NCE Career Set

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How many stages of career development did Super discuss? A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 9

5 - Super discussed the following stags: growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance and decline

which of the following conclusions is supported by research? A. Men make more money than women, dual income families make more than single income B. Men make more than women, but dual income do not make more than single income C. Women and men make equal amounts of money, but dual income makes more than single income families D. Women have surpassed men in terms of income, but dual make more than single family incomes

A - Men do make more than women, dual income families make more than single income

A high school senior completed the strong interest inventory and according to Holland code, scored ESA. Based on the holland code, what career could be of possible interest to this student? A. Lawyer B. accountant C. journalist D. aircraft mechanic

A- After taking the strong interest inventory the student scored in area of Enterprising, social and artistic. Score indicates that the profession of lawyer could yield a possible career choice for this student based on his interest, values, preferences, and personality.

What necessity was career counseling born out of? A. The need to classify skills of soldiers entering into the military B. The need to assist people in finding jobs and alleviate social problems. C. the need to educate minority and immigrant workers D. to help society transition from agriculture to industrial workforce

A- Career counseling developed out of the need to match soldiers to appropriate jobs during WWI. this resulted in the expansion of school based vocational guidance. Overtime, career counseling developed to assist people with finding jobs and to help alleviate society's social problems.

Dalia is 5 and received a toy medical kit for her birthday. She loves to play doctor as she lines all her toys up to give them examinations. According to Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma's theory, what stage of vocational development is Dalia in? A. Fantasy B. Phallic C. Tentative D. Realistic

A- Dalia is in fantasy where a child is free to use fantasy and play to explore various occupational choices. Through this process a child's activities can ID and influence career choices for the future.

Edwin is studying criminal justice at the local community college in order to prepare to apply to a police academy. Which of Super's vocational Developmental tasks does he fit into? A. Implementation B. Specification C. Crystallization D. Stabilization

A- Edwin in in process of committing to vocational goals, seeking training at community college in order to prepare for entry into academy to get further training as police officer, therefore he is in the implementation stage.

According to the Holland code "people who prefer to work outdoors, or with tools, objects or machinery are the ___________ type". A. realistic B. Investigative C. enterprising D. Conventional

A- Holland describes these personalities as 'Do-ers'; prefer activities that require skill, strength and coordination.

Which of the following is NOT a career assessment tool? A. Intelligence quotient B. Myers-Briggs Type indicator C. Self directed search D. Strong Interest Inventory

A- Intelligence quotient is designed to measure human intelligence.

Jerod is a successful lawyer who often is in the courtroom. Of the following, which set of letters would most likely correspond to his profession, using Holland's criteria? A. EIS B. CRA C. CRA D. ERC

A- Lawyers tend to fall into the enterprising category. they are also investigating and being in the courtroom might mean Jerod is more social than those that research the law. Generally speaking, people with realistic, artistic, and conventional traits work with machines, art and rote tasks, respectively. Although conventional is a strong possibility the R's listed w/ it would be inaccurate.

Which of the following codes does not have a strong resemblance to RIE in Holland's Self directed search system? A. SAC B. EIR C. IRC D. RIA

A- SAC has no shared letters and therefore does not have a strong resemblance in interest in the self directed search system (SDS). All other choices have strong to moderate resemblance. Hollands SDS is the major theory of career theory. It's a hexagon with the letters RIASEC at each point. A person completes the strong interest inventory questionnaire and receives a 3 letter type that is used to determine the best career matches. the three letters have other three letter combos that are similar in type and job choice, and some combos that are not similar at all. If a three letter combo includes one of your 'chosen' 3 letters, there is similarity.

People became interesting in careers in which they believe they can perform well. This is based on the concept of: A. Self efficacy B. Self esteem C. Transference D. self actualization

A- Self efficacy is an individual's belief or judgement regarding their ability to accomplish or perform a task. People become interested in careers if they believe that they can perform successfully to meet outcomes and expectations.

