Nursing Exam 3

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1. hypothetico deductive reasoning 2. naive idealism 3. egocentrism 4. personal fable 5. imaginary audience

Explain developmentally appropriate reasoning in an adolescent

-identity achievement -moratorium -identity foreclosure -identity diffusion

What are the 4 identity statuses in Marcia's theory?

extraversion agreeable conscientiousness neuroticism openess/ intellect

What are the big five personality traits?

latency stage

What stage are school agers in Freud's Psychosexual theory?

concreate operational stage

What stage is a school age child in according to Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Industry vs. Inferiority

What stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory are school agers in?

Stage 3: Synthetic conventional

What stage of Fowlers spiritual development are adolescents in?

Environmental reinforcers

When Stephen makes a joke in class, the other children burst into laughter. The children's laughter would best be placed into which of Bandura's reciprocal determinism components? a. Temperament b. Behavior c. Environmental reinforcers d. Personal factors

Reciprocal trust

When asked to define a true friend, 11-year-old Jaime replies that "a true friend is someone who will help you when you're down, who you can rely on when you need something—someone who's got your back." Jaime is describing which component of friendship? Shared experience Reciprocal trust Sociability Agreeableness


When asked to describe her classmate Raoul, Jenny answered, "He has dark hair and eyes. He sits next to me. I think he lives on Maple Street. He usually plays ball with the boys at recess." Based on this description, what is Jenny's likely age? 12 3 6 10

11-12 years old

When is the HPV (Gardasil) immunization given?

11-12 years old

When is the Tdap booster given?

Anually / Yearly / Every Year

When is the influenza vaccination given?


a time of transition between childhood and adulthood -12 to 18 -2nd most rapid period of physical and cognitive growth -time of great opportunity and risk


adolescent behavior that violated the law

deductive logic

type of reasoning based on a hypothetical premise that requires predicting a specific outcome -difficult for school agers because they must imagine things they haven't experienced

stage 3 of Phinney's 3 stage model

ethnic achievement; individuals have a clear and confident understanding of their own cultural identity

stage 2 of Phinney's 3 stage model

ethnic identity search; individuals become interested in learning about and understanding their own ethnic identity


highly creative, difficulty controlling emotions 2 types: withdrawn or aggressive

decline in physical and increase in verbal

how does aggression change in middle childhood?


First menstruation is referred to as menarche. puberty. adrenarche. menopause.


To help himself remember the colors of the rainbow Archie said, Roy g Biv. where each color is represented by a letter. this is an example of which of the following?

Identity Foreclosure (present, absent)

"I am going into the military because that's what everyone in my family does when they finish high school"

identity diffusion (absent, absent)

"I haven't given the future a lot of thought. Im sure something will come along to push me in one direction or another"

Moratorium (present, absent)

"I like psychology and am taking a variety of courses to determine whether I want to major in it or not"

Identity Achievement (present, present)

"I want to help people and am good at science, so I decided to be a nurse"

self esteem in adolescence

- Initial drop among all ethnic groups in early adolescence -Overall more positive sense of global self-worth by end of adolescence

ethnic identity

- Sense of belonging to an ethnic group - Minority, Biracial, and Immigrant teens may feel caught between 2 identities - Goal is to solve conflict between dominant culture and ethnic group with which they identify

self esteem

- global evaluation of one's worth -compare ideal self with actual self

differences shaped by environmental factors

- parent & teacher assumptions about skills -children internalize beliefs of others

general growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone and other activating hormones

- secreted from pituitary gland -rate of physical maturation -signals other glands to secrete -known as the master gland

teen pregnancy

-"About 77 percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned. In other words, they are unwanted or occurred "too soon," according to a national survey of adolescents." -"In 2010, the majority of pregnancies to adolescent females ages 15-19 in the United States—an estimated 60 percent—ended in a live birth; 15 percent ended in a miscarriage; and 30 percent ended in an abortion. The rate of abortions among adolescents is the lowest since abortion was legalized in 1973 and 66 percent lower than its peak in 1988."

psychological construct

-"Sarah is so kind" -increase steadily over time


-"billy runs a lot faster than Jason" -physical and/ or behavioral comparisons

1st growth spurt in adolescence - brain

-13-15years -thickening of cerebral cortex -development of neural pathways -prefrontal cortex


-16% of teens have thought about it -8% have attempted -girls are 2x more likely to attempt than boy and think about it more often -boys are 5x more likely to commit because of using more lethal methods -depression is a major factor; more common in girls

2nd growth spurt in adolescence - brain

-17 years -frontal lobe of cerebral cortex

physical development in adolescence

-3-6 inches/year -growth spurt (2-12 inches in 1 year) -hands and feet grow 1st to adult size (distal proximo) -joint development -muscle development -heart/lungs develop to adult levels

Treatment of ADHD

-Parent education and training to regain sense of control -Ritalin™ or Adderall™ to reduce activity levels, impulse control, improve social behavior (better peer acceptance); may not improve academic performance

Language Development in middle childhood

-Skilled at managing finer points of grammar-tenses -Able to engage in conversation with variety of people at different ages -Increasing vocabulary, especially derived words -Increase of 5,000-10,000 words/year -Structure of language: adjectives, adverbs, nouns

adolescent romantic relationships

-Teens as young as twelve and thirteen years old have concepts of being "in love" -Gender differences -Income differences -Age of puberty onset differences -Variations across cultures

decisions for teen pregnancy

-abortion -miscarriage -adoption -keep

puberty in boys and girls

-adrenarche occurs at 7-8 years of age -pituitary signals adrenal glands to start producing androgen -skeletal, muscular, and reproductive changes

anti social behavior: cyber bullying

-aggressive behavior using electronic communications -lack empathy and moral decision making skills -lack sensitivity to speed of aggressive communication -anoymity increases bullying behavior


-avg age 12-13 years -range 8-16 years -pregnancy can occur -irregular 1st few years

emotional intelligence

-awareness of one's emotions and ability to express -ability to channel emotions into pursuit of goals -childrens ability to exercise control over their emotions in early childhood= better academic achievement in adolescence

friendships in middle childhood

-best friend -shift from play together to reciprocal trust -learn how to manage conflicts

teens with high self esteem

-better resistance to peer pressure -higher academic grades -less depression -less substance abuse/early sexual intercourse

Adolescent Sexual Activity

-boys more active than girls -decreasing over past 3 decades -increases with age -social and cultural influences

influences of video games

-children who are poor school performer may gain confidence through mastering this -can increase participant hostility levels and decrease empathy with others -desensitization to impact or reality of violence

brain growth in middle childhood

-continued myelinization of frontal lobe, reticular formation, and nerves -increased focus and attention

antisocial behavior

-deliquency -deficits in role taking skills -childhood onset problems more serious and more often persist into adulthood, often directed by factors

achievement tests

-designed to asses specific information learned in school -some critic suggest portfolios of children schoolwork is a better indicator of actual school learning

Erikson: Industry vs. Inferiority

-develop a sense of competence through achievement of culturally and socially defined learning goals -willingness to work to accomplish goals; can be academic, socially, or culturally acceptable pursuits outside of school -failure leads to feelings of inferiority which can consistute a mind set that can hamper achievement and self esteem for the remainder of life

communication in 6-8 year olds

-developed vocabulary -may not be using listening or learning skills well in school

Synthetic Conventional

-early adolescent -question established parental religious standards, modify religious practices

inner city children

-exposed to street gangs and street violence -live in over crowded homes -subject to more abuse and drug use -witness to or victims of more violent crimes

6 year old: concrete thinking

-external features -global descriptions of personality like "nice", "good", "bad" -not applicable to all situation

cross cultural differences in achievement

-family and school responsibly for instruction -material rewards (operant conditioning) -teaching methods: master vs single lessons -computational fluency vs calculator dependency

poor readers

-have problems with sound letter combinations -benefit from highly specific phonics approaches -may need multiple teaching approaches to help catch up

anorexia nervosa

-highly distorted body image -characteristics: extreme dieting, obsessive exercising, need for control and perfection

social/emotional/coping in 8-10 year olds

-identifies with significant hero -involvement in activités to support sense of group accomplishment -needs love, positive expression & encouragement to promote self esteem and sense of belonging in family

physical development in middle childhood

-increased fine motor made possible by maturation of the wrist -eye hand coordination improves allowing more skillful performance of some activities

peer group relationships in adolescence

-increasingly intimate; share inner feeling and secrets and knowledge of each other feelings -more stable -share values, behaviors, and identity status

7-10 year olds: abstract thinking

-inner personality traits or qualities -assumption that those traits will be visible in many situations

formal operational stage (Piaget)

12 and up acquire increased logic of abstraction and hypotheticals

self definition and self understanding in

-less focused on physical look or ability -more focused on personality and ideology "I am a liberal person" "I am an extrovert"

self care children

-less than 12 years = unable to deal with emergencies and evaluate risk -poorly adjusted in peer relationships and academic performance -need high quality after school programs

8 Intelligences of Gardner's Theory

-linguistic -logical/mathematical -musical -spatial -bodily kinesthetic -naturalist -interpersonal -intrapersonal

social factors that influence early sexual experiences

-live in poor neighborhoods in which young people are not monitored -more likely to use ETOH -many were abused or neglected in early childhood -poorer families in which sex is condoned

emotion and coping in 6-8 year olds

-lives by set rules -motivated by reward or praise -wants to please parents

8-10 year olds

-mastering skills of productivity and survival -develops sense of humor, creativity, leadership & negotiation skills -compete academically, socially, and through extra curricular activities

health and wellness: nutrition in middle childhood

-may be deficient in vitamin C & iron -breakfast and lunch very important to daily learning and energy needs -needs 3 nutritious meals and 2 nutritious snacks

social interaction in 6-8 year olds

-may need help with friends (initiate, sustain, or terminate) -develops "best friend" -may be affectionate to friends

protective factors that can lessen sexual activity

-moral value system -involvement in extra curricular activities -higher self esteem -late puberty (girls); early puberty (boys) -accurate knowledge of reproduction, contraception, and risky behaviors -strong decision making -refraining from substance abuse

health and wellness: sleep in middle childhood

-need 8-12 hours per night -benefits from routines

Stage 2. Mythical-Literal Faith (Middle Childhood)

