Muscles of the Head & Neck/ Muscles of Facial Expression & Mastication

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Intrinsic Muscles of the Tongue

- Anatomists consider intrinsic tongue muscles to be inseparable - not treated as separate muscles - Four sets: named by orientation: 1. Superior longitudinal 2. Transverse 3. Vertical 4. Inferior longitudinal

Trapezius Muscle

- Covers the lateral and posterior surfaces of the neck - Broad and flat triangular muscle

Muscle: Definition

- Each muscle has two ends that attach to soft tissue and bony structures of the body to move - Categorized according to their role in movement

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: Innervation

- Eleventh Cranial nerve - XI (accessory nerve)

Corrugator Supercilii: Action

- Frowning - It produces vertical ridges above the bridge of the nose when frowning by drawing the eyebrows downwards and inwards

Extrinsic Muscles of the Tongue

- Origins: All different outside the tongue - Insertions: All inside the tongue: 1. Genioglossus 2. Styloglossus 3. Hyoglossus *Palatoglossus part of the soft palate but anatomist include it in this area - Inervation: 12th Cranial Nerve or Hypoglossal nerve

Muscles of Facial Expression: Facts

- Smiling take 17 muscles to use, while frowning = 43 - Paired muscles (R&L)

Epicranial Muscle: Action

- The frontal bellies raise the eyebrows and the skin over the root of the nose - Used in movements such as: 1. glancing upwards 2. expressions of surprise & fright - Acting from below the frontal parts also draw the scalp forwards to produce wrinkles on the forehead

Muscle of Mastication: General Information

1. All chewing muscles: - Are developed from the first branchial arch - Are inverted by Cranial Nerve V (the trigeminal nerve) - Recieve their blood suppy from the maxillary artery (is a branch of the external carotid artery)

Inferior Head of Lateral Pterygoid: Actions

1. Bilaterally: - Protrudes and depress mandible 2. Unilaterally - lateral excursion: - Deviates to opposite side

Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid: Insertion

1. Capsule and disk of TMJ 2. Neck of condyle

Muscles of Head & Neck: 7 Main Groups

1. Cervical Muscles 2. Muscles of Facial Expressions 3. Muscles of Mastication 4. Hyoid Muscles 5. Muscles of the tongue 6. Muscle of the soft palate 7. Muscles of the pharynx

Epicranial Muscle: Origin

1. Frontal belly: epicranial aponeurosis - the area where the parietal and occipital bones meet 2. Occipital belly: occipital and temporal bone

Epicranial Muscle: Insertion

1. Frontal belly: eyebrow and root of nose 2. Occipital belly: epicranial aponeurosis

Muscles of the Tongue: Overview

1. Grouped according to whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic 2. Consists of 2 symmetrical halves divided from each other by the median septum 3. Depression it forms is called the median lingual sulcus

Platysma Muscle 3 Parts

1. Labialis 2. Mandibularis 3. Modiolaris

Eye Region Muscle(s)

1. Orbicularis Oculi muscle 2. Corrugator supercilii muscle

Mouth Region Muscle(s)

1. Orbicularis Oris 2. Buccinator 3. Risorius 4. Zygomaticus Major 5. Zygomaticus Minor 6. Levator labii superioris 7. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 8. Levator anguli oris 9. Depressor anguli oris 10 Depressor labii inferioris 11. Mentalis 12. Platysma

Muscles of the Soft Palate: Names/Types

1. Palatoglossus 2. Palatopharyngeus 3. Levator veli palatini 4. Tensor veli palatini 5. Muscles of the uvula

Muscles of Facial Expression: 3 Regions

1. Scalp 2. Eye 3. Mouth

Masseter: Two heads

1. Superficial 2. Deep

Medial Pterygoid: 2 Heads

1. Superior (Superficial) 2. Inferior (Deep)

Lateral Pterygoid: 2 Heads

1. Superior (upper) 2. Inferior (lower)

Trapezius Muscle: Innervation

11th cranial nerve (accessory nerve) & the 3rd and 4th cervical nerves

Muscle of Mastication

4 pairs of muscles move the mandible: 1. Masseters 2. Medial Pterygoids 3. Lateral Pterygoids 4. Temporalis Muscles ** Buccinators sometimes included/ sometimes termed an accessory muscle of mastication/ more often considered a muscle of facial expression

Muscles of Facial Expression: Innervation

7th Cranial Nerve or facial nerve on both sides

Median Septum of tongue

A deep fibrous structure in the midline of the tongue

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi: Insertion

Ala of nose and upper lip

Superior & Inferior Head of Medial Pterygoid: Insertion

Angle of mandible on medial side

Depressor Anguli Oris: Insertion

Angle of mouth

Levator Anguli Oris: Insertion

Angle of mouth

Orbicularis Oris: Insertion

Angle of mouth

Risorius: Insertion

Angle of mouth

Zygomaticus Major: Insertion

Angle of mouth

Buccinator: Insertion

Angle of the mouth ***Orbicularis oris muscle

Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid: Actions

Bilaterally: - Power stroke - Guide condyle back to centric relation after opening

