Nervous System

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Within a single neuron, the direction an impulse (action potential) follows is dendrites-->axon-->cell body axon-->dendrtie-->cell body dendrite-->cell body-->axon cell body-->dendrite-->axon cell body-->axon-->dendrite axon-->axon terminal

axon-->axon terminal

The process of the neuron that transmits electrical signals to trigger the release of neurotransmitter is the _____. axon hillock varicosity axon dendrite nerve


The axon is connected to the cell body by the _____. myelin sheath axon terminal collaterals axon hillock synapse

axon hillock

Neurotransmitter are released from the _____. dendrites axon terminals collaterals axon hillock syapse

axon terminals

Which of these statements is true concerning local potentials? Local potentials must reach the threshold to cause an action potential. Local potentials travel throughout the whole nerve cell. A local potential cannot spread to other parts of the neuron. Local potentials move by saltatory conduction. Large negative molecules diffuse out of a cell during a local potential.

local potentials must reach the threshold to cause an action potential

Studies of memory indicate that _____. short-term memory is the product of chemical changes in neurons long-term memory is limited to a few years' duration long-term memories are lost more frequently in amnesia long-term memory depends on structural or chemical changes in the brain short-term memory is limited to several hundred bits of information

long-term memory depends on the structural or chemical changes in the brain

When a nerve is severed,which of the following is true? a single axon is cut many axons are cut many neurons are killed astrocytes repair the injury more than one of these are true

many axons are cut

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for _____. music artistic ability spatial relationships language skills abstract abilities

language skills

At rest, a nerve cell has a high concentration of _______ inside and a high concentration of _______ outside. acetylcholine; chlorine sodium; potassium potassium; sodium calcium; phosphorous phosphorus; calcium

potassium; sodium

The autonomic subdivision consists specifically of _____. central and peripheral nerves parasympathetic and sympathetic somatic and involuntary brain and spinal cord spinal and cranial nerves

parasympathetic and sympathetic

The afferent and efferent axons together form the _____. central nervous system autonomic division system somatic motor division of the nervous system peripheral nervous system visceral nervous system

peripheral nervous system

The part of the brain that connects one brain center with another is the _____. cerebrum pons cerebellum fissure of Rolando hypothalamus


During the "fight-flight" response, which of the following would be in use? sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system epinephrine sympathetic nervous system and epinephrine parasympathetic nervous system and epinephrine

sympathetic nervous system and ephinephrine

The major relay center of the brain is the _____. cerebrum olfactory area cerebellum thalamus hypothalamus


The midbrain includes the _____. thalamus pineal gland tectum medulla oblongata olfactory lobes


What is the lobe toward the bottom by the ear??

temporal lobe

Which statement is true? Both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems send nerves to all organs. the sympathetic nervous system that supplies an organ will also provide parasympathetic nerves to it. Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic have either excitatory or inhibitory effects. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic system usually speeds up the activities of the body. The parasympathetic system usually speeds up the activities of the body.

The sympathetic branch of the autonomic system usually speeds up the activities of the body.

The occipital lobe of the brain is responsible for _____. coordination of hands and fingers speech memory sense of taste and smell vision


At an inhibitory synapse, ____. no transmitter substances are released by the sending cell a transmitter substance produces changes in the receiving cell that drive the membrane potential away from threshold no transmitter substance can bind to the receiving cell a transmitter substance produces changes in the receiving cell that drive the membrane potential closer to threshold

a transmitter substance produces changes in the receiving cell that drive the membrane potential away from threshold

At an excitatory synapse _____. no transmitter substances are released by the sending cell a transmitter substance produces changes in the receiving cell that drive the membrane potential away from threshold no transmitter substance can bind to the receiving cell a transmitter substance produces changes in the receiving cell that drive the membrane potential closer to threshold

a transmitter substance produces changes in the receiving cell that drive the membrane potential closer to threshold

