Mortar Written Exam

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What is the correct deflections when bore sighting the M252?

0000 reverse gun because bore-sight cant see over the Blast Attenuation Device (B.A.D)

what is the maximum charge allowed when firing handheld mode?


what is the minimum range of the 120mm Mortar?


If you cannot place your aiming posts at 50 and 100m, where should you place your aiming posts?

25m and 50m

How many inches of dunnage should ammunition be stored on?

3 inches

What is the max Rate for the M252?

30rds/2min or 15rds/sus

What are the three deferred deflections when emplacing mortars?

3200 D, 2800 D, 0700 D.

What is the max range of the 60mm mortar in conventional mode?


The section has a mounting azimuth of 2000mils and a referred deflection of 2800mils. the left limit azimuth is 1200mils. what is the left limit deflection?


An 81mm Mortar squad consists of how many men?


What is the first command given during Reciprocal Lay?

"Section, Aiming point this instrument"

What types of sheaves are there and how many?

5 Sheaves (parallel, open, special, Linear, Converge)

How many mils is one turn of the traversing wheel?

5 mils

When given the command Section Right(Left), what is the normal interval between fires (time)?

5 seconds

What is the maximum range of the 81mm Mortar?


What is the maximum range of the 120mm Mortar?


What is the minimum range of the 81mm Mortar?


Which method should be used when shooting danger close?

Adjust Fire

What are three methods of adjusting fire?

Fire for effect, Adjust Fire, Immediate suppression.

How should White Phosphorous (WP) rounds be stored?

Fuse end up because the liquid gel inside will make it fly erratically.

What are the types of occupations?

Hasty and deliberate.

What instrument is the primary means of laying the 60mm Mortar on its mounting azimuth?

M2 Compass

What is the nomenclature of the 60mm Mortar system?


What is the nomenclature of the 60mm Mortar cannon?


What is the nomenclature of the 81mm Mortar System?


What is the nomenclature of the 81mm Baseplate?


What is the nomenclature of the 120mm Baseplate?


What is the correct sequence in a mortar fire command?

Mortars to follow, Fuse + Shell, Mortars to fire, Method to Firing, Deflection, Charge, Fuse Setting, Elevation.

Is firing overheads of unprotected troops prohibited in the Army?

No, not with Commanders approval.

What does it mean when you are checking for Mask and Overhead Clearance?

Obstacles that could potentially interfere with the round when fired.

What elements must be given in a subsequent fire command?

Who is firing, what is being shot, and method of control.

is a Safety T required to be placed at each gun in view of the Squad leader and Gunner?


is an elevation of 1354 at charge 4 for illumination safe to fire?

Yes ( based on the chart)

Is a Deflection of 3170 safe to fire?

Yes (according the note diagram)

What is a safety T?

a method of passing safety data on to the mortar squad leaders in a simplified form.

what is considered danger close?

indicates that friendly forces are within close proximity of the target.

What is the minimum distance recommended when using the distant aiming point method?

least 200 meters from the gun position

Why does ammunition have lot numbers?

lot number formats is to identify three key information points: who made it, when it was made and a unique reference to the homogenous production run.

How often should you boresight your m67 sight unit?

must be conducted during every long halt, in assembly area procedures, and in consolidation and reorganization.

What is the nomenclature of the 120mm bipod?


What is the nomenclature of the 60mm mortar bipod?


During peacetime live fire training, how far to the rear of the gun do all personnel but the gunner move?


What is the max rate of fire for the 120mm Mortar for the first minute and sustained?

16rds/1min or 4rds/sus

What selections are there on the M734A1 fuse?

Collision Detection, and Range Finder

What is the difference between Direct Lay and Direct Alignment?

Direct Lay "can see target", Direct Alignment uses aiming posts and the FO because you cannot see your target.

What are two methods to boresight?

Distant aiming point, and 25-meter sight box.

To help prevent misfires, the cannon should be swabbed regularly and how often?

Every 10 rounds or after each fire mission.

What does the Acronym FPF stand for?

Final Protective Front

What is it meant for the term max-ord or maximum ordinance?

Highest peak of the round.

What are two types of targets?

Linear and Rectangular

What is the nomenclature of the 120mm mortar?

M120 or M121 (trailer/mounted)

What is the nomenclature for the Aiming Poles?


What material is commonly used to illuminate aiming posts and the M67 Sight?

Tritium gas

Where would the GM angle be found on a typical military map?

declination diagram

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