N342 Unit 3: Conflict Resolution and Organizational Power Exam 2

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In Summary So now you know that when you encounter conflict you need to: --Identify the source Reflect on your typical approach to dealing with conflict --Consider the perspective of the student and factors that may influence their behavior (e.g. stresses, generational issues) --Use strategies for win-win resolutions


For assertive communication you can use ________.


The following is a short way of using _____ for assertive communication: 1. Describe --"I see that whenever I ask you about an article I've asked you to read, you tell me that you haven't had time to read it." 2. Express your feelings --"I have a feeling that you're not interested in working with this population." 3. Specify changes --"You need to follow through with the work I give you in order to understand how to work with this group." 4. Outcome -- "If you don't follow through with these readings, you will not develop the knowledge base necessary for this placement and your final evaluation will reflect this."


What part of DESO for assertive communication is described below: _________ the situation rationally and briefly, o ex., "I notice that we are often all talking at the same time." o Ex., "I see that whenever I ask you about an article I've asked you to read, you tell me that you haven't had time to read it."


T or F. Conflict can act as a barrier to effective patient care


T or F. · Participative decision-making empowers staff with the opportunity to participate & to influence decisions.


what strategy to manage conflict is described below: You may feel that it is better to give in instead of addressing the conflict because it saves lots of problems, but by doing so you give up addressing your own personal concerns -- giving in instead of addressing the conflict --May prevent additional problems in short-term, but by doing so you give up addressing your own personal concerns


What communication style for conflict is described below: For example: --Interrupting or holding the floor --Using language that is demeaning or sarcastic --Using inappropriate tone of voice


What communication style for conflict is described below: ________ communication means communicating thoughts, feelings, and perceptions in way likely to be perceived as offensive. For example: --Interrupting or holding the floor --Using language that is demeaning or sarcastic --Using inappropriate tone of voice


_____ and passive-aggressive behavior includes: --Can interfere with conflict resolution and can be cause of conflict --Hostile behavior can be present and it needs to be brought under control. This should be done in private areas but there are times when a break or a cool down period is required before the issue can be directly addressed


with ____ behavior you need to manage yourself. It is important to: --Stay 'cool' --Be clear about your intentions. --What do you want to accomplish --Focus on intended outcomes --Watch yourself (be an observer) and notice our own internal and external language --Don't vent. Describe your feelings without judging or blaming --Take a break if you feel yourself losing clarity


what source of organizational conflict is described below: o Conflict can also arise where there is ____ _regarding; when people don't know what they are supposed to be doing; lines are all blurred


What communication style for conflict is described below: ________ communication means communicating your thoughts, feelings and perceptions in an inoffensive and direct manner that conveys respect for the other person.


Here's a quick and easy strategy to develop your ability to communicate __________: DESO Describe the situation rationally and briefly, o ex., "I notice that we are often all talking at the same time." o Ex., "I see that whenever I ask you about an article I've asked you to read, you tell me that you haven't had time to read it." Express your feelings about the situation; o ex., "I find it hard to concentrate and participate when we are all talking" o ex., "I have the feeling that you're not interested in working with this population." 3. Specify desired changes; o ex. "Let's determine a method for one person in queue to speak." o Ex., "You need to follow through with the work I give you in order to understand how to work with this group." Outcome or results may occur; o ex., "This will help me concentrate and get the most out of our meetings." o Ex., "If you don't follow through with these readings, you will not develop the knowledge base necessary for this placement and your final evaluation will reflect this."


what strategy to manage conflict is described below: Does not make a problem go away. Although __________ might help you in the short term and might help in situations you can't do anything about, this style doesn't address the concerns of the parties involved -- does not make the problem go away --May help in short term and might help in situations you can't do anything about, this style doesn't address the concerns of the parties involved


there are different ways to manage conflict. at times the situation requires use to use different strategies. What are some strategies we can use? (5)

avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, and collaboration

what source of managerial power is described below: o The ability of a manager to punish others § Examples: verbal reprimand, pay cuts, & dismissal § Limited in effectiveness & application; can have serious negative side effects

coercive power

what strategy to manage conflict is described below: Many conflicts can be handled in a reasonable way by collaborating with the other party. If we put our heads together we may be able to find a solution that we both will like. Win-Win! --reasonable way to resolve conflict with the other party -- If we put our heads together we may be able to find a solution that we both will like. Win-Win!!


