MPO Final

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Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates a perfect negative relationship?


Individuals who feel they have been discriminated against must file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or a similar state agency within ________ days of the incident.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of ________.


What is the difference between formal and informal groups?


The styles of conflict handling are differentiated along two dimensions:


Juliet often takes office supplies home for her personal use. This is an example of


A(n) ________ program is based on group or plant performance that does not become part of the employee's base salary.


Which of the following is a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Heart disease

What type of power tends to produce commitment?


The components of attitudes include

affective, cognitive, and behavioral

In the ________ phase of organizational socialization, employees master important tasks and roles and adjust to their work group's values and norms.

change and acquisition

A test that has ________ validity exposes the job applicant to situations that are likely to occur on the job, then tests whether the applicant currently has sufficient knowledge, skill, or ability to handle such situations.


A competent employee receives lower-than-deserved ratings because of a few outstanding colleagues who set very high performance standards. This is an example of a ________ rater error.


Managers should attempt to raise subordinates' self-efficacy by all of the following except

creating routine jobs that are boring but easy to perform

People who are high on openness to experience are likely to demonstrate

curiosity and broad-mindedness

In power distribution, the manager adopts the ________ style.


Under ________, intent is irrelevant.

disparate impact

The two basic types of negotiation are

distributive and integrative

Owen leads a team tasked with developing a client tracking system. He is nervous and worried, afraid that if this assignment doesn't go well, he won't be promoted. Jack, a team member, is relaxed, unworried, and secure in the feeling that they have all the necessary resources and talents to make this work. Jack is likely to score high on

emotional stability

Research shows that when an organization breaches a psychological contract,

employees are likely to be less committed and satisfied and more likely to quit, and their performance is likely to be lower

In which stage of the organizational socialization process would an onboarding program be provided?


During the strategic implementation stage of the strategic management process, an organization

ensures that it has skilled employees in place

Luis has just learned that Brian, who has less experience and who does less work, receives a higher salary. Since learning this, Luis has been very unhappy and has started to look for another job. What model of job satisfaction best explains Luis's reactions?


People who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive are likely to score high on


When a company provides evidence from previous criterion-related validity studies conducted in other situations to show that a specific test is a valid predictor for a specific job performance, it is trying to prove the test's


A(n) ________ culture develops reliable internal processes, extensive measurement, and a variety of control mechanisms.


Which of the following is not a factor in contributing to employee engagement?

high levels of stress

In ________, the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction is significantly stronger.

individualistic rather than collectivist cultures

Proactivity has been shown to be related to all of the following except


The two dimensions of the competing values framework are

internal-external and stable-flexible

Consistency in ratings given by two individuals who evaluate an employee's performance is known as ________ reliability.


Predictive validation is superior to concurrent validation because

job applicants are more motivated than an organization's employees

Randall wants to put more variety into his assistant's job by combining specialized tasks of about the same level of difficulty. This is

job enlargement

We all use shortcuts or ________ when making decisions.

judgmental heuristics

Which of the following is not a symptom of groupthink?

minority dissent

Which of the following is a statement that contains information on the customers that will be served, the needs that will be satisfied, and the technology that will be used by the company?


Wayne is on the production line for Medical Services Inc. He has been there for five years and has won Employee of the Month more than anyone else. Zander, his coworker, who has only been at Medical Services three years and hasn't even been nominated for Employee of the Month, just received a promotion. Wayne perceives a

negative inequity

Of the following, which is the most closely aligned with employees' perceptions of distributive justice?

organizational commitment

"How much do I value the rewards I receive?" This question addresses

our valance

According to the agency theory, the principals are the ________.


In showing class-action ________ lawsuits, the plaintiffs show some statistical disparities between the composition of some group within the company compared to some other relevant group.

pattern and practice

Mari has been out of work for eight months and is worried about providing for her family. She takes a job at a fast-food restaurant, even though the position is a step down from her previous job. According to Maslow's theory, Mari is motivated by________ needs.


Carmen's boss terminated her employment because she did not submit to his sexual advances. Carmen is a victim of

quid pro quo harassment

Sanjay is the manager at a restaurant and offers to promote Linda, a waitress at the same restaurant, in return for sexual favors. This is an example of ________.

quid pro quo harassment

The process by which a firm attempts to identify job applicants with the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that will help the firm achieve its goals is known as ________.


