NASM: Section 4 Assesment

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YMCA 3 minute step test

- designed to estimate an individuals cardiorespiratory fitness level on the basis of a submaximal bout of stair climbing at a set pace for 3 minutes.

3 site protocol

-3 skinfolds -used in healthy populations men: chest,ab,thigh women: tricep, thigh and suprilia

Purpose of assesments

-education -medical conditions -realistic goal setting

Jackson and pollock 7n site protocol

-sum of 7 skingfolds -same for men and women

Considerations of fitness assesments

1.Revelance 2.Appropriatness 3.validity 4.Reliability

exercise test termination

1.chest pain 2.decrease in systolic bp 3. excessive bp etc

3 distortion patterns

1.pes planus distortion syndrome 2. lower crossed syndrome 3. upper crossed syndrome

Which of the following blood pressure readings would classify an individual as having stage 1 hypertension?

135/80 mm Hg

What step cadence is used during the YMCA 3-minute step test?

96 steps per min

Which of the following statements defines the chest skinfold location for men?

A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple

skinfold measurements

A method to estimate body fat by measuring with calipers the thickness of a fold of skin and subcutaneous fat indirect measure of the thickness of fat beneath the skin

Upper crossed syndrome

A postural distortion syndrome characterized by a forward head and rounded shoulders.

Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

A technique used to express or validate how hard a client feels he or she is working during exercise.

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with lower crossed syndrome?


Which muscles may be overactive with knee valgus during the single-leg squat?

Adductor complex

Which muscles are typically overactive in association with pes planus distortion syndrome?

Adductor complex (inner thighs)

Muscle Imbalance

Alteration of muscle surrounding a joint -overactive = force compensation to occur -underactive = allowing compensation to occur -caused by repetitive movement,sedentary lifestyle-

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with pes planus distortion syndrome?

Anterior and posterior tibialis, and gluteus maximus and medius

How is lower crossed syndrome characterized?

Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine

What is the field of study of the measurement of living humans for purposes of understanding human physical variation in size, weight, and proportion?


What is the best description of a steady-state heart rate?

Any stage at which the physiological response of heart rate from the cardiovascular system becomes relatively constant in relation to the amount of work being performed

Overhead Squat Assessment (OHSA)

Assesses dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control -help with programming and finding clients muscle imbalances

Where is the appropriate location to take a waist circumference measurement?

At the narrowest point of the waist, below the rib cage and just above the top of the hip bones (while standing)

Which of the following health indicators is reflected in the PAR-Q+ and preparticipation process?

Desired exercise intensity

What are the five kinetic chain checkpoints?

Feet and ankles, knees, LPHC, shoulders, and head and neck

How many skinfold sites are measured when determining body composition using the Durnin-Womersley protocol?


Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the overhead squat?

Gluteus maximus and medius

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the single-leg squat?

Gluteus maximus and medius

Which screening tool is used to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with starting any type of exercise that is strenuous in nature?


Importance of Posture

Helps produce effective and safe movement, ensures that the muscles of the body are optimally aligned, allows for proper arthrokinematics (joint motion, and helps produce high levels of functional strength. -bad posture= stress on the body

Which muscles are typically overactive in association with lower crossed syndrome?

Hip flexors and lumbar extensors

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with upper crossed syndrome?

Lower trapezius

Push up test

Measures muscular endurance of the upper body , primarily the pushing muscles -timed

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to arms falling forward in the overhead squat assessment?

Middle and lower trapezius

What is best defined as the action of expanding the diameter of a blood vessel near the surface of the skin, which helps remove heat from the body?

Peripheral vasodilation

What are three postural distortion patterns to look for in static postural assessments?

Pes planus distortion syndrome, lower crossed syndrome, and upper crossed syndrome

Resting heart rate

RHR decreases means improvemnet in fitness levels because the lungs and heart become more conditioned men have an avg of 5-10 beats/min less then women measure through clients RADIAL PULSE(wrist)

Certain assesments need to be taken prior to exercise like?

Resting heart rate, blood pressure, and skinfold body fat testing

Which of the following assessments can be used by Certified Personal Trainers as recruitment tools for prospective clients?

Static postural and overhead squat assessments

The standard Jackson and Pollock 3-Site protocol for women requires skinfold measurements at which of the following sites?

Suprailiac, thigh, and triceps

Which muscles may be overactive with knee valgus during the overhead squat?

Tensor fascia latae and adductor complex underactive: gluteus max.

cardiorespiratory fitness

The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen-rich blood to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.

In most individuals, to what pressure is the blood pressure cuff inflated when measuring resting blood pressure?

The cuff is inflated to a value of 20 to 30 mm Hg above the point at which the pulse can no longer be felt at the wrist.

What would not be a reason to terminate an exercise test?

The individual is tired from the test.

Static posture

The posture your body exhibits while in a resting position

dynamic posture

The posture your body exhibits while in motion or preparing to move

Heart Rate (HR)

The rate at which the heart pumps indicates stress both at rest and during exercise resting HR is a great indicator of aerobic fitness and deconditioning

In which BMI category would you classify Mary if she has a BMI of 17.5?


Which muscles are typically overactive in association with upper crossed syndrome?

Upper trapezius

What is the most valid measurement of aerobic fitness?


Which of the following intensities best represents VT2 during the incremental test protocol?

When the individual responds with "no" when asked, "Can you speak competently?"