___________of career development assumes that a career choice is a process requiring a high level of cognitive proficiency. The theory states that a child's ability to understand complex occupational info is a function of chronological age as well as intelligence. A. Gottfredson's theory B. Holland's theory C. Super's theory D. Ginzberg's theory

A- also suggests that "cognitive growth and development is instrumental to the development of a cognitive map of occupation and conceptions of self that are used to evaluate the appropriateness of various occupational alternatives."

Kelly is an 11 year old who likes to gather with her firends and play school, often pretending to be the 'teacher'. she tells her Mom that she is going to be a 2nd grade teacher when she grows up. According to Ginzberg's adolescent career development theory, Kelly is in which stage? A. curiosity stage B. Fantasy stage C. Tentative stage D. realistic stage

B - Kelly is in fantasy, which typically lasts until age 12. This involves play and imagination in thinking about future work opportunities. Curiosity is NOT correct because Kelly is actively aware of what being a teacher is and is acting out the experience.

One of your young adult male clients had a sever eating disorder as a teen. He has decided on a career as a personal trainer and professional athlete, where he must monitor his caloric, protein and carbohydrate intake. This is an example of: A. Compensation B. Sublimation C. Subliminal D. Projection

B - Sublimation is when a person transforms an unacceptable urge into an acceptable one, in this case, career. Subliminal is a hidden message often used in advertising. Projection is attributing one's own traits to another. Compensation is overdoing to make up for a deficit, for instance, if he had been overweight and teased, then lost weight to be likable.

"Do you like metaphors?" This questions most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI? A. intro/extro B. sensing/intuiting C. thinking/feeling D. judging/percieving

B - explores fact and information. Judging/perceiving continuum relates to structure; intro/extro explores favorite world and social interactions; thinking/feeling relates to decision making process;

Who is known as the father of career development theory? A. Super B. Parsons C. Holland D. Ginzberg

B- Frank Parson is known as the father of career development theory and his first publication was in 1908. He ID'd a system of 3 steps for evaluating young men entering the military: assessing skills, exploring the world of work and integration.

Which of the following theorists is NOT a decision theorist in career counseling.? A. Gelatt B. Havinghurst C. Katz D. Hershenson

B- Havinghurst was an adult development theorist who coined the term 'teachable moment' and Id'd the focus of adulthood having developmental tasks, including getting started in an occupation.

John Holland's theory of career development is based on an assumption that career choice is.... A. rooted in generational traits B. expression of personality C. basically peer influenced D. ego driving

B- Holland believed that career choice is an expression of personality and that people choose a career based on the stereotypical view that they hold about different jobs or careers. Holland's theory of six personality types continues to be very influential today.

The holland theory places a strong emphasis on _________as a part of career decision making. A. Ego B. Self knowledge C. internships and practicums D. Self efficacy

B- Holland emphasized the importance of having self knowledge - the awareness an individual has pertaining to their own interest, desires, preferences, likes/dis-likes, as well as understanding of what they can or cannot do. In addition to possessing self knowledge, having career information plays a major role in a person's ability to make decisions.

Having a disability is an example of a ___________, according to Schlossberg. A. Non-event B. chronic hassle C. non-normative event D. Anticipated event

B- Shlossberg defined disabilities as chronic hassles in relation to employment. It is something that is always present and never changing, and an occupation often must be adapted around it.

which theorist believed that sublimation was the method by which we choose our careers? A. Bandura B. Ginzberg C. Brill D. Roe

C - Brill believed that sublimation was the method by which we choose our careers. Roe believed in the power of the unconscious urges on career choice. Ginzberg was a developmental theorist who outlined three stages of career development. Bandura outlined the social cognitive theory.

Holland's trait-factor theory matched which of the following together? A. gender traits with personality traits B. professional traits with earning power C. personality traits with job requirements D. personality traits with intelligence traits

C - Holland matched individual traits with environment traits

Self efficacy and self esteem are interchangeable True or False?

False- self efficacy relates to a person's perception of their ability to reach a goal, where self esteem relates to a person's sense of self worth.

