NHM 311 - Midterm

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c. a phosphate group

All of the following components are associated with an amino acid except: a. an amino group b. an acid group c. a phosphate group d. a side chain (functional group)

d. margarine made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils

All of the following foods help reduce LDL cholesterol without reducing HDL except? a. oats b. flaxseed c. nuts d. margarine made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils

a. essential amino acids

Amino acids that cannot be made by the adult human body are called a. essential amino acids b. complete proteins c. incomplete amino acids d. hydrolyzed proteins

a. is a type of protein that helps protect the body from pathogens

An antibody a. is a type of protein that helps protect the body from pathogens. b. catalyzes chemical reactions in the body. c. helps circulate lipids in the blood d. regulates the acid base balance (pH) in the body

a. an accumulation of plaque in the lining of blood vessels

Atherosclerosis is the best characterized by a. an accumulation of plaque in teh lining of blood vessels b. an inflammatino of the colon lining c. the formation of uric acid crystals in the blood d. the formatino of pouches in teh lining of the colon

b. mixed salty nuts

Choose the food that is the most energy dense. a. french sandwich roll 72 g = 200 cal b. mixed salty nuts 33 g = 200 cal c. grapes 290 g = 200 cal d. canned green peas 357 g = 200 cal

a. cholesterol levels in the blood

Current nutrition research has shown that saturated fats is linked most closely to what? a. cholesterol levels in the blood b. rates of heart attacks c. death from heart attacks d. obesity


T/F "1 gram of fat provides approximately 4 calories"


T/F "Both AI's and RDA's can be used as a goal for individual intake."


T/F "In order to prevent deficiencies, a person should consume the RDA of each nutrient every day"


T/F "The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) should not be exceeded by any individual at any time."


T/F "When the scientific method is applied correctly, the hypothesis will be supported by the conclusion."


T/F 1 gram of fat provides approximately 9 calories


T/F All adults need the same amount of food from the Protein Foods Group.


T/F Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancer.


T/F The calorie needs of a person may change based on their level of physical activity.


T/F when the scientific method is applied correctly, the hypothesis will be supported by the conclusion


T/F you should always wash raw meat or poultry before you cook it


T/F Vegetarieans and vegans usually meet or exceed their protein requirements, especially if they are eating a variety of plant foods

a. heart disease and cancer

The Mediterranean Diet has been shown to decrease the rates of: a. heart disease and cancer b. diabetes and food allergies c. both A and B d. neither A nor B

d. 97 - 98%

The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are estimated to meet the nutrient needs of what percentage of a healthy population group? a. 87-88% b. 49-50% c. 75-76% d. 97-98%

b. glycemic index

The _______ reflects a ranking of how specfic foods affect blood glucose compared to the response of a reference food a. glycemic load b. glycemic index c. glucogenic inex d. solubility index


The acceptable macronutrient distribution range for carbohydrates is: a. 35-75% b. 10-15% c.45-65% d.5-20%

c. 1 banana split

Select the best source of dietary fibber from the list below. a. 2 scoops of ice cream b. 1 small slice of birthday cake c. 1 banana split d. 2 slices of provolone cheese

c. 1/2 cup blueberries

Select the best source of dietary fiber from the list below. a. 6 oz of yogurt b. 1 small doughnut c. 1/2 cup blueberries d. 8 oz of lean chicken breast

a. reduce the chance that a characteristics other than the experiment are the reason for any differences between the groups

The purposes of randomizing people in a clinical trial is to: a. reduce the chance that a characteristics other than the experiment are the reason for any differences between the groups. b. correctly follow the steps of the scientific method. c. control for the placebo effect. d. ensure that researchers can't manipulate the data.

d. ileocecal

The sphincter that regulates the flow of chyme from the small intestin into the large intestin is the ____________ shincter a. anal b. gastroesphageal c. pyloric d. ileocecal

d. pyloric

The sphincter that regulates the flow of chyme from the stomach into the small intestine is the __________ sphincter. a. gastroesophageal b. celiac c. anal d. pyloric

a. deamination

The synthesis of glucose from certain amino acids involves a. deamination b. transcription c. translation d. transamination

b. absorption

The two major functions associated with the digestive system include digestion and a. metabolism b. absorption c. circulation of nutrients in the blood d. excretion of metabolic waste products

b. urea, or urine

The waste product resulting from the conversion of an amino acid into ATP is: a. ketone bodies, or ketones. b. urea, or urine c. triglycerides d. ATP

c. partially hydrogenated oils

Trans fatty acids are most abundant in foods made from a. animal products b. essential fatty acids c. partially hydrogenated oils d. omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

b. portion size

Unlike the glycemic index, the glycemic load takes into account the typical _____ of a food a. desirability b. portion size c. mircornutrient profile d. added sugar amount

