NUFD404 Additional stuff for final exam

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1. Four individuals working for a small firm have annual incomes of $30,000, $45,000, $45,000, and $200,000

• Find the median, mode, and mean Mean: 80000 Median:45000 Mode: 45000

How often do you read nutrition labels on food packages to decide whether or not to eat food? 1) Almost always or always 2) Sometimes Almost never or never


Indicate (circle) the degree of agreement to the statement below: "I always read nutrition labels on food packages to decide whether or not to buy food." 1) Strongly Disagree 2) Disagree 3) Neutral 4) Agree 5) Strongly Agree


How do you describe yourself? 1) African American 2) Caucasian 3) Asian 4) Hispanic Other


How old are you on Jan 1, 2019?


How tall are you? 1) short (less than 5') 2) medium (between 5' and 5'5") tall (above 5'5")


What is your gender? 1) Male 2) Female Other


What is your home ZIP code?


what is your birth year?


3. After listening to YouTube "histogram and polygon," explain how histogram is different and similar to polygon.:

The difference from a histogram and a polygon is that in the histogram, it has the frequency in the y axis but the histogram is a bar graph that graphs the frequency with the range of scores. In the polygon It also has a frequency in the y axis but it's a line graph that graphs the midpoint from the scores and not the bin itself. But It is still trying to convey the same data as the histogram though. The frequency number is also on each midpoint score.

Once the session is completed, how would the interviewer (researcher) summarize the discussion??

The interviewer summarized the discussion as Kimchi is Love. Throughout the whole interview, Koreans and Korean-American individuals got together and talked about how they viewed the korean dish, Kimchi. Many individuals described kimchi as important to their families. Many described how their families viewed kimchi. Responses are "as kids, my mom gets sad if we don't eat kimchi", "Koreans don't get SARS because they each have plenty of kimchi", etc. It is an interview about the point of view of kimchi in Korean families.

How did the interviewer include everyone in the discussion? What are examples?

The interviewer would ask each interviewer to talk and give each of them a chance to share their opinions and thoughts. He/she also encouraged them to talk freely and not in order to keep the conversation engaging and also gives them a chance to answer most of the questions. He/she would also be like "would anyone like to add", "would anyone like to answer this", "speak as freely as you wish",

3. Using the sample 8, 5, 1, 5, 2, 3

· Find the median, mean, mode, and range Mean: 4 Median:4 Mode: 5 Range:7 · Find the standard deviation 2.53

2. Using the sample 3, 4, 6, 1, 10, 6

· Find the median, mean, mode, and range Mean: 5 Median:5 Mode: 6 Range:9 · Find the standard deviation 3.10

Age (Ratio): What is your age group?

A. 18-24 B. 25-35 C. 36-45 D. 45+

Education (Ordinal): What college level are you currently enrolled in?

A. Freshman B. Sophomore C. Junior D. Senior E. Graduate Student

Location of residency (Nominal): Where is your home located during the semester?

A. I dorm, live on campus B. I commute, live with parents C. I commute, live on my own/with roommates off-campus

Gender (Nominal): What is your gender?

A. Male B. Female C. Other

Exercise habit (Ordinal): What is your level of physical activity?

A. Sedentary B. Moderately active C. Vigorously active D. Extremely active

Morning eating habits (Nominal): Do you eat breakfast every morning as part of your routine?

A. Yes, I eat breakfast every morning B. Sometimes I eat breakfast in the mornings C. No, I don't eat breakfast in the morning

How did the interviewer probe responses? What are examples?

"No, no, nope just speak as freely as you wishOkay thank you...that's third person though, how do you feel about kimchi?" " Were you born in Korea or the United States?" "You could do without it?" "O DOES THAT, IT CONNECTS YOU TO KOREA? And anyone can answer this...Does it connect you to Korea?" "Wait, wait, wait. You say Korea is garbage? I mean...." "And that connects you to Korea?" "Where were you born?" "Okay, so uhm does it connect you to your families?" "Would your mother be sad if you didn't like kimchi?" "Okay...that would be..." "I'm sorry can you repeat that..."

