NR 435 EXAM 2 Quiz Questions

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According to the 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals Report, ___________. Select any and all correct responses from the list below. - As of 2015, 147 countries had met both the drinking-water target and the sanitation target. - Compared with other regions, Northern Africa withdraws the highest proportion of renewable water resources - 18% of people living in rural areas lack improved sanitation facilities - Poor people's livelihoods are more directly tied to natural resources, and they often suffer the most from environmental degradation

- Compared with other regions, Northern Africa withdraws the highest proportion of renewable water resources - Poor people's livelihoods are more directly tied to natural resources, and they often suffer the most from environmental degradation

In the recent Module 7 lecture materials, you learned about the climate-change driven phenomenon of clouds shifting away from the equator and towards the poles of the earth. An unfortunate consequence of this phenomenon (described above), which is called ______________________________, is that it will deprive some regions, including ______________________, of vital rainwater. Select the best pair of responses to complete the statement above. - Water Rationing | Australia - Global Distillation | Central America - Hadley Cell Expansion | The Middle East - Coriolis Effect | The Northwest Territories

- Hadley Cell Expansion | The Middle East

Recall our recent Module 6 lectures (face-to-face and video-lectures). Select any and all TRUE statements about Habitat Loss, Alteration, and Fragmentation. - The negative impacts of 'edges' (edge effects) can be eliminated if abrupt edges are replaced by gradual edges. - The quality of the 'matrix' can be just as influential as the size and isolation of a 'patch'/'fragment' (for maintaining healthy communities) - Brown-headed cowbird populations have been declining in recent years due to widespread habitat fragmentation. - The Theory of Island Biogeography (IBT) allows us to predict species richness based on births, deaths, immigration, and emigration (rates).

- The quality of the 'matrix' can be just as influential as the size and isolation of a 'patch'/'fragment' (for maintaining healthy communities)

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relative magnitude of destruction between biomes or ecosystem types (according to Laurance 2010)? Select any and all accurate statements, based on the M6 reading. - Tropical dry forests have experienced high habitat destruction, in part because they are easier to burn than rainforests. - No ecosystems have suffered worse habitat destruction than the tropical forests. - Boreal forests have historically suffered very high losses (habitat destruction) due to low temperatures and waterlogged soils. - Grasslands have generally suffered less destruction than temperate forests.

- Tropical dry forests have experienced high habitat destruction, in part because they are easier to burn than rainforests. - Grasslands have generally suffered less destruction than temperate forests.

{TED Talk} Which of the following are examples of real-world changes in biophony (from Bernie Krause's talk)? Select any and all that apply. - before and after Navy fighter jet training near Mono Lake in California - before and after the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Queen's Park, London - before and after Navy sonar training off the U.S. coastline - before and after 'selective logging' in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

- before and after Navy fighter jet training near Mono Lake in California - before and after 'selective logging' in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

I love standing out in our yard on the weekends, listening to all the activity of the seasons. Some of my favorite things this winter have been listening to the chickadees (and other songbirds) chattering around the bird-feeder, the crows cawing from the treetops, the wind whipping across the field, and the snow melting and streaming down the rocks at the edge of our pond. Which parts of the soundscape did I just describe hearing on our property? Select any and all that apply. - anthrophony - biophony - geophony - astrophony

- biophony - geophony

According to Laurance (2010), which of the following forest types is particularly vulnearable to decline due to climate change? Select the best answer. - temperate hardwood forests - tropical forests - temperate tropical forests - boreal forests

- boreal forests

According to Ehrlich (in his 1994 address in Cairo, "Too Many Rich People"), three factors must be considered - multiplied - to adequately assess the impact of human population on the planet. Select all 3 of the factors from those listed below. - average annual salary of humans in the population - global index of income inequality - damage done by technologies chosen to supply units of consumption - human population size - geographical distribution of the human population - per capita resource consumption

- damage done by technologies chosen to supply units of consumption - human population size - per capita resource consumption

According to the author of the essay "Yes, because all flourishing is mutual," we who are descendants of the Western intellectual tradition have been asked to accept certain assumptions about humans and nature. Which of the following are among those assumptions (according to the essay you read?) - humans are superior to nature - humans are expected to be caretakers of nature - humans are separate from nature - the dependency of humans on nature makes nature supremely important

- humans are superior to nature - humans are separate from nature

According to Laurance (2010), what is emerging as the biggest direct cause of tropical deforestation? Select the best answer below. - ecotourism - government policies for rural development - large-scale agriculture - road construction

- large-scale agriculture

Recall our module materials about the Theory of Island Biogeography (IBT), and select the pair of answers that best completes this sentence: According to the Theory of Island Biogeography, a small, isolated island will have a ______________ colonization/immigration rate and ______________ species richness than a large island close to the mainland. - higher | lower - lower | greater - lower | lower - higher | greater

- lower | lower

Recall Reading 3... Studies on Nature Deficit Disorder collectively show which of the following effects of spending time in Nature? - reduced anxiety - lower blood pressure - enhanced immune system function - increased self esteem - lower stress hormone levels

- reduced anxiety - lower blood pressure - enhanced immune system function - increased self esteem - lower stress hormone levels

Huge amounts of old-growth coniferous forests have been converted to timber-production forests. Which of the following characterizes the newer timber-production forests? Select any and all that apply. - more complex structure - reduced soil erosion - reduced species composition - greater environmental heterogeneity

- reduced species composition

Recall the M7 video-lectures, and answer the following question ... Which of the following statements about Land Conversion and the Water Cycle are TRUE? Select any and all that apply. - residential areas have more impervious surface area than Meadows - Wooded Areas ('Woods') have lower run-off than Residential Areas - Infiltration and run-off are lowest in Urban Business Districts. - Meadows have higher infiltration than Wooded Areas ('Woods').

