NAVLE: Feline

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you can palpate a cat fetal skeleton at XX days


odontoclastic resoprtive lesions are prone to occur in teeth

307 407

besidse high acute IgM titers how can you use IgG titers to diagnose toxoplasma in cats?

4 fold increase 2-3 weeks apart

you should avoid more than (XX) percentage when using benzoyl perxoide shampoo


the prognosis for acute cholangiohepatitis is what

50/50 50 survive, 50% die in 3m

if a cat has issues concentrating their urine there is (XX) percentage renal loss


a cat RBC will last XX days


DDVAP is synethetic what

ADH: used to treat central diabetes

on clin path in a cat with hyperthyroidism, XX and XX will be elevated


the blodowork with acute cholangiohepatitis will demonstrate severe increases in what

ALT GGT neutrophilia mild ALP/bilirubin

you can diagnose giardia with what specific test


feline viruses passed by saliva are (2)


the infectious causes of anterior uveitis in cats are the 4 Fs and T/B

FeLV FIP FIV fungal-cryptococcus toxoplasma bartonella

on hepatic lipidosis your liver values will be elevated EXCEPT


a common complication with feline hyperthyroidism is (blank) syndrome


the treatment goal for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is to (blank) diastolic filling by (blank) heart rate


you should check (blank) titers for early toxoplasma infection and (blank) titers for 2 weeks to lifelong activity


a feline traumatic sarcoma displays what behavior


FIV affects what 3 cell typse

T cells B cells macrophages

the active form of thyroid hormone is (blank)


a feline eosinophilic plaque is located on what body part

abdomen medial thighs

urinary obstruction leads to metabolic (blank)


the MOST COMMON lungworm in cats is the (blank) worm


treatment for gnathostoma is what drug


clinical signs assocaited with FeLV are what bone issues

anemia lymphoma/leukemia myelodysplasia

you diagnose FeLV with an antigen or antibody test


what clinical sign is pathognomonic for anterior uveitis

aqueous flare

cat's can't produce (blank) so they need it supplemented in their diet

arachidonic acid

capillaria ova has (blank) terminal plugs


you should test for FIV in what age cats ?

at 6m-after maternal antibodies are gone

you should diagnose stronglyoides with what fecal technique


terbutaline is a treatment for feline asthma. It works as a (blank) agonist that does what to smooth muscle cells

beta relaxes bronchial

causes of feline acute cholangiohepatitis are 1. (blank) obstruction 2. ascending (blank) 3. immune-mediated 4. in conjunction with what 2 diseases

biliary infection IBD/pancreatitis

the source of cyrptococcus is (blank) feces


aqueous flare is secondary to the (blank) breakdown

blood-aqueous barrier

cells affected by panleukopenia are the rapidly dividing tissue like the

bone marrow GI tract

a fleet enema will decrease what electrolytes


a prognostic indicator for cats with pancreatisi is decreased serum blank


the IMMEDIATE treatment for a blocked cat with hypercalcemia is

calcium gluconate

doxorubicin causes (blank) toxicity in dogs and (blank) in cats

cardiotoxicity renal

the definitive host of sarcocystis hirsuta is the (blank)


taurine deficiency in cats lead to (blank) degeneration

central retinal degeneration

the treatment for a cat infected with t. gondii is what antibiotic


treatment for calcivirus is antibacterials and (blank)

clindamycin sucralfate

the appropriate treatment for cryptosporidium in cats is XX


an eosinophlic granuloma is aka


cheyletellia is (blank) and itchy


the intermediate host for gnathostoma is a (blank)


if a cat has microfilaria present, you should treat with XX, not adulticide


you should NEVER use what drug if you suspect feline heart failure

corticosteroids-can push them into heart failure mineralocorticoid effect can lead to fluid retention

paragonimus affects BOTH cats and (blank)


chlamydophila felis is associated with what characteristic in the conjunctival epithelial cell

elementary body

the primary treatments for feline megacolon are (3)

enema laxatives cisapride

coccidia is environmentally (blank) but specific to what

environmentally species!

on a TTW in a cat with feline asthma you will see what predominant cell type


cats with feline asthma will have what type of breathing pattern

expiratory push : lower airway collapses during expiration

T/F bone tumors in cats are prone to metastasis

false- do NOT

T/F: an indolent ulcer is always present

false- it will disappear/recur

T/F you won't see a fever with feline asthma

false-can see a fever

T/F: you can diagnose Cushings in cats with an ACTH stim test?

false; low sensitivty in cats use a LDDS test instead

T/F: cats with anterior uveitis will have increased IOP

false; will have decreased (<10mm HG)

you can diagnose paragnomis worms with either a (blank) test or (blank) wash

fecal tracheal

the primary method of transmission for cat scratch fever (bartonella) is XX

fleas, arthropod vector

hydrocephalus treatment includes 1. 2. 3. (blank) inhibitors 4. shunt

furosemide prednisolone CA ventricle-peritoneal cavity

clinical signs of DM in cats abnormal (blank) (blank) loss PU/PD

gait (hocks dropped) weight

the contagious demodex in cats is demodex (blank)


cats lack (blank) enzyme which makes acetaminphen toxic to them

glucoronyl transferase

there are 3 components in the eosinophilic granuloma complex 1. eosinophilic (blan k) 2. eosinophilic (blank) 3. eosinophilic (blank)

granuloma plaque ulcer

the prognosis for C. felis in cats is:


