nutrition 4

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norovirus Often referred to as "the stomach flu"

causes more foodborne illness than the other 30 known pathogens put together.


causing a diarrheal illness called giardiasis

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs):

chemicals released into the atmosphere from industry, agriculture, automobiles, and waste disposal

The phosphate from the compound phosphocreatine can be used to synthesize more ATP from ADP. True False


Which of the following factors increase basal metabolic rate (BMR)? Which of the following factors increase basal metabolic rate (BMR)? older age female gender starvation higher lean body mass

higher lean body mass

A potential benefit of genetic modification is __________. faster-growing crops improved human health decreased risk of allergens increased biodiversity

faster-growing crops

Moderate __________ consumption is enough to support most activities. fat fructose protein multiple-vitamin supplement


At rest, the body's fuel source is primarily blood glucose. muscle glycogen. fat. protein.


The primary fuel the body uses during a long event of low intensity (like a 4-hour walk) is ___________. amino acids creatine phosphate stored adenosine triphosphate glucose fatty acids

fatty acids

Which grouping of signs and symptoms is associated with anorexia nervosa? obesity, elevated lipid levels, and frequent binging fear of gaining weight, amenorrhea, and nutrient deficiency dental problems, eating most of a day's intake after the evening meal, and inflamed throat amenorrhea, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and binge eating

fear of gaining weight, amenorrhea, and nutrient deficiency

The Food and Drug Administration classifies dietary supplements as ________. drugs cosmetics medications foods



foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides.

The FITT principle stands for __________. focus, intention, time, and tone fitness, involvement, tone, and type frequency, intensity, time, and type fitness, intensity, tension, and tone

frequency, intensity, time, and type

Enterotoxins damage the __________ system. circulatory nervous gastrointestinal respiratory


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________. generally less than 3 minutes 20-30 minutes 3-4 hours all day

generally less than 3 minutes

Substances already recognized as safe and exempt from stringent testing are referred to as

generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

when blood levels drop what is released?

glucagon to signal hungry


having a moderate amount of excess body fat -Normal weight: appropriate weight for height. Associated with the lowest disease risk


having an excess of body fat that adversely affects health


having too little body fat to maintain health

A reasonable diet focusing on macronutrient composition that would be healthful and effective in decreasing body weight for some people is __________. high carbohydrate, low fat, high protein low carbohydrate, low fat, low protein high complex-carbohydrate, moderate fat, moderate protein moderate carbohydrate, high fat, high protein

high complex-carbohydrate, moderate fat, moderate protein


(yeast and mold), which cause food spoilage

Recombinant DNA technology

is a type of genetic modification in which DNA from different sources is combined.

Guidelines for successful weight loss

--------Set realistic goals -Specific -Reasonable -Measurable -Monitor progress regularly -------Eat smaller portions of lower-fat foods -Reduce consumption of high-fat and high-energy foods -Consume foods high in nutrient density

Weight-Loss Strategies

-------Participate in regular physical activity -Critical for long-term maintenance of weight loss -------Incorporate appropriate behavior modifications -Mindful eating: refers to a nonjudgmental awareness of emotional and physical sensations one experiences while eating -Mindful eating tips -Focus only on eating -Savor each bite -Recruit all of your senses -Pause and rest between bites -Try 10 minutes of silence

Children and Adolescents (aged 6-17

-1 hour (60 minutes) or more of physical activity every day of either moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. -As part of their daily physical activity, 3 days a week they should: -Perform vigorous-intensity activity and -muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activity

what it really means when they say organic

-100% organic: only organic ingredients -Organic: 95% of ingredients are organic -Made with organic ingredients: 70% or more of ingredients are organic

Physical activity

-15-35% of daily energy expenditure -Factors that influence energy expended -The more muscle groups used, the greater the energy expenditure -Intensity -Duration -Body size

Adults (aged 18-64)

-2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity, OR 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination. -Aerobic activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, preferably spread throughout the week. -2 or more days per week should also do muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups.

Anorexia nervosa

-A serious, potentially life threatening eating disorder that is characterized by self-starvation -Self-starvation can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients and energy required for the human body to function normally

Metabolic Syndrome

-Abdominal obesity is one of the five risk factors of the metabolic syndrome -People with metabolic syndrome are -Twice as likely to develop heart disease -Five times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes

Health risks of GM food

-Allergenicity: genes transferred from common allergen foods could affect those with allergies -----No currently reports however -Consuming crops that are antimicrobial could potential hard the cells of our body or our microbial flora in the GI tract -Genes from GM crops have migrated to conventional crops miles away -Possible link to cancer

More modern techniques of preventing spoilage include

-Canning -Pasteurization -Irradiation -Aseptic packaging -Modified atmosphere packaging -High-pressure processing

The components of physical fitness are

-Cardiorespiratory fitness -Musculoskeletal fitness -Flexibility -Body composition

Some microbes cause illness by secreting toxins.