1. a fatty streak develops between the intima and the media 2. an unstable plaque develops with a fatty core and thin, fibrous outer shell 3. plaque ruptures into the bloodstream 4. thrombosis begins at the site of the plaque rupture 5. the blood clot enlarges until an occlusion is formedr

What are the steps of atherosclerosis?

c. an injury to the artery wall causing inflammation

What causes an atherosclerotic plaque to begin developing? a. an essential fatty acid deficiency b. low blood pressure c. an injury to the artery wall causing inflammation d. all answer choices are correct

c. you should eat a variety of colors, not just one color

What color vegetable should you eat the most of? a. purple - because it is an exotic color b. green - because kale is green c. you should eat a variety of colors, not just one color d. orange - because they taste the best

c. one of the ingredients contains the word "whole"

What is the best way to know that the bread you are buying is a whole-grain bread? a. the label says "wheat bread", "multi grain", or "stone ground" b. bread is brown, not white, in color c. one of the ingredients contains the word "whole" d. it tastes rough and gritty

c. high-density-lipoproteins

Which of the following lipoproteins contains the least triglycerides and cholesterol but the most protein? a. chylomicrons b. low-density-lipoproteins c. high-density-lipoproteins c. very-low-density-lipoproteins

b. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water

Which of the following lists all the classes of nutrients? a. vitamins and minerals b. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water c. dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables, and fats d. carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

d. A & B only

Which of the following nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream? a. carbohydrates b. protein c. fat d. A & B only e. A, B, and C

a. fat

Which of the following nutrients are absorbed into the lymphatic system before entering the blood? a. fat b. water c. water-soluble vitamins d. glucose

a. glucose and amino acids

Which of the following nutrients can be used to replenish glycogen stores? a. Glucose and amino acids b. glucose and fatty acids c. glycerol and fatty acids d. amino acids and fatty acids

a. fiber

Which of the following nutrietns can you get from eating whole fruit that is usually not found in fruit juice? a. fiber b. vitamin C c. potassium d. sugar

d. pancreas

Which of the following organs produces enzymes that aid in the digestion of CHO? a. gallbladder b. liver c. colon d. pancreas

a. soy

Which of the following plant foods are not low in any of the essential amino acids? a. soy b. chicken c. beans (red, black, pinto, etc) d. whole grains

d. all of the above

Which of the following populations are often targeted by questionable "alternative" treatments? a. adolescents b. people with cancer c. athletes d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following populations has an increased risk for lactose intolerance? a. african-americans b. hispanics/latinos c. american indians d. all of the above

c. glucose maltose lactose

Which of the following sequences represents a monosaccaharide followed by two diasacchardes? a. fructose sucrose starch b. lactose glucose dietary fiber c. glucose maltose lactose d. galactose glycogen starch

b. The RDA for a nutrient is set at a level that meets the requirements for 97-98% of the population

Which of the following statements about Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's) are true? a. The RDA for a nutrient is equal to the statistical mean b. The RDA for a nutrient is set at a level that meets the requirements for 97-98% of the population c. "The RDA for a nutrient is the minimum amount needed each day, so consuming more than the RDA is always recommended." d. All of the above

d. all of the above

which of the following counts as part of the fruit group? a. canned peaches b. dried apricots c. 100% orange juice d. all of the above

d. all of the above

which of the follwoing population are often targeted by questionable "alternative" treatments? a. adolescnets b. people with cancer c. athletes d. all of the above

a. deamination

the synthesis of glucose from certain amino acids involves a. deamination b. transcription c. translation d. transamination

c. provides essential amino acids in the proportion need to support protein synthesis

A complete dietary protein a. contains the element sulfur b. has been hydrolyzed sdo that digestion is not necessary c. provides essential amino acids in the proportion need to support protein synthesis d. has a low biological value

b. monounsaturated

A fatty acid with only one double bond in the carbon chain is known as a _______ fatty acid a. saturated b. monounsaturated c. triglyceride d. polyunsaturated

d. 1/2

About how much of your plate should be fruits and vegetables at each meal? a. 1/2 b. 1/4 c. 1/3 d. 1/2

g. A, B, C, & D

AcetylCoA is an intermediate substance formed by the metabolism of which of the following nutrients? (Another way to think of this question is: Which of the following nutrients is turned into AcetylCoA e on its way to become ATP?) a. glucose b. amino acids c. glycerol d. fatty acids e. A & B only f. A, B, & C only g. A, B, C, & D

c. The calories or energy used each day for basic processes needed for life.