In order to be comfortable when dealing with conflict, we must understand there are different ________ styles and that these styles can impact how we and those around us act and react


________ styles can typically fall into four categories: 1. Passive 2. Aggressive 3. Passive-Aggressive 4. Assertive: get their point across in a respectful manner **conflict


what strategy to manage conflict is described below: If I have to deal with conflict, I want to be in charge! Win-lose: "I know best!" With this conflict management style, you show a strong concern for self. This may result in poor cooperation from the other person -- If I have to deal with conflict, I want to be in charge! --Win-lose situation: "I know best!" --Strong concern for self which may result in poor cooperation from the other person


what strategy to manage conflict is described below: With a compromising approach to conflict management, you feel that it is best for each person to give up something to settle the conflict. This will likely result in partial satisfaction from both parties -- Each person to give up something to settle the conflict --This will likely result in partial satisfaction from both parties -- Nothing is truly resolved - a sense of loss or missing something


--Is an inevitable part of everyday life --Opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals --May interfere with the effectiveness of teaching, learning, and improving --Often evokes negative feelings or anxiety


The following is talking about individual response to ______: --Not everyone responds to conflict in the same way; responses will also be dependent upon the circumstances. --Each individual will bring his or her experiences and responses to conflict into the group situation, such as the work team.


_____ looks like: --Unspoken tension between parties --Negativity --Ignoring input of others --Avoidance --Anxiety --Game playing to exert some sort of control --On-going questioning --Excessive display of knowledge


_______ often arises in situations where: 1. There is an interdependency between two parties, as in the student-preceptor relationship or nurse-physician relationship 2. When the aims and behaviors of one party do not match or complement those of the other party


be defined as a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals.


methods to prevent ____ Includes: --Appropriate resource allocation --Improve communication --State known expectations --Addressing staff fears and concerns --Delineation of roles and responsibilities --Staff should make an effort to decrease their tension or stress level


the following are 5 steps to managing ______: 1. Establish a positive environment · Timing: agree on when to discuss the conflict · Location: agree of a convenient, neutral setting. Express motivation to resolve the difference to future mutual benefit 2. Seek to understand the other person's point of view-Invite the other person to share their point of view about the issue. Ask open-ended questions and listen attentively to the answers. Check your understanding by repeating the essence of what you have heard. 3. Seek to clarify and define the issue-Use "I" statements and ask the other person to listen to what is important to you. Explore the other person's thinking and what is important to them (including concerns, fears, hopes, and expectations). Continue asking open-ended questions and making "I" statements until both agree on the actual issue to be resolved. 4. Generate alternatives: Summarize what is important to both parties, regarding the issues. Invite brainstorming, generating options together. Insist on examining a few alternatives when more than one option is suggested 5. Problem solve-Evaluate the options: how will they meet the interest of both parties? Form an action plan: who, what, when, where and how


the following are more tips for managing _____: · Avoid irritants-keep yourself and the other person cool and collected · Do not tell them what they think or feel · Do not tell them what they are trying to do-ask them what their intentions are · Do not praise or defend yourself


the following are nursing skills fro ______: Nurses need to develop the skills necessary to participate effectively on the team, which requires collaboration, communication, coordination, delegation, an negotiation


the following are the ______ in roles and status concerning conflict: --Listen carefully to all sides of the conflict --Discuss the conflict in a positive ay --Try to look at conflict as a learning opportunity --Be assertive rather than aggressive --Be prepared to change your opinion and admit you were wrong --Use active listening


the following are the ______ in roles and status concerning conflict: --Take things personally or become offensive --Let conflict go unresolved --Be scared of conflict; it can be a positive thing --Get involved in conflicts that don't concern you. Be clear about your role.


_____ responses to conflict require that the person understands roles and responsibilities, uses effective communication, and understands possible causes of conflict and barriers to conflict resolution


WIth conflict you need to build _____ and cooperation: --State your intention/desire to work things out --Invite them to join you as a partner in sorting out the issue --Move from "either/or" to "and" --Show people you care about them, even when you disagree --Talk about how to keep communication open as the action plan progresses --Refrain constantly from: -"I'm right, you're wrong" to "We each wee the situation differently" -Certainty to curiosity -Assumption/accusations to sorting intentions and impact -Blaming to shared contribution --Judgments to feelings


· The process of giving employees at all levels in the organization the authority to make decisions, be responsible for their outcomes, improve quality, & cut costs. · This is more than just sharing power, as it enables others to act.