-Clostridium botulinum produces botulism toxin, which blocks nerve transmissions to muscle cells -Toxins can be neurotoxins (damage the nervous system) or enterotoxins (damage the gastrointestinal tract) -Fungi produce mycotoxins -Toxic algae can contaminate fish and shellfish -A variety of plant toxins can also cause illness

cultural and economic factors

-Cultural customs -Changes in work and leisure activity levels -Larger body size acceptance/cultural norms -Lack of access to healthcare and health information -Lack of access to affordable, healthful foods -Lack of access to positive role models -Personal safety issues -Transportation issues

A person's actual weight is not the only factor to consider Determining if a person's body weight is healthful should include

-Determining the body mass index (BMI) -Measuring body composition -Assessing the pattern of fat distribution

Obesity Responds to Diet and Exercise

-Diet and exercise are the first line of defense against obesity -Dietary and physical activity changes should be made gradually -Physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week, but up to 60 minutes per day may be more beneficial for some people

Diets focusing on Macronutrient Composition

-Diets high in carbohydrates and moderate fat and protein -----DASH diet, USDA Food Guide, Weight Watchers, and Jenny Craig -Diets low in carbohydrate and high in fat and protein -----Atkins, Sugar Busters!, and the Paleo diet Diets very low in fat -Dr. Dean Ornish, Pritikin Program

Diet plans to avoid: fasting and detox diets

-Different definitions from no food to only liquids for a specified length of time -No scientific evidence that shows benefits -Bodies have their own detoxification organs: the liver and kidneys -Following a whole food, high fiber diet will serve same purpose -Can be dangerous, causing build up of ketones, break down of lean tissue, confusion

Effective weight gain should include

-Eating 500 to 1,000 extra kcal/day -Eating frequently throughout the day -Selecting healthful, energy-dense foods -Avoiding tobacco products, which depress appetite and increase BMR -Regular exercise with resistance training

Thermic effect of food (TEF)

-Energy expended to digest, absorb, transport, metabolize, and store food -5-10% of total expenditure -Lowest for fat and highest for protein

Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

-Energy expended to maintain basal, or resting, functions of the body -60-75% of total energy expenditure -More lean tissue increases your BMR -BMR decreases with age, 3-5% per decade after age 30

Energy needs

-Energy needs may be higher for athletes -Different energy needs for males and females -Depend on body size -Depend on the type, intensity, and duration of physical activity

Body mass index (BMI)

-Expresses the ratio of a person's weight to the square of his or her height -BMI = weight (kg)/height (m)2 -BMI values below 18.5 or above 30 have increased risks of health problems -BMI results are distorted in people with high muscle mass (athletes and lactating women)

Diet plans to avoid:

-Fad diets—they do not result in long-term healthful weight change -Promoters claim the program is based on some new discovery -Rapid weight loss (>2 lb/week) with no exercise -Special foods only available from promoter -Rigid and limited menu -Diets that over- or underemphasize specific, narrowly defined nutrients as the key to weight loss

Preventing Food Borne Illness

-Foods should be cooked thoroughly to kill microbes -Leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator for a limited period of time -Food should be thawed slowly in the refrigerator -Wash hands and kitchen surfaces often -When shopping, purchase refrigerated and frozen foods last

Stored triglycerides (fats) can be metabolized to generate ATP

-For low-intensity exercise -For exercise of long duration -A very abundant energy source, even in lean people -Provides more than two times the energy per gram as carbohydrate

what is used todetermine the FITT principle?

-Frequency: the number of activity sessions per week Desired frequency varies with fitness goals -Intensity: the amount of effort expended or how difficult the activity is to perform Desired intensity may be based on maximal heart rate -Time of activity: how long each session lasts -Type of activity: the range of activities engaged in to promote health and physical fitness

Benefits to Genetic Modification

-GM crops grow faster and have a higher yield -Drought-resistant crops help to conserve water -Reduced energy use to grow, pesticides, emissions from greenhouse gases, and increased soil preservation -GM crops can be produced with higher nutrient contents -Improved farmer profits benefit the economy

Achieve and Maintain Healthful Weight

-Healthful weight change requires -Gradual and reasonable changes in energy intake -Regular and appropriate physical exercise -Application of behavior modification techniques

Seven Habits of Food Safety

-Hot or cold is how to hold -Don't be a dope - wash with soap -Watch that plate - don't cross-contaminate -Make it a law - use the 'fridge to thaw' -More than two is bad for you -Don't get sick - cool it quick -Cook it right before you take a bite

physiologic factors

-Hunger and satiety -Specific proteins and hormones -Leptin -Ghrelin -Peptide YY, or PYY -Brown adipose tissue -Serotonin and cholecystokinin (CCK) -Blood glucose levels -Stomach expansion -Nutrient absorption from the small intestine -Beta-endorphins -Neuropeptide Y -Decreased blood glucose levels

Chronic diseases and complications linked to obesity include:

-Hypertension -Dislipidemia -Type 2 diabetes -Heart disease -Stroke -Gallbladder disease -Osteoarthritis -Sleep apnea


-Increases muscle mass; decreases fat -Increases milk production -One-third of all U.S. dairy cows receive rBGH -Risks to humans are still being studied

whats a healthful weight

-Is appropriate for your age -Is maintained without constant dieting -Is compatible with normal blood pressure, lipid levels, and glucose tolerance -Is based on family history of body shape and weight -Promotes good eating habits and allows for regular physical activity -Is acceptable to you

Should We Label GM Foods?

