Nutrition 7,8,9,10,11

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The presence of symptoms of scurvy may occur if vitamin C intake is below

10 mg/day

What is the BMI of a person who is 5'8 and weighs 170 lbs?


A food that is considered to be a good source of calcium is

Chinese cabbage

Which of the following statement describes indirect calorimetry?

Energy use is estimated by assessing oxygen utilization

A BMI of 30 kg/m2 is consistent with a person being considered overweight?


Adequate potassium, calcium and magnesium serum levels help to increase blood pressure


Based on a 2,000 kcalorie diet, two servings of sweets per day is recommended


Calcium is more readily absorbed than phosphorus in the diet


Decreasing caloric intake accompanied by an increase in physical activity and a proportional increase in fats form the three components of an ideal weight management plan


Direct calorimetry is a method of estimating energy use that compares the amount of oxygen consumed to the amount of carbon dioxide expired


Good dietary sources of sodium and potassium are found in processed foods


Ideal weight management plans are based on achieving short term results


In order to lose two pounds a week, one must decrease their caloric intake by 3,500 kcalories


In very low k-calorie diets, the composition of macronutrients is maintained at equal levels


Obese individuals have similar amounts of leptin as do normal weight individuals but the overall response to these levels is exaggerated leading to weight gain


The activation of vitamin K in the body leads to the formation of keratin, which helps maintain blood vessel elasticity


Weight loss medications (both prescription and over the counter) are essentially similar in their ability to help individuals lose weight and have little adverse effects if they are taken correctly


Which of the following physical activity levels describes a person who walks 2.2 miles at a rate of 3-4 mph in addition to the activities of daily living?

Low active

Why is vitamin D deficiency on the rise?

Low consumption of milk fortified with vitamin D

What is TRUE about low-fat diets for weight loss?

Low-fat diets satisfy hunger after less energy is consumed

What is TRUE about the location of the body fat on health risk?

People who carry fat in the hips and lower body have more subcutaneous fat

Why are fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies occurring in the developed world?

Rising reliance on fast food has reduced our intake of fruits and vegetables

Which one of the following methods assesses body composition?

Skinfold thickness

Compared to normal-weight individuals, obesity is associated with which of the following condition?

Sleep apnea

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in amino acid metabolism by participating in

decarboxylation, deamination and transamination

The three D's of pellagra are

dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia

The process whereby cell changes occur in structure and function leading to specialization is known as cell


What does research reveal about overweight and obese individuals?

Those with the most body fat have the lowest levels of physical activity

What is a function of vitamin E?

Vitamin E neutralizes reactive oxygen compounds to prevent cell damage

How is vitamin K involved in blood clotting?

Vitamin K helps to produce the blood-clotting protein prothrombin

How is blood pressure is regulated?

Water follows the sodium, helping to maintain blood volume and blood pressure

What is negative energy balance?

When less energy is taken in than expended

The most accurate description of energy balance is

an equality between energy consumption and expenditure with a constant weight

Which substance increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease?

an increase in homocysteine

A person who ingests a large amount of corn in the diet is at greater risk to have a niacin deficiency as a result of

increased binding to other molecules therefore limiting absorption

Which of the following factors can explain why vitamin D deficiency is on the rise?

increased use of sunscreen products

Healthy electrolyte intake for the American diet includes

increasing potassium intake

Calcium absorption is

inhibited by fiber

The portion of extracellular fluid located in the spaces between cells and tissues is called

interstitial fluid

In the body, vitamin E

is incorporated into chylomicrons,functions as a fat-soluble antioxidant,is used to neutralize free radicals.

Pregnant women are advised to start taking folic acid supplementation prior to becoming pregnant because

it is critical to allow for neural tube closure

The primary organ involved in the regulation of sodium, potassium and water balance in the body is the


Which organ(s) participates in the activation of vitamin D?

kidneys and parathyroid gland

What is one contributing factor to the increased risk of fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies worldwide in developed countries?

limitation of exposure to sunlight

The active coenzyme form of thiamin is

located in the intracellular environment

Vitamin K deficiency can be caused by

long term use of antibiotics

Which of the following health problems seldom occurs in obese individuals?

low blood sugar

One reason that fat-soluble vitamins are grouped together is because they

require bile and dietary fat for absorption

Which visual pigment is formed by the combination of retinal vitamin A and opsin that allows for perception of light?


The technique whereby calipers are used to measure the amount of subcutaneous fat is known as

skinfold measurement

The process of bioavailability related to vitamin requirements is affected by

solubility, transport systems, precursors, carrier proteins

According to current research, this vitamin may prove to be important to maintaining overall bone health

vitamin K

Which of the following disease conditions is related to vitamin A's role in maintaining epithelial tissue?


Of the following foods, which is the BEST source of vitamin E?

¼ cup of sunflower seeds

Abundant dietary sources of pantothenic acid are found in

½ cup of sunflower seeds

Raw egg consumption in the diet can affect biotin absorption

because the protein avidin binds with biotin

The set point theory suggests that

body weight is genetically determined and that there are internal mechanisms to defend against weight change

The majority of phosphorus in the body is found in

bone and teeth

In order for vitamin D to be actively formed, which of the following actions is required in the body?

chemical conversion in the liver and kidney to its active form

Which of the following is NOT a function of electrolytes?

composed of macronutrients

Total energy expenditure is calculated by

consideration of basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of food and amount of physical activity

A person consumes a meal consisting of 38 grams of protein, 20 grams of fat and 65 grams of carbohydrates. The amount of total energy based on this meal is

592 kcalories

Which of the following types of people would benefit MOST from weight loss?