Psychological empowerment is related to


Roberto is a manager at XYZ Corporation. Every day, he eats lunch in the company cafeteria so he can learn the latest news and rumors. Roberto is exhibiting his

social awareness

During ________, the strategic planning groups decide on a strategic direction by defining the company's mission and goals, its external opportunities and threats, and its internal strengths and weaknesses.

strategy formulation

Fiedler's contingency model identifies which leadership styles?

task-motivated or relationship-motivated

Compensable factors are employees' job characteristics that

the company is willing to pay for

In the two-way linkage level,

the human resource issues are allowed for consideration during the strategy formulation process

The idea of perceived organizational support is that if treated well, employees are motivated by

the norm of reciprocity

Interactional justice is defined as the perceived fairness of

the quality of interpersonal treatment received

Ryan is looking to buy a used car. He seems to be most concerned with the color and style of the car, and uses those criteria as a basis for evaluating the value of the car, rather than considering how well the engine or the transmission is maintained. This is an example of


An example of the ________ heuristic occurs when you see news reports about people losing their jobs, and then start believing that you are in danger of being laid off. You start lying awake in bed each night worrying that you are about to be fired.


In ________, the negotiating parties cooperatively develop multiple-deal packages while building a productive long-term relationship.

Added-value negotiation

Which of the following is a comparative approach to ranking that consists of a manager looking at a list of employees, deciding who the best employee is, and crossing that person's name off the list?

Alternation ranking

________ are the phases of organizational socialization.

Anticipatory, encounter, and change and acquisition

________ is an alternative dispute resolution technique in which disagreeing parties agree ahead of time to accept the decision of a neutral party in a formal courtlike setting, often complete with evidence and witnesses.


The ________ approach to performance management focuses on the extent to which individuals have certain characteristics or traits believed desirable for the company's success.


Which of the following approaches would be worst suited to providing managers with the specific guidance required to correct an employee's performance deficiencies?

Attribute approach

The ________ approach attempts to identify the unique ways of acting displayed by effective leaders.


Which of the following statements about outcome-oriented or behavior-oriented contracts is true?

Behavior-oriented contracts do not transfer risk to the agent.

Which performance management technique initially involves the identification of a large number of critical incidents, followed by the classification of these incidents into performance dimensions, and finally ranking these incidents into levels of performance?

Behaviorally anchored rating scale

According to research, the relationship between job performance and job satisfaction is best summarized by which of the following statements?

Both variables indirectly influence each other

Ryan, Jerry, and Mark belong to Sigma Phi Upsilon fraternity. They pride themselves on being a group of solid students with leadership abilities. As a result, they often seem to hijack Fraternity Council Leadership meetings. Clearly, they feel they know how all the fraternities on campus should operate. This very high level of cohesiveness in a group


George has persuaded most of his department to support a cancer run this spring. He really wants to get Nathan on board since Nathan frequently runs in marathons. George asks Terry, Sandy, and Marvin to "work on Nathan." This is using ________ to get others to support your efforts to persuade someone.


Fiona used an influence tactic on Gerald and got him to enthusiastically agree to her proposal. Gerald demonstrated initiative and persistence while completing the assignment. This is an example of


Norman is elected president of the debate club. He is known as a team player. That means that Norman is:


Marcy grudgingly agrees to Herb's proposal and needs a lot of prodding to satisfy the minimum requirements. Marcy is exhibiting


A(n) ________ culture encourages collaboration, trust, and mutual support among employees.


Which of the following is not one of the predominant models of the causes of job satisfaction?

Cognitive dissonance

Star Inc., an engineering firm, has come up with a new technical test to assess the knowledge of interviewees. To assess the validity of the test, it requests that its present employees take the test and match it with their performance in the organization. Which of the following types of validation has Star Inc. used to test the validity of its new technical test?

Concurrent validation

In ________, one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.


Rollerbeam Inc., a provider of engineering services, is looking to hire several maintenance engineers. Rollerbeam's HR department checks with the company's engineering department to confirm that the scenarios mentioned in the test are plausible real-world scenarios that maintenance engineers might face. Which of the following types of validation is Rollerbeam's HR team performing?

Content validation

Barbara is training her new puppy to sit on command. Every time the puppy responds correctly, he receives a treat. Barbara is using a ________ reinforcement schedule.


Which of the following is an organizational function of a group?