-Labeling would allow consumers to know if their food contained GM products -The European Union has long required that GM foods are labeled clearly -In 2016 the FDA did not require such labeling -GM crops have been used in the United States for 20 years without labeling


-Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that causes reduced food intake, reduced weight, and decreased body fat in mice -The role of leptin in human obesity is being studied

Fat distribution pattern

-Measured by waist-to-hip ratio and waist circumference -Disease risk is associated with a waist-to-hip ratio of higher than 0.90 in men, and 0.80 in women

Body composition

-Measurement of body fat and lean body mass -Can be measured by -Underwater weighing -Skinfold measurements -Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) -Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) -Bod Pod

pops include

-Mercury and lead, which are nerve toxins -Dioxins, which increase risk for cancer and other disorders

Energy balance

-Occurs when energy intake = energy expenditure -Energy intake = kcal from food -Energy expenditure -Energy expended at rest (basal metabolic rate) -Physical activity -Thermic effect of food

Various chemicals can persist and even accumulate in foods. These residues can include

-Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) -Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides -Growth hormone

Peptide YY, or PYY

-Produced in the GI tract -Decreases appetite -Obese people have lower levels when fasting

Set-point theory

-Proposes that each person's weight stays within a small range (set point) -The body compensates for changes in energy balance and keeps a person's weight at his or her set point -Can change with time, as diet and activity levels vary over a long period of time


-Protein synthesized in the stomach -Stimulates appetite by acting on the hypothalamus

Signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa

-Recurrent episodes of binge eating -Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain -Chronically inflamed and sore throat -Swollen glands in the neck and jaw -Worn tooth enamel

A sound physical fitness program includes a warm-up period and a cool-down period What does the warm up consist of?

-Should be brief (5 to 10 minutes), gradual, and sufficient to increase muscle and body temperature -Includes aerobics, calisthenics, and stretching -Enhances flexibility and helps prepare you psychologically for the activity to come

socialcultural factors

-Social factors influencing our diet and activity levels include -Expectations of family and friends -Holiday foods, fast foods, and serving sizes -Television and other amusements that do not involve physical activity -Work responsibilities that do not involve physical activity -Media images and social pressures to achieve unrealistic weight goals

For a sound fitness program

-Start by assessing your current level of fitness -Identify your personal fitness goals -Make your program varied, consistent, and fun -Appropriately overload your body -Include a warm-up and cool-down period -Start out slowly and gradually build up the time you spend each day until you reach 30 minutes

Conditions that help microtubes multiply

-Those that can cause human illness thrive in the (temperature danger zone) -Many thrive in environments of (high humidity) -Most have a preferred (acidity) range -Many—though not all—depend on (oxygen content) to function

When preparing foods at home, be sure to:

-Wash hands and kitchen surfaces often -Separate foods to prevent cross-contamination -Chill or freeze foods to prevent microbes from growing -Cook foods to their proper temperature

Aerobic (with oxygen)

-breakdown of glucose yields 36-38 molecules of ATP -CO2 and H2O are produced

Anaerobic( without oxygen)

-breakdown of glucose yields two ATP molecules -Lactic acid is produced

What is CP?

-stores energy that can be used to generate ATP -Creatine phosphate can be broken down to support the regeneration of ATP for enough energy for 3-15 seconds of maximal physical effort

Ergogenic aids

-substances used to improve exercise and athletic performance -Many of these products are not effective -Some of these products are dangerous -Reliable research and accurate information on these products are hard to find

Proteins (amino acids) are not a major fuel source for exercise

1-6% of energy needs during exercise

What is the upper end of a safe blood triglyceride level? 125 mg/dl 135 mg/dl 145 mg/dl 155 mg/dl

145 mg/dl

As of this date, supplement companies have been required to notify the FDA if a supplement contains a new dietary ingredient. 1968 1976 1994 2000


An 18-year-old student's estimated maximal heart rate would be __________. 200 202 220 238


Approximately what percentage of Americans report that they do NOT engage in any leisure-time activity? 12 percent 36 percent 48 percent 24 percent

24 percent

helth risks of bulimia nervosa

3-5% of adult female population 2% of adult male population Increased risk of being overweight/obese due to increase in caloric consumption Increased blood lipids Low self-esteem Depression

This percentage of adults 20 years of age and older are obese. 30.0% 32.3% 34.9% 36.0%


The temperature danger zone is a range between __________. 0-100 degrees F 32-68 degrees F 40-140 degrees F 50-100 degrees F

40-140 degrees F

how much should an athletes consume carbohydrate within AMDR


what are some things that foodborne cause ?

48 million Americans report foodborne illness each year 128,000 hospitalizations per year 3,000 deaths per year

The target heart rate for moderate intensity activity is _________ of estimated maximal heart rate. 25-45 35-45% 50-70% 70-85%


Athletes should consume a daily carbohydrate intake of

6-10 grams per kg body weight to optimize glycogen stores

Guidelines set by the Institute of Medicine in 2002 stated that the minimum amount of physical activity needed to maintain health and fitness was _________. 45 minutes within a given three-day period 60 minutes per week 30 minutes per day 60 minutes per day

60 minutes per day

In the video, the group that watched a fast-paced action movie instead of a talk show consumed __________. In the video, the group that watched a fast-paced action movie instead of a talk show consumed __________. about the same number of calories as those in the talk show group 45 percent fewer calories than those in the talk show group 65 percent more calories than those in the talk show group 25 percent more calories than those in the talk show group

65 percent more calories than those in the talk show group

Despite the clear benefits of regular physical activity,

79.9% of U.S. adults do not perform sufficient physical activity 23.7% of U.S. adults admit to doing no leisure-time physical activity at all

Competitive athletes train at __________ of estimated maximal heart rate. 50-65% 70-75% 80-95% 95-100%


Of 63% of U.S. obese adults who reported trying to lose weight, __________ lost at least 10% of their maximum weight. 75% 87% 93% 100%


Binge eating

: a consumption of a quantity of food that is large in size for the person and the amount of time in which the food is eaten

Pear-shaped fat patterning:

: lower body -No significant increased risk of chronic diseases

Physical fitness

: the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and meet unforeseen emergencies

Apple-shaped fat patterning

: upper body -Increased risk of chronic diseases (type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension)

Night-Eating Syndrome

A disorder characterized by intake of the majority of the days energy between 8 pm and 6 am Individuals with this disorder also experience mood and sleep disorders