Mentalis: Insertion


Platysma: Origin

Clavicle and shoulder

Orbicularis Oculi: Action

Closing eyelid

Temporalis Muscle: Insertion

Coronoid process of mandible and anterior border of ramus

Muscles of Head & Neck: Division

Divided by function

Superficial & Deep Head of Masseter: Action

Elevate (close) mandible

Temporalis Muscle: Action

Elevate and retrude mandible ** Anterior fibers = elevate ** Posterior fibers = retrude

Orbicularis Oris: Origin

Encircles mouth

Scalp Region Muscle(s)

Epicranial Muscle

Trapezius Muscle: Origin

External surface of the occipital bone

Corrugator Supercilii: Insertion


Risorius: Origin

Fascia superficial to masseter muscle


Forms the anterior portion of the cheeks and the lateral wall of the oral cavity

Corrugator Supercilii: Origin

Frontal bone

Depressor Anguli Oris: Action


Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid: Origin

Greater wing of sphenoid bone

Orbicularis Oris: Action

Has 4 distinctive movements: 1. Pressing together- closing the lips 2. Tightening and thinning- pursing the lips 3. Rolling inward between the teeth- grimacing 4. Thrusting outward- pouting and kissing

Deep Head of Masseter: Origin

Inferior border of posterior 1/3 of zygomatic arch and entire medial surface of zygomatic arch

Superficial head of Masseter: Origin

Inferior border of the anterior 2/3 of zygomatic arch

Muscles of Facial Expression: Insertion

Insert on the dermis of the skin tissue

Superficial & Deep Head of Masseter: Insertion

Into the ramus and angle of the mandible

Muscle: Origin

Is the end of the muscle that is attached to the least movable structure

Muscle: Insertion

Is the other end of the muscle and is attached to the more movable structure

Orbicularis Oculi: Insertion

Lateral region of eye, some encircle eye

Inferior Head of Lateral Pterygoid: Origin

Lateral side of lateral pterygoid plate

Trapezius Muscle: Insertion

Lateral third of the clavicle and portions of the scapula

Trapezius Muscle: Action

Lift the clavicle and portions of the scapula = shrugged shoulders

Depressor Labii Inferioris: Insertion

Lower lip

Depressor Labii Inferioris: Action

Lowering lower lip

Inferior Head of Medial Pterygoid: Origin

MEdial side of lateral pterygoid plate and pterygoid fossa

Depressor Anguli Oris: Origin


Depressor Labii Inferioris: Origin


Mentalis: Origin


Platysma: Insertion

Mandible and muscles of mouth

Muscles of the Soft Palate: Innervation

Mandibular division of the 5th cranial or trigeninal nerve

Levator Anguli Oris: Origin


Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi: Origin


Levator Labii Superioris: Origin


Buccinator: Origin

Maxilla, mandible, and pterygomandibular raphe *Buccal aveolar bone of maxillary & mandibular molars * Pterygomandibular raphe = fibrous band extending from pterygoid hamulus to posterior part of mylohyloid line

Superior Head of Medial Pterygoid: Origin

Maxillary tuberosity

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: Origin

Medial portion of the clavicle and the sternum's superior and lateral surfaces

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: Action

Movement of head and neck bend and rotation

Inferior Head of Lateral Pterygoid: Insertion

Neck of condyle

Orbicularis Oculi: Origin

Orbital rim, frontal and maxillary bones

Muscles of Facial Expression: Orgin

Originate from the surface of the skull bone (rarely fascia)

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: Insertion

Posteriorly and superiorly to insert on the mastoid process of the temporal bone

Buccinator: Action

Pulls the angle of the mouth laterally and shortens the cheek both vertically and horizontally: 1. Food position 2. Infants suckling 3. Helps to expel air through pursed lips, blowpipes, or wind instruments ** has been called the "trumpet muscle" *Pulls corner of mouth posteriorly *Pushes food onto occlusal table

Mentalis: Action

Raising chin and protruding lower lip

Platysma: Action

Raising neck skin and grimacing

Levator Labii Superioris: Action

Raising upper lip

Zygomaticus Minor: Action

Raising upper lip (assisting in smile)

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi: Action

Raising upper lip and dilating nostrils in a sneer

Epicranial Muscle: Location

Scalp Region

Zygomaticus Major: Action


Levator Anguli Oris: Action

Smiling (in combo with the zygomaticus major muscle)

Risorius: Action

Stretching lip (to produce more of a grimace)

Temporalis Muscle: Origin

Temporal fossa and fascia

Cervical Muscles

Two muscles for us to consider that are both superficial and palpated on the neck 1. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Trapezius muscle

Levator Labii Superioris: Insertion

Upper lip

Zygomaticus Minor: Insertion

Upper lip

Superior & Inferior Head of Medial Pterygoid: Action

With masseter, forms sling around mandible and works with mandible to elevate it *Masseter attaches to lateral surface * Medial pterygoid attaches to medial surface

Zygomaticus Major: Origin

Zygomatic bone

Zygomaticus Minor: Origin

Zygomatic bone

Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (SCM)

the SCM divides the neck region into anterior and posterior cervical triangles

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