clinical signs of acromegaly are: 1. enlarged (blank) and (blank) 2. weight gain 3. jaw issues (blank) 4. difficult to control (blank)

head/paws, organs prognathism DM

the treatment for cytauxzoon felis is (blank) therapy and blood transufsion


feline breeds prone to polycystic kidneys are

himalayan british shorthair persian

pyrantel can treat what worms (2)

hookworm roundworm

megasterol acetate is synthetic (blank)


the point of using calcium channel blockers in a cat with CRF is to palliate what


what are the major 4 causes of anterior uveitis

idiopathic infecitous immune-mediated traumatic

an eosinophilic ulcer is aka

indolent ulcer

respiratory distress in cats caused by lymphoma is secondary to the formation of what

intra-thoracic mass

the 3 components of the uvea are

iris ciliary body choroid

curterebra occurs in late (blank) or (blank) seasonally

late summer fall

hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and HCM all lead to what in the heart?

left ventricular concentric hypertrophy

the most common clinical sign in cats with pancreatitis is XX, they DO NOT vomit or have abdominal pain like dogs


renal amyloidosis can affect the kidneys and the (blank)


paraginomus is a (blank) fluke whose eggs are passed in feces


cats with FeLV have a (blank) (blank) anemia

macrocytic normochromic

are males or females more likely to have FIV?


the most common pirmary intraocular tumor in cats is the (blank)


treatment for ear mites (otodectes) in cats is


feline infectious anemia is caused by

mycoplasma haemofelis

young cats with herpes virus display (blank) AND (blank) clinical signs Adult cats with herpes display ONLY (blank) signs

nasal, ocular ocular

the rivalta's test is used for FIP because it has the highest what

negative predictive value

what is the difference between acute cholangiohepatitis and lymphocytic portal hepatitis

no NEUTROPHILS with LPH LPH has good prognosis

To reduce the frequency of vaccine sarcomas you should use a (blank) vaccine when available


a good candiate for a DDVAP trial is one with PU/PU that have: normal (blank) values what type of USG

normal low

what age cat is affected with basal cell tumors and what is their characteristic?

older benign

FeLV is LEAST common in what age cats ?

older cats, <10y

there are 2 treatment options for prolapsed uterus 1. sedate and push tissues back inside with lubrication 2. (blank) with removal


triaditis in cats is inflammation of what 3 structures

pancreas IBD cholangitis

the gold standard to diagnose pancreatitis in cats is what test

pancreatic biopsy

the most common cause of EPI in cats is chronic (blank)


feline viruses passed by passive contact include (4)

panleukopenia herpes FeLV

acromegaly occurs when there is excess GH released from where?

pars distalis in pituiatary

an eosinophilic ulcer will be located on the upper lip and is colored (blank) with a slightly (blank) edge

pink-yellow raised

immunofluorescene staining for FIP has the highest what

positive predictive value

the treatment for taenia can be either (blank) or (blank)

praziquental fenbendazole

mammary hyperplasia is caused by what hormone


to treat chronic renal failure you should; 1. restrict dietary (blank) 2. oral (blank) binding agents 3. (blank) anatagnosits 4. (blank) blockers

protein phosphate H2 receptor calcium channel

you should treat a cat infected with toxacara canis with what drug and how frequently?

pyrantel 2-3 weeks until kitten 3-4m

acromegaly treatment is (blank), high dose of (blank) or (blank) analogs

radiation insulin somatostain

t. gondii is transmitted to cats via

raw meat

FeLV is a (blank) virtus


tritrichomoas fetus in cats is difficult to diagnose but it should be treated with XX


cats are (blank) polyestrus (blank-day) breeders

seasonal long-day

common sequelae to anterior uveitis is: secondary (blank) retinal (blank) synechia cataract

secondary glaucoma retinal detachment cataract

cyprohepatidine is used to treat feline asthma. it is a (blank) blocker


(blank) breed cats of XX age are predisposed to pancreatitis

siamese over 7y

you can diagnose cytauxzoon felis on blood smear with a (blank)-ring shape


paragonimus has (blank) operculum


a fleet enema will increase what electorlytes

sodium phosphate

toxacara catis has a (blank) appearance and looks like what animal

spaghetti worm

the treatment for isospora coccidiosis is what drug?


unlike other demodex, demodex gatoi can be found on a (blank) skin scrape


taenia is a (blank) worm that looks flat, white, and like rice


praziquental can treat what worms (1)


you should treat chlamydophila felis with (blank) antibiotics


cytauxzoon felis is transmitted via a (blank) vector


treatment for anterior uveitis is: topical (blank) topical (blank) oral (blank)

topical steroid oral mydriatic (make sure IOP is normal)

T/F: males are more likely to get acute cholangiohepatitis than females


you will see (blank) mucopurulent discharge, nose (blank) and CNS invovlement with cryptococcus

unilateral proliferation

3 primary causes of FLUTD are

urolith mucus plugs bacterial infection

common toxoplasmosis clinical signs are fever, diarrhea, and (3)

uveitis neuro orthopedic disease

the anti-viral (blank) is toxic to cats


treatment for herpes virus in cats is with anti (blank), topical (blank) and what supplementation

viral: trifluridine antibiotic L-lysine

the purpose of an H2 antagonist to treat CRF is to prevent (blank) and the formation of what

vomiting gastric ulcers

what age cat is more prone to mammary hyperplasia


cats affected by toxoplasmosis are either (blank) cats or (blank)

younger older/immunocompromised

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