-omniopotent deity -good behavior rewarded; bad behavior punished -conscience bothered if disobeys

Understand multiple roles

-parent role versus partner role -can have multiple and act differently in each

secondary sexual development in males

-physical change later and more gradual -pubic hair -thickening of skin -sperm production 12-14 years -1st ejaculation 13-14 years -beard development and lower voice pitch signal

secondary sexual development in females

-physical changes precede menarche (10-12) -breast buds and pubic hair -menarche 2-3 years post breast buds

effects on child from a teen parent

-poor parental care -grow up in poverty -developmental delays

relationships in middle childhood

-preference for same sex companions -gender is more important than race/age -shared interests/activities

causes of moral development

-progression in age and corresponding cognitive development -decline of egocentricism -improvement in role taking -support from social environments

gender role identity

-related aspects of psychological self -gender roles are social conventions -teens influenced by parental attitudes and behaviors -largely influenced by culture -masculine, feminine, androgynous, undifferentiated

intelligence tests

-required by most us school districts -often result in misclassification of minority students -strongly correlated with achievement test scores


-secreted by the thyroid gland -normal brain development and overall rate of growth -responsible for growth spurt in adolescence

adrenal androgen

-secreted from adrenal gland -some changes at puberty, particularly the development of secondary sex characteristics in girls -responsible for growth spurt in adolescence

estrogen (estradiol)

-secreted from the ovaries -development of the menstrual cycle and breasts in girls -has less to do with other secondary sex characteristics than testosterone does for boys


-secreted from the testes -crucial in formation of male genitals prenatally -triggers sequence of changes in primary and secondary sex characteristics at puberty in males

positive and strong attachment with parents in adolescence

-sense of well being and happiness -academic success -good peer relationships

tasks for 6-12 year olds

-separate from home & family for school -balance dependence & independence -enter school & peer world -make friends & develop a sense of belonging -learn culture & social roles -refine communication & fine motor coordination -establish a conscience -decision making (not always sound decision maker)

link between violent tv and aggressive behavior

-short erm aggression after viewing -more aggressive in the long term -leads to emotional desensitization -belief that aggression is good way to solve problems

communication in 8-10 year olds

-significant growth in language -tells jokes -follows complex instructions -good storytelling and summarization skills (needs to retell school day events)

consequences of anorexia nervosa

-sleep disturbances -cessation of menstration -insensitivity to pain -loss of hair -electrolyte imbalances -low blood pressure -cardiovascular dysfunction

physical development in middle childhood

-spine straightens -facial bones changing -dentition: permanent teeth actively replacing baby teeth

attachment with parents in adolescence

-tasks: establish individual identity yet maintain relatedness -conflicts increase as adolescent identity emerges (centered on everyday issues, chores, and appearance)

eating disorders

-teens are weight conscious, may diet -distorted body image -psychological illness -can be fatal -more likely to have mental disorders in the future -more common in girls and homosexual boys

factors that contribute to suicide

-triggering stressful events -bullying -altered mental state -an opportunity (access to weapons) -minority sexual status -low self esteem -school problems -family/friend history -substance abuse -breakup with romantic partner

bulimia nervosa

-twice weekly or more cycles of binging and purging -self induced vomiting, laxative use, excessive exercise -not exceptionally thin -obsessed with weight -shame about behavior -significant depression characteristics: tooth decay, stomach irritation, lowered body temp, body chemistry distubances, loss of hair

sexual orientation

-uncertainty decreases with the passage of time -realization start in middle childhood, develops in adolescence, self awareness by early childhood -isolation, depression, target of bullying

6-8 year olds

-wants to be independent -not always good decision making -starting school -beginning to develop logic

influence of the computer and internet

-weathier children have more access; digital divide -use for schoolwork, games, email, chat rooms, and social networking -younger children more time playing; older children more time social networking

Keys to Self Esteem

1. amount of discrepancy between what the child desires and what he thinks he has 2. overall support a child feels they are receiving from important people -acceptance from peers/family -stable friendships

2nd Growth Spurt - Brain

10-12 years old -frontal lobe and cerebral cortex -dramatic improvement logic and planning

puberty in boys

10-16 years: 11-14 on avg. -pubic hair, nocturnal emissions, deeper voice

Freud Psychosexual Stage: Genital Stage

12+ years old -libido force is genitals -reaching full sexual maturity -last stage of personality development -includes both adolescents and adults -channel libido into a healthy sexual relationship

Pre operational stage (Piaget)

18 months- 6 years acquire symbolic schemes: language and fantasy

height growth in middle childhood

2-3 inches/year

Jean Phinney

3 stage model of ethic identity formation


4-6 young people who are strongly attached to one another; same sex

weight gain in middle childhood

5-6 lbs/year

personality traits

6 years: surface/external qualities 10 years: psychological factors- centered on feelings and ideas

Latency period

6-12 -challenge is to form emotional bonds with peers and move beyond sole bonds with parents formed earlier -sexual urges dormant -superego internalization

school age (middle childhood)

6-12 years

concrete operational stage (Piaget)

6-12 years acquire logical problem solving abilities

moral realism

6-8 years old -rules come from authorities -imposed from the outside; obeying other peoples rules -rule violation results in consequences or punishment -cannot be changed; guided by consequences

1st Growth Spurt - Brain

6-8 years old -sensory and motor -improvements are linked to improved fine motor and eye hand coordination

moral relativism

8-12 years old -rules can be changed by group -only get punished for rule violations if caught -morality based on own rules; flexible -guided by intentions

Puberty in girls

8-16 years: 10-13 on avg. -breast buds, pubic hair, menses


85-95% in bmi percentile


95% in bmi percentile

severely obese

99% in bmi percentile

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A child who has academic and behavioral problems in school because he or she is more physically active and or less attentive than peers may be classified as having which of the following?


A child who understands conservation of mass or volume would by necessity also understand which of the following?

c. they are much more likely to come from poor families.

A major reason why African American youth are at risk for dropping out of high school is that a. they are much more interested in sports than academics. b. their parents tend to use a permissive style. c. they are much more likely to come from poor families. d. their parents tend to use an authoritative style.


A person who has chosen an occupation without having evaluated her values and options is in which stage of identity status, according to James Marcia?


A person who has not made a commitment to an occupation or ideology even through she has reexamined her values and choices is which stage of identity status, according to Marcia's theory of identity achievement?

horizontal decalage.

A researcher rolls some clay into a ball and shows it to Zian, then squishes the clay into a pancake. Zian understands that the amount of clay is the same in both. The researcher makes a row of 10 coins, then makes another row of 10 coins beneath it but spreads out the row so the coins are farther apart. Zian says the spread-out row has more coins in it. This seems to confirm the phenomenon Piaget called horizontal decalage. class inclusion. decentration. reversibility.

c. quality of her relationship with parents.

A teenager's sense of well-being is most strongly correlated with the a. number of friends she has. b. level of his academic achievement. c. quality of her relationship with parents. d. strength of his religious belief.

to have a secure base as they begin the identify development process

According to Erikson, why do teenagers identify with peer groups?

relative right-left orientation

Ability to identify right vs. left from multiple perspectives -typically understood by kids > 8 years old

From 5,000 to 10,000

About how many words do children aged 6 to 12 add to their vocabularies annually? From 1,000 to 2,000 From 2,000 to 5,000 From 5,000 to 10,000 From 10,000 to 25,000


According to Bem, an individual with both high masculinity and high femininity is said to be undifferentiated. androgynous. bisexual. transsexual.

d. a sense of personal individuality.

According to Erikson, an adolescent who successfully resolves the identity-versus-role-confusion conflict a. will achieve feelings of trust. b. feelings of competence. c. a sense of moral duty. d. a sense of personal individuality.

b. By adapting and blending earlier identifications

According to Erikson, how do adolescents form their identities? a. Through the influence of their parents b. By adapting and blending earlier identifications c. Through the influence of their peers d. By modeling themselves after other people

d. To form emotional bonds with peers and to begin separating from parents

According to Freud, which is the main challenge of middle childhood? a. To achieve culturally acceptable social and learning goals in order to gain feelings of competence b. To develop a sense of self and autonomy and to understand one's role in the world at large c. To create a strong and permanent gender identity and to focus on relationships with the opposite sex d. To form emotional bonds with peers and to begin separating from parents


According to Gardners theory of multiple intelligences, which intelligence involves sensitivity to the behavior, moods, and needs of others?


According to Howard Gardners throw of multiple intelligences, which of the following types of intelligence represents the ability to understand oneself?

moral realism

According to Piaget's ideas about children moral development, a child who insists that the rules of a game cannot be changed because they come from authorities (such as parents or relies figures) is demonstrating moral development at which stage?

Concrete operational

According to Piaget, at which developmental stage does moral reasoning begin to emerge? Preoperational Concrete operational Sensorimotor Formal operational

c. Experiential intelligence

According to Sternberg, which type of intelligence is used when a person must deal with a novel situation? a. Intrapersonal intelligence b. Emotional intelligence c. Experiential intelligence d. Contextual intelligence

a. Parents should praise their children for observing commonly expected social conventions.

According to psychologist Thomas Lickona, which of the following is most likely to help a child develop moral reasoning? a. Parents should praise their children for observing commonly expected social conventions. b. Parents should teach children that every infraction of a rule, intentional or not, is cheating. c. Parents should avoid punishing their children, as this will lead to a contempt for rules and norms. d. Parents should allow children to formulate their own moral codes rather than impose their own values.

Middle childhood

According to the most recent research, when does the process through which an individual comes to realize that he or she is homosexual usually begin? Early adulthood Late adolescence Middle childhood Early childhood

in the same grade.

