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Sheila is 20 and her mother, Donna, is 50 years of age. Which statement accurately describes the relationship between their basal metabolic rates (BMR)?

Donna's BMR is 4 to 10% less than Sheila's

By definition, a major or macromineral is one that is required in amounts greater than how much each day?

· 100mg

In order to be classified as a trace mineral, a mineral must be required by the body in amounts less than _____ per day

· 100mg

Ramón consumed 2700 kcalories yesterday. What was his thermic effect of food (TEF) estimated to be?

· 135-270 kcalories

What percentage of the elderly population are estimated to have vitamin B12 deficiency?

· 15-40 %

Jan is trying to increase her water intake to meet recommended guidelines. She currently consumes 2 (24 oz. each) bottles of water per day, and 2 cups (8 oz. each) of low-fat milk. Assuming that she will obtain 15% of her fluid needs from foods, how many cups of water does she still need to

· 2

Loss of what minimum percentage of a person's body weight as water can lead to detrimental effects such as decreased ability to maintain core temperature, especially when exercising?

· 2%

How much food can the stomach hold after gastric banding?

· 2-3 tablespoons

Maria has lost 30 pounds. How many fewer kcalories does she now need every day just to maintain her new, lower body weight?

· 240

If one 8-ounce glass of milk provides 300 mg of calcium, about how many 8-ounce glasses does Mike, a 20-year-old college student, need to drink in order to get the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for calcium?

· 3-4

Marcia's doctor has instructed the dietitian to assist her is developing an iron supplement regime to treat her iron-deficiency anemia. The dietitian will most likely follow the CDC recommendation and suggest that Marcia take one _____ mg tablet of ferrous sulfate twice daily for _____ months.

· 300, 3

What is the approximate BMI for a person who weight 220 and is 5'11 tall?

· 31

If you make spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce for a family of four and add only 1 tsp of salt total when preparing both items, about how many milligrams of sodium would each person consume from both of the items?

· 500

Iron is important for optimal growth and development because it is _____.

· A cofactor for DNA synthesis

Kaleb is working on a construction crew in Tucson, Arizona for the summer. While he is happy to have work, he can't seem to get enough to drink. He brings a gallon jug of water with him to work every day and finishes it by noon. How much more water should Kaleb bring with him to the construction site?

· A second gallon container of water

Why is a low-fat diet likely to decrease vitamin A and carotenoid absorption?

· Absorption requires dietary lipids and bile

When intake of vitamin is low, absorption occurs by?

· Active transport

When someone is in severe negative energy balance, what serves as the body's primary energy source?

· Adipose Tissue

Where do humans store excess vitamin E?

· Adipose tissue.

In order to estimate energy requirements (EER) for adults, which of the following information will you need?

· Age, weight, height, gender, and physical activity level

___ foods provide preformed vitamin A while _____ foods provide most of the provitamin A carotenoids.

· Animal, Plant

What hormone stimulates the kidneys to conserve water by decreasing urine production and output?

· Antidiuretic hormone

Though each vitamin is chemically distinct from the others, all vitamins:

· Are structurally "organic."

Vegans may have difficulty obtaining adequate amounts of______ in their diet

· B12

Jake, a body builder, is drinking two protein shakes that contain 6 raw egg whites each daily. What vitamin deficiency could result?

· Biotin

What does having osteoporosis increase the risk of?

· Bone fractures

Why are skim and 1% milk typically good sources of vitamin D?

· Both are usually fortified with vitamin D

What mineral is required in blood clotting, muscle contractions, the transmission of nerve impulses, healthy vision, regulation of blood glucose, and cell differentiation?

· Calcium

Mrs. Greenwood has brought her 13-month-old daughter to see the dietitian. Her daughter's skin has an orange tint. While taking a diet history, what suspect foods will the dietitian focus on?

· Carrots, tomatoes, canteloupe, and egg yolks

Which type of beriberi is also called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?

· Cerebral beriberi

Which of the following foods provides a good source of niacin?

· Chicken, fish, and/or beef

Which of the following foods are especially good sources of vitamin B6?

· Chickpeas, fish, and chicken

People with cystic fibrosis have significant respiratory difficulties and may have profound digestive complications because a genetic defect results in the inability to pump which ions across cell membranes?

· Chloride

Which mineral is a component of stomach acid?

· Chloride

Unfortunately, Nicole has kidney disease. Her blood levels of which minerals are likely to be disrupted because her kidneys cannot regulate their levels in her blood as they normally would?

· Chloride, sodium, and potassium

A metabolite of what compound is used to synthesize vitamin D when human skin is exposed to ultraviolet light?

· Cholesterol

Anuradha is trying to walk regularly to improve her fitness level and control her weight. Which metabolic pathways will she most likely use while walking?

· Citric acid cycle, beta-oxidation, and the electron transport chain

Which of the following foods contains "antithiamin factors" that destroy thiamin or interfere with its absorption?

· Coffee

Bert has liver disease. What trace minerals will likely be poorly regulated by his body as a result?

· Copper and manganese

Which of the following food groups provides a good source of riboflavin?

· Dairy products.

What disease is characterized by symptoms such as severe muscle wasting, neck crane tenderness and loss of feeling in feet and toes?

· Dry beriberi

What is the name of the process in which certain vitamins and/or minerals are added to select foods such as rice, flour, bread and rolls, and farina in amounts suggested by the FDA?

· Enrichment

What are the characteristics of central adiposity?

· Fat stored around the mid section. Accumulation of body fat within the abdominal cavity: Central obesity

Which of the following is true about fat-soluble vitamins?