Which career theorist talked about life roles? A. Ginzberg B. Holland C. Parsons D. Super

Super - Super talked about the life roles of: child, adolescent, homemaker, leisurite, citizen, and worker

Brandon has recently taken over as head of a construction firm. He is spending over 50 hours a week at work, and when he comes home he spends more time responding to email and completing research for his job. He has missed several of his daughters soccer games. Brandon is experiencing: A. Spillover effect B. Contrast Effect C. Compensatory effect D. Transference

A- Brandon's work is spill over into his non-work time and environment, hence a spill over effect. A contrast effect is when contrasts between individuals impact interviewing and a compensatory effect would be compensating at home for something he isn't able to do at work. Neither of these apply.

Which of the following does the strong interest inventory measure? A. Aptitude B. Interest C. Both A and B D. neither A or B

B - the strong interest inventory measures interests, not aptitude

The Occuptional outlook handbook (OOH) covers all of the following EXCEPT: A. Job outlook B. Places to get training C. Salary/pay for an occupation D. Training required

B- The OOH is a comprehensive resource for those considering particular careers. It does NOT outline or endorse specific training sites however.

Which of the following are developmental theorists? A. Ginzberg B. Holland C. Super D. Both A and C

D - both of them are, Holland is a personality career theorist.

Schien's theory suggests that most people's career 'self concept is moored in 8 categories that influence an individuals career decision making. which of the following is not a category? A. Autonomy or independence B. Technical or functional competence C. lifestyle D. Investigative or conventional

D- the 8 categories are: Autonomy or independence technical or functional competence general managerial competence Entrepreneurial or creativity Lifestyle Pure challenge Service or dedication to a cause Security or stability

Angie is 17 and recently skipped her first SAT exam because of anxiety. She feels overwhelmed by parents pressuring her to get accepted into Ivy League school. She is unsure what career to pursue once she graduates. What is Angie struggling with? A. self concept B. boundaries C. self expression D. vocational ID

D- vocational ID is being able to possess a clear and stable picture of one's goals, interests and talents. when a person is clear about their goals and their commitment to them, they tend to have confidence in their ability to make good decision even if the path to their goals are ambiguous.

Bandura's 'destiny idea' refers to which of the following? A. People with differing self efficacy ideas perceive the world in a fundamentally different way B. whether or not a people are deterministic, regardless of self efficacy C. people with differing self efficacy ideas perceive the world in the same way, which is not deterministic D. a person's estimate of a given behavior will lead to a particular outcome.

A - people with high levels of self efficacy generally believe they are in control of their own lives and their actions. people with low self efficacy largely see their destiny as out of their hands.

which of the following conclusions is supported by research? A. college grads with bachelor's degree make more than those w/o a college degree B. college grads with bachelor's degree make same amount of money C. grads make less than those without a degree

A - research supports that college grads make about $10,000 annually than those without a degree.

a client has the belief that he is competent in an area where the counselor knows he has very little ability. using Bandura's social cognitive theory, which of the following is possible? A. Psychological damage B. Success C. Motivation D. Verbal Persuasion

A - self efficacy significantly higher than ability can lead to psychological damage. motivation increases if self efficacy is slightly below ability. Low self efficacy levels lead to stagnation

You are retained by a company to assist their employees in career transition, as the headquarters are getting moved due to being bought out. The first person you meet has worked at this company for 20 years and has moved through the company with progressive responsibility and has never worked anywhere else. If you are practicing from Krumboltz's model of social learning, you see your role as to: A. help him respond to his layoff in positive manner B. complete unemployment forms C. determine what he needs to earn in order to maintain his lifestyle D. look for a new job.

A -Krumboltz ID'd the role of the career counselor as to assist the client in responding to events, both those in and those beyond their control, with a positive outlook/outcome and to use the opportunity as a learning experience to promote growth and foster development in the client.

"Do you like to talk at parties?" This question most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI? A. Intro/extro B. Sensing/Intuiting C. Thinking/feeling D. Judging/percieving

A- explores favorite world and social interactions. Judging/perceiving relates to structure; sensing/intuiting explores fact and info; thinking/feeling explores decision making process;

According to ___________theory of vocational choice, people go through changes as tehy grow and mature. Career patterns are influenced by socio-economic factors, mental and physical abilities, personal characteristics and the opportunities that people are exposed to. A. Super B. Holland C. Parson D. Krumboltz

A- one of Super's greatest contributions to career counseling has been his emphasis on the role that self concept plays across the life span of person's career development.