Achievement test scores are based on the comparison of an individual child's performance to those of other children in the same grade. with the same IQ. of the same age. in the same school.

a. girls; boys

Among adolescents, more _____ attempt suicide, while _____ are more successful at completing suicide. a. girls; boys b. urban teenagers; rural teenagers c. late teenagers; early teenagers d. Hispanics; Whites


Although Valentina has lived in the United States for only 1 year, and her English skills are not especially strong, all of her classes at school are taught in English only. Which is this an example of? ESL program Submersion Inclusion bilingual program


Although his family is relatively poor, Gregory's mother brings home library books for him to read almost every day. She plays the classical music station on the radio much of the time, limits his television time to 1 hour per day, and makes a point of knowing what he's doing when he is not at home. Thanks to his mother's efforts, Gregory has a good chance of becoming _____ despite his poverty. popular intelligent extraverted resilient

egocentric, and less than fully mature

Although research evidence generally supports Piaget's views on intentionality and moral development, the moral reasoning of 6-12 year olds is still highly?

c. Ana is probably as tall as she is ever going to be.

Ana is 17 years old. Which statement about her is most likely correct? a. Ana's brain development is essentially complete. b. Ana is likely stronger than her 14-year-old brother. c. Ana is probably as tall as she is ever going to be. d. Ana's cognitive processes are at their peak.


Around age 7 or 8, the pituitary gland signals the adrenal glands to increase production of androgens. What is the term for this process?

Age 7 or 8

At about which age do children's descriptions of others begin to include the other person's inner qualities and traits? Age 4 or 5 Age 9 or 10 Age 7 or 8 Age 11 or 12

c. avoid punishment.

At the very lowest level of Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning, people obey rules in order to a. be a team player. b. conform to societal expectations. c. avoid punishment. d. gain rewards.

preconventional morality

At which stage of Kholbergs theory of moral reasoning are the standards the child uses to judge right and wrong based on external superior sources of authority and determined by the outcome or consequences?

Retaliatory aggression

Bailey took Kristof's homework paper from his desk and tore it in half. After school, Kristof waited for Bailey out on the playground and pushed him down to get even. Which kind of aggression did Kristof exhibit? Relational aggression Bullying aggression Instrumental aggression Retaliatory aggression


Beginning at about age _____, boys begin to gain a clear advantage over girls in terms of physical endurance. 14 10 16 12


Beverly's parents like to sleep in on Saturday morning, while Beverly usually gets up early. They allow her to go into the kitchen and make her own simple breakfast of toast, juice, and milk while they continue to snooze. Beverly's parents apparently have a high degree of confidence in their daughter's capacity for reversibility. self-regulation. decentration. self-efficacy.

numerical reasoning.

Boys typically score higher than girls on achievement tests that measure arithmetic computation. emotional intelligence. numerical reasoning. verbal tasks.


Brenda understands that 1 + 2 = 3, but she does not grasp that 2 + 1 = 3 as well. Piaget would say that Brenda lacks which of the following? Reversibility Centration Conservation Egocentrism

d. failing to properly value the role of interpersonal relationships in moral development.

Carol Gilligan has criticized Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning for a. emphasizing moral behavior mainly as defined by Judeo-Christian principles. b. placing undue emphasis on "duty" and not enough emphasis on "justice." c. underestimating the connection between moral reasoning and moral behavior. d. failing to properly value the role of interpersonal relationships in moral development.

physical appearance.

Changes in secondary sex characteristics are mainly seen in cognitive ability. physical appearance. hormone production. motor skills.

b. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Children with this disorder tend to be more physically energetic, impulsive, and less able to concentrate than their peers. a. Asperger's syndrome b. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder c. Autism spectrum disorder d. Down syndrome

d. Training and practice in working memory and self-control

Clarissa has mild ADHD. Which of the following would most likely be the first treatment a health care professional would recommend to Clarissa's parents? a. Adoption of an all-organic, gluten-free diet b. Regular, daily doses of Adderall c. Regular, daily doses of Ritalin d. Training and practice in working memory and self-control

b. are less likely to use drugs.

Compared to peers whose bonds with parents are weaker, teens who are close to their parents a. learn independent life skills more slowly. b. are less likely to use drugs. c. tend to start puberty earlier. d. usually come from large families.

b. have a wider range of acquaintances.

Compared to their parents in their own teenage years, today's adolescents a. have more close friends. b. have a wider range of acquaintances. c. are less likely to care about popularity. d. choose fewer same-sex friends.

d. underestimates the importance of culture.

Critics generally agree that Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning a. fails to take into account the development of the ego. b. is accurate for adolescents but not for adults. c. places too little emphasis on moral behavior. d. underestimates the importance of culture.

Stereotype threat

Diana is an African American student who is aware that her White peers consider her—and other African Americans generally—to be less intellectually able than themselves. Consequently, when she takes the SAT college entrance examination, she unconsciously fails to put forth her best effort because to achieve a low score after working hard would confirm her peers' beliefs. Which of the following phenomenon is at play here? Elaboration Stereotype threat Automaticity Horizontal décalage

attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Disability in which children consistently show one or more characteristics over a period of time; inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. May have difficulty focusing, following directions, organizing, making transitions, and completing tasks.

c. Ethnic identity search

Duane, an African American teenager, was stopped by a police officer because one of his taillights was out. After comparing his experience with some of his friends' experiences, Duane concluded that he was stopped mainly because of his ethnicity rather than the taillight. In which stage of ethnic identity development does Duane appear to be in? a. Unexamined ethnic identity b. Ethnic identify achievement c. Ethnic identity search d. Assimilated ethnic identity

psychological self

During middle childhood, a new component of the self is added to the categorical, social, and emotional selves. This new component includes personality traits. What is the term for this new component?

the outcome or consequences of an action

During the preconventional stage of Lawrence Kholbergs levels of moral development,

Ability grouping

Edwin has always thought of himself as one of the smarter kids in school. But now that he's started middle school, he has noticed that most of his classes are with students he hadn't really thought of as all that intelligent. And by contrast, he also has noticed that many of the "really smart" kids are not in any of his classes at all. Edwin has noticed which of the following practices? Task-oriented teaching Ability grouping Mastery approach Grade-level teams

stage 2 (mythical literal)

Emily stole candy from her brother. Her family is Christian. Emily feels guilty for stealing and is now worried that she will be punished. What stage of spiritual development is this?

the ability to channel emotions into the pursuit of worthwhile goals

Emotional intelligence has three components: awareness of personal emotions, appropriate emotional expression, and

identity crisis

Erikson used which of the following terms to refer to the period when an adolescent is troubled by the lack of identity?

Adolescent egocentrism

Fifteen-year-old Georgia is in love for the first time. Describing her feelings to her mother, she says, "Oh mom, you just wouldn't understand! Being in love is soooooo wonderful." Which phenomenon is Georgia exhibiting? Interpersonal vanity Imaginary audience Personal fable Adolescent egocentrism

a. College students spent most of their study time on the 10-cent words.

Fifth graders, eighth graders, and college students were asked to memorize a list of words. They were told that they would be paid 1 cent for some words and 10 cents for other words. Which was the result? a. College students spent most of their study time on the 10-cent words. b. Fifth graders recalled far more 10-cent words than 1-cent words. c. Eighth graders remembered more 1-cent words than fifth graders. d. Eighth graders outperformed college students in rehearsal, but not in recall.

withdrawn child

For several days, Edith approached a group of girls at recess and tried to join in their games, but the other girls told her to go away. Soon, the other girls made a point of running off if they saw Edith approaching. Eventually, Edith gave up and spent recess by herself sitting under a tree reading. Edith is best described as a(n) aggressive child. withdrawn child neglected child. reluctant child.

Using tobacco

For which of the following activities is sensation seeking the least important factor? Using tobacco Drinking beer Smoking marijuana Snorting cocaine

"I am a social justice warrior."

Four children were asked, "Who are you?" Based on their answers, which answer was most likely from a teenager? "I have freckles." "I have blue eyes." "I am very tall." "I am a social justice warrior."

theory of multiple intelligences

Gardner's intelligence theory that proposes that there are eight distinct spheres of intelligence

a. Girls' self-esteem is a bit shakier than boys'.

Generally speaking, how do adolescent girls compare to adolescent boys regarding self-esteem and self-image? a. Girls' self-esteem is a bit shakier than boys'. b. Girls' self-esteem is considerably higher than boys'. c. Girls are less vulnerable to fluctuations in their self-esteem than boys. d. Girls are more likely to base self-esteem on popularity achievement than boys.

Inductive logic

Henrietta leaves for school at 8:00 every morning and has never been late. Henrietta assumes that she will always be on time for school if she leaves at 8:00. Which is the best characterization of the scheme Henrietta is using? Deductive logic Inductive logic Decentration Conservation

can apply previously learned memory strategies to the new task

High school students perform better than elementary school students in memory task experiments because they...

children in poverty

Higher in the U.S. than in many other industrialized countries Unequal distribution with respect to age, ethnicity, and family structure (under 6 years, ethnic minorities, and single mothers) Sequelae: -More often ill -Lower average IQ scores -Perform more poorly in school -Exhibit more behavior problems

Using social media

How does a typical 13-year-old spend most of her time online? Downloading music Using social media Playing games Reading news stories

c. Self-esteem usually becomes increasingly more stable over time.

How stable is self-esteem between childhood and early adulthood? a. Self-esteem tends to become much more volatile over time. b. Self-esteem typically grows increasingly less stable over time. c. Self-esteem usually becomes increasingly more stable over time. d. Self-esteem almost always falls sharply over time.

c. obey rules because she feels obligated to do so.

If 14-year-old Tia is at Kohlberg's conventional level of moral reasoning, she will a. do what she is told in order to escape punishment. b. follow rules if they promote her self-interest. c. obey rules because she feels obligated to do so. d. develop a social contract involving self-chosen ethical principles.