Advantages and Disadvantages of interviews and grounded theory approach

Advantages •Flexible, adaptable •Used with many different problems and types of persons: illiterate, too young to read and write •Probe responses, followed up, clarified, elaborated to get accurate responses •Nonverbal as well as verbal responses can be noted •Higher response rate (on questions) because interviewer can motivate interviewee Disadvantages •Potential for subjectivity and bias •Higher cost and time-consuming nature •Lack of anonymity (should stress Confidentiality) •Easy to ask "leading questions" •Labor intensive

Throughout the session, the interviewer drove the discussion with 2-3 concepts that came up from earlier sessions. What are those 2-3 CONCEPTS from the recording?

-KImchi(as a product) -how kimchi affects personal identity in Korean born and Korean Americans.

(From the Transcription on pages 3-6) What was the one broad question that the interviewer asked to the group in the beginning?

-What do you think of kimchi? How does it affect your personal identity of who you are? How does that affect who you are?

From WBSS, Identify question items for each domain (construct): Technical Support, Environmental Support, Facility Support, and Peer Support

1. Items for Technical Support My workplace has a refrigerator that I can use to store my milk I can easily find a quiet place other than the bathroom at my work to pump breast milk I feel comfortable taking several breaks during work hours to pump breast milk 2. Items for Environment Support Breastfeeding is common in my workplace. I have supportive co-workers who cover for me when I need to pump my milk. I have a breastfeeding supportive supervisor 3. Items for Facility Support My workplace has an on-site daycare. In my workplace, there is a designated space(nursing room) to nurse my baby or pump breast milk My workplace has a breast pump for nursing mothers to use 4. Items for Peer Support My co-workers agree that breastfeeding is better for baby's health than formula feeding. My coworkers do not make fun of me when they sometimes leak milk through my clothes. My co-workers listen to me talk about my breastfeeding experience

Individual Assignment 4- Instrument Exercise on 3/26

STRUCTURED INTERVIEW (From YouTube video) CHARACTERISTICS -are created before the interview -they have a limited set of response categories -they are asked in the same order to everyone -they are phrased the same way for everyone INTERVIEWER -play a neutral role -introduce the interview tasks -act casual and friendly -do not add opinions to the interview -keep the pace of the interview -answer relevant questions -make sure answers are marked and take notes -record the interview -keep it confidential -protect/save documents and recordings DURING INTERVIEW -read interview instructions aloud, exactly as written -read questions and response options aloud, exactly as written -read at a steady pace and don't rush -pause after each questions to allow time for response -ask participants to say "ready" when that person is ready for the next question.

In Person Survey Prospective Agreement Form STUDY TITLE STUDY #: (i.e. FY17-18-0000) Instructions: Statements [in brackets and italics] are instructions or examples. Do not include them in the final version of the prospective agreement form.

We are asking you to take part in a research study being done by [list researcher's name] a [faculty member, staff member, or student] at Montclair State University. Being in this study is optional. If you choose to be in the study, you will complete a survey. This survey will help us learn more about [briefly describe the purpose of the research]. [Optional: If unclear, explain why subjects are being asked to participate and/or how they were selected.] The survey will take about [XX minutes or hours] to complete. You can skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop the survey at any time. [Optional, if applicable]: The survey is anonymous, and no one will be able to link your answers back to you. [The following are elements you may consider including if applicable]: -Compensation: To compensate you for the time you spend in this study, you will receive [describe compensation, if compensation is dependent upon completing of entire survey, state this]. -Likely Risks: You may feel/experience [Describe foreseeable risks or discomfort to participants, including physical, psychological, social, economic, criminal or civil liability, employability, or reputation risks. Do NOT use any jargon or technical language.] -Benefits: You may benefit from this study [by/through/because...] Others may benefit from this study [by/though/because...] -[If identifiers will be collected, state:] Confidentiality: We will keep who you are confidential. Questions about the study? Please contact [researcher's name, position at University, department and college] at [contact info] or [Faculty Sponsor name, position at University, department and college] at [contact info] If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, you can call the MSU Institutional Review Board at 973-655-7583 or email [email protected] This study has been approved by the Montclair State University Institutional Review Board.

How much do you weigh? ( ) pounds


How tall are you? ( ) feet ( ) inches


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