Nerves and ganglia that transmit action potentials to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands for digestion are part of the _____. peripheral nervous system efferent division autonomic nervous system parasympathetic division all of these

all of these

The stretch reflex is _____. an adaption that enables humans to stand upright activated by stretch-sensitive receptors inside the muscle spindles a simple, stereotyped, and repeatable motor action elicited by a sensory stimulus all of these

all of these

Functional categories of neurons include _____. afferent neurons sensory neurons interneurons efferent neurons all of these are included as functional categories of neurons

all of these are included as functional categories of neurons

Exocrine glands, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles are controlled by the _____. central nervous system autonomic system somatic motor division peripheral nervous system enteric nervous system

autonomic system

Four of the five answers listed below are actions mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. Select the exception. pulse increase blood glucose levels drop metabolism increases digestion slows down dilates pupils of the eye

blood glucose levels drop

Which is NOT innervated by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system? heart bronchioles (air ways of the lungs) blood vessels iris in the eye small intestine

blood vessels

Which nerve plexus gives rise to the musculocutaneous, axillary, ulnar, radial, and median nerves? brachial plexus cervical plexus coccygeal plexus lumbar plexus sacral plexus

brachial plexus

Nuclei that control functions such as heart rate regulation, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, balance, and coordination are found in the _____. neocortex frontal lobe cerebellum brainstem hypothalamus


Activation of the sympathetic nervous system _____. causes the pupils of the eye to dilate increases the flow of watery saliva stimulates peristaltic contractions of the intestinal system slows heartbeat and lowers blood pressure allows the body to relax rather than prepare for fight or flight

causes the pupils of the eye to dilate

The gray matter of the brain is associated with the _____. cerebral cortex pons optic chiasm corpus callosum thalamus

cerebral cortex

Four of the five answers listed below are classified as white matter. Select the exception. myelin sheath descending tracts corpus callosum cerebrum ascending tract


Which is a junction between two neurons? Schwann cell chemical synapse node sodium gate all of theses

chemical synapse

One example of a simple reflex arc involves the _____. contraction of a muscle when it is stretched conscious message to move part of the body receptor, the brain, and the effector muscle action in a salute when a noncommissioned combatant sees an officer contraction of an antagonistic muscle when its opposite muscle relaxes

contraction of a muscle when it is stretched

The cerebral hemispheres communicate with each other by means of the _____. cerebral cortex corpora cardiaca corporothalamus corpus callosum corpus allata

corpus callosum

To produce a split-brain individual, an operation would need to cut the _____. corpus callosum reticular formation hypothalamus fissure of Rolando pons

corpus callosum

Which of the following statements concerning the peripheral nervous system is false? spinal nerves lead to and from the spinal cord there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves cranial nerves lead from the brain directly to the spinal cord some nerves carry only sensory information some nerves are both sensory and motor

cranial nerves lead from the brain directly to the spinal cord

The enteric nervous system is a network of neurons that function in controlling _____. reproduction digestion excretion, particularly urination the skeletal system the endocrine system


The cerebellum_____. is mainly concerned with speech is the location for short-term memory functions as a comparator between intended and actual movements is primarily sensory in function all of these

functions as a comparator between intended and actual movements

The part of the brain that deals with the basic drives such as hunger, sex, and thirst is the _____. cerebrum pons cerebellum thalamus hypothalamus


The part of the brain that plays a central role in control of body temperature, hunger, thirst, and emotions, and connects to the pituitary gland is the _____. pineal body colliculi hypothalamus substantia nigra pons


The pituitary gland is controlled by the _____. pineal gland medulla hypothalamus thalamus cerebrum


Four of the five answers listed below are true of a neuron at resting potential. Select the exception. interior of neuron is positive interior of neuron has negative charge more sodium ions outside neuron more potassium ions inside neuron membrane of neuron is polarized

interior of neuron is postive

An excitatory postsynaptic potential _____. is only one of several types of graded potential has a hyperpolarizing effect will drive the membrane away from its potential is summed with an inhibitory post synaptic potential at the input zone of a neuron in a process known as synaptic integration none of these

is summed with an inhibitory posts ynaptic potential at the input zone of a neuron in a process known as a synaptic integration

The part of the brain that controls the basic responses necessary to maintain life processes (breathing, heartbeat) is the _____. medulla corpus callosum fissure of Rolando cerebellum cerebral cortex


What is the name of the condition in which there is a deterioration of the myelin sheaths of the neurons in the spinal cord? musclar dystrophy cancer diabetes multiple sclerosis Alzheimer disease

multiple sclerosis

Most efferent neurons and most CNS neurons are _____. bipolar. multipolar. unipolar. neuroglia.