If he is a typical 8-year-old, which of the following variables will be most important to William's selection of friends? Age Race Intelligence Gender


In American high schools, "jocks," "normals," and "brains" are examples of social structures called crowds. cliques. in-groups. reference groups.

a. Exercising several hours every day

In bulimia nervosa, which of the following behaviors is often used to compensate for binge eating? a. Exercising several hours every day b. Withdrawing from most social activities c. Controlling carbohydrate intake d. Following a strict gluten-free diet

c. focus more on external qualities.

In contrast to the self-concepts of older children, younger children's self-concepts: a. emphasize personality traits. b. are far more accurate. c. focus more on external qualities. d. tend to stress family relationships.


In contrast with the self-concepts of young children, adolescent self-concepts are more absolute. concrete. abstract. truthful.

d. Development of facial hair

In general, which is the last thing that usually occurs during puberty among boys? a. Development of pubic hair b. Enlargement of testes c. Production of viable sperm d. Development of facial hair


In order to remember his new cell phone number, Maxwell repeats it over and over to himself in his head. Which information-processing strategy is he using? Organization Mnemonics Rehearsal Elaboration

gets faster with age

In support of the hypothesis that improved processing efficiency accounts for cognitive development, researchers have found that children thinking and response time


In the United States, the first language of most ELL students is Spanish. French. English. Chinese.


In the United States, the middle school model includes how many years of elementary school? 6 5 7 8

d. hypothetico-deductive reasoning.

In the game of 20 Questions, a participant asks a series of yes-or-no questions to figure out what the other person is thinking about. To play this game correctly, the participant must be able to exhibit a. preoperational thought. b. concrete operational thought. c. hypothetico-inductive reasoning. d. hypothetico-deductive reasoning.

c. near completion of the myelination of neutrons in the association areas of the brain.

Increases in information-processing speed in middle childhood is likely attributed to the... a. lateralization of the brain's right and left hemispheres between the corpus callosum. b. maturation of the hippocampus in the brain's medial temporal lobe. c. near completion of the myelination of neutrons in the association areas of the brain. d. brain's synaptic pruning process, which is completed by about age 12.

global self concept

It is important to understand that perceived competence in domains, like academics and socially, serve as building blocks for an individual's _______________

b. She has high self-efficacy.

It is the bottom of the 9th inning, the bases are loaded, and Louise is at bat. If she gets a hit, her team wins. As she steps up to the plate, she thinks to herself, "I've gotten two hits already today. I know I can get another one now." How would Bandura characterize Louise? a. She is an introvert. b. She has high self-efficacy. c. She is an extravert. d. She has a poor self-concept.

crisis and commitment

James Marcias theory of adolescent identity achievement suggests that adolescent identity formation has two key parts, known as _____________ and ______________.

c. Behavioral comparison

Jason is telling his mother about his classmate Venus and remarks, "She runs faster than anyone else at school." Jason's description of Venus involves which of the following? a. Reciprocal determinism b.Emotional narrative c. Behavioral comparison d. Psychological construct


Jerry loves to talk and is an exceptional writer. Howard Gardner would likely say that he is high in which type of intelligence? Emotional Interpersonal Spatial Linguistic


Kenji has male sex organs but he identifies as a woman. Kenji is best described as bisexual. transsexual. homosexual. transgendered.

Resilient child

Kenyon lives in a family whose income is below the poverty line. Nevertheless, Kenyon was talking by age 1, could read by age 3, and gets mostly As and Bs in school. He is a pleasant child who is well-liked among his peers. How would a developmentalist most likely refer to Kenyon? Vulnerable child Conscientious child Introverted child Resilient child

Formal operational

Kohlberg would argue that an individual could not attain the postconventional level of moral development without being at which of Piaget's developmental stages? Concrete operational Preoperational Formal operational Sensorimotor

a. Industry versus inferiority

Lauren's teacher has challenged her to read 20 books by the end of the school year, and Lauren is working very hard to achieve this goal. Her diligence to complete this task is indicative of children who are in which of Erikson's psychosocial stages? a. Industry versus inferiority b. Autonomy versus shame and doubt c. Identity versus identity confusion d. Trust versus mistrust


Lola is always quick to forgive a classmate who is mean to her and regularly brings treats to school to share with her friends. Which of the Big Five personality traits does Lola demonstrate? Neuroticism Conscientiousness Openness Agreeableness

a. Posttraumatic stress disorder

Many children who live in impoverished neighborhoods with high crime rates exhibit symptoms of which of the following disorders? a. Posttraumatic stress disorder b. Oppositional defiant disorder c. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder d. Autism spectrum disorder

c. Martin himself does not place a high value on being a good chess player.

Martin has an aptitude for chess. He is able to beat not only his classmates at chess, but most adults he plays. Yet Martin's chess-playing abilities have not raised his self-esteem. Which is the most likely explanation? a. Children value peers who are good at academics more than peers who are good chess players. b. Martin's parents have not given him enough praise for his chess-playing abilities. c. Martin himself does not place a high value on being a good chess player. d. Society values boys who are good at sports more than boys who are good chess players.

d. Matías receives instruction all day in both Spanish and English, while Esperanza spends part of her day in classes to learn English and part in academic classes conducted entirely in English.

Matías is enrolled in a bilingual class, while Esperanza is enrolled in an ESL program. How are their school days different? a. Matías attends classes that are conducted entirely in Spanish, while Esperanza attends classes that are conducted entirely in English. b. Esperanza receives instruction all day in both Spanish and English, while Matías spends part of his day in classes to learn English and part in academic classes conducted entirely in English. c. Esperanza attends classes that are conducted entirely in Spanish, while Matías attends classes that are conducted entirely in English. d. Matías receives instruction all day in both Spanish and English, while Esperanza spends part of her day in classes to learn English and part in academic classes conducted entirely in English.

c. Relational aggression

Maurice is giving an oral book report in class. "He thinks he's so smart," Luther whispers to the boys around her. "Let's not sit with him at lunchtime." Which type of aggression is Luther exhibiting? a. Psychological aggression b. Instrumental aggression c. Relational aggression d. Retaliatory aggression


Membership in which of the following groups is based mainly on reputation rather than personal interaction between group members? Clique Gang Posse Crowd

1st dose at 11-12 years 2nd dose at 16 years

Meningococcal vaccination

d. Help the children discover that they can do things they did not think they were capable of doing.

Mr. Hernandez is a third-grade teacher. Based on Erikson's theories, which would be the best strategy for Mr. Hernandez to use with his students? a. Allow students to explore many different roles until a sense of their own identity begins to emerge. b. Punish children if they are not interested in completing the work he has assigned. c. Let the children decide for themselves what they want to learn, and provide minimal but supportive direction. d. Help the children discover that they can do things they did not think they were capable of doing.

Guided reading

Ms. Tanaka chooses a book for her reading group that is slightly challenging for the students and helps students practice reading strategies that will allow them to read the text independently. Which type of reading session is Ms. Tanaka using? Systematic reading Phonics reading Guided reading Shared reading

Significantly lower

Natalie is a 16-year-old girl who learned 2 weeks ago that her parents are going to divorce. She has felt very upset and depressed since then. Compared to her 15-year-old brother Max, which is the likelihood that Natalie's feelings will ultimately lead her to take her life? Significantly higher About the same Significantly lower Somewhat higher

Causes of ADHD

Neurobiological, temperament, parenting style, genetics, stressors in life (poverty, family instability, parental mental illness), peer relations, and type and quality of school attended

preconventional stage . In this example, Nicholas is looking out for himself. He is displaying self-interest which is part of the preconventional stage of moral development.

Nicholas stops arguing with his brother because he doesn't want his mother to take his Playstation away for the week. Based on Kohlberg's stages of moral development, this is an example of what stage of development?

Proficiency testing

No child left behind law


Noah has decided to take a gap year between high school and college to figure out what he wants to do with his life. This is an expression of which of Marcia's identity statuses? Moratorium Identity diffusion Foreclosure Identity achievement

neglected child.

None of the other children really dislike Nancy, but none of them really consider her a friend either. Nancy would probably best be characterized as a(n): neglected child. withdrawn child. aggressive child. introverted child.

African American females

Of all the following groups of high school students, which is least likely to be currently sexually active? African American males White females Hispanic males African American females


Oral reading fluency is associated with a high degree of class inclusion. horizontal décalage. automaticity. metacognition.

a. Orville will begin to limit the time he spends with the children who are taunting him.

Orville is an introverted second grader. In a playground race with his classmates, Orville finished far behind the others and his classmates made fun of his slowness. Even days later, some of the children tease him and call him names. How is Orville most likely to react? a. Orville will begin to limit the time he spends with the children who are taunting him. b. Orville will bring goodies into class to appease the children who are taunting him. c. Orville will become angry and begin bullying younger, smaller children at school. d. Orville will start running regularly in an effort to become a faster runner.


Overall, high school girls are less likely to take higher-level courses in _____ than boys. literature history mathematics geography

the amount of discrepancy between what a child desires and what the child thinks he or she has actually achieved

Overall, which of these factors is key to self esteem?

d. children's feelings of self-esteem tend to persist once they have been created.

Parents' evaluations of their children tend to be fairly consistent. For this reason, a. the cultural context in which a child grows up has little influence on her social self. b. children tend to look to peers rather than parents to develop their self-efficacy. c. a child's psychological self is fully formed by the end of middle childhood. d. children's feelings of self-esteem tend to persist once they have been created.


