Music Appreciation Chapter One

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*related to how fast something vibrates *string instruments with longer strings can play a lower-pitch than instruments with shorter strings

in general, how does the voice in singing differ from speaking?

*singing typically uses a wider range of pitches *vowel sounds are often held for longer durations when singing *singing typically uses a wider range of expressive dynamics

when a musical idea differs from the previous one in timbre, texture, tonality, dynamics or rhythm



leads the group in choruses, orchestra and bands


creates a sense of unity


creation of music as it is being performed

what are the terms concerning the duration of rests?

eighth rest and whole rest

what characteristic do two tones of different pitches that are an octave apart have?

they sound very much alike

commonly found in both orchestras and marching bands

*brass *percussion


*eighth note, quarter note, and half note used to notate *

homophonic texture

*focuses on melody *melody accompanied by chords


*largo, moderato, allegro, and presto *speed of the beat or the basic pace of music


*various levels of loudness and softness in music *EX) sudden quiet and crescendos leading to important parts of the piece

common female voice types

alto, soprano, mezzo-soprano

modern day symphony orchestras include which four groups of instruments?

brass, percussion, woodwinds. and strings


combining several melodic lines into a meaningful whole

forward motion, conflict, and change in mood are all aspects of ________


how is a percussion instrument that produces a tone or tones classified?

definite pitch


describes the different layers of musical sound and how they relate to each other


distance between two tones


emphasis of a tone in relation to the other tones around

what does variation in tone color often produce?

expressive effects and emotional impact

in music notation, the term crescendo is used to mean ______ and the term diminuendo is used to mean ______

gradually louder; gradually softer


italian term that tells string players to pluck strings to play notes


melodic and harmonic construction of music around a central tone toward which other tones gravitate

in a time signature, the upper number indicates what?

number of beats in a measure


property of sound that refers to how long a musical sound lasts


refers to the organization of beats into regular groups of strong and weak ones


regular, recurrent pulse that is subdivided and organized to create rhythms and metrical configurations


repetition of a melodic pattern at a higher or lower pitch

Stravinsky uses _____ to create variety and contrast in his repetitions of the same melody

rhythm, tone color, and dynamics


simultaneous tones in music that add support and richness to a melody

the ____ that an object vibrates, the ____ its pitch

slower; lower


sound that has a definite pitch

music as an art is organized by ____?

sounds and silence in time


specific part of a singer's or an instruments tonal range

to notate pitch, notes are places on the lines or spaces of a ______


key signature

symbol at the of the piece indicates the key that a piece of music is in


symbol that indicates the duration of silence

what is used to indicate the meter of a piece at the beginning of the staff?

time signature

why does a violinist press the string of a violin against the fingerboard?

to change the pitch


tones produced by felt-covered hammers that strike strings


tones produced by wedge-shapes parts that pluck strings

pipe organ

tones produced when air blows across or through openings in pipes


type of interval

when a musical idea is restated retaining some original elements but altering other



when a dominant chord resolves to a tonic chord, giving a sense of conclusion


when a melodic idea is presented by one voice or instrument, and then is restated immediately by another voice or instrument


when several voices or instruments sing or play the same melody

used in the western (or European) music

woodwind, string, electronic, keyboard, brass, percussion


One melody without accompaniment

chromatic scale

Includes all twelve notes of an octave

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