NUR320 Exam 2 sherpath questions

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An adolescent reports following the juicing diet in order to lose weight. The adolescent complains about being hungry even after juicing. What should the nurse tell the adolescent about their hunger?

body needs more calories

The nurse teaches the 14-year-old patient about reliable resources for sexual education. The nurse knows further teaching is needed when the patient makes what statements?

"I have a friend whose older brother has had a bunch of girlfriends." "Sometimes I go to my friends' house and we look at videos of naked girls." "I talk about sex with my older friends who know things because they've done 'it'."

A female patient who experienced her first period on her 13th birthday can expect her peak height to be achieved by age __.


A female patient who experiences menarche at age 12 would be expected to reach reproductive maturity by no later than age .


A 7-year-old child who is 48 inches is expected to be approximately ______ inches at age 9.


Match the student's behavioral problem with the relevant manifestation.

complaint of feeling sick while at school- school refusal pushing another child to assert authority- peer victimization drinking alcohol while home alone after school- problems associated with self-care

Which statement best characterizes the early adolescent mindset regarding body image and self-perception?

concerned only with him/herself

What is the process of physical growth in boys and girls from early school-age to age 12?

By age 12 girls are taller and heavier than boys

A pre-adolescent male can expect physical changes to occur in which order?

deeper voice penile enlargement facial hair axillary hair testicular enlargement growth of pubic hair

Which activity could help foster a sense of industry in the school-age child?

Give the child an allowance for completing chores

The nurse teaches the adolescent about engaging in risk-taking behaviors. In most states, the adolescent will be able to obtain care under the Minors' Consent Law for which issues?

depression HIV exposure prenatal care alcohol abuse contraception services

The 16-year-old patient talks excitedly with the nurse about the freedom of having a driver's license. Which statements by the patient need clarification by the nurse?

my friends and i are headed to water fall this weekend for camping it feels good to know if things get too out of control at home that i can leave

According to Holland-Hall and Burnstein, which developmental change in the brain allows for the adolescent's ability to think critically and solve problems?

neuron maturation

The school administrators are trying to help an adolescent who constantly gets in trouble for fighting. Which of the following are risk factors for adolescent use of violence?

being raised by an abusive parent playing video games with shooting

Which problem behaviors can occur when leaving a child home alone after school?

alcohol use binge eating drug experimentation

The nurse is discussing appropriate safety for school-aged children with the parents of a six-year-old and a 10-year-old. Which safety recommendations can the nurse make that are appropriate for both children?

always use suncreen while outside discuss not allowing unfamiliar adults into home ensure guns are in a locked vault, in a separate location from ammunition children should protect their eardrums by listening to only moderate-volume music and tv

Which newly acquired cognitive/language milestones are achieved by the adolescent?

arguing a hypothesis expressing abstract concepts planning for college

The nurse assesses the 14-year-old patient for suicide risk after the parents reported the patient was cutting. Which intervention is the priority action by the nurse?

assess patient for a suicide plan

A 15-year-old patient is a member of the school's swim team. When educating on water safety, which water safety recommendation takes priority?

avoid drugs and alcohol

The parents of an overweight nine-year-old are concerned about their child's eating habits. Which recommendations can the nurse make for family-wide changes that may impact their child's food choices?

avoid giving food for reward increase number of home cooked meals

Which developmental milestones are normal for a 10-year-old child?

back-talking to parents interest in opposite sex interest in getting a cell phone being upset when artwork doesn't look like others

The parent of an eight-year-old child is frustrated because the child constantly makes up reasons not to attend school. The child's health care provider ruled out any serious health issues. The nurse should suggest that the parent take which actions to address this behavioral problem?

be firm in enforcing school attendance encourage group activities with peers rationally discuss reasons the child wants to stay home

An adolescent patient is concerned by sore gums and worries that it is a manifestation of a serious disease. Which actions does the nurse recommend to address the underlying cause of the patient's symptoms?

be sure to clean around braces really well eliminate sweets and suguary bevarages gargle with mix of salt and baking soda few times a day

Which cognitive developmental changes are expected in the school-age child?

organizing toys by size starting a new leaf collection telling jokes to make others laugh understanding the idea of volume and mass

Which water safety guideline is a priority for children playing in a neighborhood pool?

do not dive into water

Which pedestrian safety recommendations are common to enforce in children who ride bikes, inline skates, and skateboards?

do not listen to music do not ride when sunlight is dim wear appropriate head protection

Which milestones associated with fine/gross motor control are achieved by the adolescent?

driving a car playing an agility sport texting on phone playing complex musical instrument

Which body system changes are expected in the school-age child?

enlarged tonsils and adenoids lungs and alveoli fully develop development of frontal sinuses

Which is an example of a negative influence affecting a school-aged child's food choices?

exposure to fast food commercials

Which are common reasons that adolescents pierce or tattoo their bodies?

express individualism identify with a specific peer group

Which parental practice encourages motor vehicle safety for a school-aged child?

fastening seat belt for every ride

Why would an adolescent engage in "sexting"?

fit in with peers attract partner make himself feel more important

Which person is most important to the identity development of an adolescent?