· ________ increases a manager's ability to get things done · _______ increases worker's involvement, motivation, & commitment · ________ gives managers more time to concentrate on their pressing concerns


Open acknowledgement of an _______ stressor can be helpful in diffusing conflict. For instance, a staff member may have a commute time of close to two hours to arrive at the facility. Though this is not resolvable, it is important to acknowledge the effort the staff member is making to arrive at the placement on time.


what source of managerial power is described below: o Power that's based on special knowledge, skills, & expertise that the leader possesses. o Tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner § Nurse who never misses an IV § Nurses who have good wound care experience

expert power

What part of DESO for assertive communication is described below: _________ your feelings about the situation; o ex., "I find it hard to concentrate and participate when we are all talking" o ex., "I have the feeling that you're not interested in working with this population."


Sometimes the source of conflict is due to demands on the individual that are separate from the work or education experiences. These could include _______ demands such as course work, travel, finances, childcare issues, or the workplace demands


______ differences can be an issue during conflicts and conflict management, particularly when negotiation is used o Women will make an effort to reach win-win solutions o Men will test the limits o It is important, despite differences between men and women, to avoid stereotyping.


when talking about _____ differences: Be aware: There are differences in accepted behaviors of the generations present in the workplace Different generations may encounter differences in their communication styles, teaching/learning styles and in the ways they resolve conflict These differences can be a source of conflict in the work relationship


what source of managerial power is described below: o Most common source of power o Derived from the negotiator's ability to assemble & organize data to support his/her position, arguments, or desired outcomes o A tool to challenge the other party's position or desired outcomes, or to undermine the effectiveness of the other's negotiating arguments.

informational power

what source of organizational conflict is described below: o Departments who are in competition for these scarce resources may come into conflict.

interdependence and shared resources

what source of organizational conflict is described below: o Within an organization there are set resources that departments must compete to initiate.

intergroup differences

the following are sources of ______ conflict: 1. Personality Clashes: Not everyone feels, thinks, or acts alike 2. Threats to status: Status or the social rank of a person in a group, is very important to many individuals 3. Lack of trust: Every continuing relationship requires some degree of trust-the capacity to depend on each other's word and actions


What source of interpersonal conflict is described below: Every continuing relationship requires some degree of trust-the capacity to depend on each other's word and actions

lack of trust

what source of managerial power is described below: o The authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in the firm

legitimate power

--Conflict resolution includes the use of a variety of skills and strategies --Key are communication, listening, and respecting different points-of-view --Four needs must be addressed during ________: clarification, performance, questioning, and expectations --Here's what I feel this is what you feel lets find a common ground


the following are strategies for ______: · Negotiate for agreements-not winning or losing. · Separate people from positions. · Establish mutual trust and respect. · Avoid one-sided or personal gains. · Allow time for expressing the interests of each side/party. · Listen actively during the process, and acknowledge what is being said; avoid defending or explaining yourself.


· The _____-______ relationships have become more important in the changing health care setting with a greater emphasis on interprofessional teams. · Daily interactions between nurses & physicians strongly influence nurses' morale. · Conflict & disruptive behavior have caused many nurses to leave their jobs and/or negatively affected their team morale. · Disruptive behavior had a negative impact on stress levels, relationships, communication, collaboration, & transfer of information leading to problems with quality of care & patient satisfaction. --Can be improved with education, policy awareness of acceptable behaviors, and opportunity for clarity from all parties


The following are forms of conflict in the ______ (huge problem): --Individual Conflict --Interpersonal Conflicts --Intergroup/Interagency --Organizational Conflicts


_______ conflict includes: --Beyond a certain point, conflict becomes a cause for ________ decline: -Conflict leads to inability to reach consensus and indecision -Too much time spent on bargaining rather than acting swiftly to resolve problems --On balance organizations should be open to conflict and recognize its value


the following are sources of ______ conflict: · Interdependencies and shared resources o Departments who are in competition for these scarce resources may come into conflict. · Ambiguity o Conflict can also arise where there is ambiguity. · Intergroup Differences o Within an organization there are set resources that departments must compete to initiate.


What part of DESO for assertive communication is described below: ________ or results may occur; o ex., "This will help me concentrate and get the most out of our meetings." o Ex., "If you don't follow through with these readings, you will not develop the knowledge base necessary for this placement and your final evaluation will reflect this."


What communication style for conflict is described below: For example: --Agreeing with others who have different opinions --Not expressing any opinions or feelings --Avoiding statements that are critical or disapproving-women tend to do this because don't want to stimulate conflict --- not openly communicating thoughts, feelings and perceptions through words and actions.


What communication style for conflict is described below: _________ communication means that instead of openly communicating thoughts, feelings and perceptions through words and actions, the person chooses to be passive or unresponsive.