Paul has Down syndrome, but he attends the same school and classes as his typical siblings and peers. Which intervention is Paul using? Reciprocal teaching Pull-out program Inclusion Coeducation

Retaliatory aggression

Penny broke her brother's baseball trophy after he used her favorite doll to play tug of war with the dog. Which type of aggression is Penny demonstrating? Relational aggression Hostile aggression Instrumental aggression Retaliatory aggression

identity crisis

Period when adolescent is troubled by lack of identity. Peer group may be a defense against emotional turmoil in this period

Moral realism

Ponlok wants to play checkers, but when you bring out the game he notices the board has white and black squares instead of the red and black squares Ponlok is accustomed to. Ponlok says that you can't play checkers on this board because that would be breaking the rules. According to Piaget, Ponlok is in which stage of moral reasoning? Formal operational Concrete operational Moral realism Moral relativism

relational aggression

Psychologists have begun to conclude that girls may not be less aggressive than boys, but rather that girls may express themselves by using which form of aggression?


Rates of formal operational thinking tend to increase with education. brain maturation. chronological age. income.

US educational policy: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (2015)

Reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Replaced 'No Child Left Behind Act' (2002) Less top-down approach, more control to the states Preserves federal testing schedules Report annual achievement scores Teachers end up "teaching to the test" Textbooks become geared to the tests However students may try harder and there are signs of improvement also.


Reexamination outcome -role, value, goal, ideology

d. adapting to the individualistic pressures of North American culture.

Research has found that a critical issue in ethnic identify development for first-generation Asian Americans is a. maintaining contact with extended family in their parents' countries. b. resisting the stereotypical expectations of academic success. c. meeting American standards of physical beauty. d. adapting to the individualistic pressures of North American culture.

c. He overestimated the prevalence of formal operational thinking among teens.

Research has found that just over half of 12th graders were able to solve two formal operations problems. Which is correct regarding Piaget's predictions about the thinking ability of adolescents? a. He was extremely accurate. b. He was completely wrong. c. He overestimated the prevalence of formal operational thinking among teens. d. He was too pessimistic.

b. Deleted trivial information from their summaries

Researchers asked 10-, 13-, 15-, and 18-year-olds to read and summarize a passage of text. Which of the following did participants of all ages do? a. Showed categorical organization in their summaries b. Deleted trivial information from their summaries c. Invented topic sentences for their summaries d. Used topic sentences from the text in their summaries

Imaginary audience

Ricardo is very upset. It's picture day at school, and he has a little pimple on his forehead. He is sure that everyone who sees him—and his yearbook picture—will notice the pimple. Which phenomenon is at play here? Personal fable False belief Imaginary audience Naïve idealism

Permissive parenting

Risky behavior in adolescence has been linked to which of the following? High academic achievement Low intelligence Permissive parenting Late onset of puberty


Romantic relationships between teens becomes common at around age _____ or so. 19 13 15 17

b. Up to 18 inches taller

Sarah is 6 years old. By the time she is 12, how much taller will she be? a. At least 30 inches taller b. Up to 18 inches taller c. More than 24 inches taller d. About 6 inches taller

Support from peers

Self-esteem is most strongly linked to which of the following? Self-control Self-efficacy Cognitive ability Support from peers

sensation seeking.

Seventeen-year-old Rory frequently engages in behavior such as drag racing, bungee jumping, and rock climbing. He appears to have an especially high need for sensation seeking. perspective taking. engagement. openness.

a. Elkind's Personal Fable

Shelly is a high school sophomore who got pregnant in her freshman year. Even though she is sexually active, she doesn't use any form of contraception because she says, "I just can't see myself getting pregnant twice". Shelly's thinking reflects: a. Elkind's Personal Fable b. Piaget's Naïve Idealism c. Good understanding of human reproduction d. Effective application of formal operational thinking

d. including victims in counseling sessions simply stigmatizes them even further.

Some critics of anti-bullying programs believe that a. children who are at risk for bullying should be supervised closely by school staff. b. when victims express compassion and empathy for bullies, the bullying ceases. c. the best way to reduce bullying is to teach victims to be more assertive. d. including victims in counseling sessions simply stigmatizes them even further.


Some studies indicate that playing video games may enhance which type of skill? Gross motor Spatial-cognitive Interpersonal Intrapersonal

a. Hector, a Hispanic American 12-year-old

Statistically speaking, which child probably spends the most time online each day? a. Hector, a Hispanic American 12-year-old b. Cedric, an African American 11-year-old c. Violet, a White 11-year-old d. Midori, an Asian American 12-year-old

triarchic theory of intelligence

Sternberg's theory that there are three kinds of intelligence: contextual, experiential, componential


Students who succeed academically in high school are typically from _____ families. authoritarian authoritative permissive uninvolved

b. Andrea will become apathetic about reading.

Suppose Andrea has low self-efficacy about her reading skills and parents who do not encourage her to read. Which is the likely result? a. Andrea will be motivated to improve her reading skills. b. Andrea will become apathetic about reading. c. Andrea will find something else to excel in. d. Andrea will fail to develop a psychological self.

b. lack empathy.

Teens who are aggressive often make poor moral decisions because they a. have excess estrogen. b. lack empathy. c. are unintelligent. d. have an undeveloped amygdala.

a. They are advanced in the development of logical thinking.

Teens who attain Marcia's status of identify achievement also have which quality? a. They are advanced in the development of logical thinking. b. They tend to be extraverts. c. They have a well-developed sense of right and wrong. d. They have a strong working memory.


The ability to read and write is called literacy. cognition. intelligence. logic.

continued myelination in the frontal lobes and reticular formation and the nerves that link the two

The attention span of the average 4th grader is much longer than that of the average 1st grader. Which of the following biological changes is primarily responsible for this?

d. degree of internalization.

The distinctions between Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning have mainly to do with a. immediacy of consequences. b. pressure from peers. c. severity of punishment. d. degree of internalization.

Selective attention

The inhibition of responses to features that are not relevant to a task is demonstrated by which of the following? Selective attention Selective cognition Spatial perception Spatial cognition

moral reasoning.

The process of making judgments about the rightness or wrongness of specific acts is called deductive logic. inductive logic. moral reasoning. moral relativism.


The quantity and quality of knowledge and relevant information a child has about a particular topic contributes greatly to which of the following information-processing systems? Expertise Automaticity Conservation Rehearsal


The ways in which a person thinks about and describes herself is best defined as self-concept. self-assurance. self-consciousness. self-esteem.

a. Cognitive development

There appears to be a strong correlation between Kohlberg's stages of moral development and which of the following? a. Cognitive development b. Concrete operational thinking c. Religious belief d. Preoperational thinking

frontal lobe

Thirteen-year-old Ethan planned with friends to trash some classrooms as a prank after school when the building was cleared. They were caught and got into significant trouble. Ethan's older sister Elaine asked her brother, "Didn't you guys think about what would happen to you if you got caught? I certainly would have!" According to brain researchers, the reason Ethan did not think ahead—while Elaine would have—is because his _____ is less fully developed than his sister's. frontal lobe hippocampus amygdala corpus callosum


Thomas thinks of himself as a kind, compassionate friend when the situation calls for gentleness, and assertive—almost aggressive—under other circumstances. Where would Thomas most likely be placed in Bern's gender role categories? Feminine Undifferentiated Masculine Androgynous

Stage 5

Though his action violates school rules, Gregory participates in a sit-in to protest what he sees as unfair treatment of transgendered students. In which stage of moral reasoning would Kohlberg likely place Gregory? Stage 6 Stage 5 Stage 3 Stage 4


Tomas uses the made-up name Roy G. Biv to remember the colors in a rainbow. Which information-processing strategy is he using? Rehearsal Organization Elaboration Mnemonics

d. an analytical learning style.

True-false tests and multiple-choice exams tend to favor students with... a. a relational learning style. b. strong interpersonal intelligence. c. strong contextual intelligence. d. an analytical learning style.


Tyrone's father was a professional football player. Ever since he was a toddler, Tyrone has wanted to play in the NFL just like his dad. Consequently, he accepts his father's advice about nutrition and weight training in order to achieve his goal. Tyrone exemplifies which of Marcia's identity statuses? Identity achievement Moratorium Identity diffusion Foreclosure

emotional intelligence.

Understanding one's own feelings and empathy for others are key components of spatial intelligence. emotional intelligence. naturalist intelligence. componential intelligence.

d. prefer playmates of the same gender.

Unlike younger children, a 10-year-old is more likely to: a. be less choosy about who they consider a friend. b. claim that friends are not really that important. c. consider a friend to be anyone with mutual interests. d. prefer playmates of the same gender.

-supervision and social boundaries -allow privacy -education: sex, substances, driving, violence prevention, risk of peer pressure and sensation seeking -personal responsibility: sex, drugs, alcohol -STI prevention and contraception -healthy lifestyle, nutrition and exercise

What anticipatory guidance can be given for adolescents?

-safety education: car, bike, skates, fire, water, sports, animal, and playground -personal responsibilities: hygiene & dental, nutrition & exercise, healthy lifestyle behaviors, substance use and abuse -abuse prevention -dangers of peer influence -puberty, sexuality, and reproductive education

What anticipatory guidance can be given to parents of school agers?

asthma and obesity

What are significant health risks for school agers?

stages of pubertal development

What is Tanner's theory

reciprocal determinism

What is bandora's social cognitive view of personality?

body fat

What is linked to earlier puberty in girls?


What level of Kholberg's moral development are school agers in?

-calcium -protein -iron

What nutrients may need increased in diet for adolescents?

1. phonological awareness 2. phonemic awareness 3. phonics 4. fluency 5. comprehension

What skills contribute to the ability to read well in middle childhood?

phonological awareness and automaticity

What skills contribute to the ability to read well in middle childhood?

b. Naïve Idealism

When teens mentally construct a perfect world, compare the real world to it, and express frustration over the disparity between the two, they are exhibiting a characteristic of adolescent thought that Piaget called: a. Adolescent egocentrism b. Naïve Idealism c. Systematic problem solving d. Egocentric worldview


When the teacher asked "How many inches are there in a yard?" Carmen answered without having to pause to first compute the number of inches in a foot. Carmen's skill is an example of which cognitive ability?

a. Danielle is high in the Big Five trait of openness and has experienced early puberty.