Which of the following is NOT one of Super's five vocational developmental tasks? A. conformity B. Crystallization C. Specification D. Stabilization

A- the five vocational developmental task are: Crystallization ages (14-18): Adolescents formulate general vocational goals through awareness and drawing from a variety of influential resources. Specification (18-21): Young adults seek stability by moving from tentative vocational preferences to more specific vocational or career goals. Implementation (21-24): Young Adults will complete training for vocational preferences in order to develop a specific skill set to gain entry into career or employment. Stabilization (24-35): Adults will confirm and commit to a career or vocation choice utilizing their talents to perform that job and gain work experience over a period of time Consolidation (35+): a period where an adult has established a career by gaining experience, status, advancement and seniority.

Karen worked as a wall street trader for 10 years after graduation and then quit working to raise a family. Now that her children are in school, she is interested in returning to the workforce, even taking classes to pursue a degree. As a career counselor practicing Super's theory, what technique might you use to help Karen understand her role variations? A. Johari Window B. Career Life Rainbow C. Self directed search D. strong interest inventory

B - Career life rainbow is used to assist clients in visual map of roles they play in their lives. The self directed search and strong interest inventory are both foundationally from Holland's work.

which of the following is NOT one of the factors included in Bandura's Triadic Reciprocal Model of Causality? A. personal attributes B. Verbal persuasion C. Overt behavior D. External environmental factors

B - verbal persuasion is an influential source of self efficacy. it NOT included.

There are _______ combinations of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator. A. 5 B. 16 C. 24 D. 48

B -the MBTI produces 16 combinations.

Betsy is waiting to find out if she got a job. She was told that she would hear something by Monday, but it is Friday and she hasn't heard anything. She called the human resources director and was told that the hiring manager hadn't made the decision yet. Schlossberg would categorize Betsy's experience as a: A. Personal non event B. Ripple non event C. Resultant non-event D. Delayed non-event

B- A ripple non-event is felt by her due to the non-event of someone else. she didn't receive a call because the hiring manager hadn't made a decision yet. It may be a delayed non-event if the hiring manager continues to not make a decision

Jenny is a veteran returning from Afghanistan. Prior to joining the army, Jenny had no work experience. her SII and according to her Holland Code scored SER. Which may NOT be a good career option for her? A. Police officer B. Accountant C. Air traffic controller D. Athletic director

B- Accountant would possibly be a poor choice because it is more 'conventional' type due to data and clerical skills. Jenny's tend to include social, working with others, influencing/leadership skills coupled w/ physical skills so police officer or athletic director.

Jack is 62 years old and because of a back injury had to retire early from construction work. He feels that his mind is still sharp even though he cannot do physically labor intensive work. Jack has enrolled at a program at the local community college. What skill is Jack demonstrating? A. Crystallization B. Career Adaptability C. ID processing D. vocational ID

B- Career adaptability is the ability to cope with the predictable task of preparing for and participating in the work role as well as ability to cope with unpredictable adjustments prompted by changes in work and working conditions.

Sally has always wanted to be an elementary school teacher and just completed the self directed search to determine the occupation that best matches her interests. She is happy to learn that her chosen career of teacher is in her type. Sally's type is: A. Enterprising B. Social C. Realistic D. Conventional

B- Sally is the social type. Realistic types often lack social skills and conventional types lack artistic skills. Both often important for Sally's chosen profession.

Why did Super change from the concept of career maturity to the concept of career adaptability? A. the concept of career maturity only applied to aged persons who were approaching the decline stage of their career development B. the idea of flexibility and being able to adapt to changes in one's environment was a more useful concept for adults. C. Adolescents do not have the maturity to be able to meet the challenges of a changing environment. D. An adult cannot navigate their career successfully across the lifespan unless the skill of mastering a series of predictability developmental task.

B- Super replaced the concept of career maturity with career adaptability because the concept of career adaptability was a better theory suggesting that it was more important that a person had the ability to adapt to changes in the environment with little disturbance or difficulty than having the skill of mastering a series of predictable developmental task.