Body image

A person's perception, feelings about, and critique of his or her body's appearance and functioning Body image can affect eating and exercise behaviors

Eating disorder

A psychiatric condition that involves extreme body dissatisfaction and long-term eating patterns that negatively affect body functioning

Disordered eating

A variety of atypical eating behaviors that people use to achieve a lower body weight Ex: going on a diet, refusing to eat fat

The components of physical fitness are achieved through three types of exercise

Aerobic exercise Resistance training Stretching

Which of the following activities requires ATP to function? nerve conduction secretions of the endocrine system muscular work All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding satiety and hunger? Which of the following statements is/are true regarding satiety and hunger? Glucagon, released from the pancreas when blood glucose levels are low, stimulates the hypothalamus to perceive hunger. Signals from the stomach and small intestine stimulate the hypothalamus to perceive satiety and hunger. An increase in blood glucose levels stimulates the pancreas to release insulin and the hypothalamus to perceive satiety. All of these statements are true.

All of these statements are true.

A sound physical fitness program meets your personal fitness goals

An individual's fitness program may vary depending on whether he or she is Training for athletic competition Working toward cardiorespiratory fitness Trying to maintain overall health

A sound physical fitness program is fun

An individual's fitness program should focus on what he or she enjoys Outdoor activities Social recreation

This group of vitamins is directly involved in energy metabolism. B-vitamins water-soluble vitamins pro-vitamins fat-soluble vitamins


The requirements for some vitamins and minerals may be elevated in athletes

B-vitamins Calcium Iron


BMI below 18.5 kg/m2 Increases the risk of infections and illness Can be just as unhealthy as overweight


BMI between 30 and 39.9 kg/m2

Which of the following is a limitation of body mass index (BMI)? There is an overemphasis of upper-body fat stores on disease risk. A low risk of premature death is correlated with both obesity and underweight. BMI has limited consideration of body composition. BMI is more likely to identify taller children as underweight.

BMI has limited consideration of body composition.

Which of the following is a limitation of body mass index (BMI)? Which of the following is a limitation of body mass index (BMI)? BMI has limited consideration of body composition. There is an overemphasis of upper-body fat stores on disease risk. BMI is more likely to identify taller children as underweight. A low risk of premature death is correlated with both obesity and underweight.

BMI has limited consideration of body composition.

Obesity is a multifactorial disease Factors that can influence the chance of developing obesity include

Biology (genetics, metabolic, environment) Physical activity environment Individual physical activity Individual psychology Societal influences Food environment Food consumption

Morbid obesity

Body weight exceeding 100% of normal BMI greater than or equal to 40 kg/m2

Which of the following is a suggested precaution to take when using dietary supplements? Buy recognized brands or those with the U.S. Pharmacopoeia symbol on the label Rely on personal testimonials and word of mouth to assess supplements' effectiveness. Buy only supplements labeled as natural. Only use supplements whose health claims have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Buy recognized brands or those with the U.S. Pharmacopoeia symbol on the label

According to the video, the palm of your hand can be used to visualize an appropriate serving size for which two macronutrients? According to the video, the palm of your hand can be used to visualize an appropriate serving size for which two macronutrients? Carbohydrates and protein Dairy and protein Fruits and vegetables Vegetables and dairy

Carbohydrates and protein

Carbohydrates and fats can both be used as energy sources for the production of ATP

Carbohydrates are mostly used for high-intensity activity Fats are used for low-intensity exercise

After depleting ATP stores , mux]scles turn other energy sourses in to what?

Creatine phosphate (CP

Genetic modification alters the __________ of an organism to bring about specific changes. life span environment size DNA


Health risks: of anorexia nervosa

Deficiency in total Calories and micronutrients Body will be forced to use fat stores and lean tissue for energy Reduction of non-vital bodily functions Electrolyte imbalances Can lead to heart failure or death

Fluid intake is critical for physically active people

Drink fluids before, during, and after exercise Consume enough to maintain body weight Training in hot environments requires careful attention to water intake

Which of the following would NOT contribute to mindless eating? Which of the following would NOT contribute to mindless eating? Drinking and eating while driving Drinking water while studying Sharing a pizza with your study group Snacking while watching television or a movie

Drinking water while studying

Successful weight loss requires behavior modification

Eat only at set times in one location Keep a log of food consumed Avoid buying problem foods Eat small, regular meals throughout the day Chew slowly and stop eating when you feel full Share food with others Do not purchase foods from vending machines Shop for food only when you're not hungry


Enable the body's primary cooling mechanism, evaporative cooling

Whether a person gains or loses weight depends on

Energy intake versus energy expenditure Genetic factors Composition of the diet Metabolic factors Physiologic factors Cultural and economic factors Social factors

This U.S. agency plays a role in food safety by monitoring the use of pesticides in the food chain Department of Commerce Department of Education Department of the Interior Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

What can be used to determine the appropriate overload ?