A person with other risk factors associated with excess body fat

What is the initial goal weight loss over a period of about 6 months?

About 10% of body weight

Considering the average person, what is the body's major energy expenditure?

Basal metabolism

How does the DASH diet affect blood pressure?

Fruits and vegetables decrease blood pressure

What happens when you eat more than you need at a time?

Glycogen is made from carbohydrates in the diet

What is a component of an ideal weight management plan?

Regular physical activity to increase energy expenditure

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the location of body fat?

Increased visceral fat is associated with a higher incidence of heart disease

What is TRUE about a healthy diet?

Is based on scientific principles

Which of the following is NOT true about vitamin A deficiency?

It affects few areas around the world

Why vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin"?

It can be produced in the skin by exposure to ultraviolet light

How does vitamin A affect gene expression?

It can change the amount of messenger RNA (mRNA) that is made by the gene

What is TRUE about dehydration?

It can impair physical and cognitive performance

What is the effect of increasing dietary salt intake on blood pressure?

It increases blood pressure

What is TRUE about provitamin A?

It is bound to fatty acids

Which of the following statements is NOT associated with osteomalacia?

It is caused by increased mineral content of bone

What is a function of water in the body?

It transports oxygen and nutrients to cells

What is TRUE about the dietary sources of sodium and potassium?

Less processed foods tend to be high in potassium

Neurological symptoms associated with thiamin may be due to

alterations in acetylcholine synthesis

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding mineral needs?

Minerals that are essential in small doses can be toxic if consumed in excess

Based on the pH scale, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Regardless of which side of the continuum, extreme values in pH can be associated with death

What is meant by a set point for body weight?

Stable weight range

What are electrolytes in the body?

Substances that dissociate in water to form charged ions

Which statement about weight-loss surgeries is TRUE?

Success requires a permanent change in eating habits

What is TRUE about leptin levels in an obese individual?

The amount of leptin is secreted in proportion to the amount of body fat

What is TRUE about water movement across cell membranes?

The amount of water in blood and tissues is determined by blood pressure

How does the body generate ATP?

The body can break down amino acids

What contributes to water loss?

The kidneys regulate the amount of water excreted in urine

What is TRUE about a person with a "healthy" weight?

The person has a low risk for disease

How has the incidence of obesity changed in the United States and world-wide over the past 20 years?

The rate of obesity has increased

What is TRUE about night vision?

The regeneration of rhodopsin is delayed when vitamin A is deficient

What is one way that medications can promote weight loss?

They decrease fat absorption

Which statement MOST accurately depicts the difference in obesity trends between 1990 and 2009?

Trended results show a proportional increase in the presence of states having greater than 20% obesity

A female with a BMI of 28 kg/m2, a waist circumference of 35, who smokes and is sedentary should be encouraged to lose weight


A person who feels full thereby NOT attempting to eat further has achieved satiety


Genetic research has revealed that a possible defect is found in the receptor site of obese individuals coded for the protein leptin


If protein levels are adequate, it is unlikely that an individual will experience a sulfur deficiency


Individuals with renal disease are more likely to have problems related to dietary sodium intake


Potential complications of bariatric surgery can include gallstone formation, dumping syndrome and nutrient deficiencies


Regardless of whether a person is diagnosed with essential or secondary hypertension, they are at risk for similar complications


Research indicates that choline is needed throughout the life cycle but is NOT classified as a vitamin since it can be synthesized in the body


The majority of magnesium in the body is found in the skeletal system


Three good food sources of magnesium are sunflower seeds, almonds and spinach


If a person is dehydrated, which of the following physical symptoms will be observed?

Urine color would become darker

Why would vitamin A deficiency cause eye infections and blindness?

Vitamin A maintains epithelial tissues

What is TRUE about the function of vitamin D?

Vitamin D works with parathyroid hormone (PTH) to increase calcium retention by the kidneys

Which statement is TRUE about the need for dietary supplements?

Women of child-bearing age need extra folate

A 30 year old man who is dancing for approximately 30 minutes would be considered to be performing

a moderate type of physical activity with a low active physical activity level

Coenzymes function in the body based on their

ability to combine with enzymes

When protein is consumed in excess it is stored as

adipose tissue

Examples of foods that are the highest in preformed vitamin A compounds include

fish and dairy products

Milk products are usually packaged in opaque bottles due to the fact that

exposure to light causes degradation

What factor affects the amount of water in different body compartments?

osmotic balance

Which of the following would be present if an individual had a calcium deficiency?


The polar nature of water can BEST be described as the electrons forming a

positive charge around the hydrogen molecules and a negative charge around the oxygen molecule

Which of the following would be considered to be a risk of food fortification?

potential for nutrient toxicity

What is a consequence of hypertension?


Vitamin B12 and folate participate in the

synthesis of methionine from homocysteine

What is satiety?

the feeling of being full

The concept of a "healthy weight" is one in which

the presence of enough fat in one's overall body composition to minimize potential health risks but yet perform needed bodily functions

A shared function of thiamin and riboflavin is

they both participate in the citric acid cycle as coenzymes

Which of the following is a good source of vitamin E?

vegetable oil

Which of the following is a fat soluble vitamin?

vitamin A

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