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A share of Lash Inc.'s common stock just paid a dividend of $1.00. If the expected long-run growth rate for this stock is 5.4%, and if investors' required rate of return is 11.4%, what is the stock price? a. $16.28 b. $16.70 c. $17.13 d. $17.57 e. $18.01


If D1 = $1.50, g (which is constant) = 6.5%, and P0 = $56, what is the stock's expected capital gains yield for the coming year? a. 6.50% b. 6.83% c. 7.17% d. 7.52% e. 7.90%


Stock X has the following data. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stock is in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? Expected dividend, D1 $3.00 Current Price, P0 $50 Expected constant growth rate 6.0% a. The stock's expected dividend yield and growth rate are equal. b. The stock's expected dividend yield is 5%. c. The stock's expected capital gains yield is 5%. d. The stock's expected price 10 years from now is $100.00. e. The stock's required return is 10%.


Stocks A and B have the following data. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stocks are in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? A B Required return 10% 12% Market price $25 $40 Expected growth 7% 9% a. These two stocks must have the same dividend yield. b. These two stocks should have the same expected return. c. These two stocks must have the same expected capital gains yield. d. These two stocks must have the same expected year-end dividend. e. These two stocks should have the same price.


Stocks A and B have the following data. The market risk premium is 6.0% and the risk-free rate is 6.4%. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stocks are in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? A B Beta 1.10 0.90 Constant growth rate 7.00% 7.00% a. Stock A must have a higher dividend yield than Stock B. b. Stock B's dividend yield equals its expected dividend growth rate. c. Stock B must have the higher required return. d. Stock B could have the higher expected return. e. Stock A must have a higher stock price than Stock B.


Stocks X and Y have the following data. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stocks are in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? X Y Price $25 $25 Expected dividend yield 5% 3% Required return 12% 10% a. Stock X pays a higher dividend per share than Stock Y. b. One year from now, Stock X should have the higher price. c. Stock Y has a lower expected growth rate than Stock X. d. Stock Y has the higher expected capital gains yield. e. Stock Y pays a higher dividend per share than Stock X.


Two constant growth stocks are in equilibrium, have the same price, and have the same required rate of return. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. If one stock has a higher dividend yield, it must also have a lower dividend growth rate. b. If one stock has a higher dividend yield, it must also have a higher dividend growth rate. c. The two stocks must have the same dividend growth rate. d. The two stocks must have the same dividend yield. e. The two stocks must have the same dividend per share.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. Preferred stock is normally expected to provide steadier, more reliable income to investors than the same firm's common stock, and, as a result, the expected after-tax yield on the preferred is lower than the after-tax expected return on the common stock. b. The preemptive right is a provision in all corporate charters that gives preferred stockholders the right to purchase (on a pro rata basis) new issues of preferred stock. c. One of the disadvantages to a corporation of owning preferred stock is that 70% of the dividends received represent taxable income to the corporate recipient, whereas interest income earned on bonds would be tax free. d. One of the advantages to financing with preferred stock is that 70% of the dividends paid out are tax deductible to the issuer. e. A major disadvantage of financing with preferred stock is that preferred stockholders typically have supernormal voting rights.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The preferred stock of a given firm is generally less risky to investors than the same firm's common stock. b. Corporations cannot buy the preferred stocks of other corporations. c. Preferred dividends are not generally cumulative. d. A big advantage of preferred stock is that dividends on preferred stocks are tax deductible by the issuing corporation. e. Preferred stockholders have a priority over bondholders in the event of bankruptcy to the income, but not to the proceeds in a liquidation.


Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT? a. The free cash flow valuation model discounts free cash flows by the required return on equity. b. The free cash flow valuation model can be used to find the value of a division. c. An important step in applying the free cash flow valuation model is forecasting the firm's pro forma financial statements. d. Free cash flows are assumed to grow at a constant rate beyond a specified date in order to find the horizon, or terminal, value. e. The free cash flow valuation model can be used both for companies that pay dividends and those that do not pay dividends.