Which of the following tests uses recovery heart rate rather than exercising heart rate to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness levels?


Health risk assessment (HRA)

a tool to assess a patient's health status, risk of negative health outcomes, and readiness to change behaviors -subjective and objective -baseline -

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with lower crossed syndrome?

abdominals overactive: hip flexors

movement impairments

abnormal movement patterns that can indicate possible muscle imbalances - movement assesments--> dynamic postural assesments

lower crossed syndrome

anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back)

waist circumference

asses health risks men with 100+ and women 88+ r high risk

pro shuttle assessment

assess acceleration,decelaration, agility and control

Physical Activity Readiness Questionaire (PAR Q)

assess an individuals physical readiness to engage in structure exercise -current level of physical atvity -present symptoms of cardiac.pulmonary or metabolic disease -desired exercise intensity

Single Leg Squat Assessment

assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance and overall neuromuscular control and coordination of a single limb -overactive muscles = stretching -underactive muscles = strength training

Pulling Assessment

assesses movement efficiency and potential muscle imbalances during pulling movements -challanges upper extremeties -LPHC, cervical spine and head

Pushing Assessment

assesses movement efficiency and potential muscle imbalances during pushing movements -challanges upper extremeties - LPHC, shoulders,head/neck

Which of the following exercises is typically used to measure maximum strength of the upper extremities during a pushing movement?

bench press assessment

knee varus

bow outward

movement impairments

can cause muscle imblanaces or joint dysfuntions -clients abnormal movements

Rockport Walk Test

cardio fitness assessment 1 mile walk as fast as possible usually for deconditioned clients

arterial system

carries blood away from the heart

Safety and legal implications

cpr and aed

Bench Press Strength Assessment

designed to assess MAX. strength and estimate the one-rep MAX. for the bench press exercise -needs a proper warm up

Into which category would a resting blood pressure score of 128/79 mm Hg fall?


Into which category would a resting blood pressure score of 128/86 mm Hg fall?

elevated Stage 1 hypertension is a systolic BP of 130 to 139 mm Hg and a diastolic BP of 80 to 89 mm Hg.

Which of the following is not a component that needs to be considered when planning a VT1 test?

environmental temperature

Squat Strength Assessment

estimate MAX. strength and the one-rep MAX. for the squat exercise

How often is it recommended to reassess clientele?

every month

Lifestyle habits

exercise habits,diet,sleep,stress,hobbies,occupation

Health History Questionaire (HHQ)

exercise history, eating behaviors, and general lifestyle -age,weight,height,medical/emergency contact -pairs well with the PAR Q

pes planus distortion syndrome

flat feet, knee valgus and internally rotated hips

pes planus

flat foot

circumference measures

girth of body segments -evaluates risk of diabietes or heart disease apple =higher risk pear=lower risk

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the excessive forward trunk lean during the overhead squat assessment?

gluteus maximus

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the low back arching during the overhead squat assessment?

gluteus maximus

Knee Valgus


Which postural distortion is characterized by anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis (extension) of the lumbar spine?

lower crossed syndrome


lying face down


lying on the back

blood pressure (BP)

measurement of pressure exerted by blood against walls of blood vessel -systolic(less than 120) -diastolic(less than 80) indiscator of increased risk of cardiovascular disease

4 site durnin womersley protocol

measures skf's at 4 diff places (biceps, triceps, scapular and supraillia) to estimate body fat % -same in men and women

VT2 talk test

measures the level at which the body can work at its highest sustainable steady state intenstity for more than a few min -@ THIS point the body relies on anaerobic energy systems --> oxygen insufficient to break down

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to arms falling forward in the overhead squat assessment?

middle and lower trap

Optimal Movement

moving in an efficient manner that max. muscle recruitment and min. risk of injury

1.5 mile run test

one of the simplest and most accurate assessments of cardiorespiratory fitness

In which BMI category would you classify Vincent if he has a BMI of 27?

overweight(BMI 25-29)

Which type of assessment measures overall strength, stability, muscular endurance, and agility?

performance assessment

cardiorespiratory assesments

protocols intended to measure the aoerobic fitness of an individual

static posture assessment

provides insight to deviations from optimal alignment of the body in a standing posture -overtime=muscle imbalances -5 points of the kinetic chain(foot,knee,pelvis,shoulder and head)

Which of the following exercises is typically used to measure muscular endurance of the upper extremities during a pushing movement?

push up test

bioelectrical impedance

technique to assess body composition by running a weak electrical current through the body -fat is a less efficient conductor than lean body tissue -faster conduction=leaner individual EFFECTED BY: dehydration, temp,sweat, and bladder volume

Lower Extremity Functional Test (LEFT)

test LATERAL speed and agility

long jump assessment

test MAX. jump distance and horizontal power

vertical jump assessment

test MAX. jump height and lower-extremity power

40 yard dash assessment

test reaction capabilities, acceleration, and max. sprinting speed

Archimedes' Principle

the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object

brachial artery

the major artery of the upper arm; measure BP

VO2 max

the maximum amount of oxygen the body can take in and use during exercise -reflects overall heart health;higher=good

Ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1)

the point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrates and fat as fuel sources -talkjing progress -intensity increase -steady state heart rate attained beforehand


the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body(height,weight, and proportion) ex. BMi or circumference measurements BMI fails in not differentiating fat mass from lean body mass

Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

waist circumference divided by hip circumference

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