Coordinate interdepartmental efforts

Employees with skills to perform a pre-defined job that are quite valuable to a company, but not particularly unique or difficult to replace. Alliance Partners, Strategic Knowledge Workers, Supporting Labor and Core Employees describe

Core Employees

________ provides broad and useful ways to describe personality in terms of our individual differences in self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability.

Core self-evaluation

Eleanor wants to be sure that the final team project in a senior capstone course is of top quality. Jerome, another team member, just wants to get it done quickly. Using Azjen's model, what can Eleanor do to try and encourage Jerome to work hard?

Create a positive attitude

If there is a substantial correlation between test scores and job-performance scores, ________ validity has been established.


________ teams are created with members from different disciplines within an organization, such as finance, operations, and R&D.


Orna is a restaurant manager and observes a difficult customer, who is always unhappy, picking on the server. Orna goes over to the customer and tells the customer to leave and not bother coming back. This best represents the ________ conflict handling style.


________ is the process of reducing the number of job levels to achieve more flexibility in job and merit increase assignments.


Which of the following is an example of frame-of-reference training?

Demita emphasizes using the same idea of high, medium, and low performances when making evaluations.

A person who is conscientious will be

Dependable, organized, persevering, thorough, and achievement-oriented.

________ occurs when a facially neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities.

Disparate impact

An expectancy of zero means that the person

Does not feel confident in his or her ability to do the job.

Which of the following statements is true of the strategic implementation stage of the strategic management process?

During this stage, an organization follows through on a strategy chosen in the strategy formulation stage

Kathryn is looking for ideas on how best to grow her small business. She and her three partners sit down to brainstorm suggestions. Which of the following rules will help ensure a positive brainstorming session?


Meghan is a member of a group that raises money for a homeless shelter. She feels that the group spends too much time arguing the merits of different fundraisers and needs to make a decision. She calls for a vote at today's meeting. Meghan has taken on the role of:


Three years ago, the City of Recker committed to build a park and music venue by the river. It was expected to cost $2.5 million and be paid for from an additional meals tax in the community. The residents pushed back. Local restaurants suffered as people ate out less or patronized restaurants in neighboring communities. The project has stalled, but the town council kept pushing it on. This spring, a flood devastated the venue. The town council appears to have suffered from ________ bias.


Jeff has been a project assistant for XYZ Corporation for five years. Recently he was asked to train Harriet, a new employee. He suggests that she use an Excel worksheet to lay out the projects she is currently working on, and she complies. He is using ________ power.


Which of the following theories describes the conditions when the benefits of higher pay outweigh higher costs?

Efficiency wage theory

Which of the following theories states that pay influences worker productivity?

Efficiency wage theory

Which of the following concepts is used to describe people who are especially effective in fluid and socially intensive contexts?

Emotional intelligence

________ is the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.

Emotional intelligence

________ are complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target.


External equity pay comparisons focus on what

Employees in other organizations are paid for doing the same general job

In skill-based pay systems, performance measures are primarily based on ________.

Employees' competency acquisition

Which of the following agencies is responsible for enforcing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Which of the following is responsible for enforcing the Age Discrimination in Employment Act?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

________ values are the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization.


________ perception is the perceived link between effort and performance.


________ theory holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes.


Which of the following primarily examines an organization's operating environment to identify its strategic opportunities and threats?

External analysis

Which of the following is not a characteristic of high-performing teams?


Which of the following scenarios is an apt example of a future-oriented situational interview?

Fernando was asked about the steps he would take to change the work environment in his office.

Which of the following statements is true of disparate treatment and disparate impact?

For there to be discrimination under disparate treatment, there has to be intentional discrimination

Group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about such unknowns as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals during the ________ stage.


A decision maker is influenced by the manner in which a problem or question is stated. This represents the ________ bias.


________ are powerful forms of social control that influence group and member behavior.


Which of the following is a compensation program that would best support an organizational culture of cooperation and problem solving?


Personality inventories tend to have

High reliability, low to moderate criterion validity, and low generalizability.

Allan works as a typesetter in a publishing company. If the organization uses merit pay programs, Allan's salary is based primarily on information collected from ________.

His immediate supervisor

Which of the following is a form of sexual harassment that involves employees using offensive sexually explicit language or using sex-related jokes or innuendoes in conversations?

Hostile working environment

A person who clarifies key issues for a group has taken on the role of:


"Carolyn, you are the best facilitator we have. Can you help me to create a discussion guide for my focus group?" This is a soft influence tactic, known as


Which of the following statements about conflict handling styles is false?