- residential areas have more impervious surface area than Meadows - Wooded Areas ('Woods') have lower run-off than Residential Areas

According to the Module 7 lecture materials, which of the following are considered water infrastructure? Select any and all that apply. - sewer systems - water pipelines - water treatment plants - forests

- sewer systems - water pipelines - water treatment plants - forests

Recall from our Module 6 case study of songbirds in Yellowstone National Park ... Yellow Warblers in Yellowstone National Park are part of a special kind of metapopulation. The metapopulation became threatened (started to decline) when the historical ___________ populations outside the Park suffered from increased predation and _____________. Select the best pair of answers to complete this statement. - source | brood parasitism - source | disease - sink | disease - sink | brood parasitism

- source | brood parasitism

According to Saunders et al., 2006 (discussed in class), how is psychology useful in conservation biology? Psychology will be useful for ... _________________. Select any and all correct responses, according to our discussion of Saunders et al. (2006). - understanding how humans assess environmental risk - conflict resolution between people with different perspectives/worldviews - understanding how to be more effective when communicating about environmental issues - many conservation biologists need talk therapy to cope with 'compassion fatigue'

- understanding how humans assess environmental risk - conflict resolution between people with different perspectives/worldviews - understanding how to be more effective when communicating about environmental issues

Before Paul Ehrlich's book The Population Bomb was published, there were other warnings about overpopulation. One of the earliest warnings was written by Thomas Malthus in the ____________. - 1930s - 1870s - 1960s - 1790s


According to the study led by Matthew White, how long do you have to spend in a green space / natural environment in order to get a dose of nature high enough to leave you feeling healthy with a strong sense of well-being? A minimum of ....

2 hours per week

Select the correct response to complete the following sentence. In his TED Talk, Hans Rosling explained that ____________________ people were added to the world population between 1960 and 2010.

4 billion

What percentage of our freshwater consumption is allocated to the following uses/sectors? Match each sector with its approximate water usage, according to our M7 lectures.

Agriculture ~70% Industry/Energy ~20% Domestic/Household ~10%

T/F Consider the following statement about degradation of marine habitats, and determine whether it is TRUE or FALSE: According to the Module reading, the majority of oceans are subject to at least 17 different overlapping human stressors, leaving less than 2% of the oceans in relatively pristine condition.


T/F Most of the world's biodiversity hotspots occur in areas with relatively low human population density.


T/F Much of our continent has been experiencing severe droughts in recent years, while the region of the United States that is home to the Ogallala aquifer stands out as an exception. The Ogallala has been practically overflowing because infiltration (and percolation) is happening much faster than the rate at which water is being extracted from the aquifer.


T/F Recall Sandra Postel's TEDx Talk 'Water is Life' (from the Module 7 Lecture Materials) ... TRUE or FALSE: In the 1980s, the demand for water increased in the greater Boston community. Boston, Mass., solved this water problem, after a lengthy legal battle, by diverting water from the Connecticut River to the Quabbin Reservoir.


T/F Recall our recent lecture about Patterns of Biodiversity Distribution. In class, we learned about the Species-Area Relationship, which does hold true for plants in many countries, but does not apply to amphibians, reptiles, or birds.


T/F The 'Original Instructions' (discussed in the 'Skywoman Falling' reading) are codified rules for daily life that are strictly followed by Potawatomi Nation. These instructions for sustainable living are essentially viewed as a map or blueprint to an ethical life.


T/F The author of the essay "Yes, because all flourishing is mutual" argues that people should care about the environment, but also acknowledges that it is understandable that someone with an anthropocentric worldview will lack concern about the health of the world's ecosystems.


We recently met 4 ambassadors from the Center for Wildlife during our 'Intro to Module 5' lecture. Recall what we learned during our 'De-extinction of Experience' guest lecture, and match each of the ambassadors with the accurate statement. - Fern - Henry - Zipper - Sarah

Fern - is a barred owl that became an ambassador after getting hit by a car Henry - is a porcupine that was 'rescued' as a baby from the wild (aka 'porcupet-napped') Zipper - is a cornsnake that started out as a pet, but was surrendered when his human owner went off to college Sarah - is the human who taught us about our non human ambassadors

T/F According to Bateson in 'Why should I inconvenience myself?' it is by practicing mutual dependence with our neighbors that we might dismantle the self-sufficiency instilled in us by society, and discover the truth about our dependence on the living world around us.


The Ten-Minute Walk initiative aims to ensure that........

all U.S. citizens live within a ten-minute walk of a park

According to Paul Ehrlich, in The Population Bomb excerpt from Module 8, has the 'doubling time' of the global human population been increasing or decreasing since the year 6,000 B.C.?


The Theory of Island Biogeography allows us to make predictions about the species richness on islands based on ___________________ and ______________________, which are influenced by the size of the island and the location of the island (relative to the mainland).

immigration rate and extinction rate

What does Hans Rosling believe is "the only way of really getting world population growth to stop"? Choose the best answer, based on Hans Rosling's talk.

improve child survival

One of the concepts you researched for Module 7 (Overview & Foundations) was 'eutrophication' -- which of the types/aspects of Water Scarcity is eutrophication related to? - water quality - water quantity - water distribution - water dilution

water quality

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