Nationalities (TP/2v2 essay)

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Stalin post war political

+ve Yugoslavia allowed freedom Finland - treaty of friendship signed - independence -ve Hungary allowed free elections - communists gained 20% of vote - communist rule still imposed COMINFORM

Stalin economic pre war

-ve Famine Ukraine 1933/34 6 million die Mass collectivisation - Ukraine/Asia Dekulakisation - Ukraine lack of food/goods because everything sent back to Russia +ve none

Nii economic positive

1890s Great Spurt - Nationalities can move to Moscow to become part of growing Proletariat

Aiii economic positive

1891 statute granted 40 acres of land to peasant settlers in the Steppe

Nii economic negative

1910 Stolypin migration reforms - bad for Asians WW1 Russian Muslims were made to do the worst jobs in the army

Khrushchev positive political

1957 decree 'on the rehabilitation of deported peoples'

Aiii economic negative

Banning of Jewish purchase of land on prosperous rural areas 1882 1891 famine in Ukraine - 350,000 deaths

Nii Negative political

Bograkov (governor general of Finland) removes the Finnish secretariat in 1898

Lenin economic positive

Brest-Litovsk - Baltic states/Poland/Ukraine - right to run their economy P/F = independence = economic independence NEP - productive - large number of kulaks arise in Ukraine

Lenin Positive political

Brest-Litovsk - Poland, Baltic States, Finland, Ukraine keep autonomy - P/F get independence

Lenin Social positive

Brest-Litovsk - control of education/freedom of religion

Stalin economic post war

COMECON - can't get Marshall aid/cant control own economy

Aiii social negative

Confinement of jews to PoS University of Tartu - Russified between 1893 and 1917 - Estonia 1881 Kiev Pogrom lasted 3 days

Aii positive political

Diet Finland 1863 + 1865 constitution Poland 1863 - Under Milyutin rural district councils set up with members from all sections of Polish society

Khrushchev social positive

churches can talk to the POPE/ can teach religion Khrushchovkas in East Berlin Uni of Kiev - 1959 admitted first ever international student under the communists

Lenin economic negative

Ukraine famine 1921 - grain requisitioning

Khrushchev economic Negative

VLC - Kazhakstan can't get Marshall aid Quotas in East Berlin - screw in 2.5 minutes instead of 4

Stalin pre war political

+ve 1936 constitution - technically allowed countries to leave USSR - one-party state

Aii economic positive

Emancipation 1863 - more extensive for Polish peasants - can buy their own land - all landowners pay tax

Nii social negative

Finland 1898 Russifies education Caucasus high illiteracy - Russification quick

Nii Positive political

Finland given full autonomy 1905 Ukraine gets full independence allowed Jews to sit on the Duma Georgian Mensheviks led the nationalist movement 1892 Polish Socialist Party formed 1893 Socialist Democratic Party formed in Poland Caucases - Dashnak - self defence militias

Aii negative political

Hundreds of Polish nobility were sent to Siberia

Khrushchev negative political

Hungary 1956/East Berlin 1953/Berlin Wall 1961

Stalin social negative

Khaburovsk - special settlement for jews Church in Poland - 1948 - church oppressed members of church arrested

Lenin social negative

Ukraine - university of Kiev under soviet control - but they can teach in Ukrainian church schools = banned

Aii Social positive

Pale of Settlement expanded for jews - can live anywhere

Khrushchev economic positive

Polish peasants allowed to leave collectives

Aii Social negative

decrees of 1863 and 1876 forbade the publication and import of books written in Ukrainian Poland under Milyutin - catholic Church not allowed to communicate with the Vatican 1863 Polish language not taught in schools 1863 Russian becomes official language of administration and governance (Poland)

PG Social positive

freedom of religion

PG negative economic (no positive)

lack of land redistribution because PG focused on the war effort

Aiii Negative political

removed jews from Zemstva 1882 Mini-Porgrom called 'little-thunder'

PG positive political

representation in the PS

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