Conflict is considered to be dysfunctional when


Which of the following is true about how the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) responds to a claim of discrimination?

If the EEOC cannot come to an agreement with an offending employer, it can issue a 'right to sue' letter to the alleged victim

________ leadership theory is based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers.


Which of the following statements is true of the administrative linkage level between the human resource management function and the strategic management function?

In this level, the human resource management department is completely divorced from any component of the strategic management process

Pam is attempting to reduce her inequity at work by attending night school for further job training. In other words, she is trying to

Increase her inputs

In incentive pay, performance measures are primarily based on ________.

Individual productivity

Which of the following components is a perceived link between behavior and pay?


________ is how an individual perceives the movement from performance to outcome.


________ are the key links between ________ in Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior.

Intentions; attitudes and planned behavior

Which of the following is used by an organization to identify its strengths and weaknesses?

Internal analysis

________ intelligence is the potential to understand and regulate oneself.


A performance measure is said to be contaminated when 62)

It does not measure all aspects of performance

Which of the following statements is true of the SWOT analysis?

It gives the strategic planning team of an organization all the information it needs to generate a number of strategic alternatives

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the pay grade approach?

It might give rise to some jobs being underpaid and some being overpaid.

Which of the following is true of one-way linkage?

It precludes the company from considering human resource issues while formulating the strategic plan

In XYZ hospital, members of the cleaning staff have begun to actively care for patients and their families. This is an example of

Job crafting

Which of the following is an administrative procedure used to measure internal job worth using measurable factors?

Job evaluation

Which of the following is typically used to measure pay equity?

Job evaluation

Of the following, ________ is the most closely aligned with employees' perceptions of procedural justice.

Job performance

Which of the following is a likely consequence of an internal equity perception?

Job rotation

________ is the relative pay of jobs in an organization.

Job structure

Culture based on ________ is most likely to prevail in companies that use a profit-sharing compensation program.

Knowledge of business

Which of the following is not considered a contingency factor in House's path-goal theory?


The dimensions of situational control in Fiedler's model are


________ leadership is an example of passive leadership.


________ power is the basis of power that most people think of as authority


Which of the following makes employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) less attractive?

Less diversification of investment risk

________ is the use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles.


Which of the following statements about tendencies in managerial decision making is false?


Which of the following is not one of the key leader behaviors that are part of transformational leadership?


According to research, which of the following statements about men's and women's leadership traits is true?


Which of the following is not an example of a outcome-oriented contract?


________ are the most frequently used source of performance information.


Martin is the daytime supervisor for a packaging assembly line. He supervises 38 workers who perform routine jobs that require minimal training. Which of the following statements would indicate that Martin is following the path-goal model of leadership?

Martin likes to provide the GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT needed by employees and TIES MEANINGFUL REWARDS to accomplishment of objectives.

A neutral and trained third party can guide others to find innovative solutions to conflict. To ensure neutrality, most organizations hired ADR qualified outsiders. In this case, a(n) ________ is one who does not render a decision. Rather, it is up to the parties to the conflict to reach a mutually acceptable decision.


Which of the following is an example of a behavior-oriented contract?

Merit pay

Josh runs into heavy traffic every day while driving to work. Yesterday, he left home earlier than usual and did not run into heavy traffic. Again, today, he left earlier and avoided heavy traffic. His behavior of leaving earlier enabled him to avoid heavy traffic and reach the office on time. In which of the following processes did Josh engage?

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following statements about norms is not true?

Norms are typically written down and discussed openly by groups.

Elaine often volunteers to help others when they run into problems with their projects. She is very positive, always on time, and never calls in sick. Exhibiting ________ is likely to create positive impressions among Elaine's colleagues and manager.


________ is solving problems by producing the best possible solution.


Which of the following statements about conflict is true?


Bloom Corp. is a firm whose employees work in an old facility; they request a government inspection to ensure that they are not exposed to any hazardous materials while working in the facility. Which of the following acts gives them the right to do so?

Occupational Safety and Health Act

Which of the following agencies or institutions is responsible for enforcing the executive orders that cover companies doing business with the federal government?

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

________ is the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.

Organizational culture

________ is the process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors that permit her or him to participate as a member of the organization.

Organizational socialization

Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?

Organizations tend to have one dominant type of culture

Which of the following statements about incivility at work is false?


