Nursing Informatics

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focuses on the patient safety and quality of nursing care by applying proper nursing interventions such as identifying and clarifying patient needs, performing procedures, conducting health education, promoting patient advocacy, coordinating nursing and other health services , assisting the patient to navigate the healthcare system, and evaluating patient outcomes.


Specializes in monitoring arrhythmia - The telemetry is focused on wave force. This will alert the nurse. - More computerized monitor and analysis of cardiac rhythm that have proven to be reliable and effective in detecting little heart rhythms. - Key functional element is the systems ability to detect ventricular fibrillation and respond with an alarm.


Demonstrates acceptable performance ● Has gained prior experience in actual situations to recognize recurring meaningful components ● Principles, based on experiences, begin to be formulated to guide actions

Advanced Beginner

Nursing Informatics science and practice integrates nursing, its information and knowledge and their management, with information and communication technologies to promote the health of people, families and communities worldwide.

American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)

Nursing Informatics is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practiceǁ.

American Nursing Association Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

what users regularly engage with the most of the time. These types of computer software are productive end-user programs that help you perform tasks. It can range from word processing to image editing, voice communication or conferences, internet browsers, and many others

Application Software

key capability of obtaining and maintaining situational awareness before and during a health emergency. Early recognition and under-standing of departures from human, animal, plant and environmental baselines, including detection of novel occurrences, is necessary to give early warning and save lives; however, detecting deviations from the norm is complicated because of the complexities of systems and variables and the multiple stovepipes that exist. Many efforts are underway to improve data collection, sharing, and analysis. Informatics and technology solutions such as smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices may help to gather signals to detect potential incidents earlier, regardless of the cause, and communicate early warning and critical updates and foster electronic information exchange worldwide. Rapid detection is critical to save lives and improve incident outcomes, and the United States serves in a key role as part of a global surveillance network.


is a key capability of obtaining and maintaining situational awareness before and during a health emergency. Early recognition and under-standing of departures from human, animal, plant and environmental baselines, including detection of novel occurrences, is necessary to give early warning and save lives; however, detecting deviations from the norm is complicated because of the complexities of systems and variables and the multiple stovepipes that exist. Many efforts are underway to improve data collection, sharing, and analysis. Informatics and technology solutions such as smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices may help to gather signals to detect potential incidents earlier, regardless of the SIERRA, F., GUILLERMO, J., MANIO, D. 11 Far Eastern University Institute of Health Sciences and NursingNUR1211 - Nursing Informatics __________________________________________________________________ cause, and communicate early warning and critical updates and foster electronic information exchange worldwide. Rapid detection is critical to save lives and improve incident outcomes, and the United States serves in a key role as part of a global surveillance network.


is a system designed to collect, store, organize, retrieve, and manipulate all data related to care of the critically ill patient. The primary purpose of a CCISs is the organization of a patient's current and historical data for use by all care providers in patient care. CCIS is the organization of a patient's current and historical data. CCIS allows the free flow of data between the critical care unit and other departments. Provides a rich repository of patient information that can be integrated for use in our outcomes management. Each patient's data can be accessed from any terminal or workstation. This capability can extend across units and departments or be restricted to a single unit.


Typically a nurse with 2-3 years experience on the job in the same area or in similar day-to-day situations ● More aware of long-term goals ● Gains perspective from planning own actions based on conscious, abstract, and analytical thinking and helps to achieve greater efficiency and organization


refers to the physical parts of the computer. It allows the user to enter data into the computer, performs the actions of the computer's processing, and produces the computer output.

Computer Hardware

The CPU is in the box that comprises the computer hardware necessary to process and storedata. The power supply, disk drives, chips, and connections for all other computer hardware (also known as peripherals) are also located with the CPU. The performance of the CPU or the determinant of how fast the CPU's performance is known by three components:

Computer hardware Systems

hemodynamic monitors have the ability to generate reports needed by physicians or advanced nurse practitioners to help them in the decision process to take care of patients.

Computer processor to analyze data and direct reports -

the criteria for a normal ECG are programmed in a computer


the process of scientifically and statistically evaluating data in order to determine whether they meet the quality required for projects or business processes and are of the right type and quantity to be able to actually support their intended use. It can be considered a set of guidelines and techniques that are used to describe data, given an application context, and to apply processes to assess and improve the quality of data.

Data quality assessment (DQA)

She proposed that one could gain knowledge and skills ("knowing how") without ever learning the theory ("knowing that"). introduced the concept that expert nurses develop skills and understanding of patient care over time through a sound educational base as well as a multitude of experiences.

Dr Patricia Benner

application is more on mitigation and control of emergency (wider and critical) - community health nursing informatics application - more on promotive and preventive side


emerging sub-discipline of education and informatics that "incorporate[s] new technologies and learning strategies to enhance the capture, organization, and utilization of information within the field of education."

Educational Informatics

alerts and alarms can be adjusted by nurses. This can be adjusted based on the clinical capability of nurses.

Evaluation or controlling component to regulate the equipment or alert the nurse -

What is EBP?

