NCLEX Review PEDS - GI System

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3. metabolic alkalosis

A child is hospitalized because of persistent vomiting. The nurse should monitor the child closely for which problem? 1. diarrhea 2. metabolic acidosis 3. metabolic alkalosis 4. hyperactive bowel sounds

3. left la​teral position

An infant has just returned to the nursing unit after surgical repair of a cleft lip on the right side. The nurse should place the infant in which best position at this time? 1. prone position 2. on the stomach 3. left la​teral position 4. right lateral position

4. foul-smelling ribbon-like stools

The clinic nurse reviews the record of an infant and notes that the health car​e provider has documented a diagnosis of suspected Hirschsprung's disease. The nurse reviews the assessment findings documented in the record, knowing that which sign most likely led the mother to seek health care for the infant? 1. diarrhea 2. projectile vomiting 3. regurgitation of feedings 4. foul-smelling ribbon-like stools

4. thicken the feedings w/ adding rice cereal to the formula

The nurse provides feeding instructions to a parent of an infant diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Which instruction should the nurse give to the parent to assist in reducing the episodes of emesis? 1. provide less frequent, large feedings 2. burp the infant less frequently during feedings 3. thin feedings by adding water to the formula 4. thicken the feedings w/ adding rice cereal to the formula

3. Choking w/ feedings

The nurse reviews the record of a newborn infant and notes that a diagnosis of esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula is suspected. The nurse expects to note which most likely sign of this condition documented in the record? 1. incessant crying 2. coughing at nightime 3. choking w/ feedings 4. severe projectile vomiting

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