________ is(are) the efforts to enhance employee performance, well-being, and positive attitudes.


________ is the relative pay of different jobs and how much one is paid. 84)

Pay structure

Which of the following is the first step in the Productivity Measurement and Evaluation System (ProMES)?

People in the organization identify the set of activities or objectives the organization expects to accomplish.

________ is the means through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs are congruent with the organization's goals.

Performance management

________ power is the type of influence a person exercises independent of his or her job or position.


Victor seems to want to control others and often manipulates people for his own gratification. He exhibits the need for

Personal power

Carol and Dee have never gotten along. Carol feels that Dee acts superior, while Dee believes that Carol just tries to please everyone. This is ________ conflict, which is defined as interpersonal opposition based on individual dislike or disagreement.


________ is the combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identity.


Group incentives tend to measure performance in terms of ________.

Physical output

As the mother of two small children, Jen struggles to make ends meet on her minimum-wage job. After paying rent and child care expenses, there is sometimes not enough money left at the end of the month to pay the heating bill. More than once the family has gone without warmth on cold nights, and she and the kids have gone to bed hungry. Which of the five basic needs is Jen struggling to meet?


________ power is the type of influence a person exercises because of the job he or she holds.


Bettina will experience ________ if her outcome to input ratio is greater than that of a relevant comparison person.

Positive inequity

________ validation is a validity study that seeks to establish an empirical relationship between test scores taken prior to being hired and eventual performance on the job.


Core self-evaluations represent a broad personality trait comprised of all of the following except


________ is associated with entrepreneurialism.


________ is a lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a lack of remorse or guilt when one's actions harm others.


The ________ model of decision making assumes that managers are completely objective and possess all information for their decisions. In this model, decisions demonstrate excellent logic.


Leon Law Offices only hires graduates from Ivy League schools because clients have been impressed by those credentials in the past. This is an example of ________ , and in this case, the "school attended" criterion is being used to facilitate complex information processing associated with employment interviews.


John leads a team of 10 salespersons. He informs the team that the first member to achieve the year's target will be sent on an all-expenses-paid holiday to the Grand Canyon National Park. John is demonstrating ________ power.


________ power tends to produce ________.


Which of the following concepts addresses the fact that different employees in the same job may have different pay rates?

Rate ranges

________ attempts to emphasize the multidimensional nature of performance and thoroughly familiarize the raters with the actual content of various performance dimensions.

Rater accuracy training

Which of the following is to an organization's efforts to make usable facilities readily accessible to individuals with disabilities?

Reasonable accommodation

________ ability is a person's capacity to invent solutions to many diverse problems.


________ is the process through which an organization seeks applicants for potential employment.


Which of the following personnel selection methods has low reliability as compared to others?

Reference check

________ power comes into play when one's personal characteristics and social relationships become the reason for compliance.


Which of the following theories suggests that high employee performance not followed by a monetary reward will make future high performance less likely?

Reinforcement theory

Which of the following statements is true regarding reliability and validity?

Reliability of a measure is essential for it to have any validity.

Which of the following statements about organizational socialization is false?

Research shows that realistic job previews do not help reduce turnover

Which of the following is a likely consequence of external equity perception?


Individuals or organizations have ________ power if they can obtain compliance by promising or delivering positive reinforcement.


Which of the following is an individual function of a group?


________ leadership focuses on increased benefit to others rather than to oneself.


External analysis and internal analysis combined constitute the ________.

SWOT analysis

A ________ is defined dialogue initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for employment.

Selection interview

Which of the following aspects of emotional intelligence is the knowledge of one's strengths and weaknesses?


Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is true?

Self-efficacy can be developed

The extent to which a performance measure gives guidance to employees about what is expected of them is called ________.


Which of the following analyses uses the difference between the expected representation for minority groups and the actual representation to determine whether the difference between these two values is greater than would occur by chance?

Standard deviation rule

Which of the following is part of the cash compensation offered to employees?

Stock options

In the United States, the judicial system is an example of ________. It is based on hearing directly opposing points of view to establish guilt or innocence.


Which of the following statements is not true about group development?


________ is a group process that anonymously generates ideas or judgments from physically dispersed experts.

The Delphi technique

Which of the following approaches to measuring performance uses some overall assessment of an individual's performance or worth and seeks to develop a ranking of the individuals within a work group?

The comparative approach

Alliance Partners, Strategic Knowledge Workers, Supporting Labor and Core Employees describe

The four types of employees identified by the Human Capital Architecture

Which of the following statements is true of two-way linkages?