Puberty is considered delayed in males if which physical changes do not occur by age 14?

growth of testes

Which statement made by a child suggests that bullying may be occurring?

he made fun of me at school b/c of my weight he told people that i failed my test when i really didn't he sent me unwanted email message that made me feel nervous

Which fire safety recommendation is a priority for school-aged children, as it takes advantage of their developing cognitive abilities?

how to use appliances safely

An adolescent reports feeling fatigued and unable to focus during the day. Which lifestyle changes can the nurse recommend for this patient?

implementing sleep routine avoiding caffeine before bed discontinue use of electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime

An adolescent reports eating primarily salads with low-fat dressing and raw vegetables. Which recommendations should the nurse make to ensure the patient consumes a healthy nutritious diet?

include chicken, tuna, or tofu in salad add slice of whole wheat bread to meal

Which physical changes are experienced by boys during the adolescent years?

increased height growth of sexual organs growth of pubic hair

Which are the major psychosocial developments that should occur during adolescence?

independent determining gender identity solidifying future plans for occupation

What is one way adolescents receive inappropriate or incorrect information regarding sex and sexuality?


A girl in Tanner stage 3 would be expected to exhibit which characteristics regarding breast development?

lack of contour separation breast and areola enlargement

Which statement below describes one of the ways that male physical development differs from females?

males develop increase muscle mass

Which physical changes are experienced by girls during the adolescent years?

menarche pubic hair growth breast development

Which developmental changes are expected in females beginning with menarche?

ovulation increase in estrogen

An adolescent gives the nurse a 24-hour diet recall of: Breakfast: black coffee; lunch: chicken salad with tomatoes and lettuce; snack: yogurt and granola with fruit and an energy drink; dinner: cheese omelet with broccoli; snack: whole grain toast with peanut butter. Which recommendations or observations should the nurse make to improve or reinforce the nutritional choices of this patient?

peanut butter is good choice for meals and snacks discuss appetizing breakfast foods to include in diet eating yogurt more often good way to increase calcium

Decreased eating at mealtime, poor test scores, and refusal to talk about school may be signs that a child is experiencing which school-age problem?

peer victimization

The parent of a 10-year-old child is distressed by the child's recent tendency to post embarrassing photos of other children on social media sites. Which common behavioral problem do these actions exemplify?

peer victimization

An adolescent experiences an avulsed tooth while playing football. The family recovers the tooth and brings the adolescent to the emergency room. What is the priority action by the nurse?

place tooth in milk

The parent of an eight-year-old reports that the child has trouble getting to sleep at night. Which practices should the nurse recommend to promote sleep?

reading before bedtime keeping room dark and quiet limit media exposure prior to bedtime

Which instructions by the nurse would be appropriate for the school-age child who is active in sports?

rest often and drink plenty of water

Which task demonstrates the school-age child has progressed from intuitive thought to concrete operational stage?

retracing steps without getting lost

Match the safety recommendation with the activity for which it is most important.

ride on the right side of road with traffic- skateboard walk across intersections- bicycle limit to areas with no traffic- inline skates do not ride on gravel roads- scooter

A 10-year-old with braces recently joined the soccer team. The nurse recommends use of a mouth guard for which reasons?

safeguard the braces provides barrier for teeth protection from soft tissue damage

A child who insists on staying home from school because they fear that something will happen to make him/her look bad in front of the other children is exhibiting which common school-age behavioral problem?

school refusal

The caregivers of an 11-year-old child report that the child is worried about upcoming tests and is not sleeping well. The nurse tells the parents to watch for which signs of stress?

screaming during the night

Which activity shows the school-age child has normal gross motor skill development?

skipping on sidewalk

Match the Tanner stage of male sexual development with the appropriate physical description.

stage 2- enlarged, pink scrotum with long straight pubic hair stage 3- slightly curly, brown pubic hair with a penis slightly larger than a child's stage 4- dark scrotum and enlarged glans penis stage 5- pubic hair on inner thighs

While taking a history from an adolescent with behavioral problems, the nurse learns that the adolescent has a fondness for violent activities and physical punishment is used at home. Which safety recommendation takes priority when addressing the adolescent's violence risk?

teach alternatives to physical punishment

Which instructions could the nurse provide to parents to encourage self-esteem of the school-age child?

tell her i love you and give her a hug before leaving give her a chore chart with things she can do each day allow her to solve problems and make responsible choices

Which is the best response to a parent's concern that his 6-year-old frequently lies to get out of trouble?

this is normal and you can set an example for what is right

Which safety recommendation is a priority for the adolescent who reports previously drinking alcohol at a party?

use a ride=home agreement

A 14-year-old female patient tells the nurse she is concerned about being taller than her peers and is worried she will continue to grow in height. Which question by the nurse is most useful for giving guidance regarding expected changes in height related to puberty?

when did you start menstruation

What are potential adverse effects when adolescents do not use sunscreen?

wrinkles melanoma

A mother questions the nurse about motor skills she should expect to see in her 9-year-old child. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

your child has the motor control similar to an adult

A child is being seen with dental malocclusion. The child's caregiver asks the nurse how the child's oral health routine will have to change with braces. What is the nurse's best response?

your child should clean the teeth and use water flosser several times per day

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