Basal metabolism can best be described as: a. The amount of calories or energy coming into the a person's body each day. b. The total number of calories or total amount of energy that a person uses each day. c. The calories or energy used each day for basic processes needed for life. d. The calories or energy used when a person performs physical activity.

d. peanut butter

Dietary sources of cholesterol include all of the following EXCEPT a. beef b. eggs c. pork d. peanut butter

d. fruits and vegetables

Fructose is found mostly in a. dairy products b. grains and cereals c. meat d. fruits and vegetables

a. folate

Fruits can be a good source of which of the following nutrients? a. folate b. calcium c. vitamin D d. sodium

b. a transport protein

Hemoglobin is an example of a. a defense protein b. a transport protein c. an enzyme d. an immune protein (antibody)

a. fast

High glycemic index foods will cuase a ____________ rise in blood sugars (blood glucose) a. fast b. slow c. negative d. neutral

c. the only difference is that the artery being blocked is located in different parts of the body

How is a heart attack different from an ishemic stroke? a. a heart attack involves an artery blockage which causes permanent cell death, whereas a stroke involves a temporary reduction in blood flow b. heart attacks are more likely to be fatal in ischemic strokes c. the only difference is that the artery being blocked is located in different parts of the body d a heart attack is the result of atherosclerosis, whereas a stroke is the result of high blood pressure

a. When a TIA is over, there is no permanent brain injury, whereas there is a permanent injury after a stroke.

How is a transient ischemic attack (TIA) different from an ischemic stroke? a. When a TIA is over, there is no permanent brain injury, whereas there is a permanent injury after a stroke. b. A TIA is caused by high cholesterol, whereas a stroke is caused by high blood pressure. c. A TIA can occur anywhere in the body, whereas a stroke only occurs in the brain. d. There is no difference in a TIA and a stroke. TIA is the medical term, while "stroke" is the layman's term.

a. 800 kcal

How many calories (kcal) are there in 200 grams of carbohydrates? a. 800 kcal b. 2000 kcal c. 1800 kcal d. 1197 kcal

b. functionality

If the shape of a protein is altered, the ___________ of the protein is altered. a. nutritional value b. functionality c. taste d. smell

c. after a 5 mile run

In which of the following scenarios would be it be useful to eat a high-glycemic index food? a. When planning meals that will help to lower triglyceride levels b. For breakfast on a day when you know lunch will be very late c. after a 5 mile run d. High-glycemic index foods are less nutritious, so it is never appropriate to eat them.

Vitamins Minerals

List the 2 classes of nutrients that are referred to as micronutrients.

Carbohydrates - 4 calories in each gram of nutrient Fats - 9 calories in each gram of the nutrient Proteins - 4 calories in each gram of nutrient

List the 3 classes of energy-yielding nutrients. Specify the number of calories in each gram of the nutrients.

Vitamins Minerals Water

List the 3 classes of non-energy yielding nutrients

Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Water

List the 4 classes of nutrients that are referred to as macronutrients.

c. Whole grains, fruits, or vegetables

Most carbohydrates in your diet should come from: a. refined grains b. meats or meat alternatives c. whole grains, fruits, or vegetables d. Because carbohydrate consumption should be limited to less than 10% of total calories, the sources of carbohydrate do not matter.