· Fat-soluble vitamins are readily stored in the body's adipose tissue

Kate is shopping for an iron supplement. To enhance absorption, which of the following iron forms will her dietitian suggest she look for on the label of the product she chooses?

· Ferrous

Case Study: Susan is an ................Which one of the following foods would be the best choice to improve the nutritional adequacy of Susan's diet?

· Fortified breakfast cereal

All of the following statements about gastric bypass surgery are true except

· Gastric bypass reroutes the GI tract to bypass the stomach.

Glycolysis depends solely on which fuel source?

· Glucose.

Which of the following foods are good sources of folate?

· Green, leafy vegetables

Vitamin A and the carotenoids are important in regulation of _____.

· Growth, Reproductions, vision, and bone formation

Ryan has a waist circumference of 43 inches and a hip circumference of 40. What might a clinician conclude about Ryan?

· He has central adiposity.

John has added up all the beverages he consumes in a day and realizes that he consumes a total of 16 cups per day. Half of what he drinks (8 cups) is coffee because he is a truck driver and is on the road constantly. How much more water does John have to drink?

· He is already consuming enough fluids

You have gained weight, and your adipocytes are filling with triglycerides. This is called:

· Hypertrophic growth

Jack has no genetic disorders, does not consume excessive trace mineral supplements, and has not experienced environmental overexposure. Yet, he could still be at risk for developing either a deficiency or toxicity of which two trace minerals?

· Iron and iodine

Which of the following is not a function of thiamine's coenzyme form?

· It is part of an enzyme that allows fatty acids to enter the citric acid cycle.

What are functional immune cells called?

· Lymphocytes

B12 deficiency is characterized by:

· Macrocytic anemia

A folate deficiency can be characterized by:

· Megaloblastic, macrocytic anemia

In addition to fatty fish, butter, and egg yolks, which of the following foods naturally contain(s) vitamin D?

· Mushrooms

A deficiency of which vitamin was originally called mal del sol

· Niacin

When adequate vitamin A is present, bone formation is favored over bone breakdown because the activity of _____ is favored over that of _____.

· Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts

What stimulates the production of the active form of vitamin D?


"Burning feet syndrome" is thought to be due to what vitamin deficiency?

· Pantothenic acid

What is calcium homeostasis regulated by?

· Parathyroid hormone, calcitriol, calcitonin

When the intake of vitamin c is high, absorption occurs by?

· Passive diffusion

milk is packaged in opaque containers to prevent light from destroying ____

· Riboflavin

what vitamin assists in reduction-oxidation reactions as well as several reactions that protect biological membranes from oxidative damage riboflavin

· Riboflavin

which vitamin is needed to make NAD+ and NADP+?

· Riboflavin

What is the physiological response to having eaten enough called?

· Satiety

The bleeding gums, easy bruising, and poor wound healing are symtoms of

· Scurvy

Which of the following foods are the best sources of the major minerals?

· Seafood, meat, and dairy products

what regulate blood levels of magnesium?

· Small intestine, kidneys

Which mineral increases blood pressure in some people, and which tends to lower it?

· Sodium increases, potassium lowers

Baby Ann, age 9 months, is vomiting and has diarrhea. This can be life threatening because of the losses of water and which two minerals?

· Sodium, chloride

Intrinsic factor is made in the

· Stomach

Which of the following are examples of carotenoid-rich foods that nutritionists recommend be consumed daily?

· Sweet potatoes, carrots, and cantaloupe

Which of the following is the coenzyme form of thiamin?


Children with vitamin A deficiency commonly experience chronic diarrhea and respiratory disease because vitamin A is important for production of immune cells, maintenance of the intestinal tract lining, and the _____.

· The synthesis of antibodies

What happens when vitamin K is in short supply?

· There is little or no clotting of blood

What protein produced by the liver delivers iron to all body cells?

· Transferrin

People with Hartnup disorder have a genetic abnormality that impairs absorption of which of the following?

· Tryptophan

Consuming too much of which vitamin can result in birth defects and reduced bone strength?

· Vitamin A

Sasha is taking an antibiotic. Her status of which fat-soluble vitamin is most likely to be negatively impacted by her treatment?

· Vitamin A

Xerophthalmia can lead to blindness and is due to a deficiency in vitamin?

· Vitamin A

the dietician notices a client with anorexia has bumpy, rough, irritated skin. what vitamin deficiency does he/she suspect?

· Vitamin A

Peppers, papayas, and peas contain a very good source of:

· Vitamin C

Which vitamin acts as an antioxidant?

· Vitamin C

Children are likely to develop rickets if their diet provides insufficient quantities of which nutrients?

· Vitamin D and calcium

which vitamin is given to infants soon after birth?

· Vitamin K

Which vitamin cannot be made by plants or higher animals?

· Vitamin b12

Sarah has frequent heartburn, so she regularly takes antacids. To lessen her risk of developing a(n) _____ deficiency she could add _____ to her diet.

· copper, legumes

Which MUST be present for fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed?

· dietary lipids and bile

Seafood, legumes, and nuts are primary sources of:

· magnesium.

what is the form of vitamin k that is produced by bacteria present in large intestine called

· menaquinone

Signs and symptoms of anemia include all of the following except:

· nervousness

In adults, moderate bone loss is associated with:

· osteopenia.

Trace minerals are absorbed primarily in the _____ and circulated in the _____,

· small intestine, blood

Why would two cups of grapes increase satiety more than 1/4 cup of raisins?

· the volume of grapes is greater than that of raisins

How many forms of vitamin D occur in our foods?

· two

Which tissue is especially susceptible to the effects of magnesium deficiency?


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