mongol rule?

The princes of Moscow collected tribute for the Mongol khans and became the seat of the Metropolitan of the Orthodox church.

To solve the credit problem, Mongols provided

paper money and copper coins

Which of the following statements is an accurate comparison of the Aztec and Mongol Empires?

Both groups expanded their empire by conquering and dominating neighboring areas.

first Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan were in


Although ostensibly under the control of the kings of Siam, the port of Malacca was also allied with


Mongols did NOT encourage the sharing and exchanging of


1453, Ottomans conquered this Christian city


Which of the following statements concerning urbanization within the Byzantine Empire is most correct?

Constantinople controlled the economy and grew to enormous size, but other cities were relatively small.

Although goods from China and India occasionally traveled sea routes to reach Europe, the westernmost region of the Indian Ocean maritime system was

East Africa.

Why was there a cultural flowering in Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia under the Timurids?

Egyptian artisans migrated throughout Central Asia and Middle East

Prior to the spread of literacy with the extension of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa, the only previously literate society was found in:


Why was there a cultural flowering in Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia under the Timurids?

Iran and China shared artistic trends and political ideas.

How did Islam and Hinduism differ?

Islam stressed the egalitarianism of all believers, while Hinduism embraced a caste-based social system.

Which of the following accurately describes the Mongol Empire's role in facilitating trans-Eurasian trade?

It reestablished the Silk Roads between East Asia and Europe.

Which of the following factors best explains why the Portuguese did not engage in direct trading relations with West African states until the fifteenth century?

Lack of the necessary navigational and maritime technology

Which of the following statements concerning leadership in Mongol society is most correct?

Leaders were elected by free males and held office for as long as they could keep it.

(Map of fourteenth century north and west africa). The map above indicates that

Mali was a major source and hub of the gold trade.

The post classical period in Western history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the 15th century is referred to as the

Middle Ages.

Why didn't China as we think of it today exist before the Mongols?

Mongols reunited it permanently

What region of Africa was first converted to Islam by 700 C.E.?

North Africa

Who attempted to write the first world history?

Rashid al-Din

Which of the following lists gives the correct chronological sequence for the Korean dynasties?

Silla, Koryo, Mongol, Yi

All of the statements below refer to which empire in the period 1450 to 1750? (Lucrative Trans-Saharan trade, all emperors were Muslim, Islamic universities at Timbuktu)


Which of the following statements best describes the regional strength of Southeast Asia relative to South and East Asia?

Southeasts Asia's economic and political importance increased whenever Silk Road trade was disrupted.

Which group held the lowest social rank in Yuan China?

Southern Chinese

The photograph of a mosque in the modern-day West African country of Mali best exemplifies which of the following historical processes?

Spread of religion along trade routes

Before 1450 CE, which of the following is true of sub-Saharan Africa's commercial economy?

Sub-Saharan Africa exported gold to the Middle East and Europe.

Between 800 and 1500 as the frequency and intensity of contact with the outside world increased, which of the following had the most significant impact on sub-Saharan Africa?

The arrival of Islam

The most common type of ship on the Indian Ocean trade routes, the dhow, was used in which part of the Indian Ocean trade?

The western part of the trade routes, from the Red Sea to India

Mongol expansion

created a flow of disease via trade routes

Compared to China, Indian social and economic structure

gave a stronger role to merchants.

After the tenth century the Roman Catholic Church faced all of the following challenges except

getting the office of pope more acknowledged internationally.

How did Mongol control impact Russia's Orthodox church?

granted great privileges

What did NOT cause Mongol population decrease?

insistence that Chinese practice agriculture, not trade

Metal that was crucially important to Central Asian nomads


The most readily available and versatile metal in West Africa from 600 to 1450 was


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