The strategic planning function and the human resource management function are interdependent

Which of the following best describes a broad band in job-based pay structures?

The wider grouping of jobs accomplished through delayering

Which of the following is true about outcome-oriented contracts?

They are typically a major component of executive compensation.

Which of the following is true of non-key jobs?

They are unique to organizations

Which of the following states that it is illegal for an employer to refuse to hire an individual or otherwise discriminate against this individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following is part of the benefits offered to employees?

Unemployment compensation

Which of the following is an example of using performance management to fulfill an administrative purpose?

Use performance appraisal to make decisions such as pay raises, promotions, retention-termination, layoffs, and recognition of individual performance.

The degree to which the information provided by selection methods enhances the bottom-line effectiveness of the organization is known as the selection method's


Which performance management evaluation criterion reflects the extent to which a performance measure assesses all the relevant—and only the relevant—aspects of performance?


________ is an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting.

Withdrawal cognitions

An artifact is

a physical manifestation of an organization's culture

Which of the following is not a process theory of motivation?

acquired needs

Values represent beliefs that influence behaviors ________; attitudes relate to behavior ________.

across all situations; toward specific targets

Petra made a large mistake on a report she submitted to her boss, and it ended up costing the company a significant amount of money. When asked why this had occurred, she blamed one of her coworkers for giving her erroneous information for the report. Petra is expressing

an external locus of control

People with ________ see themselves as masters of their own fate.

an internal locus of control

Labor market comparisons are more important than product market comparisons when

attracting and retaining qualified employees is difficult

Which of these would you not see from an inspiring transformational leader?

authoritarian leadership

Fiona was telling her friend about the freedom and discretion given to her in scheduling and deciding the procedures used to complete the tasks assigned to her. Which of the following job characteristics was she talking about?


The concept of ________ suggests that similar groups of people whose scores differ by only a small amount all be treated as having the same score.


Dawn is at the playground with her four-year-old daughter. The father of another child is yelling and cursing at him. Dawn decides to tell the father to stop the verbal abuse or leave the playground, or she will call the authorities. Dawn's behavior reflects the ________ component of her attitude.


The director of a movie auditions only white males to play the role of Abraham Lincoln in a biographical film on Lincoln's life. This is an example of

bona fide occupational qualification

In groupthink, the "inherent morality" symptom is likely to

cause the group to ignore ethical considerations

The basic premise behind strategy implementation is that

choice of organizational processes and structural forms makes an economic difference

Which type of organizational culture has been shown by research to be most strongly related to job satisfaction?


Tony believes that cell phone use—even in restaurants—helps people manage their busy lives. Tony's belief reflects the ________ component of his attitude


As a senior student representative on the ethics advisory board of your university, you feel strongly that cheating on college exams is unethical. You never cheated on any exam. However, this semester your best friend was desperate for your help, and you allowed him to take a quick "peek" at your answer sheet. Since then, you feel uncomfortable every time you think of the situation. Which of the following concepts best explains your psychological discomfort?

cognitive dissonance

The ________ framework provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture.

competing values

Nathan is dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented, while Martin is relaxed and unworried. Nathan is likely to score high on


The dean of Roan College is looking for a new head of admissions. She wants to be sure that Roan College has an admissions program with the highest standards. As the committee interviews various candidates, the dean tries to point out potential flaws in each person. She is playing the role of

devil's advocate

Michael and Mohammad graduated from the same pilot training institute and applied for a job as a trainee pilot at a private American airline. Despite both having similar profiles, Michael was hired but Mohammad was not, and the airline continued to look for other potential trainee pilots. In this case, Mohammad was a possible victim of

disparate treatment

Market cultures

drive toward productivity, profit, and customer satisfaction

Which of the following is not a benefit of virtual teams?

easier to establish team cohesion

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act,

employees should be paid at the rate of one and a half times their hourly rate for overtime worked beyond 40 hours in a week

Job-based pay structure

encourages a lack of initiative on the part of employees

Michael wants to be president of his division. Everything he does is geared to that objective. He pushes his employees to meet higher quotas, criticizes anyone who doesn't put in 10 to 12 hour days, and demands results before the due date. He is arrogant and dominant. Michael is

exhibiting narcissism

Organizations with adhocracy cultures are described as

externally focused and valuing flexibility

Organizations with market cultures are described as

externally focused and valuing stability and control

Polly works as a bartender. A few people wave money at her so that she will serve them first. She finds this to be rude and, so, either ignores them or serves them last. People realize that Polly serves the people who wait politely first, and much of the rude behavior stops. Polly used the model of


