MS Visio

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(PF Diag) Diamond (Top right) "Decision" (2 branches)

"Level of Running process;" Left- by using Option 1; Right- by using Option 2. Only shape w/ 2 Lines Comjng out; everything else only has 1.

Process Flow Charts icon selection

(Basic Flowchart (US) (2nd from Left)

(PF Diag) O (Circle) On-Page Reference

>1 on sheet, ~Warp/teleport portal connecting to Elsewhere on sheet

(Use Case Diagram). "Use" Line (4th Left)

Actor Shoes to Step node; USING THAT STEP's OUTPUT

(Use Case Diag) Stick Figure (2nd Left)

Actor, Goes OUTSIDE the IS Rectangle/Boundary (b/c interacting WITH IS, not WITHIN IS).

(Use Case Diag) Oval (Top Right)

Any Step in Use Case

(Use Case Diag) Notes (5th Rt)

Comments from Use Case doc

(PF Diag) Home Plate OFF-Page Reference)

Connecting to Somewhere on Different Diagram Sheet

(use case diagram) Extends Line (3rd Right)

Connects Steps in Order (Like Pro Flow Sequence Nodes)

Visio For Client

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(PF Diag) Rhombus (2nd from Top, right)= Data

Data (Generating a Report/"Report Generated"

(PF Diag) Quadrilateral long/thin, top side sloped (Manual Input) (middle, Rt column)

Entering Manual Input; must be Selected/.entered manually ("Enter Date Range") .____/__ \_____/

UML/Use Case Diagram

In Middle, "UML Model Diagram" @ Bottom of Left panel, "UML Use Case Metric"

(Use Case Diag) "Include", "Extend"

Include- Action that MUST Happen Extend- Action that May NOT Happen

Visio Key/Legend

Often on 1st Page, explaining whá shapes mean

(PPF Diag) Submarine (top Left) "Package"

Package=Stored Data Pkg (in Zuse Case world)

(PF Diag) Bucket/Trapezium (manual operation)

Performing Manual Operation: ("Run the Process")/click the Go button ("Click 'Go' Button")

(PF Diag) Square in Rectangle/ Parallel Bars {top Left} Automatic Predefined Process)

Predefined Process happening automatically (Usually Defined Elsewhere (~Black Box)

(PF Diag) "Process" Rectangle (Top Left)

Process steps ("go to ___ Screen")

Rectangle (Use Case)

SCOPE/ System Boundary Beyond Which Use Case won't Exist

(PF Diag) "Reason 1", "Reason 2"

Simply write Reason _ on Proc Step to Indicate Reason we Reached there, then explain Reason" elsewhere on Page

Process Flow Diagram

Step-by-Step diagram that Explains a Rqt in Pictorial Format. Helps in Understanding what's inv in a particular rqt. "Basic Flowchart" in Top Left) *1st detail the steps in process Before making the ProFlow)

(PF Diag) Quadrilateral w/ Curved Inners (Upper Rt)

Stored Temporary Data (like Cache?) _____ ) ( ''''''''

(PF Diagram) Thin Oval (~Mid Right)

Terminator Button to Start/End Process

(PF Diag) Connector Line (~ Zig Zag) (top Middle)

To Connect Steps/ Shapes @ Node *can caption by Clicking & Typing into Caption Box

(PF Diag) Bullet (Display)

To show on UI "Error Message"

(PF Diag) Cylinder ("Direct Data")

When trying to Access/Store Something in DB

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