National Electrical Code (NEC) Article 220.

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When calculations in Article 220 results in a fraction or an ampere that is less than ________, such fractions can be dropped.


Sign and outline lighting outlets are to be calculated at a minimum of ______ VA for each required branch circuit specified in 600.5(A).

1,200 VA

Feeder and service loads for fixed electric space heating shall be calculated at______percent of the total connected load.


For other than dwelling occupancies, banks, or office buildings, each receptacle outlet shall be calculated at not less than _____ VA.

180 VA.

For other than dwelling units or guest rooms of hotels or motels, the feeder and service calculation for track lighting shall be calculated at 150 VA for every ______ ft of lighting track or fraction thereof unless the track is supplied through a device that limits the current to the track.

2 ft.

The minimum feeder load for show-window lighting is ______ VA per linear foot.

200 VA.

The feeder/service calculated load for a multifamily dwelling containing nine 12kW ranges is_______.


A dwelling unit containing two 120V laundry branch circuits has a calculated load of _______ VA for the laundry circuits.

3,000 VA.

A dwelling unit containing three 120V small-appliance branch circuits has a calculated load of _______ VA for the small-appliance circuits.

4,500 VA.

Where fixed multioutlet assemblies are used in other than dwelling units or the guest room of hotels or motels, each _______or fraction thereof of each separate and continuous lengthh shall be considered as one outlet of not less than 180 VA where appliances are unlikely to be used simultaneously.

5 ft.

The load for electric clothes dryers in a dwelling unit shall be _______ or the nameplate rating, whichever is larger, per dryer.


Using the standard load calculations method, the feeder demand factor for five household clothes dryers is ______ percent.


To determine the feeder calculation load for ten 3kW household cooking appliances, use _________ of Table 220.55.

Column A.

Show window loads are permitted to be calculated at 180 VA per linear ft of show window.


The demand factors of Table 220.56 apply to space-heating, ventilating, or air-conditioning equipment.


Where there are two or more air-conditioning units served by the same feeder, it shall be permissible to apply a dwelling unit appliance load demand factor of 75 percent.


The 125 percent multiplier for a continuous load as specified in 210.20(A) is included when using the unit loads in table 220.12 for calculating the minimum lighting load for auditoriums, lodge rooms, banks, and stores.


The 3 VA per sq ft general lighting load for dwelling units includes general-use receptacles and lighting outlets.


Unless otherwise specified, for purposes of calculating branch-circuit and feeder loads, nominal system voltages of 120, 120/240, 208Y/120, 240, 347, 480, 600Y/347, and 600 volts are to be used.


Where a motor is part of the noncoincident load and it is not the largest of the noncoincident loads, 125 percent of the motor load shall be used in the calculation if it is the largest motor.


Table 220.56 may be applied to determine the load for thermostatically controlled or intermittently used_____and other kitchen equipment in a commercial kitchen.

commercial electric cooking equipment, dishwasher booster heaters, water heaters.

The dwelling unit appliance load demand factor of 75 percent of four or more appliances shall not apply to _______.

electric cooking equipment, clothes dryers, space heating equipment.

Where the lighting load for a non-dwelling building is designed and constructed to comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority, the lighting load shall be permitted to be calculated using the unit values specified in the ________.

energy code.

When sizing a feeder for the fixed appliance loads in dwelling units, a demand factor of 75 percent of the total nameplate ratings can be applied if there are _____ or more appliances fastened in place on the same feeder.


The 125 percent multiplier for a continuous load as specified in 210.20(A) ________ included when using the unit loads in table 220.12 for calculating the minimum lighting load for a specified occupancy.


Where it is unlikely that two or more noncoincident loads will be in use simultaneously, only the _____ the loads used at one time is required to be used in computing the total load to a feeder.

largest of.

When applying the demand factors of Table 220.56, the feeder or service demand load shall not be less than the sum of the ______.

largest two kitchen equipment loads.

Branch circuits that supply lighting units that have ballasts, transformers, autotransformers, or LED drivers shall have the calculated load based on ______ rating of the units, not to the total wattage of the lamps.

the total ampere.

The 3 VA per sq ft general lighting load for dwelling units does not include ________.

unused, or unfinished spaces not adaptable for future use.

Where a building is designed and constructed to comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority, the lighting load is permitted to be calculated using the unit values specified in the energy code if a ______.

continuous power monitoring system is installed, with alarm values to alert when lighting load exceeds energy code values with an automatic reducer, and continuous load multiplier of 125 percent is applied.

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