c. chyme

Once food leaves the stomach, what is it called? a. saliva b. feces c. chyme d. its still called food

c. 2 fatty acids and a phosphate chain

Phospholipids consist of glycerol with __________ attached. a. 3 fatty acids b. 3 amino acids c. 2 fatty acids and a phosphate group d. cholesterol

b. phospholipids

Which of the following is used to make the lipid bilayer found in cell membranes in the body? a. saturated fatty acids b. phospholipids c. trans fatty acids d. eicosanoids

a. carbohydrates

Which of the following is considered a macronutrient? a. carbohydrates b. vitamins c. minerals d. all of the above

a. fluid balance

The edema that is symptomatic of kwashiorkor relates to which of the following roles of protein? a. fluid balance b. transport c. messneger (specifically hormonal) d. acid-base balance

c. allergy information

Which of the following is required by law to appear on packaged foods? a. the GMO content of the food b. the amount of gluten in a serving of the product c. allergy information d. whether or not a product is health

b. Nothing. Since insulin is a peptide hormone, it will be denatured by the HCl acid in the stomach and become useless before it enters the bloodstream

What would happen to a person who drank a vial of insulin? a. Extreme hyperglycemia b. nothing. since inslulin is a peptide hormone, it will be denatured by the HCl acid in the stomach and become useless before it enters the bloodstream c. extreme hypoglycemia. Because insulin lowers blood sugar (blood glucose), consuming as much as an entire vial would cause blood sugars to drop drastically d. death. because insluin lowers blood sugar (blood glucose), consuming as much as an entire vial would cause blood sugars too low to be compatible with life

b. is converted into triglycerides and stored in adipose tissue

When energy is ingested in excess of needs, the excess a. is excreted in the urine b. is converted in triglycerides and stored in adipose tissue c. is converted into cholesterol and stored in adipose tissue d. metabolized by the muscles and stored as ATP

d. single blind

When subjects do not know which treatment they are receiving in a clinical trial, but the researchers do, the study is called: a. anecdotal b. collaboration c. double blind d. single blind

d. insulin

Which hormone is most important for glucose uptake by body cells? a. ghrelin b. prolactin c. glucagon d. insulin

d. glucagon

Which hormone is released in response to lower blood sugar? a. ghrelin b. prolactin c. insulin d. glucagon

a. calcium

Which important mineral is found in all foods in the diary group? a. calcium b. riboflavin c. folate d. vitamin C

d. fiber

Which nutrient is found in plant protein foods and not in animal protein foods? a. iron b. zinc c. calcium d. fiber

a. saturated fat

Which nutrient(s) found in high quantities in animal protein foods is usually NOT found in high quantities in plant protein foods? a. saturated fat b. vitamins c. phytochemicals d. none of the above are correct

b. marasmus

Which of the following can result from a deficiency of protein and energy? a. PKU b. Marasmus c. kidney stones d. all answer choices are correct

d. None of the above - they all act the same in your body and can cause weight gain if consumed in excess.

Which of the following common types of sugar is the healthiest? a. Brown sugar (dark) b. Sucrose from sugar beets c. honey d. None of the above - they all act the same in your body and can cause weight gain if consumed in excess.

c. amylase

Which of the following enzymes is found in saliva and can break down CHO? a. lipase b. lactase c. amylase d. protease

c. a tablespoon of peanut butter

Which of the following foods contain protein and fiber? a. an apple b. ground beef c. a tablespoon of peanut butter d. baked chicken

b. peanut butter

Which of the following foods has the highest energy density (smallest portion for 200 calories)? a. white bread b. peanut butter c. broccoli d. apple

b. commercially made crackers and cookies

Which of the following foods is most likely to contain partially hydrogenated oils? a. fish b. commercially made crackers and cookies c. salad dressings d. fruits and vegetables

d. corn, soy, rice, and wheat

Which of the following four foods make up approximately 1/3 of the calories eaten by Americans? a. salt, wheat, corn, beef b. wheat, gluten, corn and high-fructose corn syrup c. carbohydrates, saturated fat, sugar, and salt d. corn, soy, rice, and wheat

d. all answer choices are correct

Which of the following functions is performed by proteins in the body? a. acid base balance (pH) b. fluid balance c. chemical catalysts (enzymes) d. all answer choices are correct

c. An AI is set when there is not enough data to determine the normal distribution of nutrient needs and set an RDA.

Which of the following is a difference between a Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) and an Adequate Intake (AI)? a. An AI is the average amount of a nutrient needed, and an RDA is the minimum amount needed per day. b. An AI covers 50% of the population, while an RDA covers 97% of the population. c.An AI is set when there is not enough data to determine the normal distribution of nutrient needs and set an RDA. d. all of the above

b. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water

Which of the following is a lists all the classes of nutrients? a. Vitamins and Minerals b. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water c. Dairy, Protein, Fruits, Vegetables, and Fats d. Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

a. bloated abdomen

Which of the following is a physical characteristic associated with Kwashiorkor disease? a. bloated abdomen b. excess sweating c. ringing in ears d. sinus infection

a. niacin

Which of the following is a vitamin? a. Niacin b. calcium c. iron d. fiber

b. A Registered Dietitian must hold a specialized degree in dietetics, nutrition, public health or a related field, while a Nutritionist may or may not hold such a degree.