If D0 = $2.25, g (which is constant) = 3.5%, and P0 = $50, what is the stock's expected dividend yield for the coming year? a. 4.42% b. 4.66% c. 4.89% d. 5.13% e. 5.39%


Stocks X and Y have the following data. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stocks are in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? X Y Price $30 $30 Expected growth (constant) 6% 4% Required return 12% 10% a. Stock Y has a higher dividend yield than Stock X. b. One year from now, Stock X's price is expected to be higher than Stock Y's price. c. Stock X has the higher expected year-end dividend. d. Stock Y has a higher capital gains yield. e. Stock X has a higher dividend yield than Stock Y.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. If a company has a WACC = 12% and its free cash flow is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%, this implies that the stock's dividend yield is also 5%. b. The free cash flow valuation model for constant growth, Vop = FCF1/(WACC − g), can be used to value firms whose free cash flows are expected to decline at a constant rate, i.e., to grow at a negative rate. c. The value of operations of a stock is the present value of all expected future free cash flows, discounted at the free cash flow growth rate. d. The constant growth model cannot be used for a zero growth stock, where free cash flows are expected to remain constant over time. e. The constant growth model is often appropriate for evaluating start-up companies that do not have a stable history of growth but are expected to reach stable growth within the next few years.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. If a stock has a required rate of return rs = 12% and its dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%, this implies that the stock's dividend yield is also 5%. b. The stock valuation model, P0 = D1/(rs − g), can be used to value firms whose dividends are expected to decline at a constant rate, i.e., to grow at a negative rate. c. The price of a stock is the present value of all expected future dividends, discounted at the dividend growth rate. d. The constant growth model cannot be used for a zero growth stock, where the dividend is expected to remain constant over time. e. The constant growth model is often appropriate for evaluating start-up companies that do not have a stable history of growth but are expected to reach stable growth within the next few years.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The preemptive right gives stockholders the right to approve or disapprove of a merger between their company and some other company. b. The preemptive right is a provision in the corporate charter that gives common stockholders the right to purchase (on a pro rata basis) new issues of the firm's common stock. c. The free cash flow valuation model, Vops =FCF1/(WACC − g), cannot be used for firms that have negative growth rates. d. The free cash flow valuation model, Vops = FCF1/(WACC − g), can be used only for firms whose growth rates exceed their WACC. e. If a company has two classes of common stock, Class A and Class B, the stocks may pay different dividends, but under all state charters the two classes must have the same voting rights.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The preemptive right gives stockholders the right to approve or disapprove of a merger between their company and some other company. b. The preemptive right is a provision in the corporate charter that gives common stockholders the right to purchase (on a pro rata basis) new issues of the firm's common stock. c. The stock valuation model, P0 = D1/(rs − g), cannot be used for firms that have negative growth rates. d. The stock valuation model, P0 = D1/(rs − g), can be used only for firms whose growth rates exceed their required returns. e. If a company has two classes of common stock, Class A and Class B, the stocks may pay different dividends, but under all state charters the two classes must have the same voting rights.


You, in analyzing a stock, find that its expected return exceeds its required return. This suggests that you think a. the stock should be sold. b. the stock is a good buy. c. management is probably not trying to maximize the price per share. d. dividends are not likely to be declared. e. the stock is experiencing supernormal growth.


A company is expected to have free cash flows of $0.75 million next year. The weighted average cost of capital is WACC = 10.5%, and the expected constant growth rate is g = 6.4%. The company has $2 million in short-term investments, $2 million in debt, and 1 million shares. What is the stock's current intrinsic stock price? a. $17.39 b. $17.84 c. $18.29 d. $18.75 e. $19.22


A stock is expected to pay a dividend of $0.75 at the end of the year. The required rate of return is rs = 10.5%, and the expected constant growth rate is g = 6.4%. What is the stock's current price? a. $17.39 b. $17.84 c. $18.29 d. $18.75 e. $19.22


Merrell Enterprises' stock has an expected return of 14%. The stock's dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 8%, and it currently sells for $50 a share. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The stock's dividend yield is 8%. b. The current dividend per share is $4.00. c. The stock price is expected to be $54 a share one year from now. d. The stock price is expected to be $57 a share one year from now. e. The stock's dividend yield is 7%.