"Equal work for equal pay" is the catch phrase that corresponds to: A. Title IX of the civil rights act of 1964 B. Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 C. 19th amendment of US Constitution D. 21st amendment of the US constitution

B- Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against employees of the basis of sex, race, color, national origin and religion. The 19th amendment provided women the right to vote but had no protections for work.

Ann Roe's theory of occupational choice focuses on: A. Career choice as an expression of personality B. the relationship of early childhood experiences to career choice C. how a person is qualified for many occupations. D. genetics influence in career choice.

B- early childhood experiences are related to career choice. According to Roe, the relationship between the parent and child can be determining factor in career choice and development.

Lisa's dream is to one day become a full time instructor at a community college. She accepted a part time adjunct position in hopes that it would allow her to transition to a full time tenured position. That was six years ago and the department chair continues to tell her that 'budget cuts' prevents him from hiring anyone 'full time' despite the three new adjuncts that he has recently hired. According to Gottfredson's theory of circumscription and compromise, what stage of career development process is Lisa experiencing? A. Crystallization B. Compromise C. Conceptualization D. Career Exploration

B- in response to external realities and constraints such as changes in the structure of the labor market, economic depression, unfair hiring practices and family obligations, individuals like Lisa will have to accommodate their occupational preferences so that their eventual choices are achievable in their real world.

The strong interest inventory builds upon which theorist model? A. Havinghurst B. Holland C. Roe D. Parson

B- the strong interest inventory is based on Holland's theory of types and utilizes the six type id'd by Holland.

The ASVAB measures ________________. A. Achievement B. Ability C. Aptitude D. Adjustment

C - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, thus measuring aptitude. ASVAB testing began in 1968 as a joint military effort to standardize military entrance testing.

You are meeting with Glenda, a nurse who is struggling with her supervisor around her performance. You come to know that her supervisor is relatively new in management, but has been in the clinical field helping patients in direct care for the past 20 years. You believe that people that are attracted to particular jobs tend to have particular personality traits. Your thinking is in line with which career theorist? A. Brill B. Roe C. Holland D. Maslow

C - Holland believed in matching personality and environment and believed that occupational choice is an expression of personality and is not random.

What percentage of clients do not move beyond intake in career counseling? A. 10% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75%

C - much like other forms of counseling, return rate for career counseling is 50%. Half of individuals who enter career counseling start the process in intake but don't return for completion or follow through of career transition and change

Amanda recently graduated with a Master's degree in social work. She landed her first job in the field working as a counselor in a substance abuse program. However, she finds it difficult to work with this population and in unhappy, therefore she is looking for another job. According to Super's theory what life stage is she in? A. Growth B. Exploration C. Establishment D. Maintenance

C - she is in the trail stage of the establishment stage. she has chosen a career but has found that this particular area of working with the substance abuse population is not for her. IN this stage, she as ID'd that this type is not suitable for her. In the process of establishing, she may experience a few more changes in her career before she finds a job suitable according to her values and preferences.

Jeremy, during intake, told you that he really enjoys his job as a watch repair man. His strong interest inventory would probably indicate a high score in which of the following? A. investigative B. conventional C. realistic D. Social

C - those who score high in the realistic category enjoy working with machines

__________is defined as one's work and leisure that take place over the lifespan. A. Job B. Profession C. Career D. Occupation

C -This is the definition of a career. A job is a single position, an occupation is a set of jobs occupied by similar people in different settings.

Which of the following is not a stage of Donald Super's Developmental Approach to Careers? A. Growth B. Exploratory C. Autonomy D. Establishment

C- Autonomy is NOT one of the stages in Super's Developmental Approach to Careers. the stages are: The growth stage (birth to 15)- children and adolescents begin to develop interest. Super also incorporates the theory of self concept and development of self esteem and self efficacy. Exploratory stage (15-24): decision making skills are developing and young adults begin to make tentative choices regarding their career development. Establishment Stage (24-44): trail phase where adults attempt to commit to the right occupational choice through exploration of options in order to settle into or stabilize a career or vocational choice. Maintenance Stage: (45-64): mature adults are in the continual process of adjusting to work and career Decline stage (65+): this is the pre-retirement stage where aging workers deal with work output issues and the transitioning into retirement.

