Nonverbal Exam #2

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A gaze of longer than ten seconds in typical social encounters _______?

Withholders (p. 263)

According to Ekman and Frisen, people who have very little facial movement, and who inhibit expressions of their actual feeling states are ____________.

Pupil dilation is associated with... - arousal - attentiveness - interest - perceptual orientation (p. 318)

Adam and Eve are having a discussion. During the discussion, Adam notices that Eve's pupils seem to grow larger (dilate). Which of the following is not a possible explanation for Eve's pupil dilation?

Cold Behaviors: cold stare, sneers, fake yawn, frown, move away, look at ceiling, pick teeth, look away, pout, looks around the room, cracks fingers, play with split ends, smells hair, etc. (p. 366)

Carmen is definitely warming up to that new guy she has been introduced to at the party. What behavior will not send him that nonverbal message?

Deintensified Affect - strong surprise was made to look like mild surprise (p. 262)

Chris was pretty sure that he was earning a C in his history class, but his instructor pulled him aside after class and told him that he has been doing excellent A work all semester. Chris' internal immediate reaction is total surprise; however, his face shows mild surprise, and he comments that he thought he was doing pretty good work in the course. Which display rule is Chris illustrating?

More fluency: - shorter, silent pauses - fewer hesitations - louder, higher, more variable pitch - talks more (p. 333)

Diana is an extroverted person. According to your text, which on of the following vocal characteristics will Diana likely exhibit?

Symbolic (p. 247-8)

Dionne won a backstage pass to meet her favorite performance artist. Upon shaking her hand, Dionne said, "I will never wash this hand again!" This is meaningful for _______ reasons.

Facial Feedback Hypothesis (p. 286-9)

Expressions on the face can intensify emotional experience via direct connections between facial muscles and emotion centers of the brain even without any conscious awareness of what the face is showing. (by Darwin)


From Knapp and Hall's review of gaze, which of the following would most likely result in your gazing at another person less often?

- Increased distance increased the amount both men and women gazed. - Men monitor other group members more effectively than women. - Women consistently look at each other more than men do. - Women react more slowly to gaze cuing than men. - Women are gazed at more than men are by others in an interaction

Gender differences regarding gaze:

Shielding Action (p. 253)

Putting one's hand over one's mouth is most likely to be classified as what kind of self-touching?


Research studies focused on all abilities except __________, and showed that early tactile experiences seem crucial to normal development.

Anxiety (p. 284)

Researches studying secondary emotions observed that increased eye blinking, more facial movement overall, and a horizontal mouth stretch are behaviors associated with ________.

- conveys openness - acceptance & trustworthiness - pleasure, happiness, or satisfaction

Social benefits of smiling:


The study of distance and space in human transactions.

...he focuses on his delivery of speech, use variety in volume, rate, pitch, and articulation. Base decisions concerning loud-soft, fast, slow, precise-sloppy or high-low on what is appropriate for a given audience in a given situation. (p. 347)

Walter is enrolled in a debate class. He will increase his ability to persuade if...

Affect Blend (p. 264)

When a person expresses 2 or more facial expressions, that is called __________.

True: - Men's faces are relatively showed in magazines and relatively women's bodies. The man's face is looked at as intelligent and dominant - thin women get more positive nonverbal behavior than heavier women - male = worker, narrator, female = homemaker, onscreen character (p. 398)

When considering the portrayal of men vs. women in advertisements, all of the following are true except ______________.

Decrease volume and rate.

Which of the following is not an effective way to keep the floor when speaking?

True: Intimates often become overconfident in their ability to decode each other's signals. (p.

Which of the following statements about intimates and nonverbal signals is true?

- Nonverbal cues between teachers and students signal a close or distant relationship. - Students avoid eye gaze with teachers to avoid participation. - Students' body posture and facial expressions display their interest and attention in what the teacher is saying. - Students' and teachers' dress, hair length, and adornment affect classroom interaction and learning. - Disciplinary enactments by teachers may manifest in negative facial expressions, threatening gestures, or critical vocal tones. - Teaches announce they have plenty of time for student conferences but fidget and look at their wristwatch when the student come to see them. - Teachers scan the facial expressions of the students to try and assess student comprehension. - Classroom design-wall colors, space between seats, size and placement of windows-affects student participation and learning.

Which of the following statements about nonverbal comm in educational settings is true?

TRUE: (p. 289) - Posed expressions show things not actually felt - Create desirable images for others, includes manipulation - Adult smiles influence baby's moods - Influence perception of trust - They're related to gender stereotyping - Anger expressions can cause guilt

Which of the following statements about social functions of facial expressions is false?

Low contact, individualistic, low context.(p. 410)

Which of the following statements is the most accurate way to classify the united states in general?

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