The right hemisphere of the cerebrum is specialized for _____. verbal ability mathematics music interpretation control over the right side of the body

music interpreatation

Areas of the spinal cord appear glistening white because of naked dendrites cell bodies neuroglia cells lack of meninges myelin sheaths

myelin sheaths

Cells responsible for information processing and transfer are the _____. neuroglia Schwann cells neurons astrocytes microglia


The cells which carry electrical signals are _____ axons neurons processes glial cells acinar cells


Which diffuses across the gap between a neuron sending a message and the neuron receiving it? threshold value action potential neurotransmitter neurohormone all of these


The chemical signals released into synapses are called _____ hormones amino acids neurotransmitters codons anticodons


Interneurons are found _____. only in the brain only in the spinal cord only in the CNS throughout the nerves only in the spinal nerves

only in the CNS

What is not a general function of the nervous system? Sensory input Regulate long term blood pressure Motor output Electrical and chemical communication

regulate long term blood pressure

The sleep center of the brain is the _____. pons thalamus hypothalamus reticular activating system medulla

reticular activating system

What is the name given to the network of interneurons that extends from the medulla to the cerebrum and is responsible for message integration? tectum reticular formation hypothalamus cerebral cortex meninges

reticular formation

Which of the following neurotransmitters is mismatched? acetycholine-muscle contraction endorphin-pain perception norepinephrine-emotions, dreaming, awakening serotomin-sexual function dopamine and GABA-act on the brain

serotomin-sexual function

High levels of which chemical in the sleep centers of the brain induce drowsiness and sleep? norepinephrine serotonin adrenalin enkephalin cyclic AMP


A deterioration in the myelin sheaths of motor axons to the lower leg would be expected to _____. remove the restraints to ion movement and speed up impulse transmission cause immobility of the leg due to cessation of impulses to leg muscles slow the rate of transmission and cause lack of motor control have little effect because the sheaths are for insulation only

slow the rate of transmission and cause lack of motor control

The two principle divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the _____. somatic and autonomic systems sympathetic and parasympathetic systems peripheral and central systems afferent and autonomic systems cranial and skeletal nerves

somatic and autonomic systems

Which of the following would NOT be a part of the central nervous system? brain cerebellum medulla spinal nerves neuroglia cells

spinal nerves

The parietal lobe is _____ to the temporal lobe. medial lateral superficial deep superior


The occurance of an action potential can best be compared to a _____. switch to turn a lamp on and off volume control on a stereo door to the classroom room light dimmer switch

switch to turn a lamp on and off

The reason that an action potential is so brief is that _____. a wave of repolarization immediately follows an action potential the openings of potassium gates allows the voltage difference across the neural membrane to be restored the protein channels for sodium movement remain open the sodium-potassium pump restores the electrical gradients the membrane limits electrical activity

the openings of potassium gates allow the voltage difference across the neural membrane to be restored

During the short recovery period before another action potential (during the absolute refractory period) _____. the threshold value is increased the threshold value is reduced the sodium gates are shut and the potassium gates are open both sodium and potassium gates are shut the nerve is said to be at the resting potential

the sodium gates are shut and the potassium gates are open

Which of the following is NOT true concerning sensory neurons? they have receptors for detection of stimuli they lie in the pathway between the interneurons and motor neurons they relay information to the spinal cord they are part of a reflex arc they are one of the three types of neurons

they lie in the pathway between the interneurons and motor neurons

The presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron do not directly contact each other because _____. one would inhibit the actions of the other they never grow to sufficient length the synaptic vesicles keep them apart this would cause continuous impulse transmission acetycholine prevents this aciton

this would cause continuous impulse transmission

In the knee-jerk arc, the synapse between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron occurs where? in the brain between the receptor and the spinal cord within the muscle of the leg within the spinal cord in the nerve leading to the spinal cord

within the spinal cord

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