Music Exam 1

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Disasters, famous murders and other historical events are subjects frequently described in A) broadsides. B) field hollers. C) work songs. D) spirituals.


Like Thomas Jefferson, many early Americans agreed that: A) art must be practical to be worthwhile. B) American art must have no semblance to English art. C) art, especially music, should be experimental. D) all art was unnecessary and had no place in American life.


Native American music has been passed from one generation to the next by A) oral tradition. B) written stories. C) written music notation. D) paintings.


The "Bay Psalm Book" is A) a psalter. B) a hymnal. C) an anthology of poems. D) a music encyclopedia.


The Calvinists preferred unaccompanied singing of psalms in church because A) harmony was considered too sensuous for that setting. B) few congregations could afford organs. C) a capella singing was much easier than accompanied singing. D) there were not enough song books to distribute among the people.


The banjo's roots originate in which of the following areas? A) Africa. B) England. C) Scotland. D) Ireland.


The first American to produce a book of original compositions was A) William Billings. B) Aaron Copland. C) Daniel Read. D) William Schuman.


The first secular songs published in America were usually associated with: A) theatre. B) the military. C) the emerging concert scene. D) political campaigns.


Which of the following Protestant sects is best known for hymn singing? A) Calvinists. B) Lutherans. C) Moravians. D) Mennonites.


Which of the following best describes the term "baile"? A) Spanish folk dance. B) missionary hymn. C) Spanish work song. D) Welsh ballad.


Which of the following is rarely found in traditional Native American music? A) singing in harmony. B) patterns of repetition. C) use of percussion instruments. D) unison singing.


"Barbara Allen" is a A) chantey. B) ballad. C) lullaby. D) hymn.


A fiddle was a small, light A) guitar. B) violin. C) virginal. D) wind instrument.


A scale commonly used in folk songs like "Barbara Allen" is known as a A) chromatic scale. B) pentatonic scale. C) major scale. D) minor scale.


A song is "through-composed" when ________. A) multiple verses are set to the same tune B) each line of text has its own music C) the composer notates the music as it is created D) there is a great deal of repetition of melodic phrases


Ballads are written in ________ form. A) through-composed B) strophic C) vernacular D) hymn


Most of the plays performed in eighteenth-century America were: A) pantomimes. B) adaptations of English pieces. C) nonmusical. D) adaptations of ancient Greek tragedy.


The "alabado" is a type of A) Spanish folk dance. B) Spanish hymn. C) Welsh ballad. D) work song.


The "ring shout" included a shuffling of feet because A) it added a rhythm not possible with drums. B) dancing was forbidden at some services. C) the performance usually lacked harmony. D) dancers were required to form a ring.


The First New England School refers to A) a group of English composers. B) a group of American composers. C) a school for teaching music educators. D) a school for training church musicians.


The Protestant Reformation was initiated by A) John Calvin. B) Martin Luther. C) Louis Bourgeois. D) William Penn.


The first book printed in the United States was the A) Bible. B) Bay Psalm Book. C) Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter. D) Anne Bradstreet anthology.


The primary melodic instrument of the Native Americans is A) whistle. B) flute. C) trumpet. D) rattle.


When a solo voice performs in alternation with a group, this technique is called A) falsetto. B) call-and-response. C) vocal composition. D) strophic form.


Which form is utilized in "Chester"? A) though-composed. B) strophic. C) fuging tune. D) canonic.


Which of the following best describes falsetto? A) a singing style with strong vocal pulsation. B) a singing range that lies above the normal singing range. C) a strained, tense vocal sound. D) a nasal, harsh vocal sound.


Which of the following elements of African-American music can be traced most directly to Africa? A) melody. B) rhythm. C) lyrics. D) harmony.


Which of the following elements of music remains steady to facilitate work such as hammering? A) melody. B) rhythm. C) form. D) harmony.


Which of the following is not characteristic of folk music? A) origin is obscure. B) difficult to perform. C) simple and unpretentious. D) enjoyed by sophisticated and inexperienced listeners.


Which of the following is often considered the first American popular song? A) Barbara Allen. B) Chester. C) When Jesus Wept. D) Shenandoah.


Which of the following is true about field hollers? A) they were composed and set to written notation. B) they were improvised. C) they were performed in unison by large groups of singers. D) they were usually accompanied by the banjo.


Which of the following was one of the most popular concert attractions in eighteenth century America? A) traditional military funeral parades. B) battle pieces. C) performances of Mozart. D) performances of Haydn.


While much African music is rhythmically flexible, which of the following features a steady pace? A) field holler. B) work songs. C) broadsides. D) spirituals.


Yeibichai Songs are associated with which of the following tribes? A) Sioux. B) Navajo. C) Zuni. D) Apache.


96) Some of the earliest American popular songs ________. A) had no lyrics B) were influenced by Native American musical characteristics C) were composed by foreign musicians D) could only be played on the fiddle or fife


A chantey is ________. A) a nonsense song B) a religious song C) a song about adventures at sea D) a lullaby


A drone is ________. A) a type of African drum B) a type of banjo C) a long-held, constant pitch D) a steady rhythmic pattern


Psalters are defined as A) teachers who taught music reading skills. B) singers who performed psalms. C) books that contained psalms. D) psalms that are not notated


Technically, vocables may be described as A) notes in the falsetto range. B) dance-song instructions. C) consonant-vowel clusters. D) low-pitched, uncontrolled tones.


