motivated behaviors
fyodor dostoevsky
"people like the process of attaining, but do not quite like to have attained"
leadership style
-initiating structure (also called task orientation) -consideration (also called relationship orientation)
motivated behavior
-is intentional - not reflexive or automatic -is goal directed - motivated individuals keep working until they reach their goals -varies across individuals and occasions
problems with motivational drives
-organisms do not appear to strive for inactivity -humans adjust current behavior in anticipation of future needs -ignores the role of external stimulation
types of motivations
-primary vs secondary -intrinsic vs extrinsic
higher nAch is related to
-promotion vs. prevention -choice of difficult but possible goals -effort increase after feedback
a state of unrest or irritation that energizes behavior until the irritation is removed
transformational leadership theory
distinguishes between transactional leadership and transformational leadership
incentive theories
emphasize motivations that are external to the organism
drive theories
emphasize motivations that are internal to the organism
external stimuli that pull us toward certain actions
leader-member exchange (LMX) theory
focuses on the quality of the 1-to-1 relationship between a specific leader and a specific follower
theory Y
human relations aproach
job satisfaction
interaction between characteristics of the job and characteristics of the person
Need for achievement (nAch)
intrinsic motivation toward accomplishment and excellence.
maintenance of an optimum level of biological conditions within an organism. the problem is that this overlooks the power of new stimuli to arouse behavior
instinct theories
motivation as an energy
Goal setting theory
performance improves most when... -goals are specific -goals are difficult -goals are achievable -goal commitment is high -performance feedback is provided
predicts that if people (and some animals) are given more extrinsic motivation than needed to perform a task, their intrinsic motivation declines
drive reduction theory
proposes that animals strive to reduce their drives as much as possible
theory X
scientific management approach