The preemptive right is important to shareholders because it a. will result in higher dividends per share. b. is included in every corporate charter. c. protects the current shareholders against a dilution of their ownership interests. d. protects bondholders, and thus enables the firm to issue debt with a relatively low interest rate. e. allows managers to buy additional shares below the current market price.


28. Stocks A and B have the following data. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stocks are in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? A B Price $25 $40 Expected growth 7% 9% Expected return 10% 12% a. The two stocks could not be in equilibrium with the numbers given in the question. b. A's expected dividend is $0.50. c. B's expected dividend is $0.75. d. A's expected dividend is $0.75 and B's expected dividend is $1.20. e. The two stocks should have the same expected dividend.


A stock is expected to pay a year-end dividend of $2.00, i.e., D1 = $2.00. The dividend is expected to decline at a rate of 5% a year forever (g = −5%). If the company is in equilibrium and its expected and required rate of return is 15%, which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The company's dividend yield 5 years from now is expected to be 10%. b. The constant growth model cannot be used because the growth rate is negative. c. The company's expected capital gains yield is 5%. d. The company's expected stock price at the beginning of next year is $9.50. e. The company's current stock price is $20.


Companies can issue different classes of common stock. Which of the following statements concerning stock classes is CORRECT? a. All common stocks, regardless of class, must have the same voting rights. b. All firms have several classes of common stock. c. All common stock, regardless of class, must pay the same dividend. d. Some class or classes of common stock are entitled to more votes per share than other classes. e. All common stocks fall into one of three classes: A, B, and C.


If D1 = $1.25, g (which is constant) = 4.7%, and P0 = $26.00, what is the stock's expected dividend yield for the coming year? a. 4.12% b. 4.34% c. 4.57% d. 4.81% e. 5.05%


If a company's free cash flows are expected to grow at a constant rate of 5% a year, which of the following statements is CORRECT? The stock is in equilibrium. a. The company's stock's dividend yield is 5%. b. The value of operations is expected to decline in the future. c. The company's WACC must be equal to or less than 5%. d. The company's value of operations one year from now is expected to be 5% above the current price. e. The expected return on the company's stock is 5% a year.


If a firm's expected growth rate increased then its required rate of return would a. decrease. b. fluctuate less than before. c. fluctuate more than before. d. possibly increase, possibly decrease, or possibly remain constant. e. increase.


If a stock's dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5% a year, which of the following statements is CORRECT? The stock is in equilibrium. a. The stock's dividend yield is 5%. b. The price of the stock is expected to decline in the future. c. The stock's required return must be equal to or less than 5%. d. The stock's price one year from now is expected to be 5% above the current price. e. The expected return on the stock is 5% a year.


Lance Inc.'s free cash flow was just $1.00 million. If the expected long-run growth rate for this company is 5.4%, if the weighted average cost of capital is 11.4%, Lance has $4 million in short-term investments and $3 million in debt, and 1 million shares outstanding, what is the intrinsic stock price? a. $17.28 b. $17.70 c. $18.13 d. $18.57 e. $19.01


29. Stocks A and B have the following data. Assuming the stock market is efficient and the stocks are in equilibrium, which of the following statements is CORRECT? A B Price $25 $25 Expected growth (constant) 10% 5% Required return 15% 15% a. Stock A has a higher dividend yield than Stock B. b. Currently the two stocks have the same price, but over time Stock B's price will pass that of A. c. Since Stock A's growth rate is twice that of Stock B, Stock A's future dividends will always be twice as high as Stock B's. d. The two stocks should not sell at the same price. If their prices are equal, then a disequilibrium must exist. e. Stock A's expected dividend at t = 1 is only half that of Stock B.