What communication style for conflict is described below: _________ communication means that instead of openly communicating thoughts, feelings and perceptions through words and actions, the person chooses to be passive or unresponsive. For example: --Agreeing with others who have different opinions --Not expressing any opinions or feelings --Avoiding statements that are critical or disapproving-women tend to do this because don't want to stimulate conflict --- not openly communicating thoughts, feelings and perceptions through words and actions.


What communication style for conflict is described below: For example: --Accepting tasks one doesn't want to do and then forgetting to do them --Doing tasks so poorly that someone else takes over --Speaking negatively of others and denying it when confronted


What communication style for conflict is described below: With a ______-_______ communication style annoyance, anger, or frustration is communicated through indirect means; extremely detrimental; get even with the other; unhealthy because not addressing the problem->escalating the problem


What communication style for conflict is described below: With a ______-_______ communication style annoyance, anger, or frustration is communicated through indirect means; extremely detrimental; get even with the other; unhealthy because not addressing the problem->escalating the problem For example: --Accepting tasks one doesn't want to do and then forgetting to do them --Doing tasks so poorly that someone else takes over --Speaking negatively of others and denying it when confronted


What source of interpersonal conflict is described below: Not everyone feels, thinks, or acts alike

personality clashes

what source of managerial power is described below: o Common form of power by establishing effective/ convincing viewpoint

persuasive power

sources of managerial ____ Include: · Expert · Referent · Reward · Coercive · Legitimate


· Influencing decisions · Controlling resources · Affecting behavior · Constructive or destructive · ________ can lead to the following: o Unethical behavior o Misuse of control


· Staff feels it cannot make a difference - when staff feels powerless about something, they don't' really hear anything that you're saying because they feel like their opinion doesn't matter. Participatory management is the cure to powerlessness; the servant leader gives participatory power. Organizations that have trouble with this don't have the right vision · Loss of sense of control o Happening to instead of involved in...


_____ of conflict includes: --Some can be prevented --Prevent conflict in early stages


what source of managerial power is described below: o Power that comes from subordinates' & coworkers' respect, admiration, & loyalty o Possessed by managers who are likeable & whom subordinates wish to use as a role model.

referent power

what source of managerial power is described below: o The ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible & intangible rewards o Effective managers use reward power to signal to employees that they're doing a good job § Ex. Employee of the Month

reward power

Another potential source of conflict is the perceived ____ _____ _____ of each individual. There may be different expectations of the roles that each should play within each relationship. Try to 'level' the relationship-creating an atmosphere of 'learning with each other.' This may avoid the 'expert' and 'defensive novice' scenario.

roles and status

when talking about the _____ of conflict, conflict may arise from differences in: --Communication style --Expectations, personal beliefs and values --Role and status --Awareness of environmental stressors --Learning styles --Generational differences *Can cause tons of conflict


What part of DESO for assertive communication is described below: ________ desired changes; o ex. "Let's determine a method for one person in queue to speak." o Ex., "You need to follow through with the work I give you in order to understand how to work with this group."


Conflict is a process that consists of 5 sequential stages. Which stage is described below: --No outright conflict exists, but there is a potential for conflict because of several latent factors --Sources of conflict include: 1. Interdependence 2. Difference in goals and priorities 3. Bureaucratic factors 4. Incompatible performance criteria 5. Competition for scarce resources 6. Its insidious; its there but its not there

stage 1: latent conflict

Conflict is a process that consists of 5 sequential stages. what are the 5 stages?

stage 1: latent conflict, stage 2: perceived conflict, stage 3: felt conflict, stage 4: manifest conflict, stage 5: conflict aftermath

Conflict is a process that consists of 5 sequential stages. Which stage is described below: --Subunits becomes aware of conflict and begin to analyze it --Conflict escalates as groups battle over the cause of conflict

stage 2: perceived conflict

Conflict is a process that consists of 5 sequential stages. Which stage is described below: --Subunits respond emotionally to each other, and attitudes polarize into "us-versus-them" --Cooperation between units decreases --What began as a small problem escalates into huge conflict

stage 3: felt conflict

Conflict is a process that consists of 5 sequential stages. Which stage is described below: --Subunits try to get back at each other --Fighting and open aggression --Passive aggression-doing nothing --Organizational effectiveness suffers

stage 4: manifest conflict

Conflict is a process that consists of 5 sequential stages. Which stage is described below: --Conflict is resolved in some way --If sources of conflict are not resolved, the dispute will arise again

stage 5: conflict aftermath

What source of interpersonal conflict is described below: : Status or the social rank of a person in a group, is very important to many individuals

threats to status

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