Navy OCS Appendix Bravo

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3rd Person in Chain of Command

Assistant class officer: LT King

2nd Person in Chain of Command

2. Class Chief Petty Officer: Senior Chief Meyer, Chief Parker, and Class Drill Instructor: Gunnery Sergeant McGovern

NATO Phonetic Alphabet

A Alpha AL fah B Bravo BRAH voh C Charlie CHAR lee D Delta DELL tah E Echo ECK oh F Foxtrot FOKS trot G Golf GOLF H Hotel hoh TELL I India IN dee ah J Juliet JEW lee et K Kilo KEY loh L Lima LEE mah M Mike MIKE N November no VEM ber O Oscar OSS cah P Papa pah PAH Q Quebec kay BECK R Romeo ROW me oh S Sierra see AIR rah T Tango TANG go U Uniform YOU nee form V Victor VIK tah W Whiskey WISS key X X-Ray ECKS ray Y Yankee YANG key Z Zulu ZOO loo

5th Watchstanding Principle

Know who to report to...

Marine E-3

Lance Corporal (LCpl) Sleeve Insignia - One chevron over crossed rifles

7th Person in Chain of Command

Lead Class Officer: Lt Swanson

Navy O-3

Lieutenant (LT) Collar Device - Two silver bars Shoulder Board - Two gold 1/2-inch stripes outboard of a gold five pointed star Sleeve Insignia - Two gold 1/2-inch stripes below a gold five pointed star

Marine O-5

Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL) Collar Device - Silver oak leaf

Navy O-4

Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Collar Device - One gold oak leaf Shoulder Board - One gold 1/2-inch stripe outboard one gold 1/4-inch stripe outboard one gold 1/2-inch stripe outboardof a gold five pointed star Sleeve Insignia - One gold 1/2-inch stripe below one gold 1/4-inch stripe below one gold 1/2-inch stripe below a gold five pointed star

Marine O-9

Lieutenant General (LGEN) Collar Device - Three silver five pointed stars

Navy O-2

Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG) Collar Device - One silver bar Shoulder Board - One gold 1/2-inch stripe outboard one gold 1/4-inch stripe outboard of a gold five pointed star Sleeve Insignia - One gold 1/2-inch stripe below one gold 1/4-inch stripe below a gold five pointed star

Marine O-4

Major (MAJ) Collar Device - Gold oak leaf

Marine O-8

Major General (MGEN) Collar Device - Two silver five pointed stars

Navy E-9

Master Chief Petty Officer Collar Device - Gold fouled anchor with silver USN centered across the anchor below two silver stars Sleeve Insignia - Two silver stars above one eagle above one rocker above three chevrons

Navy E-9

Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO) Collar Device - Gold fouled anchor with silver USN centered across the anchor below two silver stars Sleeve Insignia - Two silver stars above one eagle above one rocker above three chevrons

Navy E-9 (MCPON)

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Collar Device - Gold fouled anchor with silver USN centered across the anchor below three silver stars Sleeve Insignia - Three gold stars above one eagle above one rocker above three chevrons with a gold star specialty mark

Marine E-9

Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over a bursting bomb over four rockers

Marine E-8 (First)

Master Sergeant (MSgt) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over crossed rifles over three rockers

Marine's Hymn

Mid 1800's, Unknown author

6th Watchstanding Principle

Not be assigned or assume...

4th Watchstanding Principle

Not leave their watch station...

11th General Order of a Sentry

Be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, challenge all persons on or near my post, and allow no one to pass without proper authority.

2nd Watchstanding Principle

Be fully attentive...

Marine O-7

Brigadier General (BGEN) Collar Device - One silver five pointed star

9th General Order of a Sentry

Call the OOD in any case not covered by instruction.