35.50 per share is the current price for Foster Farms' stock. The dividend is projected to increase at a constant rate of 5.50% per year. The required rate of return on the stock, rs, is 9.00%. What is the stock's expected price 3 years from today? a. $37.86 b. $38.83 c. $39.83 d. $40.85 e. $41.69


A company's free cash flow was just FCF0 = $1.50 million. The weighted average cost of capital is WACC = 10.1%, and the constant growth rate is g = 4.0%. What is the current value of operations? a. $23.11 million b. $23.70 million c. $24.31 million d. $24.93 million e. $25.57 million


A stock just paid a dividend of D0 = $1.50. The required rate of return is rs = 10.1%, and the constant growth rate is g = 4.0%. What is the current stock price? a. $23.11 b. $23.70 c. $24.31 d. $24.93 e. $25.57


Franklin Corporation is expected to pay a dividend of $1.25 per share at the end of the year (D1 = $1.25). The stock sells for $32.50 per share, and its required rate of return is 10.5%. The dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate, g, forever. What is the equilibrium expected growth rate? a. 6.01% b. 6.17% c. 6.33% d. 6.49% e. 6.65%


If D1 = $1.25, g (which is constant) = 5.5%, and P0 = $44, what is the stock's expected total return for the coming year? a. 7.54% b. 7.73% c. 7.93% d. 8.13% e. 8.34%


Kelly Enterprises' stock currently sells for $35.25 per share. The dividend is projected to increase at a constant rate of 4.75% per year. The required rate of return on the stock, rs, is 11.50%. What is the stock's expected price 5 years from now? a. $40.17 b. $41.20 c. $42.26 d. $43.34 e. $44.46


Stocks A and B have the same price and are in equilibrium, but Stock A has the higher required rate of return. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. Stock B must have a higher dividend yield than Stock A. b. Stock A must have a higher dividend yield than Stock B. c. If Stock A has a higher dividend yield than Stock B, its expected capital gains yield must be lower than Stock B's. d. Stock A must have both a higher dividend yield and a higher capital gains yield than Stock B. e. If Stock A has a lower dividend yield than Stock B, its expected capital gains yield must be higher than Stock B's.


The required returns of Stocks X and Y are rX = 10% and rY = 12%. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. If Stock Y and Stock X have the same dividend yield, then Stock Y must have a lower expected capital gains yield than Stock X. b. If Stock X and Stock Y have the same current dividend and the same expected dividend growth rate, then Stock Y must sell for a higher price. c. The stocks must sell for the same price. d. Stock Y must have a higher dividend yield than Stock X. e. If the market is in equilibrium, and if Stock Y has the lower expected dividend yield, then it must have the higher expected growth rate.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT, assuming stocks are in equilibrium? a. Assume that the required return on a given stock is 13%. If the stock's dividend is growing at a constant rate of 5%, its expected dividend yield is 5% as well. b. A stock's dividend yield can never exceed its expected growth rate. c. A required condition for one to use the constant growth model is that the stock's expected growth rate exceeds its required rate of return. d. Other things held constant, the higher a company's beta coefficient, the lower its required rate of return. e. The dividend yield on a constant growth stock must equal its expected total return minus its expected capital gains yield.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. Two firms with the same expected dividend and growth rates must also have the same stock price. b. It is appropriate to use the constant growth model to estimate a stock's value even if its growth rate is never expected to become constant. c. If a stock has a required rate of return rs = 12%, and if its dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%, this implies that the stock's dividend yield is also 5%. d. The price of a stock is the present value of all expected future dividends, discounted at the dividend growth rate. e. The constant growth model takes into consideration the capital gains investors expect to earn on a stock.


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. Two firms with the same expected free cash flows and growth rates must also have the same value of operations. b. It is appropriate to use the constant growth model to estimate a stock's value even if its growth rate is never expected to become constant. c. If a company has a weighted average cost of capital WACC = 12%, and if its free cash flows are expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%, this implies that the stock's dividend yield is also 5%. d. The value of operations is the present value of all expected future free cash flows, discounted at the free cash flow growth rate. e. The constant growth model takes into consideration the capital gains investors expect to earn on a stock.


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