FITT principle

Different ideas have been suggested to explain the impact of genetics on body fat

FTO gene Thrifty gene theory Set-point theory

Energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or ADP. True False


fat intake for physical activity

Fat intake of 20-35% of total energy intake is generally recommended for both athletes and non-athletes, with less than 10% as saturated fat

FTO gene

Fat mass and obesity-associated gene 44-65% of people have at least one copy Stimulates excessive food intake Physical activity can attenuate the gene's influence

Several factors may influence disorders related to body image, eating, and exercise

Genetics Family environment Anxiety, compulsivity, abnormal eating behaviors Media Social/cultural values Other psychological disorders

what are good sources of fiber

Good sources are fiber-rich, less-processed foods such as whole grains, cereals, vegetables, and juices

Food Production

Has become increasingly complex Oversight has decreased More foods are mass-produced Ingredients come from various sources Contamination can occur at any point from farm to table

heat in exersize

Heat production during exercise can increase 15 to 20 times compared to inactivity The body cools itself through evaporative cooling, but heat illness can occur with dehydration Heat syncope Heat cramps Heat exhaustion

high qualoity sources of fat

High-quality sources include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes, and soy products

Which of the following thoughts is associated with disruptive eating patterns? I have fasted or avoided eating for long periods of time to lose weight. I pay attention to what I eat to maintain a healthy body. I spend a significant amount of time viewing my body in the mirror. When I am upset or depressed, I eat whatever I am hungry for without guilt or shame.

I have fasted or avoided eating for long periods of time to lose weight.

Which of the following statements is an example of a recommended step when talking to friends or family members who may have an eating disorder? You have to start eating more. I'm concerned about you because I've noticed you've started skipping breakfast and lunch. I'll help you pick out meals to help make sure you eat enough. If you would just stop, everything would be fine.

I'm concerned about you because I've noticed you've started skipping breakfast and lunch.

Food infections

Illness resulting from eating food contaminated with living organisms

Food intoxications

Illness resulting from eating food in which microbes have secreted toxins (poisons)

What is the role of lactic acid? It aids the aerobic production of ATP. It plays a critical role in supplying fuel to the working muscles, heart, and resting tissues. It is converted to pyruvic acid through glycolysis. It is a potentially toxic by-product of high-intensity exercise.

It plays a critical role in supplying fuel to the working muscles, heart, and resting tissues.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Which of the following statements is FALSE? Bombesin is a hormone that stimulates satiety and is secreted from the gastrointestinal tract. Cholecystokinin is hormone that stimulates satiety and is secreted from the gastrointestinal tract. Leptin is a satiety hormone secreted from the pancreas. Neuropeptide Y is secreted from the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus to stimulate hunger.

Leptin is an important satiety hormone, but it is released from fat cells, not from the pancreas. The more fat cells you have, the more leptin they release. (Leptin is a satiety hormone secreted from the pancreas.)

Environmental risks

Loss of biodiversity Generation of superweeds Threats to other species

Syndrome that consists of three clinical conditions in some physically active females (Female athlete triad)

Low energy availability Amenorrhea Low bone density

Treatments for obesity may include

Low-energy diet and regular exercise Counseling or psychotherapy Prescription medications Surgery Sleeve gastrectomy Gastric bypass Gastric banding

The body responds to contaminants with acute illness(microbes)

Many microbes are killed by antimicrobial enzymes in saliva HCl in stomach (strong acid environment) can also eliminate them Vomiting and diarrhea help expel the microbes White blood cells in the immune system are activated Generalized inflammatory response: nausea, fatigue, fever, muscle aches Symptoms can range from mild to severe

Pesticides are used to help protect against crop losses, reduce the incidence of disease, and increase crop yields

Most common are insecticides, herbicides, fungicides Can be natural or synthetic Can remain as a toxin on foods Regulated by the EPA

What is Natural? Meat:

Must contain no artificial ingredient or added color and be only minimally processed (no fundamental alterations of the raw product). Label must explain use of the term natural; for example: "no added colorings or artificial ingredients; minimally processed." Some farms hire their own inspectors.

What is the name of the organization that produces the online "Herbs at a Glance" fact sheets? U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Food additives include

Nutrients and preservatives Flavorings Colorings Other agents

Older Adults (aged 65 and older

Older adults should follow the adult guidelines. If this is not possible due to limiting chronic conditions, older adults should be as physically active as their abilities allow. They should avoid inactivity. Older adults should do exercises that maintain or improve balance if they are at risk of falling.

Which of the following statements about organic foods is NOT consistently supported by recent research? Organic foods tend to cost more than conventionally grown foods. Organic food has fewer pesticides. Organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Organic food contains less antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown food.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Oversees meat, poultry, and eggs

Muscle dysmorphia

Pathological pursuit of increased muscularity that causes individuals to engage in highly disordered eating behaviors

Successful treatment for disordered eating usually involves a multidisciplinary approach, including

Patient Physician Psychologist Nutritionist Coach and trainer for athletes Family members and friends

Which of the following statements about genetics and body weight is TRUE? Which of the following statements about genetics and body weight is TRUE? The gene now known to cause obesity is the FTO gene. Approximately 15% to 25% of people are thought to carry the FTO gene. People who carry the FTO gene may experience higher levels of hunger than people who do not. Researchers have identified the so-called thrifty gene as the FTO gene.

People who carry the FTO gene may experience higher levels of hunger than people who do not.

What is Organic? Other foods:

Produce must be grown on a farm that for at least three years has used no synthetic herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers and has not planted any genetically modified seeds, used fertilizers derived from sewage sludge or treated seeds with irradiation.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Promotes/educates the public about health and safety Tracks food-borne illness outbreaks

Thrifty gene theory

Proposes that a gene (or genes) causes people to be energetically thrifty Proposes that people with this gene expend less energy than other people and therefore gain weight A "thrifty gene" has not been identified

how much protein intake is sugested for active people

Protein intakes suggested for active people range from 1.2 to 2.0 grams per kg of body weight

Regular physical activity

Reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure Reduces the risk of obesity Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes May reduce the risk of colon cancer Reduces the risk of osteoporosis

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Regulates food standards for all food products (except meat, poultry, and eggs) and bottled water Regulates food labeling and enforces pesticide and herbicide use

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Regulates use of pesticides and herbicides Establishes water quality standards

metabolic factors

Relatively low metabolic rate Low level of spontaneous physical activity Low sympathetic nervous system activity Low fat oxidation Low levels of thyroid hormones Certain prescription medications

Signs and symptoms or anorexia nervosa

Restrictive eating patterns Eliminating food groups Intense fear of weight gain Amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle for 3 months or more) Distorted body image

Whats the most deadly bacterial foodborne illness?