Which adolescent is most likely to become sexually active at an early age? a. Danielle is high in the Big Five trait of openness and has experienced early puberty. b. Rita has authoritative parents and has experienced late puberty. c. Jamaal has authoritative parents and has experienced early puberty. d. Roger is low in the Big Five trait of extraversion and has experienced late puberty.

sensory and motor areas and the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex

Which areas of the brain undergo major growth spurts in middle childhood?

d. During a game of basketball, the players decide that it is not necessary to dribble the ball when running with it.

Which children are operating at Piaget's moral relativism stage? a. Some children become upset when their teacher tries to get them to play "Head, Tummy, Knees, and Toes" instead of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." b. A group of children decide that they cannot play Candy Land because a few of the cards are missing. c. During a game of tag football, one side accuses the other of "cheating" when a player runs out of bounds to catch a pass. d. During a game of basketball, the players decide that it is not necessary to dribble the ball when running with it.

risk taking behavior

Which factor is correlated with dripping out of high school?

Hispanic Americans

Which group has the highest dropout rate? Hispanic Americans Whites African Americans Asian Americans

adrenal androgens

Which hormone is responsible for changes at puberty, particularly the development of the secondary sex characteristics in girls?

d. Enrolling high-risk children and their families in early childhood intervention programs

Which is likely to have the greatest success in preventing delinquency? a. Strictly punishing even minor infractions consistently to extinguish the behavior b. Fining or imprisoning parents when their children exhibit antisocial behavior c. Expelling delinquent students from school to isolate them from their typical peers d. Enrolling high-risk children and their families in early childhood intervention programs

d. Children with learning disabilities rarely exhibit signs of major brain damage on neurological tests.

Which is one reason why it can be difficult to identify students with a genuine learning disability? a. The stigma of having a child categorized as "learning disabled" causes many parents to refuse treatment. b. Children most at risk for having learning disabilities are typically the ones least likely to be tested for them. c. Children cannot take standard intelligence tests until they can read, delaying identification of such disabilities. d. Children with learning disabilities rarely exhibit signs of major brain damage on neurological tests.

a. It seems to reduce children's activity levels.

Which is the effect of stimulant medications such as Ritalin on children with ADHD? a. It seems to reduce children's activity levels. b. It is associated with changes in cognitive ability. c. It appears to increase anxiety while improving impulse control. d. It has been linked to increased risk of stroke.

The personal fable

Which of the following is a component of sole scent egocentrism, according to David Elkind?

b. Siegler believed that the operations Piaget observed may actually be rules for solving specific types of problems.

Which is the most accurate description of the difference between Piaget's and Siegler's explanation of concrete operational development? a. Siegler thought that children master all concrete operational tasks at roughly the same time, while Piaget did not. b. Siegler believed that the operations Piaget observed may actually be rules for solving specific types of problems. c. Piaget thought that the logical sequence of problem-solving rules Siegler observed depends more on experience rather than brain maturation. d. Piaget believed that children tended to assimilate rather than accommodate new information, while Siegler thought the opposite.

a. To determine what a test-taker has learned in school

Which is the purpose of an achievement test? a. To determine what a test-taker has learned in school b. To measure a test-taker's emotional intelligence c. To determine a test-taker's suitability for a particular job d. To understand a test-taker's level of disability

a. The ability to hold a conversation

Which is typical of a 9-year-old's language skills? a. The ability to hold a conversation b. The onset of overregularization c. The introduction of inflections into speech d. The acquisition of phonological awareness

c. Conflict between parents and teens increases during these years.

Which is typical of relationships between parents and teenagers during adolescence? a. Teens become almost completely independent during these years. b. Teens generally begin to adopt their parents' beliefs and values during these years. c. Conflict between parents and teens increases during these years. d. Emotional attachment between parents and teens grows stronger during these years.

a. Dorothy's mother became pregnant with her at age 18.

Which of the following 16-year-old girls has the highest likelihood to become a teen mother? a. Dorothy's mother became pregnant with her at age 18. b. Silvia's parents speak openly with her about sex and contraception. c. Rita is on track to become class valedictorian at her school. d. Paloma lives with both parents in a middle-class neighborhood.

Bicycle accidents

Which of the following account for almost 25% of all cases of traumatic brain injury to school-age children? Automobile accidents Bicycle accidents Playground injuries Sports injuries


Which of the following accounts for most school absences for children aged 6 to 12? Influenza Bronchitis Pneumonia Asthma

to form emotional bonds with peers and to move beyond those developed with parents

Which of the following accurately reflects Freud's view of the primary tasks of development during middle childhood?

b. Kira can tell her teacher that 5 times 5 equals 25 without even thinking about it.

Which of the following best illustrates automaticity? a. Wilhelm understands that both 3 times 4 and 4 times 3 equals 12. b. Kira can tell her teacher that 5 times 5 equals 25 without even thinking about it. c. Alice knows that she has the same amount of dessert even after she cuts her piece of cake in two. d. Jayden tells his father that he "hurted his knee" on the playground at school.

Elizabeth, who throws temper tantrums and cries easily

Which of the following children would likely be rejected or neglected by peers in middle childhood? Larry, who is taller than his peers and considered handsome Abraham, who is very shy Elizabeth, who throws temper tantrums and cries easily Juan, who loves to write and perform various types of music

teens are more likely to describe themselves in terms of what they believe or feel

Which of the following differentiates teenagers descriptions of themselves from children self descriptions?

d. Living in a poor neighborhood.

Which of the following factors is associated with early sexual activity in adolescents? a. Beginning menarche late b. Attending regular religious services c. Having authoritative parents d. Living in a poor neighborhood.

Planning skills

Which of the following generally improves in children between ages 10 and 12? Eye-hand coordination Fine-motor skills Auditory ability Planning skills

early maturing girls

Which of the following groups is more likely to have a negative body image, get into trouble at school and with peers, and engage in delinquent behavior?

early maturing boys

Which of the following groups is more likely to occupy leadership roles but also be at increased risk for substance abuse?

girls are more likely to play in pairs or in small, fairly exclusive groups

Which of the following is an accurate description of female-male differences in middle childhood friendships?

c. Higher parental expectations

Which of the following is associated with greater self-regulatory competence in children? a. An authoritarian parental style b. Higher parental egocentrism c. Higher parental expectations d. A permissive parental style

d. Thirteen-year-old Rona

Which of the following is most likely to be concerned about popularity? a. Eight-year-old Paul b. Twenty-year-old Gustav c. Seventeen-year-old Amber d. Thirteen-year-old Rona


Which of the following is one of the factors that causes ADHD? Vaccine damage Environmental toxins Genetics Diet

a. Darren wants to do another biology project on fruit flies because he learned so much on his first project

Which of the following is the best example of a child who has task goals for academic achievement: a. Darren wants to do another biology project on fruit flies because he learned so much on his first project b. Cindy hopes to score higher on her college entrance exam than any of her brothers or sisters c. Ed hopes to do well in school to please his parents d. Julia has an intense fear of failure, so she studies more than is necessary

b. The advent of video and computer games

Which of the following is the biggest factor for the rise of childhood obesity over the past few decades? a. The increase of GMO foods on store shelves b. The advent of video and computer games c. The popularity of the gluten-free diet d. The spread of pollution and toxins in the environment

during middle childhood, children talk more about internal characteristics or qualities that the individuals seems to have

Which of the following is the typical pattern of children descriptions of others during middle childhood?

b. Despite weighing only 85 pounds, Melanie considers herself to be "too fat."

Which of the following most likely suffers from anorexia nervosa? a. At least twice per week, Alison binge eats ice cream and cookies, then purges through vomiting. b. Despite weighing only 85 pounds, Melanie considers herself to be "too fat." c. Zoe is 10 pounds overweight; she decides to exercise three times per week to try to lose the weight. d. Sophia has decided to become a vegetarian because she thinks such a diet will improve her health.

Reciprocal trust

Which of the following seems to be the key component of friendship in the later years of middle childhood? Reciprocal trust Shared interests Cognitive ability Shared experiences

the belief in ones ability to cause an intended event to happen

Which of the following statements defines self efficacy?

c. Teens of all ethnicities in the U.S. are likely to experience a drop in self-esteem as they transition from childhood to early adolescence

Which of the following statements is true regarding adolescent self-esteem? a. White teens in the U.S. are more likely to experience a steady level of self-esteem as they transition through adolescence b. Teens of all ethnicities in the U.S. are likely to experience a brief increase in self-esteem as they transition to early adolescence c. Teens of all ethnicities in the U.S. are likely to experience a drop in self-esteem as they transition from childhood to early adolescence d. Teens in ethnic minorities are likely to experience a drop in self-esteem as they transition from childhood to early adolescence

Phonics approach

Which of the following strategies is designed to help beginning and struggling readers translate letters into sounds? Phonics approach Balanced approach Sight reading Group reading

c. Iris wants to be known as the best math student in her school.

Which of the following students is most likely in middle school? a. Destiny wants to read three novels by the end of the quarter. b. Felipe wants to improve his handwriting to make it more legible. c. Iris wants to be known as the best math student in her school. d. Arthur wants to learn how to use an index in a reference book.

b. Marcy, who lives with her mother and stepfather

Which of the following teenagers is most likely to engage in early dating and early sexual activity? a. David, whose family attends church services three times weekly b. Marcy, who lives with her mother and stepfather c. Cheyenne, who is a straight-A student d. Hamilton, who reached puberty relatively late


Which of the following terms applies to a person whose psychological gender does not match her or his biological sex?

b. Tamara very much enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, Brian.

Which of the following would Freud consider the most appropriate behavior in an adolescent? a. Brianna wants to learn a foreign language by the time she graduates. b. Tamara very much enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, Brian. c. Dan is laser-focused on his desire to become a surgeon. d. Ashton is determined to become the fastest runner in his high school.

obesity is likely to be positively correlated with really puberty in girls

Which os the following is a true statement regarding obesity and puberty?

