Mr. Regis Final Boss

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Genetic traits of seeds are noted as follows: W = wrinkled, w = smooth Y = yellow, y = white If we know that these genes are on different chromosomes, What % of the offspring will be wrinkled and smooth if you cross two heterozygous individuals?


If the DNA analysis of a gene shows 30% adenine bases, what would be the percentage of thymine? _________ cytosine? _________ guanine? _________ and uracil? _________

20, 30, 30, 0

Normal human eggs have:

22 autosomes and an X chromosome.

A normal sequence of DNA bases in a gene segment from a human skin cell is 5' TACTCGGCATTG 3' what would be the mRNA transcript from this gene segment? 3' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5' (Use only capital letters with no spaces in between)


Which row in the chart correctly connects the process with the description of actions that occur during the cellular process listed?


Cells in the human body move through the cell cycle at varying rates. To repair tissues and to grow it is necessary for cells to go through the cell cycle successfully. Which choice best describes the cell cycle?

Cells grow and develop during interphase.

The following table is a representative sample of Erwin Chargaff's 1952 data, listing the base composition of DNA from various organisms. From this data it can be determined that...

DNA from any cell of any organisms should have a 1:1 ratio of pyrimidine and purine bases

In transcription __________ is read to make a complimentary mRNA molecule by attaching free floating RNA nucleotides together. mRNA is translated at the ribosome to produce a __________ .

DNA, protein

Researchers recently discovered that when hammerhead sharks were moved to shallower water, resulting in exposure to increased light intensity, their backs turned a deep brownish black. Which statement best supports this observation?

Genes are inherited, but their expression can be modified by interactions with the environment.

Which of the following is a benefit of sexual reproduction?

It increases genetic variation and variation of phenotypes within a population.

Which statement concerning a pair of alleles for a gene controlling a single characteristic in humans is true?

One allele comes from the mother and one allele comes from the father.

Meselson and Stahl tested the hypothesis of DNA replication. They cultured bacteria in a 15N medium. 15N is a heavy isotope of nitrogen so the DNAsynthesized is of heavy density. They then shifted the bacteria to a 14N medium,DNA was isolated at different times corresponding to replication cycles 0, 1, and 2. DNA was isolated at different times corresponding to replication cycles 0, 1, and 2. After one replication cycle, the DNA was all of intermediate density. After two replication cycles, two bands of DNA were seen, one of intermediate density and one of light density. (from Which of the following hypotheses about DNA replication are supported by the data given.

Semi-conservative replication. In this model, the two strands of DNA unwind from each other, and each acts as a template for synthesis of a new, complementary strand. This results in two DNA molecules with one original strand and one new strand.

A pedigree chart shows:

The pattern of inheritance of a specific gene.

Nicotine is only one of the many toxic chemicals inhaled while smoking. What effect can such toxic chemicals have on the body?

They can cause uncontrolled cell division.

An example of a genotype is:


Genetic traits of seeds are noted as follows:W = wrinkled, w = smooth Y = yellow, y = white What are the possible gametes of parent 1 with the genotype WwYy?

WY, Wy, wY, wy

Car manufacturers have begun to explore the use of biofuels, such as biodiesel, ethanol, and cooking oils made from plant material. The desired outcome of using these biofuels would be

a decrease in the use of fossil fuels

The diagram below represents a microscopic structure observed during mitosis. The region indicated by letter A is known as

a gene

The product(s) of translation include:

a polypeptide (amino acid sequence)

Sometimes, a person is born with one or more extra chromosomes in each cell. This usuallyresults in abnormalities because the affected person has

an overproduction of proteins from the increased number of genes in each cell compared to a person without the extra chromosome

Bacteria and humans are similar in that they both

contain genetic material in the form of nucleic acids

A normal sequence of DNA bases in a single human skin cell is CATGGC. If this sequence replicates in this cell and becomes GATGGC, this alteration will most likely be passed to

every cell that develops from this parent cell

Female mosquitoes spread diseases when they bite humans to obtain blood. It is only the females that do the biting. Research is being conducted to alter the DNA of male mosquitoes. These altered males could then mate with normal female mosquitoes. All of the resulting female offspring would have wing defects that prevent them from flying. One assumption from this research is that the

female offspring would be unable to bite humans, since they cannot fly

Information in segments of human DNA can be expressed by a bacterial cell as a result of

genetic engineering

Female mosquitoes spread diseases when they bite humans to obtain blood. It is only the females that do the biting. Research is being conducted to alter the DNA of male mosquitoes. These altered males could then mate with normal female mosquitoes. All of the resulting female offspring would have wing defects that prevent them from flying. The method used to alter the male mosquitoes is an example of an application of

genetic transformation

Compared to a normal somatic cell, a normal gamete cell contains

half the number of chromosomes

A technique used to alter cells is represented in the diagram below. The genetic material contained in the nucleus of each of the new cells is most likely

identical to that in the original body cell

When a paramecium, a single-celled organism, is living under stressful conditions, it sometimesswitches from asexual to sexual reproduction. The main advantage when this switch occurs is that the paramecium is most likely to

increase variation among its offspring

A tomato gene, known as the SIKLUH gene, has recently been discovered. The gene leads to the production of larger tomatoes. The gene affects fruit size by increasing cell layers and promoting extra cell divisions. In order to produce large fruit in other commercial plant species, scientists might

insert the gene into other types of plants

Genetic traits of seeds are noted as follows:L = long, l = shortW = wrinkled, w = smoothY = yellow, y = whiteR = ribbed, r = groovedWhich of the following is the genotype for a short, wrinkled, yellow, grooved seed?


Some plants increase in height due to changes in specialized regions of cells in the tips of theirbranches. The processes that result in these changes include

mitosis, cell growth, and differentiation

The instructions for the genetic traits of an organism are directly determined by the

numbers of A, T, C, and G units in a sugar molecule

Potatoes were the main crop in Ireland in the 1800s. Almost the entire population of Ireland was dependent on a single variety of potato, the "lumper." These potatoes were reproduced by a method of asexual reproduction known as vegetative propagation. In the middle of the 1800s, a disease caused by a fungus killed almost the entire lumper crop within two years. As a result, millions of people in Ireland died of starvation. The most likely reason the potato disease was able to destroy the potato crop in such a short time is that the

potato population lacked variations

A news release about production of farm-raised salmon contains the following information:-The program is mating targeted fish to concentrate key traits in Atlantic salmon stocks.-The three-year process includes spawning, tagging, and choice of parent fish.-The fish are weighed, measured, and monitored to identify those with the best growth rates.-The project examines the performance of fish to determine which fish to use to produce the next generation. These statements indicate that the producers are attempting to improve salmon through the use of

selective breeding

A bacterial cell begins to produce a new type of protein. This is most likely due to an alteration of the

sequence of bases in a section of a chromosome

The diagram below represents a form of cellular reproduction.

the same number of genes and the same traits

What is the function of apoptosis?

to weed out cells that grow uncontrollably

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