The most common bacterial causes of foodborne illness are:

Salmonella Clostridium perfringens Campylobacter Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli Listeria monocytogenes

Spoilage can be prevented by many natural techniques

Salting or sugaring Drying the food Smoking Cooling

Which hormone-driven signal tends to get lost when we are distracted by watching television or a movie? Which hormone-driven signal tends to get lost when we are distracted by watching television or a movie? Depression Satiety Pleasure Pain


what does the cool down period consist of?

Should be gradual Includes some of the same activities as in the exercise session, along with stretching Assists in preventing injury and may help reduce muscle soreness

The type and amount of food you eat can stimulate appetite. The type and amount of food you eat can stimulate appetite. true false

The amounts and type of food you eat can also affect your hunger and satiety levels. Protein has the highest satiety value, followed by fat. Carbohydrates have the lowest satiety value. (TRUE)

Which of the following statements regarding ATP is incorrect? The enzyme ATPase hydrolyzes the first phosphate group from the ATP molecule when energy is needed. Only small amounts of ATP are stored in the body's cells. ATP is hydrolyzed and converted from ATP to ADP anaerobically. About seven kilocalories are released every time a phosphate bond is broken.

The enzyme ATPase hydrolyzes the first phosphate group from the ATP molecule when energy is needed.

The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that is responsible for satiety, or feeling full. The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that is responsible for satiety, or feeling full. true false

The region within the brain that determines the sensation of fullness or satiety is the hypothalamus (FALSE)

To improve fitness, a person needs to reach an appropriate "overload," or extra physical demand on the body. A good way to achieve this is to utilize the FITT principle when designing an exercise program. Choose the statement below that correctly describes the FITT principle. Time of activity refers to the time of day in which the activity session occurs, like morning versus evening. Type of activity refers to the range of activities (such as running for cardiorespiratory fitness and yoga for flexibility) a person can participate in to promote health and fitness. The "I" in FITT stands for "interval" training or alternating high-intensity periods with rest or low-intensity periods during the workout. Frequency refers to the number of times an activity is included in a workout.

Type of activity refers to the range of activities (such as running for cardiorespiratory fitness and yoga for flexibility) a person can participate in to promote health and fitness.

A sound physical fitness program includes variety and consistency

Variety can be achieved by -Combining aerobic exercise, resistance training, and stretching -Combining indoor and outdoor exercises -Taking different routes when walking or jogging -Including entertainment such as music -Participating in different activities each week

Other microorganisms causing illness include:

Viruses such as hepatitis A Helminths-or worms, such as tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms Giardia Protozoa Fungi

Who is most likely to benefit from carbohydrate loading? a man swimming a 50-meter freestyle race a woman lifting weights an NFL football player a man running a marathon

a man running a marathon

Disordered eating is a term used to describe __________. a variety of atypical eating behaviors anorexia nervosa only antisocial eating behavior by young women digestion problems that result from poor eating habits

a variety of atypical eating behaviors

Question 2: This term describes a large amount of visceral fat stored deep in the abdomen. trunk obesity abdominal obesity internal obesity deep obesity

abdominal obesity

Amenorrhea is __________. intense fear of gaining weight loss of control when eating abnormal thyroid function resulting from starvation absence of menstruation resulting from inadequate energy intake

absence of menstruation resulting from inadequate energy intake

What is thr current currency for enerfy in your body?

adenine triphosphate (ATP)

The common currency of energy for cells is __________. adenosine diphosphate (ADP) adenosine triphosphate (ATP) creatine phosphate (CP) pyruvic acid

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Body fat mass is composed of this type of tissue. lean adipose muscle organ


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________. bulimia rapid fluctuations in weight amenorrhea (menstrual disruption) sleep disruption

amenorrhea (menstrual disruption)

Growth hormones and antibiotics are used in __________. food crops organic meat and dairy products animals raised for food wild animal populations

animals raised for food

What is organic? Meat and Milk

animals whose bodies and food are never treated with pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or hormones. Animals must have access to exercise and sunlight, and time to graze in pastures rather than feedlots. Feed must be certified organic with no genetic modifications or animal byproducts.


any activity unrelated to a person's occupation

Physical activity

any muscle movement that increases energy expenditure

Food additives

are chemicals that do not occur naturally in the food but are added to enhance the food in some way


are most commonly the cause of waterborne illness

Sulfates and nitrites

are preservatives that have raised health concerns.

Viruses and bacteria

are the most common microbes causing foodborne illnesses; other sources of contamination include parasites, fungi, and prions.