Which of the following statements about Registered Dietitians (RD's) and Nutritionists are true? a. Both terms are regulated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A Registered Dietitian works in hospitals and clinics, while a Nutritionist works only in the community. b. A Registered Dietitian must hold a specialized degree in dietetics, nutrition, public health or a related field, while a Nutritionist may or may not hold such a degree. c. Both a Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist must undergo continuing education on a regular basis in order to stay up to date in the field. d. A Nutritionist must hold an advanced degree (like a Master of Science or PhD), while a Registered Dietitian can easily obtain their credentials through short, specific, online courses.

d. glycogen is a storage form of glucose in humans and animals

Which of the following statements about glycogen is true? a. Insulin is the hormone that signals the body to break down glycogen (glycogenolysis) b. glycogen is stored in the pancreas c. glycogen can only be formed from food sources of carbohydrates d. glycogen is a storage form of glucose in humans and animals

b. We typically do not absorb whole proteins.

Which of the following statements about protein digestion & absorption is true? a. Protein denaturation that begins while cooking will be halted or neutralized by hydrochloric acid in the stomach once the food is swallowed. b. We typically do not absorb whole proteins. c. It is important to supplement your diet with pre-digested amino acids if you have digestive problems. d. Once a protein is swallowed, it will continue to function the same way it did in the person or animal's body.

c. Type 1 diabetes occurs when pancreatic cells that produce insulin are destroyed, usually by the body's own immune system.

Which of the following statements about type 1 diabetes is correct? a. Type 1 diabetes is the worst type of diabetes because people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin. b. Type 1 diabetes occurs when cells are no longer sensitive to insulin, usually due to age, obesity, or inactivity. c. Type 1 diabetes occurs when pancreatic cells that produce insulin are destroyed, usually by the body's own immune system. d. Maintaining a healthy body weight and staying active could prevent almost all cases of type 1 diabetes in the U.S.

b. Animal studies give us good data, but cannot solely be used to predict how humans will respond to a specific intervention

Which of the following statements best describes the research using animals? a. If large animal studies are repeatedly performed for a particular intervention, we can be certain that the intervention will work the same in humans b. Animal studies give us good data, but cannot solely be used to predict how humans will respond to a specific intervention c. Animal studies are not useful for developing interventions for humans. d. Only animal studies conducted using primates are useful when considering possible interventions for humans.

b. Food industry marketing and journalists are both in need of "new and improved" stories and products to convince consumers to read articles and/or purchase new products.

Which of the following statements reflect Michael Pollan's description of the interactions between consumers, health care professionals, the food industry, and journalists? a. Nutritionists generally don't keep up with the latest scientific findings, so the most accurate and up to date information about eating healthy will be found in news articles and magazines. b. Food industry marketing and journalists are both in need of "new and improved" stories and products to convince consumers to read articles and/or purchase new products. c. The food industry makes a much bigger profit when people purchase tried and true products that require minimal processing. d. Journalists are in the best position to interpret scientific research because they are able to write in lay-man's terms.

d. glucose

Which of the following sugars tastes the least sweet? a. sucrose (table sugar) b. honey (mostly fructose) c. high-fructose corn syrup d. glucose

d. all of the above

Which of the following would be considered "food" in the sense that it provides nourishment? a. milk b. chicken c. strawberry smoothie d. all of the above

b. white rice

Which of the follwoing foods is a refined grain? a. popcorn b. white rice c. all of the above d. oatmeal

b. It is difficult to meet most people's protein requirements without consuming animal proteins

Which statement about sources of protein is false? a. Animal sources of protein contain all of the essential amino acids for humans b. It is difficult to meet most people's protein requirements without consuming animal proteins c. Legumes are an example of a high-protein plant food. d. Plant sources of protein can easily meet most people's protein requirements.

a. saturated

Which type of fatty acid is most likely to be solid at room temperature? a. saturated b. polyunsaturated c. monounsaturated d. there are no fats that are solid at room temp

a. Protein alone will not build muscles. Buying special shakes to get large amounts of protein may just cost him extra money.