Navy O-6

Captain (CAPT) Collar Device - One silver eagle Shoulder Board - Four gold 1/2-inch stripes outboard of a gold five pointed star Sleeve Insignia - Four gold 1/2-inch stripes below a gold five pointed star

Marine O-3

Captain (CPT) Collar Device - Two silver bars

Anchors Aweigh

Charles A. Zimmerman, 1906 MCPON John Hagen, 1997

5th Person in Chain of Command

Chief Drill Instructor; MSGT Lee

Navy E-7

Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Collar Device - Gold fouled anchor with silver USN centered across the anchor Sleeve Insignia - One eagle above one rocker above three chevrons

Marine W-5

Chief Warrant Officer (CWO5) Collar Device - Single silver bar device with a thin red break in the center

Navy W-5

Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO5) Collar Device - Silver Bar with one 1/8th inch horizontal blue line Shoulder Board - Two thin gold stripes with one blue break outboard a specialty insignia Sleeve Insignia - Two thin gold stripes with one blue break below a specialty insignia

Navy W-4

Chief Warrant Officer Four (CWO4) Collar Device - Silver Bar with three blue breaks Shoulder Board - One gold 1/2-inch stripe with one blue break outboard a specialty insignia Sleeve Insignia - One gold 1/2-inch stripe with one blue break below a specialty insignia

Marine W-4

Chief Warrant Officer Four (CWO4) Collar Device - Single bar device with a red background and two silver breaks

Navy W-3

Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO3) Collar Device - Silver Bar with two blue breaks Shoulder Board - One gold 1/2-inch stripe with two blue breaks outboard a specialty insignia Sleeve Insignia - One gold 1/2-inch stripe with two blue breaks below a specialty insignia

Marine W-3

Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO3) Collar Device - Single bar device with a red background and one silver break

Navy W-2

Chief Warrant Officer Two (CWO2) Collar Device - Gold Bar with three blue breaks Shoulder Board - One gold 1/2-inch stripe with three blue breaks outboard a specialty insignia Sleeve Insignia - One gold 1/2-inch stripe with three blue breaks below a specialty insignia

Marine W-2

Chief Warrant Officer Two (CWO2) Collar Device - Single bar device with a red background and two gold breaks

15th Person in Chain of Command

Chief of Naval Personnel: VADM Nowell

4th Person in Chain of Command

Class officer: LT Capelotti

Marine O-6

Colonel (COL) Collar Device - Silver eagle

10th Person in Chain of Command

Command Master Chief: Master Chief Tom Alex

Navy O-5

Commander (CDR) Collar Device - One silver oak leaf Shoulder Board - Three gold 1/2-inch stripes outboard of a gold five pointed star Sleeve Insignia - Three gold 1/2-inch stripes below a gold five pointed star

14th Person in Chain of Command

Commander of Naval Education and Training Command: RADM Garvin

13th Person in Chain of Command

Commander of Naval Service Training Command: RDML Sands

12th Person in Chain of Command

Commanding Officer of OTCN: Capt. Hazenberg

Marine E-4

Corporal (Cpl) Sleeve Insignia - Two chevrons over crossed rifles

8th Person in Chain of Command

Deputy Director of OCS LCDR Hill

6th Person in Chain of Command

Deputy Director, OCS: LCDR Hill

9th Person in Chain of Command

Director of OCS CDR Huffman

11th Person in Chain of Command

Executive Officer of OTCN: CDR Waisenan

Marine O-2

First Lieutenant (1st LT) Collar Device - One silver bar

Marine E-8 (Second)

First Sergeant (1stSgt) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over one diamond over three rockers

Navy O-11

Fleet Admiral (FADM) Collar Device - Five silver five-pointed stars Shoulder Board - Gold shoulder boards with five silver five pointed stars outboard a silver fouled anchor Sleeve Insignia - One gold 2-inch stripe below four gold 1/2-inch stripes below a gold five pointed star

Star-Spangled Banner

Franci Scott Key, 1814

3rd Watchstanding Principle

Frequently review...

