nutr exam 2 questions

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Hispanics represent what percentage of the total U.S. population?​


According to the U.S. Census figures from 2009, what percentage of the population in the United states is of Native American heritage?


southern native

Brunswick stew, persimmon pudding, sassafras tea

Which of the following is the specific term used for a person of Mexican descent, born in America, as well as those who immigrated from Mexico and became U.S. citizens?​



Ember-roasted buffalo, wojapi pudding with juneberries, wild rice


Green chile stew, fry bread, and piñon seeds

northwest coast/alaskan native

Grilled salmon, lichen, akutok ice cream

Many Native American nations are matrilineal, which means what?

Lineage is inherited from the mother


Maple-sugar baked beans, succotash, Indian corn pudding

What is ceviche?​

a method of preparing fish

south africa

a very temperate climate that allows many fruit and vegetables to grow

Mango seeds are known by what name in West Africa?​


What group of Native Americans often ate foods raw because there was a general lack of firewood over much of the area in which they lived?

alaska native


an arid climate with mountain plaines and loland valleys

Regional variations in cuisine among central Europeans are minor with the exception of what country?


____________ is the traditional Mexican cornmeal beverage.


What country is reputed to be the home of apple strudel?​


Bacalao al a vizcaina

basque dinner item

_____________ are meat strips dried and preserved over smoke in South Africa.


In Central America, beans are eaten daily. What type of beans are popular in Guatemala?​

black beans

What is one type of cow pea which is found in West Africa?​

black-eyed pea

_____________________ is the largest country in population and area in South America.


Many of the mainstream American worldviews, such as family structure and view of food and health, are typical of the​


What is the name of the religious Russian festival that precedes the 40 days of Lent?

butter festval

Of all the states in the U.S., _________ has the highest number of resident Native Americans.


Most Polish immigrants were of what religion?


During acculturation, changes in the meal patterns of Mexican Americans are most likely to include:

changes in meal preparation techniques.

east africa

climate and geography are sutied for farming and ranching

What is the most popular beverage in the Caribbean?​


________ is a food of great significance in many Native American healing ceremonies.


west africa

dry savannah areas with pastoral tribes

What religion in Ethiopia restricts the consumption of animal proteins?​

eastern orthodox





Creole and Cajun are both the same type of food and these terms are used interchangeably.


Dumplings are common in Germany and in Czechoslovakia but not in Russia.​


Even with an increase in socioeconomic status, chitterlings remain a popular food eaten by many urban African Americans.


Gumbo is a vegetarian dish with greens and the liquid in which they cook.​


Rice and beans were both brought to Mexico and Central America by the Spanish.


In Native American culture, health reflects a person's relationship to nature, broadly defined as the:

family, the community and the environment

Scandinavian fare is simple and hearty, featuring the abundant foods of the sea and making the best use of the limited foods produced on land. Scandinavian cooking often reflects the preservation methods of previous centuries. _________ was traditionally dried, smoked, or pickled, and milk was often fermented or allowed to sour before being consumed. Scandinavians still prepare a large variety of preserved foods and prefer their food salty.



french lunch item


irish sunday supper item

spaghetti con cozze

italian lunch item

Which of the following are both types of German beer?​

lager and marzenbier

____________ is the name of the favorite Dominican rice dish that is similar to Spanish paella but with only one type meat or fish instead of a combination.


Lutefiske is made from dried, salted cod, which is soaked in a ________ solution before cooking.


In the U.S., after immigration, one difference in family structure that is seen between the traditional Mexican family and the Mexican American family is that​:

more women work outside of the home.

Over 25 percent of Puerto Ricans reside in what U.S. state?​

new york

jollof rice




peru and ecuador

papa seca

In Italy, _______ is prepared fresh, from dough made with the addition of eggs, or dried, from a dough made without eggs. This is the quintessential dish throughout the nation and an extremely important core/staple food.


puerto rico


______________ is a type of jerky cake made with bison fat and berries.


Potatoes are particularly important in the highlands of what country?​


_________ is the practice of eating non-nutritive substances such as clay, chalk, and laundry starch known as?​


The Czechs are known for which beer that is bitter tasting but light in color and body?​


What is the favorite meat in Puerto Rico, especially when served roasted and adobo style?​



portuguese breakfast item

Irish Catholics started to arrive in the United States by 1820, and their immigration reached an apex between 1840 and 1860, when approximately 2 million people arrived. The impetus to leave Ireland was not only religious persecution but also repeated crop failures. The ________ blight that destroyed their principal crop in 1845 resulted in death by starvation of 1 million Irish people.



poulet roti a la creole

Which group of Caribbean Islanders are not technically immigrants because they are U.S. citizens?​

puerto ricans

What religion has the highest membership in both Italy and Spain?

roman catholic

Which of the following countries is in Northern Europe and not Southern Europe?


_______________ acid is the harmful substance contained in acorns that must be leached out before consumption.




American food habits have been greatly influenced by British and Irish immigrants.


In Italy, cheese is commonly consumed, but, generally, milk is not.


In Mexico, pan-fried boiled beans, are known as frijoles refritos, or, as they are incorrectly called in English, refried beans.


Most Swiss immigrants were multilingual and easily assimilated into the U.S. culture.


Nearly 45 million people, more than 12% of the population of the U.S., are African American.


Over 80% of Mexicans are mestizos, of mixed Indian and Spanish ancestry.​


Southern Europeans may have a higher rate of lactose intolerance than do other European groups.


The Yucatan peninsula is geographically isolated from the rest of Mexico and has its own regional cuisine.


The average Native American can expect a longer life expectancy when compared to the U.S. population as a whole.


picadillo is a beef hash eaten in Cuba that was influenced by the Spanish.




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