Uninvolved style

Which parenting style typically results in the least socially competent children? Authoritative style Authoritarian style Permissive style Uninvolved style

Social behavior

Which seems to be the most important factor that differentiates popular from unpopular children? Academic ability Physical appearance Social behavior Personal temperament

identity vs role confusion

Which stage are adolesnces in for Eirksons theory?

d. The rate of condom use is steadily increasing.

Which statement about adolescent sexuality is accurate? a. More high school students are having sex than ever before. b. High school girls are more likely to be sexually active than boys. c. The rate of birth control pill use is steadily increasing. d. The rate of condom use is steadily increasing.

b. Risk factors exist, but it is still difficult to predict suicide.

Which statement about adolescent suicide risk is accurate? a. The factors that lead to increased suicide risk are largely unknown. b. Risk factors exist, but it is still difficult to predict suicide. c. Teens who feel suicidal usually make a suicide attempt. d. Compared to girls, boys use suicide methods that are less likely to succeed.

b. Bullies typically blame others for their problems and do not take responsibility for their actions.

Which statement about bullying is accurate? a. Bullies almost always tend to be unpopular among their peers. b. Bullies typically blame others for their problems and do not take responsibility for their actions. c. Bullying is typically a form of retaliatory aggression, especially among males. d. Female bullies are just as likely as male bullies to exhibit physical aggression.

d. Friendships become more selective and exclusive as children grow older.

Which statement about childhood friendships is accurate? a. Children are more polite and less critical with their friends than they are with strangers. b. Acceptance by a peer group is more highly valued than having a best friend. c. Shy children are much less likely to report having a "best friend" than popular, outgoing children. d. Friendships become more selective and exclusive as children grow older.

d. Boys' friendship groups tend to be larger than girls' groups.

Which statement about friendship groups is accurate? a. Girls' friendship groups are more accepting of newcomers than boys' groups. b. Boys cooperate with their friends much more often than girls do. c. Girls brag about themselves to their friends much more often than boys do. d. Boys' friendship groups tend to be larger than girls' groups.

d. By age 12, girls have attained about 94% of their adult height.

Which statement about physical changes in girls and boys is accurate? a. Boys are a bit more coordinated than girls at age 12. b. Girls have a bit less body fat than boys at age 12. c. By age 12, boys have reached only about 60% of their adult height. d. By age 12, girls have attained about 94% of their adult height.

d. Rates of depression are higher among homosexual teens than among their heterosexual peers.

Which statement about sexual orientation in adolescence is accurate? a. The process through which an individual realizes his or her sexuality is rather sudden. b. About 10% of high school students identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. c. Young children who enjoy cross-dressing typically exhibit transgenderism after puberty. d. Rates of depression are higher among homosexual teens than among their heterosexual peers.

the more hours worked during high school the more likely the teen is to be involved in risky behavior

Which statement about teenage employment is true?

a. Children who are exposed to large amounts of violent programming tend to be aggressive themselves.

Which statement about the effect of television on children's behavior and development is accurate? a. Children who are exposed to large amounts of violent programming tend to be aggressive themselves. b. Regular television viewing gives children a more realistic view of the world. c. There is a positive correlation between the amount of television a child watches and her popularity at school. d. Children whose television viewing is largely unrestricted tend to be more tolerant of other cultures.

at every age, boys show more physical aggression than girls do

Which statement is an accurate description of the patterns of aggression observable among children in middle childhood?

teens of all ethnicities in the US are likely to experience a drop in self esteem as they transition from childhood to early adolescence

Which statement is true regarding adolescent self esteem?

b. "I'm good in English and OK in biology but pretty weak in math. I sing great but I have no talent with instruments. And I like to swim but I'm terrible at any sport that involves a ball."

Which statement was most likely made by a teenager? a. "I do OK in school. I have lots of friends, though. Everyone likes me. I think I am funny and smart. I always get picked first when we play basketball." b. "I'm good in English and OK in biology but pretty weak in math. I sing great but I have no talent with instruments. And I like to swim but I'm terrible at any sport that involves a ball." c. "I'm a good student. I love school. I almost always get As on my tests. I also love to play games and I usually win. Yesterday I beat three other kids at checkers." d. "I'm one of the smartest girls in my class. I especially like to read. I guess you could say I'm a bookworm. Everyone in my family is pretty smart. We all like to read."

d. Chang, an Asian American boy

Which student is most likely to take high-level math courses in high school? a. Aliyah, an African American girl b. Jiang, an Asian American girl c. David, a White boy d. Chang, an Asian American boy

c. Lily, a White teen girl

Which teen mother is most likely to eventually marry the baby's father? a. Mariana, an Hispanic teen girl b. Catori, a Native American teen girl c. Lily, a White teen girl d. Sydney, an African American teen girl

d. Carla, who has discussions with her parents about drug use

Which teenager is least likely to abuse drugs? a. Victoria, who is quite shy and scores high in neuroticism b. Tai, who has watched several anti-drug videos at school c. Andre, who has very poor impulse control d. Carla, who has discussions with her parents about drug use

boys -body image and physical prowess in competition -less school problems, aggression, and more friends

Who is impacted positively from early puberty onset?

girls -school problems, early sex activity, depression, and smoking

Who is negatively impacted with early puberty onset?

c. Young people are encouraged to choose their own occupations.

Why are adolescent identity crises perhaps more common in Western societies than in more traditional cultures? a. Young people tend to reject conventional religious values. b. Young people achieve sexual maturity much earlier. c. Young people are encouraged to choose their own occupations. d. Young people generally attain higher levels of achievement.

a. Their physical activity inhibits the development of body fat required to initiate puberty.

Why do girls who are active in gymnastics often experience late puberty? a. Their physical activity inhibits the development of body fat required to initiate puberty. b. Their physical activity delays the activity of the pituitary gland and consequent production of androgen. c. Physically active girls have abnormal amounts of testosterone, which delays the onset of puberty. d. The stress of athletic competition inhibits the production of estrogen, which delays the onset of puberty.


Wilma's kitchen sink was leaking. She went through a checklist of possible problems and, after testing some hunches, determined that a pipe needed to be tightened. According to Gardner, which type of intelligence did Wilma use to solve her problem? Logical/mathematical Interpersonal Naturalist Bodily kinesthetic

You talk to your child about specific events in their life, asking questions about their point of view and other people's points of view. You try to help them see the consequences of various courses of action.

Your child talks quite often about what is "fair" and "not fair", and you realize they is developing some moral principles. Their concern is focused on very specific things people know, say and do, rather than incidents in the news or aspects of society. You realize your child has advanced to a conventional level of moral thinking. You try to tell them what is right and wrong about people's behavior so that they can learn your moral values. You talk to your child about specific events in their life, asking questions about their point of view and other people's points of view. You try to help them see the consequences of various courses of action. You get into little moral discussions with your child about these specific events and ask their opinion. When possible, you tell them stories about a similar situation you or someone you know experienced, and what happened because of their actions.

information processing: executive processes

ability to devise strategies for remembering and solving problems -ex. rehearsal, mnemonic devices

information processing: efficiency

ability to make efficient use of short term memory

-avoid fast food -avoid alcohol and substances -habits may endure in adulthood -healthy lifestyle now reduces risks for chronic diseases in adulthood

anticipatory guidance for healthy food choices in adolescents

stage 3 of conventional level

approval from others is important (adolescence)


associated with disorder of the pituitary gland and serotonin levels -girls are 2x more likely to have than boys -prevalence of suicide


attractive, physically larger, good at assessing others feelings, and regulating emotions

conventional stage 4

authority and social order maintaining orientation


avoid punishment; get reward

ability goal

being better than someone else at something

personal/cognitive factors

beliefs; traits; emotions

Marcia's theory

believed that identify statuses rooted in Erikson's identity process and that adolescent identity formation has two key parts. The first part is crisis, which is a period of decision making in which old values and choices are reexamined. The decision-making process can be gradual or upheaved. The second part is commitment, which is characterized by reexaminations of outcomes. Commitment typically follows some specific role, value, goal, or ideology that the adolescent relates to.


better on numerical reasoning


better on verbal tasks

Sensorimotor Stage (Piaget)

birth-18 months infants use sensory and motor capabilities to learn

Excessive weight gain

bmi for age; genetic and environmental influences

transition to secondary school

bridge to help with achievement and self esteem

-early menarche -low interest in school and school activities -early dating -history of sexual abuse

characteristics of girls who are sexually active


chronic lung disease; reactivity of airway to irritants


collective term for the physical changes which culminate in sexual maturity

Piaget - Naive Idealism

comparing real world to ideal world; real world often falls short of expectations; resolve to change their world

asian American and European American children

cultures known to be more analytic

African American, hispanic, and Native American

cultures known to be more relational

sensation seeking

desire to experience increased levels of arousal -fast and reckless driving -drug and ETOH use -increased risk of accidents

relational aggression

damage to self esteem; threats to exclude from group


deduces new relationship from sets of earlier ones


define learning goals and follow orderly steps to reach them

social status

degree to which you are accepted by peers

learning disability

disorder in which a child has difficulty mastering a specific academic skill (most often reading) even though they possess the normal intelligence and no physical or sensory handicaps -typically 2 years behind peers in subject area

stage 4 of conventional level

dutiful citizen motivation (early adults)

inclusive education

education programs in which children with disabilities are taught in regular classrooms

high school

elective classes and extracurricular activities increases engagement

formal operational stage (piaget)

emerges between 12-16 years of age -acquire increased logic of abstraction and hypotheticals

environmental reinforcers

emotional response of others; social support

emotional intelligence

empathy motivation self awareness self regulation social skills

conventional level

emphasis on social roles

Asian parents

emphasize becoming smarter by working harder

North American parents

emphasize innate ability more than effort

stage 4 of tanners stages of pubertal development

females: areola and nipple form a secondary mound projecting about the contour of the breast males: penis further enlarged, with growth in breadth and development of glans; testes and scrotum further enlarged and scrotum skin still darker

stage 3 of tanners pubertal development

females: breast and areola both enlarged and elevated more than previous stage but no separation of their contours males: penis slightly enlarged, at first mainly in length; testes and scrotum are further enlarged; first ejaculation

stage 2 of Tanner's pubertal development

females: breast bud stage-elevation of breast and nipple as a small mound; areolar diameter increases compared to stage 1 males: scrotum and testes are slightly enlarged; skin of scrotum reddens and changes texture but little or no enlargement of the penis

stage 5 of tanners stages of pubertal development

females: mature stage; only the nipple projects with the areola recessed to the general contour of the breast males: genitalia achieve adult size and shape

stage 1 of tanner's pubertal development

females: no changes except for some elevation of the nipple males: testes, scrotum, and penis are all about the same size and shape in early childhood


focus attention on the big picture instead of individual bits of information

retaliatory aggression

get back at someone who hurt you; intentional versus accidental thinking


groups by feature or hierarchy

females: 2200 males: 3000

high caloric demand for growth spurts

still egocentric

how is moral reasoning in middle child hood?