A healthful body weight can and should __________. be achieved and sustained without severely curtailing food or constantly dieting be achieved without regular exercise allow for rapid loss over a short period enable people to make short-term dietary improvements and resume less healthful habits once excess weight is lost

be achieved and sustained without severely curtailing food or constantly dieting

Which of the following is one of the components of physical fitness? aerobic stretching body composition resistance training

body composition

Morbid obesity

body weight exceeding 100% of normal, creating a very high risk of serious health complications

This is a common ingredient in weight loss supplements that contain stimulants designed to increase metabolic rate. chromium caffeine conjugated linoleic acid calcium


Although both methods are used for preserving fruits and vegetables, __________, unlike __________, preserves foods for a few years. modified atmosphere packaging, pasteurization modified atmosphere packaging, aseptic packaging canning, modified atmosphere packaging aseptic packaging, canning

canning, modified atmosphere packaging

As exercise intensity increases, percentage contribution of __________ as an energy source __________. fat, increases carbohydrate, increases carbohydrate, decreases amino acids, increases

carbohydrate, increases


compensatory behavior used to prevent weight gain. Methods include vomiting, laxative or diuretic abuse, enemas, fasting, and excessive exercise

Family can influence disordered eating behaviors. Compared to families without a member with an eating disorder, families with people with eating disorders tend to be associated with __________. depression other serious medical conditions adaptability compulsivity


Before using any herbal supplement, you should always __________. be well-rested and alert wait a few days to see if you change your mind wait until you get all other pills you've ingested out of your system consult your healthcare provider

consult your healthcare provider

Proper recovery from an exercise program includes this type of activity. group activity cool-down high-intensity rewards for participation


A regular physical activity regimen ___________. Select all that apply. decreases the risk of obesity can improve sleep patterns and improve immune function is an effective treatment for severe depression eliminates the risk of heart disease and diabetes

decreases the risk of obesity can improve sleep patterns and improve immune function

Athletes should consume higher carbohydrate intake __________. during the first 24 hours of recovery from exercise during the week leading up to exercise for 3 days before, during, and after exercise throughout the week following exercise

during the first 24 hours of recovery from exercise

Overeating is known to increase by __________. eating earlier in the day eating more fiber easy access to food eating smaller, more frequent meals

easy access to food

The thrifty gene theory suggests that some people have a gene (or genes) that causes them to be __________. emotionally thrifty psychologically thrifty economically thrifty energetically thrifty

energetically thrifty

A goal of outpatient nutritional therapies for eating disorders includes __________. establishing normal eating behaviors establishing vitamin supplementation regimen weight gain of 2-3 pounds/week medical stabilization

establishing normal eating behaviors

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by __________. self-starvation uncontrolled and unconscious eating at night extreme overeating (binging) followed by compensating behavior (purging) extreme overeating (binging) with no compensatory behavior following it

extreme overeating (binging) followed by compensating behavior (purging)

The presence of these two factors coupled with abdominal obesity indicates metabolic syndrome. higher than normal triglyceride and higher than normal HDL-cholesterol higher than normal blood glucose and lower than normal blood pressure lower than normal blood glucose and lower than normal blood pressure higher than normal triglyceride and lower than normal HDL-cholesterol

higher than normal triglyceride and lower than normal HDL-cholesterol

Time of activity, part of the FITT principle, refers to __________. the time of day a session takes place how long each session lasts the amount of time that transpires between sessions the total amount of time you devote to a given activity within a 1-week period

how long each session lasts

Foodborne illness

illness transmitted from food or water that contains a microscopic organism, its toxic secretions, or a toxic chemical

Which of the following does NOT explain why people who engage in vigorous physical activity have an increased ability to burn fat? increased metabolism of carbohydrates during prolonged, intense training improved ability to extract fat from the blood during exercise improved ability of muscles to store fat increase in number and activity of fat metabolism enzymes

increased metabolism of carbohydrates during prolonged, intense training

Adipokines released by visceral fat promote this state that increases risk of heart disease. tupor flatulence inflammatory state elevated blood glucose

inflammatory state

Genetics, hormones, environment, and level of physical activity are factors that __________. Genetics, hormones, environment, and level of physical activity are factors that __________. ensure a lower risk of cardiovascular disease result in increased muscle strength influence weight management lead to weight gain

influence weight management

The best treatment option for people with eating disorders who are medically unstable or display signs of malnutrition is __________. appetite-stimulating medication outpatient counseling staged intervention inpatient hospitalization

inpatient hospitalization

when you eat a carbohydrate rich food what is released?

insulin from pancreous to say your full

A process for eliminating pathogenic microbes that also causes loss of vitamins A, E and K is __________. homogenization pasteurization irradiation refrigeration


Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD

is a clinically diagnosed psychiatric disorder characterized by a disabling preoccupation with perceived defects in appearance -May affect up to 2.4% of the population -Equally common in males and females

Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH

is a genetically engineered growth hormone given to cows

Among physically active people and athletes in training, iron deficiency ___________. is known as sports anemia is a significant risk for physically active females is rare due to physiologic adaptations that reduce iron losses in sweat and urine is effectively treated with vitamin B12 supplements

is a significant risk for physically active females

Activities such as __________ rely on __________ for energy 400-meter dash, ATP-CP system jumping, ATP-CP system hiking, glycolysis distance running, ATP-CP system

jumping, ATP-CP system

cori cycle

lactate to pyruvate to glucose to pyruvate to lactate again

The animals containing the largest levels of the nerve toxin mercury are __________. small fish that other fish eat large predatory fish farm-raised livestock wild mammals

large predatory fish

The primary determinant of basal metabolic rate (BMR) is __________. lean body mass total daily calorie expenditure body mass index (BMI) fatty body mass

lean body mass

Popular diets emphasizing low-carbohydrate intake are controversial partly because __________. all highly effective diets are controversial limited evidence about possible long-term health benefits few people go off them once they try them not enough people have tried them so effective is not established

limited evidence about possible long-term health benefits

Although this obesity treatment reduces the fat content of a specific area, it does not lower disease risk associated with obesity. massage therapy liposuction prescription stimulants bariatric surgery


This weight-loss prescription drug slows gastric emptying and increases feelings of fullness. diethylpropion liraglutide naltrexone lorcaserin