Marine O-10

General (GEN) Collar Device - Four silver five pointed stars

8th General Order of a Sentry

Give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

Marine E-7

Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over crossed rifles over two rockers

1st Article of the Code of Conduct

I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

6th Article of the Code of Conduct

I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

2nd Article of the Code of Conduct

I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

Navy E-6

Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Collar Device - One eagle above three chevrons Sleeve Insignia - One eagle above three chevrons

Navy E-5

Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Collar Device - One eagle above two chevrons Sleeve Insignia - One eagle above two chevrons

Navy E-4

Petty Officer Third Class (PO3) Collar Device - One eagle above one chevron Sleeve Insignia - One eagle above one chevron

16th Person in the Chain of Command

President of the United States: The Honorable Mr. Trump

Marine E-1

Private Sleeve Insignia - None

Marine E-2

Private First Class (PFC) Sleeve Insignia - One chevron

5th General Order of a Sentry

Quit my post only when properly relieved.

Navy O-7

Rear Admiral (Lower Half) (RDML) Collar Device - One silver five-pointed star Shoulder Board - Gold shoulder boards with one silver five pointed star outboard a silver fouled anchor Sleeve Insignia - One gold 2-inch stripe below a gold five pointed star

Navy O-8

Rear Admiral (RADM) Collar Device - Two silver five-pointed stars Shoulder Board - Gold shoulder boards with two silver five pointed stars outboard a silver fouled anchor Sleeve Insignia - One gold 2-inch stripe below one gold 1/2-inch stripe below a gold five pointed star

1st Watchstanding Principle

Receive sufficient training...

6th General Order of a Sentry

Receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, command duty officer, officer of the deck, and officers and petty officers of the watch only.

4th General Order of a Sentry

Repeat all calls from any post more distant from the guardhouse (guarterdeck) than my own.

3rd General Order of a Sentry

Report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

Mission of the Navy

The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.

Navy O-9

Vice Admiral (VADM) Collar Device - Three silver five-pointed stars Shoulder Board - Gold shoulder boards with three silver five pointed stars outboard a silver fouled anchor Sleeve Insignia - One gold 2-inch stripe below two gold 1/2-inch stripes below a gold five pointed star

2nd General Order of a Sentry

Walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

Marine W-1

Warrant Officer (W1) Collar Device - Single bar device with a red background and one gold break

5th Article of the Code of Conduct

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

Marine E-5

Sergeant (Sgt) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over crossed rifles

Marine E-9 (Second)

Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over one star over four rockers

Marine E-9 (SMMC)

Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over the Marine Corps emblem centered between two five pointed stars over four rockers

7th Watchstanding Principle

Shall report all violations...

Navy O-10

Admiral (ADM) Collar Device - Four silver five-pointed stars Shoulder Board - Gold shoulder boards with four silver five pointed stars outboard a silver fouled anchor Sleeve Insignia - One gold 2-inch stripe below three gold 1/2-inch stripes below a gold five pointed star

Navy O-1

Ensign (ENS) Collar Device - One gold bar Shoulder Board - One gold 1/2-inch stripe outboard of a gold five pointed star Sleeve Insignia - One gold 1/2-inch stripe below a gold five pointed star

3rd Article of the Code of Conduct

If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

4th Article of the Code of Conduct

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

8th Watchstanding Principle

If authorized to carry arms...

10th General Order of a Sentry

Salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

Navy E-3

Seaman (SN) Collar Device - Three diagonal bars Sleeve Insignia - Three diagonal stripes

Navy E-2

Seaman Apprentice (SA) Collar Device - Two diagonal bars Sleeve Insignia - Two diagonal stripes

Navy E-1

Seaman Recruit (SR) Collar Device - None Sleeve Insignia - None

Marine O-1

Second Lieutenant (2nd LT) Collar Device - One gold bar

1st Person in Chain of Command

Section Leader

Navy E-8

Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) Collar Device - Gold fouled anchor with silver USN centered across the anchor below one silver star Sleeve Insignia - One silver star above one eagle above one rocker above three chevrons

Marine E-6

Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Sleeve Insignia - Three chevrons over crossed rifles over one rocker

1st General Order of a Sentry

Take charge of this post and all government property in view.

7th General Order of a Sentry

Talk to no one except in the line of duty.

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