self efficacy

individuals belief in their capacity to cause an intended event to occur

girls self concept in adolescence

influenced by internal and external comparisons

boys self concept in adolescence

influences are more internal and self-defined

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

injury to the head that results in diminished brain function such as a loss of consciousness, confusion, or drowsiness

conventional stage 3

interpersonal concordance orientation -mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity -moral judgement based on rules/norms of group to which individuals belong; family, peers, church, nation -looking for pleasant results and approval by social group -being good become important for its own sake


is the process in which sheaths of myelin gradually cover individual axons & electrically insulate them from one another to improve the conductivity of the nerve


larger muscle mass and have reached 84% of height by age 12


larger sets that include males and females breakdown into heterosexual cliques and then into loose associations of couples: ages 13-15 years (greatest conformity to peer pressure)

to maintain a sense of relatedness with them

like most teens, Annika has two apparently contradictory tasks in her relationship with her parents: establish autonomy from them and ...

association areas

linked sensory, motor, and intellectual areas -increased information processing speed (identifying pictures as quickly as possible)

individualism - stage 2

looking out for self (middle childhood)

school age (middle childhood)

major task in this age group is developing friends and peer relationships


may be genetically linked; reading difficulties; sounds and structure of language

-anatomic or functional asplenia -HIV infection -travel in countries with disease -1st year college students that didn't get vaccine in high school

meningococcal risk groups


more body fat and have 94% of their height by age 12

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

more physically active and/or less attentive than peers leading to academic and behavioral problems

authoritative parents

more socially competent children


no specific peer group; social exclusions; depression and loneliness

punishment - stage 1

obedience orientation (early to mid childhood)

spatial perception

occurs in right hemisphere -ability to identify and act on relationships between objects in space -by 8 years old, map reading is improves

Crisis - Maria

old values/choices reexamined -gradual or upheaval

health and wellness: self care in middle childhood

personal hygiene

task goal

personal standards and desire to become better at something


physical and verbal bullying

secondary sexual characteristics

physical changes that are not directly related to reproductive organs or genitals

-chronic heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes mellitus -cerebrospinal fluid leak, cochlear implant -sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies -chronic liver disease or alcoholism

pneumococcal vaccination risk groups

immigrant teens

possible clashes between parents cultural values and the new culture

social self-concept

predict behavior due to an individual's sense of their social identity.

growth of: -ovaries -uterus -vagina

primary sexual characteristics in females

growth of: -testes -penis

primary sexual characteristics in males

social comparisons

process of drawing conclusion about the self based on comparisons to others


quality: active, assertive, enthusiastic, outgoing temperament: high activity, social, emotionality, talkative


quality: affectionate, forgiving, generous, kind, sympathetic, trusting temperament: perhaps high approach and positive emotionality; perhaps effortful control

openness/ intellect

quality: artistic, curious, imaginative, insightful, original, wide interests temperament: social; low inhibition


quality: efficient, organized, prudent, reliable, responsible temperament: effortful control/ task persistence


quality: negative emotionality; irritability temperament: anxious, self pitying, tense, touchy, unstable, worrying

-peer acceptance -establish autonomy -lack prefrontal cortex maturity -media influences

reasons for risky behavior

information processing: automaticity

recall information from long term without the use of short term -ex. knowing how many feet are in a yard off the top of your head


relational aggression bullying

relationships with parents are still very important

relationship with parents in middle childhood

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

replaced the No child left behind act; asks states to clearly articulate how they will use federal funds to ensure that schools educate every student, create safe and supportive learning environments, encourage innovation and extended learning opportunities and more


responses to failure; imitation of models

role confusion

results from the inability to have an integrated view of self

boys' relationships

rough and tumble, outdoors, accepting of new group members


routine aggression towards one or more victims

Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence)

seeing oneself as a unique and integrated person -a sense of self continuity -reflects understanding of ones unique traits and how they manifest across ages and social roles

valued self

self esteem and self worth


sequences in order by gradient

Girl's relationships

social skills, indoors, pair play or small exclusive groups


stage 1 of preconventional level

internal comparison

stems from a comparison of one's actual self to a self-generated ideal and external comparisons relate to the comparison of one's performance to peers' performances.

-alcohol (10% 8th graders, 35% 12th graders) -marijuana 2nd most prevalent (38% of high school student) -authoritative parents less likely to use -shy or neurotic, higher incidence

substance use in adolescence

middle school

task goals and ability goals

reputation based group

teen identifies with group either by choice or by pee designation

differentiated self concept

the ability for an individual to see oneself in different roles such as a student, as a friend, as a child, and with romantic partners, for example.


the ability to conform to parent standards of behavior with out direct supervision

selectie attention

the ability to focus cognitive activity on the important elements of a situation

spatial cognition

the ability to infer rules from and make predictions about the movement of objects in space -boys score higher than girls in this area -related to play preference (boys like construction activities like building with blocks)


the ability to read and write - focus of education in middle childhood -increase in phonological awareness -readers benefit from specific instruction -automaticity of identifying sound-symbol combinations helps

imaginary audience

the belief that other will criticize or pay excessive attention to the things you do or how you look

Elkind: Personal Fable

the events of one's life are controlled by a mentally constructed autobiography

transgendered teens

the psychological gender differs from the biological sex -higher rates of depression and suicide -cause is debated

treatments for depression

therapeutic interventions, therapy (CBT),medications (anti depressants


true or false: early dating puts an adolescent at risk for initiation of sexual activity

inductive logic

type of reasoning in which general principles are inferred from specific experiences -professor was nice on the first day of class so they must be nice


type of thinking that takes multiple variables into account -ex: sorting by color & shape; clay rolled out can change dimensions


understanding that both physical actions and mental operations can be reversed -ex. 1+2=3 and 3-2=1

class inclusion

understands subordinate classes are included in larger superordinate classes -ex: bananas are fruit


understands that quantity can stay the same despite physical change

stage 1 of Phinney's 3 stage model

unexamined ethnic identity; lack of exploration of ethnicity

psychological self

unique characteristics and self judgements -personality traits -self efficacy

systematic problem solving

using methodological approach to solve complex tasks - start with theory and predict an outcome for a new situation; hypothetico-deductive reasoning

-programs for tolerance and moral behavior -parental regulation of viewing options

ways to avoid aggressive behavior from tv


what % of body fat is needed for puberty?


what % of body fat is needed for regular cycles?

the degree of which an assessment affects self esteem is how much value the child places on that skill ex. social self assessment or athletic ability

what affects self esteem?

-balanced approach (guided reading sessions in small groups) -phonics -writing

what are some strategies for effective literacy?

-genetic baisis -pituitary dysfunction -growing up with a depressed parent -parent child relationship -low self esteem -family stressors

what are the causes of depression?

-electronic and social media communication -importance of popularity -stability -social status -social skills development

what are the characteristics of adolescent friendships?

math and science

what areas are us children significantly behind in?

-logic is beginning to develop, but still make bad decsions -at 10-12 years old there is an increase in logic -self regulation

what do you know about school aged children and their ability to make decisions?

-heredity -diet -behavioral factors -environmental factors

what factors influence the timing of puberty?

increases in the cerebral cortex which increases spatial perception and abstract thought

what increases because of brain development in adolescence?


what is stage 2 of the pre conventional level?

interpersonal concordante orientation

what is stage 3 of the conventional level?

authority and social order maintaining orientation

what is stage 4 of the conventional level?

-blurred boundaries (virtual vs reality and home vs external influence) -tech effects evolving -may construct multiple identities online -may be positive or negative effect on identity and self esteem -may increase risks to identity and exposure predation

what is the impact of technology on adolescents?

unintended accidents

what is the leading cause of death in school agers?

pituitary gland

what is the master gland that releases hormones and controls the release of hormones from other glands; controls the rate of physical maturation; responsible for endocrine, physical, and reproductive changes in adolescence

Mythical literal

what stage of Fowler's spiritual development are school agers in?

formal operational stage

what stage of Piaget's cognitive developmental theory are adolescence in ?

concrete operational stage

what stage of Piaget's theory are school agers in?

Conventional stage

what stage of kholbergs moral development are adolescents in?

-normality -increased sense of privacy/modesty -self exploration

what to emphasize in pre teens regarding puberty

by 18-20 years old

when do boys reach their adult height?

by 16 years old

when do girls reach their adult height

2nd dose given at 4-6 years old

when is the Varicella (VAR) aka chickenpox vaccination given?

4th dose at 4-6 years old

when is the inactivated poliovirus vaccination given?

2nd dose at 4-6 years old

when is the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination given?

11-12 years old

when is the meningococcal immunization given?

reasoning that requires the ability to use a general principle to predict a specific outcome

which of the following defines deductive logic?

the ability to move from personal experience to create a general principle

which of the following defines inductive logic?


which of the following is one of the contributors to interpersonal loyalty, intimacy, and faithfulness within friendships during adolescence?

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