If a food contains 80% organic ingredients, it may be labeled __________. organic made with organic ingredients 100% organic with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic seal

made with organic ingredients

Who is responsible for determining that a supplement is safe? National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) manufacturing company Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

manufacturing company

One health-related danger related to eating while watching television or movies is __________. One health-related danger related to eating while watching television or movies is __________. taking too long to eat, which impairs digestion not eating enough to satisfy hunger and calorie needs eating and drinking at the same time mindless eating, which leads to overeating

mindless eating, which leads to overeating

When calculating daily energy output, walking 4-5 days per week is considered this type of daily activity. lightly active heavily active sedentary moderately active

moderately active

Three common types of fungi are yeasts, mushrooms, and __________. molds parasites bacteria worms


This term describes a condition in which body weight exceeds 100% of normal weight with a BMI of at least 40 kg/m2. obesity morbid obesity moderate obesity overweight

morbid obesity

Elderly people may benefit from which specific supplements? vitamin B12, riboflavin, iron, and zinc folic acid fluoride multivitamin-multimineral supplements and vitamin B12

multivitamin-multimineral supplements and vitamin B12

The main components of physical fitness are cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, body composition, and __________. mental readiness physical discipline digestive regularity musculoskeletal fitness

musculoskeletal fitness

Which population may benefit from vitamin K supplementation? newborns vegans people taking the medication Coumadin elderly people


Which preservative has been found to be potentially carcinogenic in animals? humectants desiccants nitrites sulfites


Which microorganism is the leading cause of foodborne infection in the United States? Salmonella E. coli norovirus Listeria monocytogenes


The USDA defines "natural

only for meat and poultry. In the rest of the food industry, the meaning is up to the producer

Carbohydrate loading

or glycogen loading, involves altering training and carbohydrate intake so that muscle glycogen storage is maximized

Four factors affecting survival and reproduction of food microorganisms include temperature, humidity, acidity, and __________. nutrient content hydrogen content water content oxygen content

oxygen content

One negative factor related to eating restaurant meals is __________. One negative factor related to eating restaurant meals is __________. lean protein options are usually not available vegetarian options are usually not available portions are usually large eating out is less expensive than eating at home

portions are usually large

A potential concern about genetic modification is __________. lack of expansion of the technologies into other areas increased crop yields production of antibiotic-resistant bacteria no serious concerns exist about using genetic modification in the food supply

production of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Many athletes have higher __________ needs than the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) or recommended daily allowance (RDA) for the general population. sleep carbohydrate protein fat


Overload principle

put additional physical demands on the body to improve fitness

According to a multifactorial understanding of obesity, this is a biological factor. resting metabolic rate level of education level of fitness self-esteem

resting metabolic rate

When preparing foods at home, you should always try to do the following: wash your hands and kitchen surfaces often, chill or freeze foods in storage, and ______. separate raw foods never eat anything more than one-day old have one cutting board soak frozen meat in warm water

separate raw foods

Physiological factors that are known to increase satiety include an increase in blood glucose levels, nutrient absorption from the small intestine, and __________. accelerated heart rate stomach expansion decrease in the hormone serotonin increased urination

stomach expansion

Marco wants to improve his cardiorespiratory fitness. Which type of activity would be the MOST effective to achieve this goal? weight lifting every other day yoga four times a week swimming three times a week resistance training three times a week

swimming three times a week

In genetic modification

the DNA of an organism is altered to bring about changes in its seeds or offspring

Intensity of activity refers to __________. the amount of time expended the amount of effort expended the mental state you possess to complete an activity how often you do the activity

the amount of effort expended

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must prove a supplement is __________ before it will be removed from the marketplace. impure unsafe unprofitable ineffective


Frequency, as a component of the FITT principle, refers to __________. how rapidly you perform repetitions the number of activity sessions per week how many different types of actions and motions you do per session how many sets of repetitions you perform in a given session

the number of activity sessions per week

The FITT principle is the principle followed to achieve an appropriate overload for physical training. a method to determine your fitness level based on your target heart rate. the theory that people who are flexible, intense, tall, and thin are more likely to be fit. a method used to assess fitness based on flexibility, interest, training, and technique.

the principle followed to achieve an appropriate overload for physical training.

What is the purpose of the GRAS list? to identify environmentally friendly practices for preserving biodiversity to alert consumers which organic foods to prioritize to identify microorganisms most likely to cause foodborne illness to identify substances that are deemed safe based on a history of long-term use or expert consensus

to identify substances that are deemed safe based on a history of long-term use or expert consensus

Healthful weight change involves three primary strategies: gradual changes in energy intake, appropriate physical activity, and __________. using behavior modification techniques cutting out categories of off-limit foods setting an ambitious timeline establishing strict punishments and rewards

using behavior modification techniques

Prevent foodborne illness at home by __________. washing hands with warm water washing hands with hot water allowing leftovers to cool to room temperature before refrigerating washing fruits and vegetables with soap or commercial washes

washing hands with warm water

The video states that one of the larger problems contributing to the obesity epidemic is __________. The video states that one of the larger problems contributing to the obesity epidemic is __________. Americans are increasing their levels of physical activity Americans are eating more nutrient-dense food advances have been made in food processing to enable longer storage times we tend to eat what we are served

we tend to eat what we are served

Herbal remedies and applications should be avoided by __________. women who are pregnant or nursing men older than age 40 young adults of either gender postmenopausal women

women who are pregnant or nursing

One of the populations at highest risk of serious consequences from foodborne illness is __________. young adults young children middle-aged adults teenagers

young children

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