Noughts & Crosses - Remember what happened!

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What was the name of Sephy and Callum's daughter and where and when was their daughter born?

At midnight on 14th May at Mercy community Hospital called Callie Rose

How was Jude's, Callum's, Pete, Morgan and leila plan reined at the end of the book when trying to get money from Mr Hadley?

Because Andrew Dorn was in business with Mr Hadley and was uncover working for the LM. He was able to give a heads up to Mr Hadley and uncover the plan of LM.

Why was Jude jealous of Callum?

Because Callum was able to further his education at school but Jude wasn't. After Sephy's mother fired Callum's mum they were unable to keep paying for Jude's education.

Why was Lynette and Callum so close?

Because every since they were little that understood things the same and had the same way of looking at life. Callum could always tell Lynette everything that was until her accident.

why did sephy's mother pay for the best lawyer in town to help fight Mr McGregor court case?

Because she actually liked them, she was friends with Callum's family and she did not want him to die for something she thinks he did not commit.

Why did Sephy cry after having sex with Callum?

Because she knew after all this time everything that callum had told her about the divide between noughts and crosses would never change. She knew they could never be together no matter where they were, because there would always be a barrier.

Why did Callum hate going home everyday after visiting Sephy's house?

Because she lived in this massive house where everything she owned was worth something. She could have different food everyday and orange juice, she has her own family beach where as Callum...... had next to nothing. The only thing worth money was the table his father had built.

What is Ryan McGregor charged with?

Charged with Political Terrorism and several accounts of murder for the bombing outrage at the Dundale Shopping centre.

What was the name of the McGregor court lawyer and what was so special about her?

Kelani Adams and she was a nought

What is the LM in the book Noughts and crosses?

Liberation Militia and group of noughts fighting against Crosses.

Who is the author of the novel Noughts and crosses?

Malorie Blackman

Was Lynette's death an accident? How did Callum know?

No Lynette's death was intentional, she ran in front of a bus on purpose. Callum knew this because Lynette wrote a letter to Callum explaining her choices and giving her little brother some last advice.

Was there a romance between Leila and Callum?

No there was not. Although Leila did offer Callum her company multiple times did her turn it down. He was still in love with Sephy even though he said he only turned it down so there would be no complications within the cell.

What is the difference between a Nought and a Cross?

Nought- White skinned people (referred to lower class as they are poor) who are over ruled and dominated by the Crosses. Crosses- Beautifully tanned and brown skin (referred to the upper class as they are rich) who rules and runs everything anywhere.

What were the three names of the members Callum shared a cell with.

Pete, Morgan and leila

What was Sephy and Callum's secret call pattern?

Ringing past mid night with two really sharp and sort rings.

Why did Mrs Hadley drink away her problems, and how did that effect Sephy?

She consistently drank her problems away up till the point of being hospitalised. This gave the impression to Sephy that drinking was the key to forgetting about her life problems, this lead to sephy becoming addicted to wine and cider.

What happened to Lynette three years ago?

She fell in love with a cross and she and her boyfriend Jed were ambushed and attacked to the point of Jed being killed and herself being hospitalised. This led to Lynette shutting herself out from life.

What did Maggie tell Jude at the hospital that made him so upset?

That in the family lines there was a cross so that meant Jude was part cross.

Was Callum's love declared from the start of the novel?

Yes is was, at he start of the novel he asked Sephy if he could kiss her as well as whispering to her "I love you" in her bedroom when she fell asleep.

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