The "corrido" is a type of A) square dance. B) instrument. C) ballad. D) psalm book.


The gathering most likely to feature intertribal participation is the ________. A) night Way Ceremony B) grass Dance C) powwow D) courting Ceremony


The term "amateur," when applied to Moravian musicians, meant: A) they had no prior knowledge of music. B) they were unfamiliar with American music. C) they composed and performed music for the love, not money. D) they composed music with styles no one had heard before.


The tune of "Old Hundred" was composed by ________. A) John Calvin B) Martin Luther C) Louis Bourgeois D) John Wesley


Which best describes a ballad? A) an unaccompanied British song. B) an informal dance. C) a story told in song. D) a song performed on plantations.


Which of the following best describes Native American thought regarding songs? A) Songs are composed by chosen individuals. B) Songs are created by a group of respected elders. C) Songs are gifts of power from the spirit world. D) Songs are immediately notated to avoid performance errors.


Which of the following is not true regarding Benjamin Franklin? A) he invented an instrument that Mozart enjoyed playing. B) he wrote about the subject of music. C) he believed that American music was superior to European music. D) he played musical instruments.


Which of the following is traditionally not a performance setting for Native American music? A) healing ceremony. B) prayer ceremony. C) concert hall. D) work area.


Which of the following statesmen was known for writing art songs? A) Thomas Jefferson. B) Benjamin Franklin. C) Francis Hopkinson. D) George Washington.


Early military bands played A) for marching and transmitting commands on the battlefield. B) to improve morale of the troops. C) to entertain at parades and informal concerts. D) all of the above.


Fife and drum corps A) included African American members. B) transmitted commands on the battlefield. C) announced the beginning and end of the day. D) all of the above.


The log powwow drum was common among which of the following? A) Zuni. B) Navajo. C) Apache. D) Sioux.


The traditional language of Roman Catholic Church music is ________. A) German B) Italian C) Greek D) Latin


West African drumming is musically complex because A) it requires the musicians to read difficult notation. B) it requires the use of the gourd banjo. C) the instruments are created out of natural materials. D) it involves multiple layers of underlying rhythms.


Which genre evolved out of the work farms and cotton fields of the post-Civil War South? A) blues. B) lullaby. C) chantey. D) alabado.


Which of the following does not describe "Old One Hundred"? A) sung a cappella. B) psalm tune. C) quadruple meter. D) polyphonic texture.


Which of the following instruments is not used in traditional Native American music? A) drum. B) rattle. C) rasp. D) guitar.


Which of the following is not a keyboard instrument? A) virginal. B) fortepiano. C) harpsichord. D) armonica


Which of the following is not part of the British folk tradition? A) lullaby. B) chanteys. C) singing games. D) field hollers.


Which one of the following is not a kind of folk song? A) chantey. B) lullaby. C) ballad. D) anthem.


A field holler is typically sung by multiple voices.


Ballad lyrics are rarely altered over time.


Concert music by contemporary European composers such as Mozart and Haydn was widely appreciated by most American audiences in the 1700s.


Early American art songs, like their European models, required professional training to be performed correctly.


Folk music in the United States was influenced by European sources only.


Hymns and Gregorian chant were introduced to Native Americans by Spanish missionaries.


Mennonites have preserved their hymns via the oral tradition.


Most ballads are attributed to known composers.


Most traditional Native American music has been preserved via written notation.


Music societies were normally located in rural areas.


Protestants sang hymns in their vernacular language.


Psalm tune texts are paraphrased from the Bible.


Psalm tunes were created for church settings but were also performed at social gatherings.


The favored instrument to accompany dancing in the early 1700s was the drum.


The music publishing business in America was first associated with art music


The term broadside is associated with the musical.


Vocables are meaningless syllables.


A "fife" is a small percussion instrument.


Africans were forcibly brought to America at about the time the Pilgrims arrived.


Along with religious music, Moravians also wrote secular music in the US


Along with religious music, Moravians also wrote secular music in the United States.


Call and response is used in numerous types of African American music.


Folk music brought to the United States from other countries was frequently altered to reflect New World experiences.


Household music refers to vocal and piano pieces accessible to amateur performers.


Hymn texts are taken directly from the Bible.


Many Native Americans think of their songs as received in a dream or vision.


Most English settlers brought musical instruments with them to the New World.


Native American music is rarely performed by instruments alone.


Native Americans create patterns of repetition in both visual art and music.


Powwows are sometimes accessible to a public audience.


Some psalters contained only words, with no printed music notation.


The development of psalms and hymns in the United States was dominated by Catholic traditions.


The field holler is melodically related to jazz.


The musical abilities of slaves were sometimes advertised as a desirable commodity.


There is no Native American word for the term "music."


Though a devoted patriot, Francis Hopkinson composed his songs in conscientious imitation of British songs.


William Billings was an American composer who attempted to imitate European sounds.


All of the following are true about music in New Orleans except: A) slave musicians did not perform in public. B) military-style bands played a prominent role. C) music was provided for balls and parades. D) both slave and free musicians performed.


Ballad singers are required to A) memorize multiple song verses. B) sing with intense emotion. C) accompany themselves on a stringed instrument. D) use movement to help express emotion.


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