Your friend Dan has decided that he wants to build up the muscles in his arms. He knows you are taking a nutrition class, so he asks you which protein shake will be best for his fitness goals. What do you tell him? a. Protein alone will not build muscles. Buying special shakes to get large amounts of protein may just cost him extra money. b. Any shake that contains hydrolyzed protein will be best. Because it takes a lot of effort for our bodies to digest whole proteins, the shakes that contain partially digested (hydrolyzed) proteins are easier for our bodies to use. c. Since protein is the key to building muscles, choose the protein shake that has the largest amount of protein. d. Whey protein, since it comes from an animal product (milk) is the best. Animal proteins provide all of the essential amino acids and will repair muscle fibers more quickly than plant proteins (like soy).

c. the website of the American of Allergy, asthma & immunology. They ae a professional medical organization

Your friend tells you that he thinks he might have an allergy to gluten and is thinking of doing an at-home food sensitivity test. He knows that you are taking this nutrition class and asks you what you think. Which of the following is the best place for him to go to find evidence-based advice? a. A local nutritionists, whose bio page states that she is "a Board Certified Health Coach with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, A4M Lifestyle Health Coach and Metabolic Effect Nutrition Consultant." b. Your friend Karen, who has been living a gluten-free lifestyle for over a year, and says that she feels "ten times better", has more energy, and has even seen her grades improve since she cut gluten from her diet. c. The website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. They are a professional medical organization. d. The website of EveryWell, the company that sells the at-home allergy tests. Their website states that their "partner labs are the same laboratories used by hospitals and physicians around the US, maintaining the same standards of quality and excellence as hospital labs."

b. The website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. They are a professional medical organization.

Your friend tells you that he thinks he might have an allergy to gluten and is thinking of doing an at-home food sensitivity test. He knows that you are taking this nutrition class and asks you what you think. Which of the following is the best place for him to go to find evidence-based advice? a. Your friend Karen, who has been living a gluten-free lifestyle for over a year, and says that she feels "ten times better", has more energy, and has even seen her grades improve since she cut gluten from her diet. b. The website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. They are a professional medical organization. c. A local nutritionists, whose bio page states that she is "a Board Certified Health Coach with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, A4M Lifestyle Health Coach and Metabolic Effect Nutrition Consultant." d. The website of EveryWell, the company that sells the at-home allergy tests. Their website states that their "partner labs are the same laboratories used by hospitals and physicians around the US, maintaining the same standards of quality and excellence as hospital labs."

a. He will be able to eat any food he wants, but he will need to pay attention to the portion size.

Your grandfather has just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He is worried about what he is now allowed to eat. What would you tell him? a. He will be able to eat any food he wants, but he will need to pay attention to the portion size. b. Because any food with carbohydrate can raise blood sugar (blood glucose), he should try to eat sweets, starchy vegetables, grains, and fruits only on special occasions, like holidays or birthdays. c. Only foods with added sugars - like cakes, cookies, and doughnuts - will have to be avoided because those are the foods that will raise his blood sugar (blood glucose). d. He can eat some regular foods, but he should try to buy special "diabetic" foods as often as possible in order to control his blood sugar (blood glucose).

b. starting insulin earlier, before her blood sugar is high for a long time may help her avoid some complications of diabetes

Your grandmother has had Type 2 Diabetes for many years. She went to the doctor yesterday and the doctor recommended that she start taking insulin shots. She is very upset about taking insulin and doesn't want to do it, but you think it's a good idea. Which of the following is a fact that you could share with her to try to convince her taking insulin is ok? a. if she takes insulin, she can eat as much as she wants of any type of food b. starting insulin earlier before her blood sugar is high for a long time, may help her avoid some complications of diabetes c if she exercises more and loses 10% of her body weidht, she will never have to take insulin d. all of the above statements are true

d. essential

__________ fatty acids are not synthesized by the body. a. cis b. saturated c. short chain d. essential

a. honey (mostly fructose)

hich of the following sugars tastes the sweetest? a. honey (mostly fructose) b. glucose c. sucrose (table sugar) d. high-fructose corn syrup

b. increased risk of heart disease

high levels of LDL in the blood are associated with: a. decreased risk of colon cancer b. increased risk of heart disease c. decreased risk of breast and prostate cancer d. improved immune function

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