Don has recently changed jobs for the first time in 30 years. He was not sure if it was the right decision to leave his former company and he had significant regret in the first 3 months of new job. Now that he has been there for a year, he feels like he is settling in and he has made a couple suggestions for improvement to his supervisor. According to Tiedeman, Don is in the _________ stage adjusting to a choice. A. Induction B. Reformation C. Integration D. Clarification

C- Don is in the integration phase of Tiedeman's adjusting to a choice phase. The newness of his job has worn off, he has established relationships with his peers and he is at the point of providing feedback about the job to his supervisor.

What career development theorist describes your 'self image' as your 'career anchor'? A. John Holland B. Frank Parsons C. Edgar Schien Donald Super

C- Edgar Schien created "Schien's career anchors": implies importance of self awareness, having a clear concept of who you are, what you are good at, your values and preferences as well as what motivates you. Schein believed that insight, competency, and motivation becomes and individual's career anchor. A career anchor is that non negotiable value that a person will not deviate from even in the face of difficulties when making career choices. Schein sues the metaphor of anchors to describe the commitment, connection or pull a person experiences towards specific roles in their work life.

which of the following is NOT one of Holland's six kinds of occupations? A. social B. enterprising C. inventive D. Artistic

C- Holland has an I in his occupations but it stands for Investigative not inventie. All of the other choices listed are part of Holland's list.

Anne Roe's theory of personality career development and its progression is most similar to which counseling theorists theory? A. Freud B. Gestalt C. Maslow D. Skinner

C- Roe's theory posited that there were lower-order and higher order career needs that a person needed to meet, similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. While both Freud and Roe had a focus on the unconscious, it is her use of leveled needs that connects her theory more to that of Maslow.

What approach to career counseling involves studying the individual, surveying occupations and matching the person to the occupations? A. Realistic B. Exploratory C. Trait and Factor D. Investigative

C- The trait and factor approach was developed by Frank Parsons, the father of vocational guidance. This approach became the catalyst for the development of career assessments (test and inventories) as an important tool in career and vocational counseling

Lent, Brown and Hackett's social cognitive theory was influenced by _____________ and his social cognitive theory A. Alfred Adler B. Albert Ellis C. Albert Bandura D. Aaron Beck

C- Their theory was influenced by Bandura; theory suggests that cultural factors such as gender, genetics, social context and unexpected life events may influence, interact and supersede an individuals career choice.

Which is true about the stability of Holland's types? A. Stable over times but not across gender and racial lines B. stables across gender and racial lines but not over time C. stable over time and gender and racial lines D. not stable over time, gender or racial lines

C- stable over time gender and racial lines with 450 research studies

The theory of Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma recognizes four factors that influence vocational choice. What are the four factors? A. crystallization, specification, implementation, and stabilization B. realistic, investigative, artistic and social C. Reality, Educational process, Emotional and Individual

C- theory of 1951 suggest that a person's vocational choice is influenced by these factors.

"Are you a logical person?". This question most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI? A. Introvert/Extrovert B. Sensing/Intuiting C. Thinking/feeling D. Judging/perceiving

C- this most closely resembles the thinking/feeling continuum as it is exploring the decision-making process of the person. The Judging/perceiving continuum relates to structure. the intro/extro continuum relates to favorite world and social interactions. The sensing/intiuting explores fact and information.

Amy, a 48 year old client that you have been assisting with career issues, shares the good news. she has been promoted to a senior level position! According to Super, she has accomplished which developmental task? A. Implementation B. Crystallization C. Stabilization D. Consolidation

D - Consolidation involves advances in career. Implementation involves completing training and entering employment. Crystallization involves forming a general vocational goal. Stabilization involves confirming choice through work experience.

Sans is a high school senior considering career options. He excels in math and science and has expressed interest in marine biology, including an internship program at the aquarium this summer he enjoyed. According to Ginzberg's adolescent career development theory, Sans is likely in which stage? A. Curiosity B. Fantasy C. Tentative D. Realistic

D - Realistic stage typically occurs after age 17. He has ID'd areas of interest and is moving in the direction of crystallizing his career choice.