Evidence-Based Practice

● No longer relies on principles, rules, or guidelines to connect situations and determine actions ● Much more background of experience ● Has intuitive grasp of clinical situations ● Performance is now fluid, flexible, and highly-proficient


what information is needed or expecting to be displayed

File to rank and order information

allows users and programmers to edit, modify or reuse the software's source code. This gives developers the opportunity to improve program functionality by modifying it.

Free and open-source software (FOSS)

used in critical care settings such as critical care units and intensive care units.

Hemodynamic Monitors

needing to insert a catheter to a patient. At the bottom of the catheter, there would be a probe which is responsible for accurate measurement of cardiac pump output and volume status.


data that are interpreted, organized, or structured e.g. a serial set of vital signs, placed into a context and used for longitudinal comparisons; processed data that have meaning


the science and practice dealing with the effective collection, storage, retrieval, and use of information the study of information systems, the application and usage of knowledge focuses on why and how technology can be put to best use to serve the information flow within the organization.

Information science

information that is synthesized to identify and formalize relationships e.g. recognition of a pattern and identification of interventions


Physiologic signals are typically of very small amplitude and must be amplified, conditioned and digitized by the device in preparation for processing by its embedded microprocessors. It analyzes information, stores pertinent information in specific places, and controls the direction in reporting. It also alerts nursing personnel through a report, an alarm or a visual notice.


most commonly used where you just catch probes to a body part of the patient. It also allows you to monitor vital signs. a. Determine how well the patient is doing


Beginner with no experience ● Taught general rules to help perform tasks ● Rules are: context-free, independent of specific cases, and applied universally ● Rule-governed behavior is limited and inflexible ● "Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it."


Benner described 5 levels of nursing experience as:

Novice, Advanced beginner, Competent, Proficient, Expert

A novice follows rules provided for each situation and is not flexible in real-life situations. As a novice acquires real-life experiences and can appreciate environmental influences on rule sets, he or she moves to the advanced beginner stage. At the competent stage, a learner is able to tell what is important and what is not important in assessing a given situation—a learner has gained perspective. A proficient practitioner is able to see a situation in terms of the larger setting or environmental situation and begins to use intuition in decision-making. Finally, an expert intuitively understands a situation and immediately connects action to this understanding (Ajay, 2003).

Patricia Benner and other nurse educators adapted this model to explain how nursing students and professional nurses acquired nursing skills.

Information services, often accessible via a mobile device, that search, sort, mine, correlate or otherwise filter information for a person based on their preferences, transaction logs, location, social networks and other personal data.

Personal Informatics

It is a multi-faceted public health disease surveillance system that provides public health officials the capabilities to monitor the occurrence and spread of diseases.

Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR)

Health informatics professionals use their knowledge of healthcare, information systems, databases and information technology security to gather, store, interpret and manage the massive amount of data generated when care is provided to patients. ... Developing data-driven solutions to improve patient health.

Professional Informatics

Perceives and understands situations as whole parts ● More holistic understanding improves decision-making ● Learns from experiences what to expect in certain situations and how to modify plans


critical piece of hemodynamic information involves the availability of oxygen to bodily tissues. The standard for measurement of blood's oxygen saturation is co-oximetry Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method of measuring oxygen saturation that also uses spectrophotometry. Light is emitted through a pulsatile arteriolar bed and then detected by photosensor.

Pulse Oximetry

most sensitive and important because once this is bugged down, the monitoring of patients is affected


wired version (if high tech, it can be wireless)

Signal conditioners

instructions being given to the hardware to perform certain tasks. They are classified based on availability and shareability as to free and open-source software and propriety or closed software.


believed that there were too many definitions for NI, which was causing the specialty to grow without a solid foundation.

Staggers and Thompson (2002)

helps the user, hardware , and application software to interact and function together. These types of computer software allow an environment or platform for other software and applications to work in. This is why system software is essential in managing the whole computer system.

System Software

the use of digital information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices to access healthcare services remotely and manage your health care


Hemodynamic monitoring can take place at the bedside of can be conducted from a remote location via telemetry. Telemetry allows for the continuous monitoring of patients usually outside of the ICU. Telemetry monitoring is susceptible to signal loss.


construct theory first proposed by Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus (1980) as the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition, and later applied and modified to nursing by Patricia Benner (1984) provides a very useful and important theory that clearly applies to nursing informatics.

The Novice to Expert Theory

The bolus must be injected within 4 seconds Amount of solution must be accurate Temperature of the injective must be measured and accurately maintained Catheter must be properly placed Computer must have the appropriate computation constant Bolus must be injected at the appropriate time in the respiratory cycle.

Thermodilution Technique

application of knowledge to the management and solution of human problems e.g. accuracy of the synthesis of information and appropriate selection of interventions


discrete entities that are prescribed objectively without interpretation; raw facts e.g. patient's vital signs


DIKW Paradigm stands for?

data, information, knowledge, and wisdom Nursing informatics centers on these concepts

The term individuals refer to what?

patients, healthcare consumers and any other recipient of nursing care of informatics solutions.

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