Teresa has a problem. She is working on three projects and the deadline for Project C was moved up. This particular client, Client C, is fairly easy-going and never puts any pressure on her unless it's absolutely necessary. Teresa decides to talk to Client A who always wants the project results a few days before the actual deadline. There might be some flexibility with that timeline. Teresa is using _______ in order to make this decision.

her expertise

General Widgets, Inc., manufactures high-quality widgets. The widget industry is mature and few innovations occur. The widgets have to be built exactly according to particular specifications provided by customers. This requires the use of controlled processes and precise measurements. The company also needs to maintain high efficiency in its production process in order to meet the market demand. For this company, stability is more important than flexibility. Which of the organizational cultures is best suited for General Widgets?

hierarchy culture

The forms of intuition are

holistic hunches and automated experiences

Employees assess fairness along the distributive dimension when their assessment is based on ________.

how much they receive

Veronica just accepted a job at QuizBiz. She left a large company that offered big bonuses for salespersons who exceeded their quotas. At QuizBiz, the individual bonuses are smaller, but there are team rewards as well. This is known as a ________ reward system.


In a self-managed team

leadership responsibilities often shift as members step up

Which of the following is not an advantage of group decision making?

less time spent making a decision

Vivek and Warren are working on an assignment for their marketing class. Warren finishes his part of the assignment; Vivek doesn't. Vivek apologizes because he took an extra shift at work and didn't give the assignment the priority it needed. He promises Warren he will stay home tonight and finish his work. What personality characteristic does this show?

locus of control

Tamara has been putting in a lot of overtime. Her supervisor keeps telling her that she will be rewarded. To date, Tamara has seen no change in her status or pay. This reflects a

low instrumentality

Halfway through the semester, Samuel quit doing assignments for and going to his advanced accounting class. He attributes this to his poor performance on the first two tests, as well as his lack of talent for accounting; he feels he will do much better as a management major. Samuel is likely to be experiencing

low self-efficacy for accounting

A company whose employees have high engagement is likely to have ________ compared to a company with low employee engagement.

lower turnover

In the ________ culture, employees are encouraged to set difficult goals and strive to achieve them. Employee performance is closely monitored and often directly rewarded or punished.


Sustainability is the ability of a company to

meet its needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet theirs

A(n) ________ is suitable for an organization with a culture that promotes individual competition.

merit pay plan

The average compensation—including wages, salaries, and bonuses—of jobs in an organization is called the ________.

pay level

Matt completes his assignments on time. His teacher said that she would allow extra play time to children who submit their assignments on or before the due date. Which of the following made Matt complete his assignments on time?

positive reinforcement

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) harms other employees, the organization as a whole, and/or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders. Which of the following is not an example of CWB?

presenting poor financial results at the quarterly meeting

In the ________ dimension, employees base their fairness assessments on the processes that were used to decide the amount of compensation.


A(n) ________ theory attempts to describe how various person and environmental factors affect motivation.


What has been shown by research to reduce social loafing?

providing hybrid rewards

Janice creates advertising slogans for the advertising firm that employs her. She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization. A(n) ________ represents Janice's beliefs.

psychological contract

Pluto Inc., a large manufacturer of desktops and laptops, has decided to enhance revenues by expanding its product line. It has identified the tablet market as a possible market to expand and has identified Compco Inc. as a potential competitor. Pluto Inc. is currently in the ________ stage of the strategic management process.

strategy formulation

Gerry, one of your subordinates, seems to care so much about being liked that he rarely states strong opinions in meetings of your department. Based on this, Gerry probably has a

strong need for affiliation

Which of the following is not a key workplace attitude that managers should track?


The extent to which performance on a measure is related to performance on the job is called


Jason is working at Sushow Motors. The position, as originally described, involved conducting research with customers. Instead, Jason is answering phones and filing. He's very unhappy and thinks he should find another job. This thought process is

withdrawal cognitions

Which of the following is not a driver or cause of organizational culture?

work attitudes and behaviors

Ellen and George work for the same company. Ellen, a Gen Xer, really appreciates the flextime opportunities, while George, a baby boomer, takes advantage of the free computer training offered at the company. These policies are examples of

work-life balance

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