The self directed search__________. A. uses computer technology B. does not require professional interpretation C. Is based on Roe's work D. answers A and B

D - the SDS is based on Holland's work and allows those with limited resources to take a self directed career test that will help them match their personality traits with job requirements.

Joe is 65 and has worked the same job for 40 years, but due to being diabetic and experiencing problems with his vision, he is unable to work anymore. Joe is ready for retirement but still wants to work part time. Joe's boss would like to him him around due to his experiences and transition him to dispatch. According to Super's theory, what life stage is he in? A. Growth B. Exploration C. Establishment D. Maintenance

D -He is in the deceleration sub-stage of the maintenance stage. Joe is experiencing physical decline in his eyesight that is effecting his current job. He wants to work but cannot continue the same job, therefore changes must be made. His duties have changed in order to match his declining abilities.

Which of the following is a tool that is designed to assist an individual in understanding how their personal attributes can help identify career options and potential work environments that may be a good fit for them? A. Career theory B. Career development C. Career Counseling D. Career assessment

D- A career assessment is a tool that a career counselor may use to help an individual identify a college major or career opportunities. A career assessment is a survey that taps into a person's interests, values, strengths, and cultural influences in order to narrow down the occupational choices and help assist in the career decision making process.

Which of the following is in the correct order of the broad to specific classification of employment? A. Job, occupation, career B. Occupation, Job, career C. Career, job, occupation D. Career, occupation, job

D- Career is the most broad category, as it includes a person's accumulated work and leisure. Occupation is less broad as it can assume similar jobs occupied by multiple people. Job is the most specific, as it is a given positive in an organization.

Frank Parsons is known as the "Father of Vocational Guidance" and was the author of: A. Choosing a Career B. The Success principles C. Who moved my cheese D. Choosing a Vocation

D- Frank Parson was known as "the Father of Vocational Guidance Movement" and in 1909 on his death bed wrote the manuscript "choosing a vocation". In this book, Parson developed a career counseling theory that emphasized a person's talents with vocations. In order to do so, Parson would conduct extensive interviews with clients in order to extract large amounts of personal data from individuals. He would also assess clients for their interest and aptitude levels as well as their decision-making abilities.

Which of the following is not one of the six personality types that John Holland ID's in his theory? A. Realistic B. Investigative C. Artistic D. Introvert

D- Holland ID'd in his theory that there are 6 personality types that are specific to certain career choices: Realistic: physical manipulation or hands on work; tools, machinery, or animals. Investigative: intellectual, scientific, enjoys problem solving; understanding and resolving problems esp in math and science Artistic: arts and creative; creative writing, drama, arts, crafts and music; avoid highly structured and repetitive work Social: helping others in areas like teaching, nursing, social work and care giving; social and strong interpersonal and communication skills; may avoid manual skill abilities. Enterprising: leadership roles and persuading people. very social and strong interpersonal skills and enjoy activities that includes persuading or selling things/ideas. may avoid scientific or require analytical thinking. Conventional: numbers, records, data or anything that functions systematically or in an orderly way; structure enjoyed; may avoid ambiguous unstructured activities and prefer dealing in business of facts/figure.

When Jan was 14, she volunteered as a candy stripper at the hospital. The summer of her junior year, she became a phlebotomist, and senior year applied and was accepted into a nursing program at the local university. According to Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma's theory, Jan is in the realistic stage of her vocational development but has entered the sub-stage of: A. Fantasy B. Tentative C. Crystallization D. Specification

D- Realistic (mid adol-YA) has three sub stages: exploration where adol begin to narrow down vocational choices based on likes, skills, and abilities. Crystallization where occupational choice is made. Specification the individual will pursue the necessary training or education in order to achieve their specific career goal.

"Do you like to try new things?". This question most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI? A. Intro/extro B. sensing/intuiting C. thinking/feeling D. judging/perceiving

D- most closely resembles judging/percieving as it is exploring structure. The thinking/feeling explores decision making process. the intro/extro relates to favorite world and social interactions. sensing/intuiting explores fact and information.

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